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Created January 19, 2017 00:51
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A fix for the Alt key lockup problem with the latest version of Windows 10. This was written by Carl Barnes, and published in ClarionMag. Dave Harms has given permission for everyone to use it!! Thanks Dave!!!
#TEMPLATE (CBAltFix, 'Carl Barnes fix for Alt Key Lockup in Windows 7'),FAMILY('ABC','CW20')
#! Warning! Version 2 of the template changes things.
#! The Global template AltWin7Fix_Global has been removed and is no longer needed.
#! The Frame template AltWin7Fix_Frame has been renamed because it has new questions
#! Only the Frame Extension template is required, it is where you specify all choices.
#! It has a new name AltWin7Fix_Frame2 so you must populate it again on the Frame.
#! If you used the first version of the template you will get errors when you open
#! an APP. Ignore the errors, you should open the Frame, go to Extenstions and add the new template.
#! *** Removed ===>#EXTENSION (AltWin7Fix_Global,'Fix Windows 7 Alt Key Lockup-Global-by Carl Barnes'), APPLICATION
#! *** Removed ===>#EXTENSION (AltWin7Fix_Frame,'Windows 7 Alt Key Lockup-Frame Extension-by Carl Barnes'),PROCEDURE
#EXTENSION (AltWin7Fix_Frame2,'Windows 7 Alt Key Lockup 2-Frame Extension-by Carl Barnes'),PROCEDURE
#DISPLAY('Clarion MDI Apps built by C6, C5.5, C5, or C4 will lockup')
#DISPLAY('under Windows 7 if ALT is pressed and released, or the')
#DISPLAY('F10 key, or Alt+Space in an MDI Child Window.')
#DISPLAY('Read Clarion Magazine: A Windows 7 Alt-Lockup Fix')
#PROMPT('Fix Windows 7 Alt Key Bug',CHECK),%FixAltKeyBug,DEFAULT(1),AT(8)
#PROMPT('Drop a Menu (uncheck and ALT does nothing)',CHECK),%FixAltByDropMenu,DEFAULT(1),AT(12)
#PROMPT('Menu to Drop',FROM(%Control,%ControlType='MENU')),%FixAltMenu2Drop,REQ,PROMPTAT(16)
#VALIDATE(%ControlType='MENU','You must select a Menu from the List')
#! #VALIDATE(%FixAltMenu2Drop>' ','Must select a Menu from the list')
#DISPLAY('On ALT key release this drops the menu by sending'),AT(16)
#DISPLAY('an Alt+ letter message to the menu. This normally'),AT(16)
#DISPLAY('would be "f" when MENU(''&&File'') is first menu.'),AT(16)
#PROMPT('Auto Close App during Windows Shutdown',CHECK),%AutoShutdown,AT(8)
#DISPLAY('Template will take WM_QUERYENDSESSION message')
#DISPLAY('and close app during Windows shutdown.')
#DISPLAY('This extension sets Frame Prop:WndProc to point')
#DISPLAY('to subclass procedure W7AF_AppFrame_OrigWndProc.')
#DISPLAY('That procedure is generated after the frame. It')
#DISPLAY('has embeds in the Frame''s list named "Alt 7 Fix".')
#DISPLAY('The SubClass procedure sends a message to the')
#DISPLAY('frame to drop the menu you select above.')
#DISPLAY('An undesirable side-effect is Alt+Space will no')
#DISPLAY('longer open the System Menu. If you drop the first')
#DISPLAY('menu the System menu will open if you press left.')
#DISPLAY('(c)2011 Carl Barnes, Barrington Illinois')
#DISPLAY('Free for use by Clarion Magazine Subscribers')
MODULE('Win32') !Win7AltFix
W7AF_AppFrame_OrigWndProc LONG !Win7AltFix - Holds Frame original WndProc for W7AF_CallWindowProc
W7AF_SubClassFrame(SIGNED _hWnd, UNSIGNED _wMsg, UNSIGNED _wParam, SIGNED _LParam),SIGNED,PASCAL !Win7AltFix
!Frame WndProc subclassed to send messages here to catch menu keys that hang Clarion RTL
#IF (%FixAltKeyBug AND %FixAltByDropMenu)
#ERROR('AltWin7Fix_Frame: Menu ' & %FixAltMenu2Drop & ' does not exist')
#! ok, known bug is if menu has && e.g. 'Franks && Bea&ns'
#IF (~%AmpPos)
#ERROR('AltWin7Fix_Frame: Menu ' & %FixAltMenu2Drop & ' does not have "&" in "' & %ControlParameter & '"')
#! !Menu=%FixAltMenu2Drop parm=%ControlParameter Stmt=%ControlStatement AmpPos=%AmpPos MenuLetterVal=%MenuLetterVal
#IF (%MenuLetterVal)
Alt1stMenu LONG(%MenuLetterVal) !CHR(%MenuLetterVal) is Alt+%(CHR(%MenuLetterVal)) of %ControlStatement !<<< set to your first menu Alt letter, i.e. &File is Alt+f (use lower case)
#EMBED(%W7AFSubClassFrameDataSection,'Alt7 Fix Frame Subclass Data Section'),DATA
#EMBED(%W7AFSubClassFrameCodeTop,'Alt7 Fix Frame Subclass Code before CASE _wMsg')
CASE _wMsg
#EMBED(%W7AFSubClassFrameCodeCasewMsg,'Alt7 Fix Frame Subclass Code inside CASE _wMsg')
#IF (%FixAltKeyBug)
OF 0112h !WM_SYSCOMMAND !Win 7 Alt Bug Fix
IF BAND(_wParam,0FFF0h)=0F100h | ! _wParam=SC_KEYMENU - Menu Key Message?
AND (_LParam=0 OR _LParam=32) THEN ! _LParam=Key for Menu - 0=ALT or F10; 32=Alt+Space
#IF (%MenuLetterVal=0 OR %MenuLetterVal=32)
!Menu will NOT be dropped; ALT,F10,Alt+Space will do nothing
W7AF_PostMessage(_hWnd,0112h,0F100h,Alt1stMenu) !PostMsg( Send WM_SYSCOMMAND,SC_KEYMENU,Alt+%ControlParameter) message to drop menu
RETURN(True) ! Prevent RTL from getting message or ALT locks up frame
#IF (%AutoShutdown)
OF 0011h ; RETURN(True) !WM_QUERYENDSESSION EQUATE(0011h) Windows is asking if we would shutdown, True says YES
OF 0016h ; RETURN(True) !WM_ENDSESSION EQUATE(0016h) Windows IS shutting down, we say YES and will get EVENT:CloseDown next
#EMBED(%W7AFSubClassFrameCodeEnd,'Alt7 Fix Frame Subclass Code before Return')
!Subclass sends messages to W7AF_SubClassFrame() procedure in Global. Fix Alt 7 lockup.
W7AF_AppFrame_OrigWndProc = %window{PROP:WndProc} !Win7AltFix
%window{PROP:WndProc} = Address(W7AF_SubClassFrame) !Win7AltFix
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