Option Explicit |
' ■ Everythingを利用して、OneDriveのURLからローカルのPathを取得する試み |
' |
' - 前準備: |
' - Everythingを([voidtools](https://www.voidtools.com/)から)インストールした上で、OneDriveのフォルダを検索対象に含めておくこと |
' - 管理者権限で起動したPowerShellにて[powercode/PSEverything: PowerShell commandlets for the local search engine Everything](https://github.com/powercode/PSEverything)をインストールしておくこと |
' > Install-Module PSEverything |
' |
' - 参照設定:「Microsoft Scripting Runtime」 |
Private Const DebugFlag As Boolean = False |
Public Function ConvertToLocalPath(Optional ByVal TargetFolderURL = "") |
' TargetFolderURL: ローカルPathに変換したいOneDriveのフォルダーのURL(省略時はThisWorkbook.Path) |
' 【注意】 TargetFolderURLにはファイル名を含めないこと |
TargetFolderURL = Trim(TargetFolderURL) |
If TargetFolderURL = "" Then TargetFolderURL = ThisWorkbook.Path |
Dim LocalPath: LocalPath = TargetFolderURL |
If Not (TargetFolderURL Like "https://*") Then GoTo CLEANUP |
Do While TargetFolderURL Like "*/" |
TargetFolderURL = Left(TargetFolderURL, Len(TargetFolderURL) - 1) |
Loop |
Dim TempFiles As Collection: Set TempFiles = GetTempFiles(TargetFolderURL) |
Dim SearchFileName: SearchFileName = TempFiles("SearchFileName") |
Dim SavingResultFileName: SavingResultFileName = TempFiles("SavingResultFileName") |
If DebugFlag Then Debug.Print "[SearchFileName] " & SearchFileName & vbCrLf & "[SavingResultFileName] " & SavingResultFileName |
LocalPath = SearchFilePath(SearchFileName, SavingResultFileName) |
ConvertToLocalPath = LocalPath |
End Function |
Private Function SearchFilePath(SearchFileName, SavingResultFileName) |
Dim PSCommand: PSCommand = "Search-Everything -Global -Include """ & SearchFileName & """ | Sort-Object Lastwritetime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 > '" & SavingResultFileName & "'" |
#If Not Win64 Then |
' [備忘] |
' 32bit版からWScript.Shell経由でPowerShellを呼び出した場合、PSModulePathに"C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules"が含まれていない |
' このため、以下のようなエラーが発生し、Search-Everythingが実行できない |
' |
' | Search -Everything: 用語 'Search-Everything' は、コマンドレット、関数、スクリプト ファイル、または操作可能なプログラムの名前として認識されません。 |
' | (中略) |
' | + Search-Everything -Global -Include ... |
' | + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
' | + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Search-Everything:String) [], CommandNotFoundException |
' | + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException |
' |
' → $env:PSModulePathに"C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules"を追加してやることで対処 |
PSCommand = "$env:PSModulePath=$env:ProgramW6432+'\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;'+$env:PSModulePath; " & PSCommand |
#End If |
If DebugFlag Then Debug.Print "[PowerShell Command] " & PSCommand |
Dim Wsh As Object: Set Wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") |
Dim WshResult: WshResult = Wsh.Run("powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command " & PSCommand, 0, True) |
If DebugFlag Then Debug.Print "[WshResult] ", WshResult |
Debug.Assert WshResult = 0 ' WScript.Shell(PowerShell)でエラー発生時はここで停止(PSEverythingがインストールされているか要確認) |
Dim LocalFilePath |
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") |
.Charset = "Unicode" |
.Open |
.LoadFromFile SavingResultFileName |
LocalFilePath = Trim(Replace(Replace(.ReadText, vbLf, ""), vbCr, "")) |
.Close |
End With |
Debug.Assert LocalFilePath <> "" ' LocalFilePathが正常に取得できない場合はここで停止 |
Fso.DeleteFile SavingResultFileName |
Fso.DeleteFile LocalFilePath |
' Dim LastSlashPosition As Long: LastSlashPosition = InStrRev(LocalFilePath, "\") |
' SearchFilePath = Left(LocalFilePath, IIf(LastSlashPosition < 1, Len(LocalFilePath), LastSlashPosition - 1)) |
SearchFilePath = Left(LocalFilePath, Len(LocalFilePath) - Len(SearchFileName) - 1) |
End Function |
Private Function GetTempFiles(TargetFolderURL) As Collection |
Dim Result As New Collection |
Dim SearchFileName |
Dim SavingResultFileName |
Dim BaseName |
Dim TempFolderName |
Dim TempWorkbookName |
Dim TempWorkbook As Workbook |
Dim ExcelApp As New Excel.Application |
ExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = False |
With Fso |
TempFolderName = .GetSpecialFolder(Scripting.TemporaryFolder) |
On Error Resume Next |
Do |
Do |
BaseName = .GetTempName |
SavingResultFileName = TempFolderName & "\" & BaseName |
Loop While .FileExists(SavingResultFileName) |
With .CreateTextFile(SavingResultFileName, overwrite:=True) |
.Close |
End With |
SearchFileName = BaseName & ".xlsx" |
TempWorkbookName = TargetFolderURL & "/" & SearchFileName |
Set TempWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(TempWorkbookName, ReadOnly:=True) |
If Err.Number <> 0 Then |
Exit Do |
End If |
TempWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False |
.DeleteFile SavingResultFileName |
Loop |
On Error GoTo 0 |
Set TempWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add |
TempWorkbook.SaveAs TempWorkbookName |
TempWorkbook.Close |
End With |
ExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = True |
Result.Add SearchFileName, "SearchFileName" |
Result.Add SavingResultFileName, "SavingResultFileName" |
Set GetTempFiles = Result |
End Function |
Private Property Get Fso() As FileSystemObject |
Static FsoObject As FileSystemObject |
If FsoObject Is Nothing Then Set FsoObject = New FileSystemObject |
Set Fso = FsoObject |
End Property |
Sub TestConvertToLocalPath() |
Dim StartTime: StartTime = Timer |
Debug.Print ConvertToLocalPath() |
Debug.Print "[経過時間]" & Format(Timer - StartTime, "00:00:00.0") |
End Sub |