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Last active March 24, 2021 01:49
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  1. マクロ有効ブックを作って共通モジュール (Mod_ExtractImageToCells_Common.vba)本体モジュール (Mod_ExtractImageToCells.vba)をそれぞれ標準モジュールとして貼り付け。
  2. マクロを表示して(Alt+F8)CallExtractImageToCellsを実行。
  3. 目的の画像ファイルを選択(処理速度の問題から、最大128x128ピクセルまで・それより大きい画像は適当に縮小される)


  1. 共通モジュール (Mod_ExtractImageToCells_Common.vba)
  2. 本体モジュール (Mod_ExtractImageToCells.vba)
  3. 比較用モジュール (Mod_ExtractImageToCellsTrial.vba) ※bgcolor 付きのHTMLを作り、Range.PasteSpecial で貼り付け
  4. パフォーマンステスト用モジュール (Mod_TestExtractImageToCells.vba)
Option Explicit
Function ExtractImageToCells(ImageFileName As String, Optional TargetRange As Range, Optional CellWidthPixels As Long = 1, Optional RowLimit As Long = 0, Optional ColumnLimit As Long = 0, Optional PixelsPerSideOfCell As Long = 0, Optional PixelsToPoints As Double = 0.75) As Range
Dim WIA As Object: Set WIA = GetWIA(ImageFileName)
Dim ImageWidth As Long: ImageWidth = WIA.Width
Dim ImageHeight As Long: ImageHeight = WIA.Height
Dim ARGBData As Object: Set ARGBData = WIA.ARGBData
If PixelsPerSideOfCell < 1 Then
' PixelsPerSideOfCell(各セルの辺に対応するピクセル数)が未指定(0)の場合、列数と行数の制限を元にして自動計算
Dim CalcPixelsHorizontal As Double: CalcPixelsHorizontal = 1
Dim CalcPixelsVertical As Double: CalcPixelsVertical = 1
If 0 < ColumnLimit And ColumnLimit < ImageWidth Then
CalcPixelsHorizontal = ImageWidth / ColumnLimit
End If
If 0 < RowLimit And RowLimit < ImageHeight Then
CalcPixelsVertical = ImageHeight / RowLimit
End If
If CalcPixelsHorizontal < CalcPixelsVertical Then CalcPixelsHorizontal = CalcPixelsVertical
PixelsPerSideOfCell = IIf(CalcPixelsHorizontal - Fix(CalcPixelsHorizontal) = 0, Fix(CalcPixelsHorizontal), Fix(CalcPixelsHorizontal) + 1)
If PixelsPerSideOfCell < 1 Then PixelsPerSideOfCell = 1
End If
Dim CurrentRow As Long
Dim CurrentColumn As Long
Dim RowMax As Long: RowMax = Fix(ImageHeight / PixelsPerSideOfCell)
Dim ColumnMax As Long: ColumnMax = Fix(ImageWidth / PixelsPerSideOfCell)
Dim PixelsPerCell As Long: PixelsPerCell = PixelsPerSideOfCell * PixelsPerSideOfCell
Dim ImageX As Long, ImageY As Long
Dim OffsetX As Long, OffsetY As Long
Dim Red As Long, Green As Long, Blue As Long
Dim RedSum As Long, GreenSum As Long, BlueSum As Long
Dim CurrentColorValue As Long
If TargetRange Is Nothing Then Set TargetRange = ActiveWindow.ActiveCell
If 0 < RowLimit And RowLimit < RowMax Then RowMax = RowLimit
If 0 < ColumnLimit And ColumnLimit < ColumnMax Then ColumnMax = ColumnLimit
Set TargetRange = TargetRange(1, 1).Resize(RowMax, ColumnMax)
Call SetCellSize(CellWidthPixels, TargetRange:=TargetRange, PixelsToPoints:=PixelsToPoints)
For CurrentRow = 1 To RowMax
For CurrentColumn = 1 To ColumnMax
ImageX = (CurrentColumn - 1) * PixelsPerSideOfCell
ImageY = (CurrentRow - 1) * PixelsPerSideOfCell
RedSum = 0: GreenSum = 0: BlueSum = 0
For OffsetY = 0 To PixelsPerSideOfCell - 1
For OffsetX = 0 To PixelsPerSideOfCell - 1
Call GetPixelRGB(ARGBData, ImageX + OffsetX, ImageY + OffsetY, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, Red, Green, Blue)
RedSum = RedSum + Red: GreenSum = GreenSum + Green: BlueSum = BlueSum + Blue
Next OffsetX
Next OffsetY
CurrentColorValue = RGB(RedSum / PixelsPerCell, GreenSum / PixelsPerCell, BlueSum / PixelsPerCell)
TargetRange(CurrentRow, CurrentColumn).Interior.Color = CurrentColorValue
Next CurrentColumn
If GetInputState() Then DoEvents
Next CurrentRow
Set ExtractImageToCells = TargetRange
End Function
Sub CallExtractImageToCells()
Const CellWidthPixels = 5 ' 展開後の各セルの幅(px単位)
Const RowLimit = 128 ' 展開行数の制限
Const ColumnLimit = 128 '展開列数の制限
Const PixelsPerSideOfCell = 0 ' 1つのセルの辺に対応する画像のピクセル数(0: 自動計算)
Dim ImageFileName As Variant
ImageFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="画像ファイル,*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png")
If ImageFileName = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
ExtractImageToCells(CStr(ImageFileName), CellWidthPixels:=CellWidthPixels, RowLimit:=RowLimit, ColumnLimit:=ColumnLimit, PixelsPerSideOfCell:=PixelsPerSideOfCell).Select
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
Option Explicit
#If VBA7 And Win64 Then
Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal ms As Long)
Declare PtrSafe Function GetInputState Lib "user32" () As Long
Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal ms As Long)
Declare Function GetInputState Lib "user32" () As Long
#End If
Function GetWIA(ImageFileName) As Object
Dim WIA As Object: Set WIA = CreateObject("WIA.ImageFile") ' WIA = Windows Image Acquisition
If WIA Is Nothing Then
Set GetWIA = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Call WIA.LoadFile(ImageFileName)
Set GetWIA = WIA
End Function
Function GetPixelColorValue(ARGBData As Object, x As Long, y As Long, Width As Long, Height As Long, Optional IsForCell As Boolean = True) As Long
Dim ColorValue As Long
' If x < 0 Or Width <= x Or y < 0 Or Height <= y Then
' GetPixelColorValue = 0
' Exit Function
' End If
If x < 0 Then x = 0 Else: If Width <= x Then x = Width - 1
If y < 0 Then y = 0 Else: If Height <= y Then y = Height - 1
ColorValue = &HFFFFFF And ARGBData((x + 1) + y * Width)
If IsForCell Then
ColorValue = RGB(Fix(ColorValue / 65536), Fix(ColorValue / 256) Mod 256, ColorValue Mod 256)
End If
GetPixelColorValue = ColorValue
End Function
Function GetPixelRGB(ARGBData As Object, x As Long, y As Long, Width As Long, Height As Long, ByRef Red As Long, ByRef Green As Long, ByRef Blue As Long) As Boolean
Dim ColorValue As Long
' If x < 0 Or Width <= x Or y < 0 Or Height <= y Then
' GetPixelRGB = False
' Exit Function
' End If
If x < 0 Then x = 0 Else: If Width <= x Then x = Width - 1
If y < 0 Then y = 0 Else: If Height <= y Then y = Height - 1
ColorValue = &HFFFFFF And ARGBData((x + 1) + y * Width)
Red = Fix(ColorValue / 65536)
Green = Fix(ColorValue / 256) Mod 256
Blue = ColorValue Mod 256
GetPixelRGB = True
End Function
Sub SetCellSize(WidthPixels As Long, Optional HeightPixels As Long = 0, Optional TargetRange As Range, Optional PixelsToPoints As Double = 0.75)
If HeightPixels < 1 Then HeightPixels = WidthPixels
If TargetRange Is Nothing Then Set TargetRange = ActiveSheet.Cells
Dim RefCell As Range: Set RefCell = TargetRange(1, 1)
Dim WidthOffsetPoints As Double
Dim CharWidthPoints As Double
Dim Width1 As Double
Dim Width2 As Double
Dim TargetWidthPoints As Double
Dim SetColumnWidth As Double
RefCell.ColumnWidth = 1: Width1 = RefCell.Width
RefCell.ColumnWidth = 2: Width2 = RefCell.Width
CharWidthPoints = Width2 - Width1
WidthOffsetPoints = Width1 - CharWidthPoints
TargetWidthPoints = WidthPixels * PixelsToPoints
For SetColumnWidth = (TargetWidthPoints - WidthOffsetPoints) / CharWidthPoints To TargetWidthPoints / CharWidthPoints Step 0.05
If 0 < SetColumnWidth Then
RefCell.ColumnWidth = SetColumnWidth
If TargetWidthPoints <= RefCell.Width Then Exit For
End If
TargetRange.ColumnWidth = SetColumnWidth
TargetRange.RowHeight = HeightPixels * PixelsToPoints
End Sub
Function GetClipboard() As Object
Set GetClipboard = CreateObject("new:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
End Function
Function GetTextBox() As Object
Set GetTextBox = CreateObject("Forms.TextBox.1")
End Function
Function GetCssColorCode(Red As Long, Green As Long, Blue As Long, Optional IsRGBFormat As Boolean = False) As String
If IsRGBFormat Then
GetCssColorCode = "rgb(" & Red & ", " & Green & ", " & Blue & ")"
GetCssColorCode = "#" & Right("0" & Hex(Red), 2) & Right("0" & Hex(Green), 2) & Right("0" & Hex(Blue), 2)
End If
End Function
Function GetCssColorCodeFromCellColor(CellColorValue As Long, Optional IsRGBFormat As Boolean = False) As String
Dim Red As Long: Red = CellColorValue Mod 256
Dim Green As Long: Green = Fix(CellColorValue / 256) Mod 256
Dim Blue As Long: Blue = Fix(CellColorValue / 65536)
GetCssColorCodeFromCellColor = GetCssColorCode(Red, Green, Blue, IsRGBFormat)
End Function
Option Explicit
' ■ 比較用: ExtractImageToCellsTrial()
' ※ Range.Interior.Color に逐次セットせず、style付のHTMLを作成してクリップボード経由で一度に貼付
Function ExtractImageToCellsTrial(ImageFileName As String, Optional TargetRange As Range, Optional CellWidthPixels As Long = 1, Optional RowLimit As Long = 0, Optional ColumnLimit As Long = 0, Optional PixelsPerSideOfCell As Long = 0, Optional PixelsToPoints As Double = 0.75) As Range
Dim WIA As Object: Set WIA = GetWIA(ImageFileName)
Dim ImageWidth As Long: ImageWidth = WIA.Width
Dim ImageHeight As Long: ImageHeight = WIA.Height
Dim ARGBData As Object: Set ARGBData = WIA.ARGBData
If PixelsPerSideOfCell < 1 Then
' PixelsPerSideOfCell(各セルの辺に対応するピクセル数)が未指定(0)の場合、列数と行数の制限を元にして自動計算
Dim CalcPixelsHorizontal As Double: CalcPixelsHorizontal = 1
Dim CalcPixelsVertical As Double: CalcPixelsVertical = 1
If 0 < ColumnLimit And ColumnLimit < ImageWidth Then
CalcPixelsHorizontal = ImageWidth / ColumnLimit
End If
If 0 < RowLimit And RowLimit < ImageHeight Then
CalcPixelsVertical = ImageHeight / RowLimit
End If
If CalcPixelsHorizontal < CalcPixelsVertical Then CalcPixelsHorizontal = CalcPixelsVertical
PixelsPerSideOfCell = IIf(CalcPixelsHorizontal - Fix(CalcPixelsHorizontal) = 0, Fix(CalcPixelsHorizontal), Fix(CalcPixelsHorizontal) + 1)
If PixelsPerSideOfCell < 1 Then PixelsPerSideOfCell = 1
End If
Dim CurrentRow As Long
Dim CurrentColumn As Long
Dim RowMax As Long: RowMax = Fix(ImageHeight / PixelsPerSideOfCell)
Dim ColumnMax As Long: ColumnMax = Fix(ImageWidth / PixelsPerSideOfCell)
Dim PixelsPerCell As Long: PixelsPerCell = PixelsPerSideOfCell * PixelsPerSideOfCell
Dim ImageX As Long, ImageY As Long
Dim OffsetX As Long, OffsetY As Long
Dim Red As Long, Green As Long, Blue As Long
Dim RedSum As Long, GreenSum As Long, BlueSum As Long
Dim CurrentColorValue As Long
If TargetRange Is Nothing Then Set TargetRange = ActiveWindow.ActiveCell
If 0 < RowLimit And RowLimit < RowMax Then RowMax = RowLimit
If 0 < ColumnLimit And ColumnLimit < ColumnMax Then ColumnMax = ColumnLimit
Set TargetRange = TargetRange(1, 1).Resize(RowMax, ColumnMax)
Call SetCellSize(CellWidthPixels, TargetRange:=TargetRange, PixelsToPoints:=PixelsToPoints)
Dim HTMLChunkIndex As Long
Dim HTMLChunks() As String
Dim CssColorCode As String
ReDim HTMLChunks(1 To ColumnMax * RowMax + 2 * RowMax + 2)
HTMLChunkIndex = 1
HTMLChunks(HTMLChunkIndex) = "<table>": HTMLChunkIndex = HTMLChunkIndex + 1
For CurrentRow = 1 To RowMax
HTMLChunks(HTMLChunkIndex) = "<tr>": HTMLChunkIndex = HTMLChunkIndex + 1
For CurrentColumn = 1 To ColumnMax
ImageX = (CurrentColumn - 1) * PixelsPerSideOfCell
ImageY = (CurrentRow - 1) * PixelsPerSideOfCell
RedSum = 0: GreenSum = 0: BlueSum = 0
For OffsetY = 0 To PixelsPerSideOfCell - 1
For OffsetX = 0 To PixelsPerSideOfCell - 1
Call GetPixelRGB(ARGBData, ImageX + OffsetX, ImageY + OffsetY, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, Red, Green, Blue)
RedSum = RedSum + Red: GreenSum = GreenSum + Green: BlueSum = BlueSum + Blue
Next OffsetX
Next OffsetY
CssColorCode = GetCssColorCode(RedSum / PixelsPerCell, GreenSum / PixelsPerCell, BlueSum / PixelsPerCell)
HTMLChunks(HTMLChunkIndex) = "<td bgcolor=""" & CssColorCode & """></td>": HTMLChunkIndex = HTMLChunkIndex + 1
Next CurrentColumn
HTMLChunks(HTMLChunkIndex) = "</tr>": HTMLChunkIndex = HTMLChunkIndex + 1
If GetInputState() Then DoEvents
Next CurrentRow
HTMLChunks(HTMLChunkIndex) = "</table>": HTMLChunkIndex = HTMLChunkIndex + 1
'Debug.Print Join(HTMLChunks, vbCrLf)
' TODO: クリップボードのコピーとペーストが時々失敗する
' ※ GetClipboard() でも GetTextBox() のどちらでも、あまり変わらない
With GetClipboard()
.SetText Join(HTMLChunks, "")
End With
' With GetTextBox()
' '.MultiLine = True
' .Text = Join(HTMLChunks, "")
' .SelStart = 0
' .SelLength = .TextLength
' .Copy
' End With
TargetRange.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
' ※ xlPasteAll以外(xlPasteFormats等)はエラーが発生
TargetRange(1, 1).Select
Set ExtractImageToCellsTrial = TargetRange
End Function
Option Explicit
Sub TestExtractImageToCells(FuncName As String)
Const CellWidthPixels = 5 ' 展開後の各セルの幅(px単位)
Const RowLimit = 200 ' 展開行数の制限
Const ColumnLimit = 200 '展開列数の制限
Const PixelsPerSideOfCell = 0 ' 1つのセルの辺に対応する画像のピクセル数(0: 自動計算)
Dim ImageFileName As Variant
ImageFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="画像ファイル,*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png")
If ImageFileName = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim WIA As Object: Set WIA = GetWIA(ImageFileName)
Dim ImageWidth As Long: ImageWidth = WIA.Width
Dim ImageHeight As Long: ImageHeight = WIA.Height
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Select
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
Dim StartTime As Double: StartTime = Timer
Dim EndTime As Double
Dim TargetRange As Range: Set TargetRange = ActiveSheet.Range("B2")
'Set TargetRange = Application.Run(FuncName, CStr(ImageFileName), TargetRange, CellWidthPixels, RowLimit, ColumnLimit, PixelsPerSideOfCell)
' TODO: [うまく実行されないことがある?](
Select Case FuncName
Case "ExtractImageToCellsTrial"
Set TargetRange = ExtractImageToCellsTrial(CStr(ImageFileName), TargetRange:=TargetRange, CellWidthPixels:=CellWidthPixels, RowLimit:=RowLimit, ColumnLimit:=ColumnLimit, PixelsPerSideOfCell:=PixelsPerSideOfCell)
Case Else
Set TargetRange = ExtractImageToCells(CStr(ImageFileName), TargetRange:=TargetRange, CellWidthPixels:=CellWidthPixels, RowLimit:=RowLimit, ColumnLimit:=ColumnLimit, PixelsPerSideOfCell:=PixelsPerSideOfCell)
End Select
EndTime = Timer
If EndTime < StartTime Then EndTime = EndTime + 24 * 60 * 60
Debug.Print FuncName & ": " & Format(EndTime - StartTime, "0.0000") & "秒" & _
" ※" & CStr(ImageWidth) & "x" & CStr(ImageHeight) & _
"→" & CStr(TargetRange.Columns.Count) & "x" & CStr(TargetRange.Rows.Count)
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
Sub TestExtractImageToCellsStandard()
Call TestExtractImageToCells("ExtractImageToCells")
End Sub
Sub TestExtractImageToCellsTrial()
Call TestExtractImageToCells("ExtractImageToCellsTrial")
End Sub
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furyutei commented Apr 4, 2020

■ Range.Interior.Color にセットする場合
ExtractImageToCells: 0.4023秒 ※51x51
ExtractImageToCells: 8.0596秒 ※240x240
ExtractImageToCells: 17.9102秒 ※415x320

■ style付きのHTMLを作り、Range.PasteSpecial で貼り付ける場合
ExtractImageToCellsTrial: 0.4248秒 ※51x51
ExtractImageToCellsTrial: 8.9932秒 ※240x240
ExtractImageToCellsTrial: 26.5498秒 ※415x320

※数が多くなるほど Range.PasteSpecial に時間がかかってしまう模様

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furyutei commented Apr 5, 2020

色を指定するのに styleの代わりに bgcolor を使うするようにしたら、Range.PasteSpecial が速くなった。

■ Range.Interior.Color にセットする場合
ExtractImageToCells: 0.4609秒 ※51x51
ExtractImageToCells: 6.1719秒 ※240x240
ExtractImageToCells: 13.3789秒 ※415x320

■ bgcolor 付きのHTMLを作り、Range.PasteSpecial で貼り付ける場合
ExtractImageToCellsTrial: 0.2734秒 ※51x51
ExtractImageToCellsTrial: 6.1855秒 ※240x240
ExtractImageToCellsTrial: 14.0723秒 ※415x320

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furyutei commented Apr 5, 2020

そもそも、WIA(Windows Image Acquisition)を使うのなら、ややこしいことを(Shape→クリップボード経由で画像を取得)しなくても画像データが取得できることに気がついた…。

■ Range.Interior.Color にセットする場合
ExtractImageToCells: 0.1133秒 ※51x51
ExtractImageToCells: 2.3438秒 ※240x240
ExtractImageToCells: 4.9844秒 ※415x320

■ bgcolor 付きのHTMLを作り、Range.PasteSpecial で貼り付ける場合
ExtractImageToCellsTrial: 0.1055秒 ※51x51
ExtractImageToCellsTrial: 4.2266秒 ※240x240
ExtractImageToCellsTrial: 6.2676秒 ※415x320

おかげで、Range.PasteSpecial で時間がかかっていることが顕著になった。

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furyutei commented Apr 5, 2020


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