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Created May 29, 2015 22:52
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using System;
namespace HelloDuoCode
static class Program
static void Run() // HTML body.onload event entry point, see index.html
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello DuoCode");
// mscorlib, Version=0.6.1253.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// Generated by DuoCode Compiler 0.6.1253.0 beta
(function mscorlib() {
var $asm = {
fullName: "mscorlib",
anonymousTypes: [],
types: [],
$getAttrs: function() { return [new System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute.ctor("DuoCode"), new System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute.ctor("DuoCode"), new System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute.ctor("Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 DuoCode"), new System.Reflection.AssemblyTrademarkAttribute.ctor("DuoCode"), new System.Reflection.AssemblyCultureAttribute.ctor(""), new System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute.ctor("0.6.1253.0"), new System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute.ctor("0.6.1253.0"), new System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute.ctor("DuoCode.Runtime"), new System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute.ctor("DuoCode Runtime"), new System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute.ctor(""), new DuoCode.Runtime.CompilerAttribute.ctor("0.6.1253.0 beta")]; }
if(Memory.netg == undefined)
Memory.netg = {};
var $g = Memory.netg;
var System = $g.System = $g.System || {};
System.Collections = System.Collections || {};
System.Collections.Generic = System.Collections.Generic || {};
System.Collections.ObjectModel = System.Collections.ObjectModel || {};
System.Diagnostics = System.Diagnostics || {};
System.Drawing = System.Drawing || {};
var DuoCode = $g.DuoCode = $g.DuoCode || {};
DuoCode.Runtime = DuoCode.Runtime || {};
System.Globalization = System.Globalization || {};
System.IO = System.IO || {};
System.Linq = System.Linq || {};
System.Linq.Expressions = System.Linq.Expressions || {};
System.Reflection = System.Reflection || {};
System.Resources = System.Resources || {};
System.Runtime = System.Runtime || {};
System.Runtime.CompilerServices = System.Runtime.CompilerServices || {};
System.Runtime.ExceptionServices = System.Runtime.ExceptionServices || {};
System.Runtime.InteropServices = System.Runtime.InteropServices || {};
System.Runtime.Serialization = System.Runtime.Serialization || {};
System.Text = System.Text || {};
System.Threading = System.Threading || {};
System.Threading.Tasks = System.Threading.Tasks || {};
System.Web = System.Web || {};
var $d = DuoCode.Runtime;
$d.$assemblies = { mscorlib: $asm };
$d.declare = function declare(typeName, baseType, typeKind, assembly, typeInitializer, typeArgs, baseTypeArgs, builtinType) {
var typeFunction = null;
var isGenericType = (typeKind & 256) != 0;
var isCctor = true;
typeFunction = builtinType || (!isGenericType ? function() {
if (this && this.constructor == typeFunction)
throw new Error("can't construct instance this way, use 'new " + typeName + ".ctor()' instead");
if (isCctor) {
isCctor = false;
if (typeFunction.$baseType != null && typeFunction.$baseType.$typeKind != 1)
if (typeFunction.cctor != null);
return typeFunction;
} : ((typeKind & 255) == 66 ? function() {
return $d.genericType(typeFunction,;
} : function() {
if (this && this.constructor == typeFunction)
throw new Error("can't construct instance this way, use 'new (" + typeName + "(T).ctor)()' instead");
var target = $d.genericType(typeFunction,;
return target;
if (typeKind == 69) {
baseType = System.Object;
typeKind = 0;
typeName = "AnonymousType" + assembly.anonymousTypes.length;
typeFunction.$typeKind = typeKind & ~1024;
if (typeArgs != null) {
if (isGenericType)
typeArgs = {
return (typeof x === "string") ? $d.declareTP(x) : x;
typeFunction.$typeArgs = typeArgs;
if (baseType == null) {
if ((typeKind & 32) != 0)
baseType = System.ValueType;
if ((typeKind & 255) == 65)
baseType = System.MulticastDelegate;
if (builtinType == null) {
typeFunction.toString = $d.typeFuncToString;
if (baseType != null) {
if ((typeKind & 512) != 0) {
if (baseTypeArgs != null) {
if (isGenericType)
typeFunction.$baseTypeArgs = baseTypeArgs;
baseTypeArgs = {
return (typeof x === "number") ? typeArgs[x] : x;
baseTypeArgs = typeArgs;
if (isGenericType)
typeFunction.$baseTypeU = baseType;
baseType = $d.genericType(baseType, baseTypeArgs);
typeFunction.prototype = Object.create(baseType.prototype);
typeFunction.prototype.constructor = typeFunction;
if (baseType != null && typeKind != 1)
typeFunction.$baseType = baseType;
if (assembly != null) {
if (assembly instanceof Function) {
var dt = assembly;
typeFunction.$declaringType = dt;
assembly = dt.$assembly;
typeName = dt.$typeName + "+" + typeName;
typeFunction.$assembly = assembly;
if ((typeKind & 1024) == 0)
typeFunction.$typeName = typeName;
if (typeInitializer != null) {
var proto = (typeKind == 279) ? Array.prototype : typeFunction.prototype;
if (typeArgs != null)
typeInitializer.apply(null, [typeFunction, proto].concat(typeArgs));
typeInitializer(typeFunction, proto);
if (typeKind == 1 || isGenericType)
typeFunction.$typeInit = typeInitializer;
return typeFunction;
$d.declareEnum = function declareEnum(typeName, underlyingType, assembly, typeAttributes, enumNames, enumValues, getEnumAttrs, getTypeAttrs) {
var typeFunc = $d.declare(typeName, System.Enum, 63, assembly);
typeFunc.cctor = $d.enumCctor;
typeFunc.$underlyingType = underlyingType;
typeFunc.$enumTypeAttrs = typeAttributes;
typeFunc.$enumNames = enumNames;
typeFunc.$enumValues = enumValues;
if (getEnumAttrs)
typeFunc.$getEnumAttrs = getEnumAttrs;
if (getTypeAttrs)
typeFunc.$getEnumTypeAttrs = getTypeAttrs;
typeFunc.$intfs = System.Enum.$intfs;
return typeFunc;
$d.declareTP = function declareTP(name, baseType) {
var typeFunc = function() {};
typeFunc.$typeKind = 67;
typeFunc.$baseType = baseType || System.Object;
typeFunc.$typeName = name;
typeFunc.toString = $d.typeFuncToString;
return typeFunc;
$d.enumCctor = function enumCctor() {
var t = this;
var names = t.$enumNames;
var values = t.$enumValues;
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
t[names[i]] = values[i];
$d.typeFuncToString = function typeFuncToString() {
return this.$typeName;
$d.default = function default_(type) {
var tk = type.$typeKind;
return (tk == 39) ? false : (tk >= 40 && tk <= 51) ? 0 : (tk == 63 || tk == 61) ? 0 : (tk == 57 || tk == 58 || tk == 62) ? new type.ctor() : null;
$ = function as(obj, dstType) {
return (obj != null) && $d.typeIsAssignableFrom(dstType, $d.getTypeFuncFromInst(obj)) ? obj : null;
$ = function is(obj, dstType) {
return (obj != null) && $d.typeIsAssignableFrom(dstType, $d.getTypeFuncFromInst(obj));
$d.cast = function cast(obj, dstType) {
if (obj == null) {
if (dstType.$typeKind != 56 && (dstType.$typeKind & 32) != 0) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("null object can't be converted to a value type");
return $d.default(dstType);
var srcType = $d.getTypeFuncFromInst(obj);
if (!$d.typeIsAssignableFrom(dstType, srcType))
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("can't cast object of type " + $d.getTypeFuncName(srcType) + " to type " + $d.getTypeFuncName(dstType));
return obj;
$d.ncast = function ncast(x, t, uncheck) {
if (x == null)
return null;
if (!uncheck)
$d.check(x, t);
switch (t.$typeKind) {
case 41:
x = $d.toInt8(x);
case 42:
x &= 255;
case 43:
x = $d.toInt16(x);
case 40:
case 44:
x &= 65535;
case 45:
x |= 0;
case 46:
x = $d.toUInt32(x);
case 47:
x = $d.toInt64(x);
case 48:
x = $d.toUInt64(x);
return x;
$d.typeIsAssignableFrom = function typeIsAssignableFrom(dstType, srcType) {
if (dstType == srcType || (srcType.prototype instanceof dstType))
return true;
var srcTypeKind = srcType.$typeKind;
if (srcTypeKind != null && srcTypeKind != 68) {
var dstTypeKind = dstType.$typeKind;
if ((dstTypeKind == 1) || (srcTypeKind == 4 && dstTypeKind == 65))
return true;
if ((dstType.$typeKind & 32) != 0) {
return (srcTypeKind == 61 && dstTypeKind >= 40 && dstTypeKind <= 51) || (dstTypeKind == 56 && $d.typeIsAssignableFrom(dstType.$underlyingType,
if (dstTypeKind == 64) {
return (srcTypeKind == 64) && (srcType.$arrayRank == dstType.$arrayRank) && (dstType.$elementType.$typeKind & 32) == 0 && (srcType.$elementType.$typeKind & 32) == 0 && $d.typeIsAssignableFrom(dstType.$elementType,
var srcBaseType = (srcTypeKind & 32) != 0 ? System.ValueType : (srcTypeKind == 64) ? Array : null;
if (srcBaseType && (dstType == srcBaseType || (srcBaseType.prototype instanceof dstType)))
return true;
if (dstTypeKind == 66 && srcType.$intfs != null) {
if (srcTypeKind == 61 && (dstType.$unconstructedType == System.IComparable$1 || dstType.$unconstructedType == System.IEquatable$1) && (dstType.$typeArgs[0].$typeKind >= 40 && dstType.$typeArgs[0].$typeKind <= 51))
return true;
if (srcType.$intfs.constructor == Function)
srcType.$intfs = srcType.$intfs();
return srcType.$intfs.indexOf(dstType) != -1;
return false;
$d.delegate = function delegate(method, target) {
var dlgFunc = target ? method.bind(target) : method;
var dlgProto = System.Delegate.prototype;
dlgFunc.constructor = dlgProto.constructor;
dlgFunc.get_Method = dlgProto.get_Method;
dlgFunc.get_Target = dlgProto.get_Target;
dlgFunc.Invoke = dlgProto.Invoke;
dlgFunc.GetInvocationList = dlgProto.GetInvocationList;
dlgFunc.Equals = dlgProto.Equals;
dlgFunc.DynamicInvoke = dlgProto.DynamicInvoke;
dlgFunc.GetType = dlgProto.GetType;
dlgFunc.ToString = dlgProto.ToString;
dlgFunc.toString = dlgProto.toString;
dlgFunc.GetHashCode = dlgProto.GetHashCode;
dlgFunc.method = method; = target;
return dlgFunc;
$d.array = function array_(T, array, ranks, forceUntyped) {
var elementType = $d.resolveTypeFunc(T);
var isLength = (typeof array === "number");
if (!isLength && array.$type && array.$type.$elementType) {
if (array.$type.$elementType === elementType)
return array;
throw new Error("element type mismatch");
var arrayType = $d.arrayType(elementType, ranks ? ranks.length : 1);
var arrayCtor = forceUntyped ? Array : elementType.$arrayCtor;
if (isLength || !(array instanceof arrayCtor)) {
array = new arrayCtor(array);
if (isLength && (elementType.$typeKind & 32) != 0 && arrayCtor == Array) {
var dv = $d.default(elementType);
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
array[i] = dv;
array.$type = arrayType;
if (ranks != null)
array.$ranks = ranks;
return array;
$d.arrayType = function arrayType(elementType, rank) {
if (elementType.$arrayCtor == null) {
var arrayCtor;
var elementTypeKind = (elementType.$typeKind == 63) ? elementType.$underlyingType : elementType.$typeKind;
switch (elementTypeKind) {
case 41:
arrayCtor = Int8Array;
case 43:
arrayCtor = Int16Array;
case 45:
arrayCtor = Int32Array;
case 39:
case 42:
arrayCtor = Uint8Array;
case 40:
case 44:
arrayCtor = Uint16Array;
case 46:
arrayCtor = Uint32Array;
case 50:
arrayCtor = Float32Array;
case 51:
arrayCtor = Float64Array;
arrayCtor = Array;
var dstPrototype = arrayCtor.prototype;
if (dstPrototype.CopyTo == null)
$d.copyPrototype(Array.prototype, dstPrototype);
elementType.$arrayCtor = arrayCtor;
if (rank == null)
rank = 1;
var arrayTypeKey = "$arrayType" + rank;
var result = elementType[arrayTypeKey];
if (result == null || !elementType.hasOwnProperty(arrayTypeKey)) {
var typeName = (rank == 1) ? "" : (rank == 2) ? "," : (rank == 3) ? ",," : new Array(rank).join(",");
typeName = elementType.$typeName + "[" + typeName + "]";
var arrayType = $d.declare(typeName, System.Array$1.$baseType, 64, null, System.Array$1.$typeInit,
arrayType.$arrayRank = rank;
arrayType.$elementType = elementType;
elementType[arrayTypeKey] = arrayType;
result = arrayType;
return result;
$d.genericType = function genericType(unconstructedType, typeArgs) {
if (typeArgs.length == 0)
return unconstructedType;
var cache = unconstructedType.$typeCache;
if (cache == null) {
cache = {};
unconstructedType.$typeCache = cache;
for (var i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; i++) {
typeArgs[i] = $d.resolveTypeFunc(typeArgs[i]);
var keyString;
if (typeArgs.length == 1)
keyString = typeArgs[0].$typeName;
if (typeArgs.length == 2)
keyString = typeArgs[0].$typeName + ", " + typeArgs[1].$typeName;
if (typeArgs.length == 3)
keyString = typeArgs[0].$typeName + ", " + typeArgs[1].$typeName + ", " + typeArgs[2].$typeName;
else {
var keyParts = new Array(typeArgs.length);
for (var i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; i++) {
keyParts[i] = typeArgs[i].$typeName;
keyString = keyParts.join(", ");
var result = cache[keyString];
if (result == null) {
var generic = $d.declare(unconstructedType.$typeName, unconstructedType.$baseTypeU || unconstructedType.$baseType,
unconstructedType.$typeKind & ~256 | 1024, unconstructedType.$declaringType || unconstructedType.$assembly,
unconstructedType.$typeInit, typeArgs, unconstructedType.$baseTypeArgs);
generic.$typeName = unconstructedType.$typeName + "<" + keyString + ">";
generic.$unconstructedType = unconstructedType;
result = generic;
cache[keyString] = result;
return result;
$d.toString = function toString(o) { return o == null ? "" : o.toString(); };
$d.equals = function equals(objA, objB) {
if (objA == null)
throw new System.NullReferenceException.ctor$1("objA");
if (typeof objA.Equals === "function")
return objA.Equals(objB);
return (objA == null && objB == null) || (objA === objB);
$d.getHashCode = function getHashCode(obj) {
if (obj == null)
throw new System.NullReferenceException.ctor$1("can't get hash code of null");
if (typeof obj.GetHashCode === "function")
return obj.GetHashCode();
$d.getTypeFuncName = function getTypeFuncName(typeFunc) {
return typeFunc.hasOwnProperty("$typeName") ? typeFunc.$typeName : || (typeFunc.toString().match(/^\s*function\s*([^\s(]+)/) || (typeFunc.toString().match(/^\[object\s*([^\s\]]+)/)) || [])[1] || "Object";
$d.resolveTypeFunc = function resolveTypeFunc(typeFunc) {
if (typeFunc == null)
throw new System.NullReferenceException.ctor$1("can't get type function of null");
if (typeFunc.$typeKind != null && (typeFunc.$typeKind != 68 || typeFunc.hasOwnProperty("$typeKind")))
return typeFunc;
if (typeFunc === Function)
return System.Delegate;
if (typeFunc.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT != null) {
if (typeFunc === Int8Array)
return $d.arrayType(System.SByte, 1);
if (typeFunc === Int16Array)
return $d.arrayType(System.Int16, 1);
if (typeFunc === Int32Array)
return $d.arrayType(System.Int32, 1);
if (typeFunc === Uint8Array)
return $d.arrayType(System.Byte, 1);
if (typeFunc === Uint16Array)
return $d.arrayType(System.UInt16, 1);
if (typeFunc === Uint32Array)
return $d.arrayType(System.UInt32, 1);
if (typeFunc === Float32Array)
return $d.arrayType(System.Single, 1);
if (typeFunc === Float64Array)
return $d.arrayType(System.Double, 1);
if (!(typeFunc instanceof Object))
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("typeFunc is invalid (must be a object/function)");
typeFunc.$typeName = $d.getTypeFuncName(typeFunc);
typeFunc.$typeKind = 68;
return typeFunc;
$d.getTypeFuncFromInst = function getTypeFuncFromInst(instance) {
if (instance == null)
throw new System.NullReferenceException.ctor$1("can't get type of null");
var typeFunc = instance.$type || instance.constructor;
if ((typeFunc === Array) && typeFunc.$elementType == null)
typeFunc = $d.arrayType(Object, 1);
return typeFunc;
$d.getTypeFromInst = function getTypeFromInst(instance) {
var typeFunc = $d.getTypeFuncFromInst(instance);
return $d.typeOf(typeFunc);
$d.retype = function retype(obj, typeFunc) {
obj.constructor = typeFunc;
$d.typeOf = function typeOf(typeFunc) {
if (typeFunc.$type == null || (typeFunc.$typeKind == 68 && !typeFunc.hasOwnProperty("$type"))) {
typeFunc = $d.resolveTypeFunc(typeFunc);
typeFunc.$type = typeFunc.$typeInfo ? System.Type.Create(typeFunc, typeFunc.$typeInfo(typeFunc,
typeFunc.prototype)) : (typeFunc.$typeKind == 63) ? System.Type.CreateEnum(typeFunc) : new System.Type.ctor(typeFunc,
2097152, null, null, null, null, null, null);
return typeFunc.$type;
$d.typesOf = function typesOf(typeFuncs) {
if (typeFuncs != null && typeFuncs.length > 0) {
var types = {
return $d.typeOf(x);
return $d.array(System.Type, types);
return System.Type().EmptyTypes;
$d.assemblyOf = function assemblyOf(assemblyFunc) {
if (assemblyFunc.$assembly == null)
assemblyFunc.$assembly = new System.Reflection.Assembly.ctor(assemblyFunc, assemblyFunc.$getAttrs());
return assemblyFunc.$assembly;
$d.mdi = function mdi(array) {
var ranks = array.$ranks;
var result = arguments[1];
for (var k = 1; k < ranks.length; ++k) {
result = result * ranks[k] + arguments[k + 1];
return result;
$d.tryDecodeTypeFunc = function tryDecodeTypeFunc(typeFunc) {
var result = typeFunc;
if (typeof typeFunc === "number") {
result = System.Type().EncodedTypes[typeFunc & -161];
if (result == null)
throw new Error("invalid type-code");
if ((typeFunc & 128) != 0)
result = $d.arrayType(result, 1);
return result;
$d.boxEnum = function boxEnum(enumType, value) {
if (value.constructor == enumType)
return value;
if (value.constructor != Number)
throw new Error("value must be number");
var boxedEnums = enumType.$boxedEnums;
if (boxedEnums == null) {
boxedEnums = {};
enumType.$boxedEnums = boxedEnums;
var result = boxedEnums[value];
if (result == null) {
result = new System.Enum.ctor(enumType, value);
boxedEnums[value] = result;
return result;
$d.binarySearch = function binarySearch(array, value, index, length) {
var lo = $d.ncl(index, 0);
var hi = lo + ($d.ncl(length, array.length)) - 1;
while (lo <= hi) {
var i = lo + ((hi - lo) >> 1);
var current = array[i];
if (current < value)
lo = i + 1;
if (current > value)
hi = i - 1;
return i;
return ~lo;
$d.shallowCopy = function shallowCopy(source, target) {
if (source === target)
var keys = Object.keys(source);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
var k = keys[i];
target[k] = source[k];
$d.sign = function sign(x) {
return (typeof x === "number") ? x ? x < 0 ? -1 : 1 : (x === x) ? 0 : NaN : NaN;
$d.check = function check(x, t) {
if (x < t.MinValue || x > t.MaxValue || isNaN(x))
throw new System.OverflowException.ctor();
return x;
$d.toInt8 = function toInt8(x) { return (x & 255) - ((x & 128) ? 256 : 0); };
$d.toInt16 = function toInt16(x) { return (x & 65535) - ((x & 32768) ? 65536 : 0); };
$d.toUInt32 = function toUInt32(x) { return (x | 0) + ((x & 2147483648) ? 4294967296 : 0); };
$d.toInt64 = function toInt64(x) { return x < -9007199254740991 ? -9007199254740991 : x > 9007199254740991 ? 9007199254740991 : x > 0 ? Math.floor(x) : Math.ceil(x); };
$d.toUInt64 = function toUInt64(x) { return x < 0 ? 0 : x > 9007199254740991 ? 9007199254740991 : x > 0 ? Math.floor(x) : Math.ceil(x); };
$d.signEx = function signEx(e, offset) {
if (e == null)
throw new System.NullReferenceException.ctor();
if ($, System.Exception)) {
offset = $d.ncl(offset, 1);
var error = new Error();
var stackTrace = error.stack;
if (stackTrace == null) {
stackTrace = $d.extractStackTrace(error);
if (stackTrace != null) {
var stack = stackTrace.split("\n");
if (/^error$/i.test(stack[0]))
stack.splice(0, offset);
stackTrace = stack.join("\n");
e.stack = stackTrace;
e.message = e.toString();
return e;
$d.extractStackTrace = function extractStackTrace(error) {
var result = "";
try {
throw error;
catch ($e) {
result = error.stack || "";
return result;
$d.copyPrototype = function copyPrototype(srcPrototype, dstObject) {
for (var property in srcPrototype) {
dstObject[property] = srcPrototype[property];
$d.nv = function nv(n) {
if (n == null)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("Nullable has no value");
return n;
$d.ncl = function ncl(a, b) { return (a != null) ? a : b; };
$d.nle = function nle(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) && (a <= b); };
$d.nge = function nge(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) && (a >= b); };
$d.nlt = function nlt(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) && (a < b); };
$d.ngt = function ngt(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) && (a > b); };
$d.nsub = function nsub(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) ? (a - b) : null; };
$d.nadd = function nadd(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) ? (a + b) : null; };
$d.nmod = function nmod(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) ? (a % b) : null; };
$d.ndiv = function ndiv(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) ? (a / b) | 0 : null; };
$d.ndivf = function ndivf(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) ? (a / b) : null; };
$d.nmul = function nmul(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) ? (a * b) : null; };
$d.nband = function nband(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) ? (a & b) : null; };
$d.nbor = function nbor(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) ? (a | b) : null; };
$d.nbxor = function nbxor(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) ? (a ^ b) : null; };
$d.nshl = function nshl(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) ? (a << b) : null; };
$d.nshr = function nshr(a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) ? (a >> b) : null; };
$d.nand = function nand(a, b) { return ((a === true) && (b === true)) ? true : ((a === false) || (b === false)) ? false : null; };
$d.nor = function nor(a, b) { return ((a === true) || (b === true)) ? true : ((a === false) && (b === false)) ? false : null; };
$d.nnot = function nnot(a) { return (a != null) ? !a : null; };
$d.nneg = function nneg(a) { return (a != null) ? -a : null; };
$d.npos = function npos(a) { return (a != null) ? +a : null; };
$d.ncpl = function ncpl(a) { return (a != null) ? ~a : null; };
$d.nlu = function nlu(op, a) { return (a != null) ?, a) : null; };
$d.nlb = function nlb(op, a, b) { return (a != null) && (b != null) ?, a, b) : null; };
$d.neq = function neq(op, a, b) { return (a == b) || ((a != null) && (b != null) &&, a, b)); };
$d.nne = function nne(op, a, b) { return ((a == null) != (b == null)) || ((a != null) &&, a, b)); };
System.Object = $d.declare("System.Object", Object, 1, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["GetType", p.GetType, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["Equals", t.Equals, 22], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["ReferenceEquals", t.ReferenceEquals, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function Object() {
var type = this.constructor;
while (type != $t) {
if (type.$ator)
type = type.$baseType;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.GetType = function Object_GetType() {
return $d.getTypeFromInst(this);
$p.ToString = function Object_ToString() {
if (this == null)
return "";
return "{" + $d.getTypeFromInst(this).get_FullName() + "}";
$p.toString = function Object_toString() {
return this.ToString();
$p.Equals = function Object_Equals(obj) {
return this == obj;
$t.Equals = function Object_Equals(objA, objB) {
if (objA == objB)
return true;
if (objA == null || objB == null)
return false;
return $d.equals(objA, objB);
$p.GetHashCode = function Object_GetHashCode() {
if (this.__hashCode == null)
this.__hashCode = ((Math.random() * 4294967296) | 0);
return this.__hashCode;
$t.ReferenceEquals = function Object_ReferenceEquals(objA, objB) {
return (objA === objB);
$d.declare("0", null, 69, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [256, null, [["get_Name", p.get_Name, 6], ["get_Value", p.get_Value, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Name", 20, 0], ["Value", 1, 1]]]; };
$t.ctor = function(name, value) {
this.Name = name;
this.Value = value;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Name = function() {
return this.Name;
$p.get_Value = function() {
return this.Value;
System.Delegate = $d.declare("System.Delegate", System.Object, 4, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [129, [["target", 1, 35]], [["get_Method", p.get_Method, 6], ["get_Target", p.get_Target, 6], ["GetInvocationList", p.GetInvocationList, 6], ["Combine", t.Combine, 22], ["Remove", t.Remove, 22], ["RemoveAll", t.RemoveAll, 22], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["op_Equality", t.op_Equality, 22], ["op_Inequality", t.op_Inequality, 22], ["DynamicInvoke", p.DynamicInvoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 4]], [["Method", Function, 0], ["Target", 1, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.method = null; = null;
$t.ctor = function Delegate(method, target) {
this.method = method; = target;
$p.get_Method = function Delegate_get_Method() {
return this.method;
$p.get_Target = function Delegate_get_Target() {
$p.Invoke = function Delegate_Invoke() {
return this.method.apply(, arguments);
$p.GetInvocationList = function Delegate_GetInvocationList() {
return $d.array(System.Delegate, [this]);
$t.Combine = function Delegate_Combine(a, b) {
if (a == null)
return b;
if (b == null)
return a;
else {
if (a.Equals === System.MulticastDelegate.prototype.Equals)
return System.MulticastDelegate.Combine(a, b);
return System.MulticastDelegate.Create(a.get_Target(), [a, b]);
$t.Remove = function Delegate_Remove(source, value) {
if (System.Delegate.op_Equality(source, value) || source == null)
return null;
else {
if (source.Equals === System.MulticastDelegate.prototype.Equals)
return System.MulticastDelegate.Remove(source, value);
return source;
$t.RemoveAll = function Delegate_RemoveAll(source, value) {
var newDelegate = null;
do {
newDelegate = source;
source = $t.Remove(source, value);
while (System.Delegate.op_Inequality(newDelegate, source));
return newDelegate;
$p.Equals = function Delegate_Equals(obj) {
if (obj === this)
return true;
if (obj == null || !(this.constructor === obj.constructor))
return false;
var d = obj;
return ((this.Equals === d.Equals) && == && this.method == d.method);
$t.op_Equality = function Delegate_op_Equality(d1, d2) {
if (d1 == null)
return (d2 == null);
return d1.Equals(d2);
$t.op_Inequality = function Delegate_op_Inequality(d1, d2) {
if (d1 == null)
return d2 != null;
return !d1.Equals(d2);
$p.DynamicInvoke = function Delegate_DynamicInvoke(args) {
return this.method.apply(this, args);
System.MulticastDelegate = $d.declare("System.MulticastDelegate", System.Delegate, 3, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Create", t.Create, 19], ["GetInvocationList", p.GetInvocationList, 6], ["Combine", t.Combine, 19], ["Remove", t.Remove, 19], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.invocations = null;
$t.ctor = function MulticastDelegate(method, target, invocations) {
$t.$, method, target);
this.invocations = invocations;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.Create = function MulticastDelegate_Create(target, invocations) {
var result = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < invocations.length; i++) {
var d = invocations[i];
d.method.apply(, arguments);
var dlgProto = System.MulticastDelegate.prototype;
result.Equals = dlgProto.Equals;
result.GetInvocationList = dlgProto.GetInvocationList;
result.invocations = invocations;
return result;
$p.GetInvocationList = function MulticastDelegate_GetInvocationList() {
return $d.array(System.Delegate, this.invocations);
$t.Combine = function MulticastDelegate_Combine(src, value) {
var newInvocations = (src.invocations == null) ? [value] : src.invocations.concat(value);
return $t.Create(src.get_Target(), newInvocations);
$t.Remove = function MulticastDelegate_Remove(src, value) {
var result = src;
for (var i = src.invocations.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (System.Delegate.op_Equality(src.invocations[i], value)) {
var newInvocations = src.invocations.slice();
newInvocations.splice(i, 1);
result = (newInvocations.length == 0) ? null : (newInvocations.length == 1) ? newInvocations[0] : $t.Create(src.get_Target(),
return result;
$p.Equals = function MulticastDelegate_Equals(obj) {
if (obj === this)
return true;
if (obj == null || !(this.constructor === obj.constructor))
return false;
var d = obj;
if (!(this.Equals === d.Equals))
return false;
if (this.invocations.length != d.invocations.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.invocations.length; i++) {
if (!this.invocations[i].Equals(d.invocations[i]))
return false;
return true;
System.Action = $d.declare("System.Action", null, 65, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
System.Action$1 = $d.declare("System.Action`1", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.Action$2 = $d.declare("System.Action`2", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2"]);
System.Action$3 = $d.declare("System.Action`3", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3"]);
System.Action$4 = $d.declare("System.Action`4", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"]);
System.Action$5 = $d.declare("System.Action`5", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5"]);
System.Action$6 = $d.declare("System.Action`6", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6"]);
System.Action$7 = $d.declare("System.Action`7", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7"]);
System.Action$8 = $d.declare("System.Action`8", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "T8"]);
System.Func$1 = $d.declare("System.Func`1", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, TResult) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["TResult"]);
System.Func$2 = $d.declare("System.Func`2", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, TResult) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "TResult"]);
System.Func$3 = $d.declare("System.Func`3", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, TResult) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "TResult"]);
System.Func$4 = $d.declare("System.Func`4", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, TResult) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "TResult"]);
System.Func$5 = $d.declare("System.Func`5", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, TResult) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "TResult"]);
System.Func$6 = $d.declare("System.Func`6", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TResult) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "TResult"]);
System.Func$7 = $d.declare("System.Func`7", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TResult) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "TResult"]);
System.Func$8 = $d.declare("System.Func`8", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TResult) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "TResult"]);
System.Func$9 = $d.declare("System.Func`9", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, TResult) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "T8", "TResult"]);
System.Comparison$1 = $d.declare("System.Comparison`1", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.Converter$2 = $d.declare("System.Converter`2", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, TInput, TOutput) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["TInput", "TOutput"]);
System.Predicate$1 = $d.declare("System.Predicate`1", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.Exception = $d.declare("System.Exception", System.Object, 28, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["message", 20, 3], ["stack", 20, 3]], [["get_Data", p.get_Data, 6], ["get_InnerException", p.get_InnerException, 6], ["get_Message", p.get_Message, 6], ["get_StackTrace", p.get_StackTrace, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6], ["GetBaseException", p.GetBaseException, 6], ["Wrap", t.Wrap, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]], [["Data", System.Collections.IDictionary, 0], ["InnerException", 28, 1], ["Message", 20, 2], ["StackTrace", 20, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this._data = null;
this._innerException = null;
this._message = null;
this.message = null;
this.stack = null;
$p.get_Data = function Exception_get_Data() {
if (this._data == null)
this._data = new (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2(System.Object, System.Object).ctor)();
return this._data;
$p.get_InnerException = function Exception_get_InnerException() {
return this._innerException;
$p.get_Message = function Exception_get_Message() {
return this._message;
$p.get_StackTrace = function Exception_get_StackTrace() {
return this.stack;
$t.ctor = function Exception() {
$t.ctor$, null, null, 3);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function Exception(message) {
$t.ctor$, message, null, 3);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function Exception(message, innerException) {
$t.ctor$, message, innerException, 3);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function Exception(message, innerException, offset) {
this._message = message;
this._innerException = innerException;
$d.signEx(this, offset);
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$p.ToString = function Exception_ToString() {
var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
if (this.get_Message() != null)
builder.AppendLine$1(": " + this.get_Message());
if (this.stack != null)
return builder.toString();
$p.GetBaseException = function Exception_GetBaseException() {
var inner = this.get_InnerException();
var back = this;
while (inner != null) {
back = inner;
inner = inner.get_InnerException();
return back;
$t.Wrap = function Exception_Wrap(e) {
if ($, System.Exception))
return e;
var error = e;
var result;
if (error instanceof TypeError)
result = new System.NullReferenceException.ctor$1(error.message);
if (error instanceof RangeError)
result = new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1(error.message);
if (error instanceof Error)
result = new System.Exception.ctor$1(error.message);
result = new System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException.ctor(error.toString(),
result.stack = error.stack;
return result;
System.AggregateException = $d.declare("System.AggregateException", System.Exception, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["GetBaseException", p.GetBaseException, 6], ["get_InnerExceptions", p.get_InnerExceptions, 6], ["Handle", p.Handle, 6], ["Flatten", p.Flatten, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6], ["ctor$5", t.ctor$5, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$4", t.ctor$4, 6], ["ctor$6", t.ctor$6, 6]], [["InnerExceptions", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Exception), 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_innerExceptions = null;
$t.ctor = function AggregateException() {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, "AggregateException_ctor_DefaultMessage");
this.m_innerExceptions = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Exception).ctor$1)($d.array(System.Exception,
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function AggregateException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
this.m_innerExceptions = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Exception).ctor$1)($d.array(System.Exception,
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$5 = function AggregateException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
if (innerException == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("innerException");
this.m_innerExceptions = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Exception).ctor$1)($d.array(System.Exception,
$t.ctor$5.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function AggregateException(innerExceptions) {
$t.ctor$, "AggregateException_ctor_DefaultMessage", innerExceptions);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function AggregateException(innerExceptions) {
$t.ctor$, "AggregateException_ctor_DefaultMessage", innerExceptions);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$4 = function AggregateException(message, innerExceptions) {
$t.ctor$, message, innerExceptions == null ? null : new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Exception).ctor$1)(innerExceptions));
$t.ctor$4.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$6 = function AggregateException(message, innerExceptions) {
$t.ctor$, message, $d.cast(innerExceptions, System.Collections.Generic.IList$1(System.Exception)));
$t.ctor$6.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$7 = function AggregateException(message, innerExceptions) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerExceptions != null && innerExceptions.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count() > 0 ? innerExceptions.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item(0) : null);
if (innerExceptions == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("innerExceptions");
var exceptionsCopy = $d.array(System.Exception, innerExceptions.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count());
for (var i = 0; i < exceptionsCopy.length; i++) {
exceptionsCopy[i] = innerExceptions.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item(i);
if (exceptionsCopy[i] == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("AggregateException_ctor_InnerExceptionNull");
this.m_innerExceptions = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Exception).ctor$1)(exceptionsCopy);
$t.ctor$7.prototype = $p;
$p.GetBaseException = function AggregateException_GetBaseException() {
var back = this;
var backAsAggregate = this;
while (backAsAggregate != null && backAsAggregate.get_InnerExceptions().get_Count() == 1) {
back = back.get_InnerException();
backAsAggregate = $, System.AggregateException);
return back;
$p.get_InnerExceptions = function AggregateException_get_InnerExceptions() {
return this.m_innerExceptions;
$p.Handle = function AggregateException_Handle(predicate) {
if (predicate == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("predicate");
var unhandledExceptions = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.m_innerExceptions.get_Count(); i++) {
if (!predicate(this.m_innerExceptions.get_Item(i))) {
if (unhandledExceptions == null) {
unhandledExceptions = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Exception).ctor)();
if (unhandledExceptions != null) {
throw new System.AggregateException.ctor$7(this.get_Message(), unhandledExceptions);
$p.Flatten = function AggregateException_Flatten() {
var flattenedExceptions = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Exception).ctor)();
var exceptionsToFlatten = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.AggregateException).ctor)();
var nDequeueIndex = 0;
while (exceptionsToFlatten.get_Count() > nDequeueIndex) {
var currentInnerExceptions = exceptionsToFlatten.get_Item(nDequeueIndex++).get_InnerExceptions();
for (var i = 0; i < currentInnerExceptions.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count(); i++) {
var currentInnerException = currentInnerExceptions.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item(i);
if (currentInnerException == null) {
var currentInnerAsAggregate = $, System.AggregateException);
if (currentInnerAsAggregate != null) {
else {
return new System.AggregateException.ctor$7(this.get_Message(), flattenedExceptions);
$p.ToString = function AggregateException_ToString() {
var text = "";
for (var i = 0; i < this.m_innerExceptions.get_Count(); i++) {
text += $d.toString(this.m_innerExceptions.get_Item(i)) + "<---\n";
return text;
System.AppDomain = $d.declare("System.AppDomain", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_CurrentDomain", t.get_CurrentDomain, 22], ["GetAssemblies", p.GetAssemblies, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["CurrentDomain", System.AppDomain, 0]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.instance = new System.AppDomain.ctor();
$t.ctor = function AppDomain() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.get_CurrentDomain = function AppDomain_get_CurrentDomain() {
return $t().instance;
$p.GetAssemblies = function AppDomain_GetAssemblies() {
var assemblies = $d.$assemblies;
var result = Object.keys(assemblies).map(function(n) {
return $d.assemblyOf(assemblies[n]);
return $d.array(System.Reflection.Assembly, result);
System.SystemException = $d.declare("System.SystemException", System.Exception, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function SystemException() {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_SystemException"));
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function SystemException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function SystemException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
System.ArgumentException = $d.declare("System.ArgumentException", System.SystemException, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Message", p.get_Message, 6], ["get_ParamName", p.get_ParamName, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$4", t.ctor$4, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6]], [["Message", 20, 0], ["ParamName", 20, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_paramName = null;
$t.ctor = function ArgumentException() {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_ArgumentException"));
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function ArgumentException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function ArgumentException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$4 = function ArgumentException(message, paramName, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
this.m_paramName = paramName;
$t.ctor$4.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function ArgumentException(message, paramName) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
this.m_paramName = paramName;
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Message = function ArgumentException_get_Message() {
var s = $t.$;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_paramName)) {
var resourceString = System.Environment.GetResourceString$1("Arg_ParamName_Name", $d.array(System.Object,
s += System.Environment().NewLine + resourceString;
return s;
$p.get_ParamName = function ArgumentException_get_ParamName() {
return this.m_paramName;
System.ArgumentNullException = $d.declare("System.ArgumentNullException", System.ArgumentException, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function ArgumentNullException() {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_Generic"));
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function ArgumentNullException(paramName) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_Generic"),
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function ArgumentNullException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function ArgumentNullException(paramName, message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, paramName);
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException = $d.declare("System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException", System.ArgumentException, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Message", p.get_Message, 6], ["get_ActualValue", p.get_ActualValue, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$4", t.ctor$4, 6]], [["Message", 20, 0], ["ActualValue", 1, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_actualValue = null;
$t.GetRangeMessage = function ArgumentOutOfRangeException_GetRangeMessage() {
return System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_ArgumentOutOfRangeException");
$t.ctor = function ArgumentOutOfRangeException() {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, $t.GetRangeMessage());
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function ArgumentOutOfRangeException(paramName) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, $t.GetRangeMessage(), paramName);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function ArgumentOutOfRangeException(paramName, message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, paramName);
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function ArgumentOutOfRangeException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$4 = function ArgumentOutOfRangeException(paramName, actualValue, message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, paramName);
this.m_actualValue = actualValue;
$t.ctor$4.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Message = function ArgumentOutOfRangeException_get_Message() {
var s = $t.$;
if (this.m_actualValue != null) {
var valueMessage = System.Environment.GetResourceString$1("ArgumentOutOfRange_ActualValue",
$d.array(System.Object, [this.m_actualValue.toString()]));
s += System.Environment().NewLine + valueMessage;
return s;
$p.get_ActualValue = function ArgumentOutOfRangeException_get_ActualValue() {
return this.m_actualValue;
System.ArithmeticException = $d.declare("System.ArithmeticException", System.SystemException, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function ArithmeticException() {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_ArithmeticException"));
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function ArithmeticException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function ArithmeticException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
System.Collections.IEnumerable = $d.declare("System.Collections.IEnumerable", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["GetEnumerator", null, 6]]]; };
System.Collections.ICollection = $d.declare("System.Collections.ICollection", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IEnumerable];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["CopyTo", null, 6]], null, [["Count", 45], ["SyncRoot", 1], ["IsSynchronized", 39]]]; };
System.Collections.IList = $d.declare("System.Collections.IList", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Add", null, 6], ["Contains", null, 6], ["Clear", null, 6], ["IndexOf", null, 6], ["Insert", null, 6], ["Remove", null, 6], ["RemoveAt", null, 6]], null, [["this[]", 1, null, null, [["index", 45, 0]]], ["IsReadOnly", 39], ["IsFixedSize", 39]]]; };
System.Array = $d.declare("System.Array", System.Object, 23, $asm, function($t, $p) {
System.Object.$typeInit($t, $p);
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [129, null, [["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["get_Count", p.get_Count, 6], ["get_SyncRoot", p.get_SyncRoot, 6], ["get_IsSynchronized", p.get_IsSynchronized, 6], ["get_Rank", p.get_Rank, 6], ["BinarySearch", t.BinarySearch, 22], ["BinarySearch", t.BinarySearch$1, 22], ["BinarySearch", t.BinarySearch$2, 22], ["BinarySearch", t.BinarySearch$3, 22], ["InternalBinarySearch", t.InternalBinarySearch, 19], ["Copy", t.Copy, 22], ["Copy", t.Copy$2, 22], ["ConstrainedCopy", t.ConstrainedCopy, 22], ["Copy", t.Copy$1, 22], ["Copy", t.Copy$3, 22], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo$1, 6], ["ConvertAll", t.ConvertAll, 22], ["get_IsReadOnly", p.get_IsReadOnly, 6], ["get_IsFixedSize", p.get_IsFixedSize, 6], ["get_IsTypedArray", p.get_IsTypedArray, 6], ["Clear", t.Clear, 22], ["Clone", p.Clone, 6], ["ConvertToUntyped", t.ConvertToUntyped, 22], ["Exists", t.Exists, 22], ["Find", t.Find, 22], ["FindAll", t.FindAll, 22], ["FindIndex", t.FindIndex, 22], ["FindIndex", t.FindIndex$1, 22], ["FindIndex", t.FindIndex$2, 22], ["FindLast", t.FindLast, 22], ["FindLastIndex", t.FindLastIndex, 22], ["FindLastIndex", t.FindLastIndex$1, 22], ["FindLastIndex", t.FindLastIndex$2, 22], ["ForEach", t.ForEach, 22], ["IndexOf", t.IndexOf, 22], ["IndexOf", t.IndexOf$1, 22], ["IndexOf", t.IndexOf$2, 22], ["IndexOf", t.IndexOf$3, 22], ["IndexOf", t.IndexOf$4, 22], ["IndexOf", t.IndexOf$5, 22], ["LastIndexOf", t.LastIndexOf, 22], ["LastIndexOf", t.LastIndexOf$1, 22], ["LastIndexOf", t.LastIndexOf$2, 22], ["LastIndexOf", t.LastIndexOf$3, 22], ["LastIndexOf", t.LastIndexOf$4, 22], ["LastIndexOf", t.LastIndexOf$5, 22], ["Resize", t.Resize, 22], ["TrueForAll", t.TrueForAll, 22], ["GetLength", p.GetLength, 6], ["GetUpperBound", p.GetUpperBound, 6], ["GetLowerBound", p.GetLowerBound, 6], ["CreateInstance", t.CreateInstance, 22], ["CreateInstance", t.CreateInstance$1, 22], ["GetValue", p.GetValue, 6], ["SetValue", p.SetValue, 6], ["GetValue", p.GetValue$1, 6], ["SetValue", p.SetValue$1, 6], ["Sort", t.Sort, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$1, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$4, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$5, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$2, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$3, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$6, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$7, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$8, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$13, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$11, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$15, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$9, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$14, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$12, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$16, 22], ["Sort", t.Sort$10, 22], ["Reverse", t.Reverse, 22], ["Reverse", t.Reverse$1, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 4]], [["Count", 45, 1], ["SyncRoot", 1, 2], ["IsSynchronized", 39, 3], ["Rank", 45, 4], ["IsReadOnly", 39, 18], ["IsFixedSize", 39, 19], ["IsTypedArray", 39, 20]]]; };
$p.GetEnumerator = function Array_GetEnumerator() {
return new System.ArrayEnumerator.ctor(this);
$p.get_Count = function Array_get_Count() {
return this.length;
$p.get_SyncRoot = function Array_get_SyncRoot() {
return this;
$p.get_IsSynchronized = function Array_get_IsSynchronized() {
return true;
$p.get_Rank = function Array_get_Rank() {
return this.$ranks ? this.$ranks.length : 1;
$t.BinarySearch = function Array_BinarySearch(T, array, value) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.BinarySearch$3(T, array, 0, array.length, value, null);
$t.BinarySearch$1 = function Array_BinarySearch(T, array, value, comparer) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.BinarySearch$3(T, array, 0, array.length, value, comparer);
$t.BinarySearch$2 = function Array_BinarySearch(T, array, index, length, value) {
return $t.BinarySearch$3(T, array, index, length, value, null);
$t.BinarySearch$3 = function Array_BinarySearch(T, array, index, length, value, comparer) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (index < 0 || length < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1((index < 0 ? "index" : "length"));
if (array.length - index < length)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("length");
return $t.InternalBinarySearch(T, array, index, length, value, comparer || System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(T).get_Default());
$t.InternalBinarySearch = function Array_InternalBinarySearch(T, array, index, length, value, comparer) {
var lo = index;
var hi = index + length - 1;
while (lo <= hi) {
var i = lo + ((hi - lo) >> 1);
var order = comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IComparer$1$Compare(array[i], value);
if (order == 0)
return i;
if (order < 0) {
lo = i + 1;
else {
hi = i - 1;
return ~lo;
$t.Copy = function Array_Copy(sourceArray, destinationArray, length) {
$t.Copy$2(sourceArray, sourceArray.GetLowerBound(0), destinationArray, destinationArray.GetLowerBound(0),
$t.Copy$2 = function Array_Copy(sourceArray, sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, length) {
for (var i = sourceIndex, j = destinationIndex; i < sourceArray.length && j < destinationArray.length && i < sourceIndex + length; i++, j++) {
destinationArray[j] = sourceArray[i];
$t.ConstrainedCopy = function Array_ConstrainedCopy(sourceArray, sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, length) {
$t.Copy$2(sourceArray, sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, length);
$t.Copy$1 = function Array_Copy(sourceArray, destinationArray, length) {
$t.Copy(sourceArray, destinationArray, (length | 0));
$t.Copy$3 = function Array_Copy(sourceArray, sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, length) {
$t.Copy$2(sourceArray, (sourceIndex | 0), destinationArray, (destinationIndex | 0), (length | 0));
$p.CopyTo = function Array_CopyTo(array, index) {
$t.Copy$2(this, index, array, 0, array.length);
$p.CopyTo$1 = function Array_CopyTo(array, index) {
this.CopyTo(array, index);
$t.ConvertAll = function Array_ConvertAll(TInput, TOutput, array, converter) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (converter == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("converter");
var array2 = $d.array(TOutput, array.length);
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array2[i] = converter(array[i]);
return array2;
$p.get_IsReadOnly = function Array_get_IsReadOnly() {
return false;
$p.get_IsFixedSize = function Array_get_IsFixedSize() {
return true;
$p.get_IsTypedArray = function Array_get_IsTypedArray() {
return this.constructor != Array;
$t.Clear = function Array_Clear(array, startIndex, length) {
for (var i = startIndex; i < startIndex + length; i++) {
array[i] = null;
$p.System$Collections$IList$Add = function Array_System_Collections_IList_Add(value) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$IList$Clear = function Array_System_Collections_IList_Clear() {
$t.Clear(this, 0, this.length);
$p.System$Collections$IList$Contains = function Array_System_Collections_IList_Contains(value) {
return $t.IndexOf(this, value) >= 0;
$p.System$Collections$IList$IndexOf = function Array_System_Collections_IList_IndexOf(value) {
return $t.IndexOf(this, value);
$p.System$Collections$IList$Insert = function Array_System_Collections_IList_Insert(index, value) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$IList$Remove = function Array_System_Collections_IList_Remove(value) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$IList$RemoveAt = function Array_System_Collections_IList_RemoveAt(index) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$IList$get_Item = function Array_System$Collections$IList$get_Item(index) {
return this[index];
$p.System$Collections$IList$set_Item = function Array_System$Collections$IList$set_Item(index, value) {
this[index] = value;
$p.Clone = function Array_Clone() {
var array = (this.constructor != Array) ? new this.constructor(this) : this.slice(0);
var elementType = this.$type.$elementType;
return $d.array(elementType, array, this.$ranks);
$t.ConvertToUntyped = function Array_ConvertToUntyped(array) {
if (array == null || array.constructor == Array)
return array;
var result =;
result.$type = array.$type;
if (array.$ranks != null)
result.$ranks = array.$ranks;
return result;
$t.Exists = function Array_Exists(T, array, match) {
return $t.FindIndex(T, array, match) != -1;
$t.Find = function Array_Find(T, array, match) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (match == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("match");
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (match(array[i])) {
return array[i];
return $d.default(T);
$t.FindAll = function Array_FindAll(T, array, match) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (match == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("match");
var list = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(T).ctor)();
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (match(array[i]))
return list.ToArray();
$t.FindIndex = function Array_FindIndex(T, array, match) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.FindIndex$2(T, array, 0, array.length, match);
$t.FindIndex$1 = function Array_FindIndex(T, array, startIndex, match) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.FindIndex$2(T, array, startIndex, array.length - startIndex, match);
$t.FindIndex$2 = function Array_FindIndex(T, array, startIndex, count, match) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > array.length) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("startIndex");
if (count < 0 || startIndex > array.length - count) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("count");
if (match == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("match");
var endIndex = startIndex + count;
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (match(array[i]))
return i;
return -1;
$t.FindLast = function Array_FindLast(T, array, match) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (match == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("match");
for (var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (match(array[i])) {
return array[i];
return $d.default(T);
$t.FindLastIndex = function Array_FindLastIndex(T, array, match) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.FindLastIndex$2(T, array, array.length - 1, array.length, match);
$t.FindLastIndex$1 = function Array_FindLastIndex(T, array, startIndex, match) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.FindLastIndex$2(T, array, startIndex, startIndex + 1, match);
$t.FindLastIndex$2 = function Array_FindLastIndex(T, array, startIndex, count, match) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (match == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("match");
if (array.length == 0) {
if (startIndex != -1) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("startIndex");
else {
if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= array.length) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("startIndex");
if (count < 0 || startIndex - count + 1 < 0) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("count");
var endIndex = startIndex - count;
for (var i = startIndex; i > endIndex; i--) {
if (match(array[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
$t.ForEach = function Array_ForEach(T, array, action) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (action == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("action");
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
$t.IndexOf = function Array_IndexOf(array, value) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.IndexOf$2(array, value, 0, array.length);
$t.IndexOf$1 = function Array_IndexOf(array, value, startIndex) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.IndexOf$2(array, value, startIndex, array.length - startIndex);
$t.IndexOf$2 = function Array_IndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (array.get_Rank() != 1)
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Rank_MultiDimNotSupported"));
if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > array.length)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("startIndex", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Index"));
if (count < 0 || count > array.length - startIndex)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("count", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Count"));
return System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default().IndexOf(array,
value, startIndex, count);
$t.IndexOf$3 = function Array_IndexOf(T, array, value) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.IndexOf$5(T, array, value, 0, array.length);
$t.IndexOf$4 = function Array_IndexOf(T, array, value, startIndex) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.IndexOf$5(T, array, value, startIndex, array.length - startIndex);
$t.IndexOf$5 = function Array_IndexOf(T, array, value, startIndex, count) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (startIndex < 0 || (startIndex >= array.length && array.length > 0)) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("startIndex", "out of range");
if (count < 0 || count > array.length - startIndex) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("count", "out of range");
return System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(T).get_Default().IndexOf(array, value, startIndex,
$t.LastIndexOf = function Array_LastIndexOf(array, value) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.LastIndexOf$2(array, value, array.length - 1, array.length);
$t.LastIndexOf$1 = function Array_LastIndexOf(array, value, startIndex) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.LastIndexOf$2(array, value, startIndex, startIndex + 1);
$t.LastIndexOf$2 = function Array_LastIndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (array.length == 0)
return -1;
if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= array.length)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("startIndex", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Index"));
if (count < 0 || startIndex - count + 1 < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("count", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Count"));
if (array.get_Rank() != 1)
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Rank_MultiDimNotSupported"));
return System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default().LastIndexOf(array,
value, startIndex, count);
$t.LastIndexOf$3 = function Array_LastIndexOf(T, array, value) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.LastIndexOf$5(T, array, value, array.length - 1, array.length);
$t.LastIndexOf$4 = function Array_LastIndexOf(T, array, value, startIndex) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
return $t.LastIndexOf$5(T, array, value, startIndex, (array.length == 0) ? 0 : (startIndex + 1));
$t.LastIndexOf$5 = function Array_LastIndexOf(T, array, value, startIndex, count) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (startIndex < 0 || (startIndex >= array.length && array.length > 0)) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("startIndex", "out of range");
if (count < 0 || startIndex - count + 1 < 0) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("count", "out of range");
return System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(T).get_Default().LastIndexOf(array, value,
startIndex, count);
$t.Resize = function Array_Resize(T, array, newSize) {
if (newSize < 0) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("newSize", "must be non negative");
var larray = array.value;
if (larray == null) {
array.value = $d.array(T, newSize);
if (larray.length != newSize) {
var newArray = $t.CreateInstance$1(T, newSize, !array.value.get_IsTypedArray());
$t.Copy$2(larray, 0, newArray, 0, larray.length > newSize ? newSize : larray.length);
array.value = newArray;
$t.TrueForAll = function Array_TrueForAll(T, array, match) {
if (array == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (match == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("match");
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (!match(array[i])) {
return false;
return true;
$p.GetLength = function Array_GetLength(dimension) {
var rank = this.$ranks ? this.$ranks.length : 1;
if (dimension < 0 || dimension >= rank)
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException.ctor();
return this.$ranks ? this.$ranks[dimension] : this.length;
$p.GetUpperBound = function Array_GetUpperBound(dimension) {
return this.GetLength(dimension) - 1;
$p.GetLowerBound = function Array_GetLowerBound(dimension) {
return 0;
$t.CreateInstance = function Array_CreateInstance(elementType, length, forceUntyped) {
if (elementType == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("elementType");
if (length < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("length", "ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum");
return $d.array(elementType.self, length, null, forceUntyped);
$t.CreateInstance$1 = function Array_CreateInstance(T, length, forceUntyped) {
if (length < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("length", "ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum");
return $d.array(T, length, null, forceUntyped);
$p.GetValue = function Array_GetValue(index) {
return this[index];
$p.SetValue = function Array_SetValue(value, index) {
this[index] = value;
$p.GetValue$1 = function Array_GetValue(index) {
return this[index];
$p.SetValue$1 = function Array_SetValue(value, index) {
this[index] = value;
$t.SwapIfGreater = function Array_SwapIfGreater(keys, values, comparer, a, b) {
if (a != b) {
var ka = keys[a];
var kb = keys[b];
if (comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IComparer$1$Compare(ka, kb) > 0) {
keys[a] = kb;
keys[b] = ka;
if (values != null) {
var value = values[a];
values[a] = values[b];
values[b] = value;
$t.QuickSort = function Array_QuickSort(T, keys, values, left, right, comparer) {
if (comparer == null)
comparer = System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(T).get_Default();
if (left >= right) {
if (right == left + 1) {
$t.SwapIfGreater(keys, values, comparer, left, right);
if (right == left + 2) {
var middle = left + 1;
$t.SwapIfGreater(keys, values, comparer, left, middle);
$t.SwapIfGreater(keys, values, comparer, left, right);
$t.SwapIfGreater(keys, values, comparer, middle, right);
do {
var i = left;
var j = right;
var middle = i + ((j - i) / 2 | 0);
$t.SwapIfGreater(keys, values, comparer, i, middle);
$t.SwapIfGreater(keys, values, comparer, i, j);
$t.SwapIfGreater(keys, values, comparer, middle, j);
var x = keys[middle];
do {
while (comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IComparer$1$Compare(keys[i], x) < 0) {
while (comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IComparer$1$Compare(x, keys[j]) < 0) {
if (i < left || j > right) {
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("(i>=left && j<=right) Sort failed - Is your IComparer bogus?");
if (i > j)
if (i < j) {
var key = keys[i];
keys[i] = keys[j];
keys[j] = key;
if (values != null) {
var value = values[i];
values[i] = values[j];
values[j] = value;
while (i <= j);
if (j - left <= right - i) {
if (left < j)
$t.QuickSort(T, keys, values, left, j, comparer);
left = i;
else {
if (i < right)
$t.QuickSort(T, keys, values, i, right, comparer);
right = j;
while (left < right);
$t.TryNativeSort = function Array_TryNativeSort(array) {
var tk = array.$type ? array.$type.$elementType.$typeKind : 0;
var isPrimitive = (tk >= 39 && tk <= 51) || (tk == 53) || (tk == 54);
if (isPrimitive);
return isPrimitive;
$t.Sort = function Array_Sort(array) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
$t.Sort$7(array, null, array.GetLowerBound(0), array.length, null);
$t.Sort$1 = function Array_Sort(keys, items) {
if (keys == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("keys");
$t.Sort$7(keys, items, keys.GetLowerBound(0), keys.length, null);
$t.Sort$4 = function Array_Sort(array, index, length) {
$t.Sort$7(array, null, index, length, null);
$t.Sort$5 = function Array_Sort(keys, items, index, length) {
$t.Sort$7(keys, items, index, length, null);
$t.Sort$2 = function Array_Sort(array, comparer) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
$t.Sort$7(array, null, array.GetLowerBound(0), array.length, comparer);
$t.Sort$3 = function Array_Sort(keys, items, comparer) {
if (keys == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("keys");
$t.Sort$7(keys, items, keys.GetLowerBound(0), keys.length, comparer);
$t.Sort$6 = function Array_Sort(array, index, length, comparer) {
$t.Sort$7(array, null, index, length, comparer);
$t.Sort$7 = function Array_Sort(keys, items, index, length, comparer) {
if (keys == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("keys");
if (keys.get_Rank() != 1 || (items != null && items.get_Rank() != 1))
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("Rank_MultiDimNotSupported");
if (items != null && keys.GetLowerBound(0) != items.GetLowerBound(0))
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("Arg_LowerBoundsMustMatch");
if (index < keys.GetLowerBound(0) || length < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3((length < 0 ? "length" : "index"), "ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum");
if (keys.length - (index - keys.GetLowerBound(0)) < length || (items != null && (index - items.GetLowerBound(0)) > items.length - length))
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("Argument_InvalidOffLen");
if (length > 1) {
if (items == null && index == 0 && length == keys.length && comparer == null && $t.TryNativeSort(keys))
var comparerT = (comparer != null) ? new System.Collections.Generic.ComparerComparer.ctor(comparer) : null;
$t.QuickSort(System.Object, keys, items, index, index + length - 1, comparerT);
$t.Sort$8 = function Array_Sort(T, array) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
$t.Sort$12(T, array, array.GetLowerBound(0), array.length, null);
$t.Sort$13 = function Array_Sort(TKey, TValue, keys, items) {
if (keys == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("keys");
$t.Sort$16(TKey, TValue, keys, items, 0, keys.length, null);
$t.Sort$11 = function Array_Sort(T, array, index, length) {
$t.Sort$12(T, array, index, length, null);
$t.Sort$15 = function Array_Sort(TKey, TValue, keys, items, index, length) {
$t.Sort$16(TKey, TValue, keys, items, index, length, null);
$t.Sort$9 = function Array_Sort(T, array, comparer) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
$t.Sort$12(T, array, 0, array.length, comparer);
$t.Sort$14 = function Array_Sort(TKey, TValue, keys, items, comparer) {
if (keys == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("keys");
$t.Sort$16(TKey, TValue, keys, items, 0, keys.length, comparer);
$t.Sort$12 = function Array_Sort(T, array, index, length, comparer) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (index < 0 || length < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3((length < 0 ? "length" : "index"), "ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum");
if (array.length - index < length)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("Argument_InvalidOffLen");
if (length > 1) {
if (index == 0 && length == array.length && comparer == null && $t.TryNativeSort(array))
$t.QuickSort(T, array, null, index, index + length - 1, comparer);
$t.Sort$16 = function Array_Sort(TKey, TValue, keys, items, index, length, comparer) {
if (keys == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("keys");
if (index < 0 || length < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3((length < 0 ? "length" : "index"), "ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum");
if (keys.length - index < length || (items != null && index > items.length - length))
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("Argument_InvalidOffLen");
if (length > 1) {
if (items == null && index == 0 && length == keys.length && comparer == null && $t.TryNativeSort(keys))
$t.QuickSort(TKey, keys, items, index, index + length - 1, comparer);
$t.Sort$10 = function Array_Sort(T, array, comparison) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (comparison == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("comparison");, comparison);
$t.Reverse = function Array_Reverse(array) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
$t.Reverse$1(array, array.GetLowerBound(0), array.length);
$t.Reverse$1 = function Array_Reverse(array, index, length) {
if (array == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("array");
if (index < array.GetLowerBound(0) || length < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3((index < 0 ? "index" : "length"), System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
if (array.length - (index - array.GetLowerBound(0)) < length)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidOffLen"));
if (array.get_Rank() != 1)
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("Rank_MultiDimNotSupported");
var i = index;
var j = index + length - 1;
while (i < j) {
var temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
$p.System$Collections$IList$get_IsReadOnly = $p.get_IsReadOnly;
$p.System$Collections$IList$get_IsFixedSize = $p.get_IsFixedSize;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_SyncRoot = $p.get_SyncRoot;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_IsSynchronized = $p.get_IsSynchronized;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$CopyTo = $p.CopyTo;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
}, null, null, Array);
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IEnumerable];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["GetEnumerator", null, 6]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(T), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, null, null, [["Count", 45]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(T), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, null, null, [["this[]", T, null, null, [["index", 45, 0]]]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(T), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Add", null, 6], ["Clear", null, 6], ["Contains", null, 6], ["CopyTo", null, 6], ["Remove", null, 6]], null, [["Count", 45], ["IsReadOnly", 39]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.IList$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.IList`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(T), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["IndexOf", null, 6], ["Insert", null, 6], ["RemoveAt", null, 6]], null, [["this[]", T, null, null, [["index", 45, 0]]]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.Array$1 = $d.declare("System.Array`1", Array, 279, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.IList$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(T), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [256]; };
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = function Array$1_System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable$T$_GetEnumerator() {
var T = this.$type.$elementType;
return new (System.ArrayEnumerator$1(T).ctor)(this);
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyList$1$get_Item = function Array$1_System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyList$1$get_Item(index) {
return this[index];
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count = function Array$1_System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count() {
return this.length;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_IsReadOnly = function Array$1_System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_IsReadOnly() {
return true;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Add = function Array$1_System_Collections_Generic_ICollection$T$_Add(item) {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Clear = function Array$1_System_Collections_Generic_ICollection$T$_Clear() {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Contains = function Array$1_System_Collections_Generic_ICollection$T$_Contains(item) {
var T = this.$type.$elementType;
return Array.IndexOf$3(T, this, item) != -1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$CopyTo = function Array$1_System_Collections_Generic_ICollection$T$_CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) {
$t.$, array, arrayIndex);
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Remove = function Array$1_System_Collections_Generic_ICollection$T$_Remove(item) {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item = function Array$1_System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item(index) {
return this[index];
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$set_Item = function Array$1_System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$set_Item(index, value) {
this[index] = value;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$IndexOf = function Array$1_System_Collections_Generic_IList$T$_IndexOf(item) {
var T = this.$type.$elementType;
return Array.IndexOf$3(T, this, item);
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$Insert = function Array$1_System_Collections_Generic_IList$T$_Insert(index, item) {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$RemoveAt = function Array$1_System_Collections_Generic_IList$T$_RemoveAt(index) {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyCollection$1$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
}, ["T"]);
System.IDisposable = $d.declare("System.IDisposable", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Dispose", null, 6]]]; };
System.Collections.IEnumerator = $d.declare("System.Collections.IEnumerator", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["MoveNext", null, 6], ["Reset", null, 6]], null, [["Current", 1]]]; };
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = [System.IDisposable, System.Collections.IEnumerator];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, null, null, [["Current", T]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.ArrayEnumerator$1 = $d.declare("System.ArrayEnumerator`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator$1(T), System.IDisposable, System.Collections.IEnumerator]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [256, null, [["get_Current", p.get_Current, 6], ["MoveNext", p.MoveNext, 6], ["Dispose", p.Dispose, 6], ["Reset", p.Reset, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Current", T, 0]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.array = null;
this.index = -1;
$t.ctor = function ArrayEnumerator$1(array) {
this.array = array;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Current = function ArrayEnumerator$1_get_Current() {
return this.array[this.index];
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current = function ArrayEnumerator$1_System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current() {
return this.get_Current();
$p.MoveNext = function ArrayEnumerator$1_MoveNext() {
return this.index < this.array.length;
$p.Dispose = function ArrayEnumerator$1_Dispose() {};
$p.Reset = function ArrayEnumerator$1_Reset() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerator$1$get_Current = $p.get_Current;
$p.System$IDisposable$Dispose = $p.Dispose;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = $p.MoveNext;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerator$Reset = $p.Reset;
}, ["T"]);
System.ArrayEnumerator = $d.declare("System.ArrayEnumerator", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IEnumerator];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [256, null, [["get_Current", p.get_Current, 6], ["MoveNext", p.MoveNext, 6], ["Dispose", p.Dispose, 6], ["Reset", p.Reset, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Current", 1, 0]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.array = null;
this.index = -1;
$t.ctor = function ArrayEnumerator(array) {
this.array = array;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Current = function ArrayEnumerator_get_Current() {
return this.array[this.index];
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current = function ArrayEnumerator_System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current() {
return this.get_Current();
$p.MoveNext = function ArrayEnumerator_MoveNext() {
return this.index < this.array.length;
$p.Dispose = function ArrayEnumerator_Dispose() {};
$p.Reset = function ArrayEnumerator_Reset() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = $p.MoveNext;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerator$Reset = $p.Reset;
System.Attribute = $d.declare("System.Attribute", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [129, [["EmptyAttributes", $d.arrayType(System.Attribute), 51]], [["IsDefined", t.IsDefined, 22], ["IsDefined", t.IsDefined$1, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 4]], null, null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(32767);$obj.set_AllowMultiple(false);$obj.set_Inherited(true);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.EmptyAttributes = $d.array(System.Attribute, 0);
$t.ctor = function Attribute() {
$t.IsDefined = function Attribute_IsDefined(element, attributeType) {
return $t.IsDefined$1(element, attributeType, true);
$t.IsDefined$1 = function Attribute_IsDefined(element, attributeType, inherit) {
if (element == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("element");
if (attributeType == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("attributeType");
if (!$d.typeOf(System.Attribute).IsAssignableFrom(attributeType))
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("Argument must subclass Attribute");
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Any(System.Object, element.GetCustomAttributes$1(attributeType,
System.IComparable = $d.declare("System.IComparable", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["CompareTo", null, 6]]]; };
System.ValueType = $d.declare("System.ValueType", System.Object, 5, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [129, null, [["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 4]]]; };
$t.ctor = $t.$baseType.ctor;
$p.Equals = function ValueType_Equals(other) {
if (this === other)
return true;
if (other == null || this.constructor != other.constructor)
return false;
var p1 = Object.keys(this);
var p2 = Object.keys(other);
if (p1.length != p2.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < p1.length; ++i) {
if (p1[i] != p2[i] || !$d.equals(this[p1[i]], other[p1[i]]))
return false;
return true;
$p.GetHashCode = function ValueType_GetHashCode() {
var hash = 17;
var p = Object.keys(this);
if (p.length > 0)
hash = (hash * 37 + $d.getHashCode(this[p[0]])) | 0;
if (p.length > 1)
hash = (hash * 37 + $d.getHashCode(this[p[1]])) | 0;
return hash;
System.Enum = $d.declare("System.Enum", System.ValueType, 2, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.IComparable];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["valueOf", p.valueOf, 3], ["CompareTo", p.CompareTo, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["GetTypeCode", p.GetTypeCode, 6], ["HasFlag", p.HasFlag, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6], ["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["Parse", t.Parse$1, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse$1, 22], ["ToObject", t.ToObject, 22], ["GetNames", t.GetNames, 22], ["GetValues", t.GetValues, 22], ["GetUnderlyingType", t.GetUnderlyingType, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.value = null;
$t.ctor = function Enum(type, value) {
this.constructor = type;
this.value = value;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.valueOf = function Enum_valueOf() {
return this.value;
$p.CompareTo = function Enum_CompareTo(target) {
if (target == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("target");
var targetType = $d.getTypeFuncFromInst(target);
if (targetType == Number) {
return $d.sign(this.value - target);
if (targetType == this.constructor) {
return $d.sign(this.value - target.value);
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_EnumAndObjectMustBeSameType"));
$p.Equals = function Enum_Equals(target) {
if (target == null)
return false;
var targetType = $d.getTypeFuncFromInst(target);
return (targetType == Number && this.value == target) || (targetType == this.constructor && this.value == target.value);
$p.GetHashCode = function Enum_GetHashCode() {
return this.value;
$p.GetTypeCode = function Enum_GetTypeCode() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.HasFlag = function Enum_HasFlag(flag) {
var flagType = $d.getTypeFuncFromInst(flag);
if (flagType == Number)
return (this.value & flag) != 0;
if (flagType == this.constructor)
return (this.value & flag.value) != 0;
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EnumTypeDoesNotMatch"));
$p.ToString = function Enum_ToString() {
var type = this.constructor;
var index = $d.binarySearch(type.$enumValues, this.value);
return (index > -1) ? type.$enumNames[index] : this.value.toString();
$t.Parse = function Enum_Parse(enumType, value) {
return $t.Parse$1(enumType, value, false);
$t.Parse$1 = function Enum_Parse(enumType, value, ignoreCase) {
var parseResult = $t.TryParseEnum(enumType, value, ignoreCase);
if (parseResult.constructor == enumType.self)
return parseResult;
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("enum parse error (" + parseResult + ")");
$t.TryParse = function Enum_TryParse(TEnum, value, result) {
return $t.TryParse$1(TEnum, value, false, result);
$t.TryParse$1 = function Enum_TryParse(TEnum, value, ignoreCase, result) {
result.value = $d.default(TEnum);
var parseResult = $t.TryParseEnum($d.typeOf(TEnum), value, ignoreCase);
if (parseResult.constructor == TEnum) {
result.value = parseResult;
return true;
return false;
$t.TryParseEnum = function Enum_TryParseEnum(enumType, value, ignoreCase) {
if (enumType == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("enumType");
if (!enumType.get_IsEnum())
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$3(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeEnum"),
if (value == null)
return -1;
value = value.trim();
if (value.length == 0)
return -2;
if (System.Char.IsDigit(value.get_Chars(0)) || value.get_Chars(0) == 45 /*'-'*/ || value.get_Chars(0) == 43 /*'+'*/) {
var n = parseInt(value);
if (isNaN(n))
return -3;
return $t.ToObject(Number, enumType, n);
var values = value.Split($d.array(System.Char, [44 /*','*/]));
var result = 0;
var enumNames = enumType.self.$enumNames;
var enumValues = enumType.self.$enumValues;
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
values[i] = values[i].trim();
var success = false;
for (var j = 0; j < enumNames.length; j++) {
if ((ignoreCase && String.Compare$1(enumNames[j], values[i], 5) != 0) || (!ignoreCase && enumNames[j] != values[i]))
result |= enumValues[j];
success = true;
if (!success)
return -4;
return $t.ToObject(Number, enumType, result);
$t.ToObject = function Enum_ToObject(T, enumType, value) {
if (enumType == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("enumType");
if (!enumType.get_IsEnum())
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$3(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeEnum"),
return $d.boxEnum(enumType.self, value);
$t.GetNames = function Enum_GetNames(enumType) {
if (enumType == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("enumType");
if (!enumType.get_IsEnum())
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$3(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeEnum"),
return $d.array(String, enumType.self.$enumNames.slice());
$t.GetValues = function Enum_GetValues(enumType) {
if (enumType == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("enumType");
if (!enumType.get_IsEnum())
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$3(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeEnum"),
var typeFunc = enumType.self;
var underlyingType = $d.tryDecodeTypeFunc(typeFunc.$underlyingType);
return $d.array(underlyingType, typeFunc.$enumValues);
$t.GetUnderlyingType = function Enum_GetUnderlyingType(enumType) {
if (enumType == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("enumType");
return enumType.GetEnumUnderlyingType();
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = $p.CompareTo;
System.AttributeTargets = $d.declareEnum("System.AttributeTargets", 45, $asm, 289, ["Assembly", "Module", "Class", "Struct", "Enum", "Constructor", "Method", "Property", "Field", "Event", "Interface", "Parameter", "Delegate", "ReturnValue", "GenericParameter", "All"], [0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x7FFF]);
System.AttributeUsageAttribute = $d.declare("System.AttributeUsageAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_ValidOn", p.get_ValidOn, 6], ["get_AllowMultiple", p.get_AllowMultiple, 6], ["set_AllowMultiple", p.set_AllowMultiple, 6], ["get_Inherited", p.get_Inherited, 6], ["set_Inherited", p.set_Inherited, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["ValidOn", System.AttributeTargets, 0], ["AllowMultiple", 39, 1, 2], ["Inherited", 39, 3, 4]], null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(4);$obj.set_Inherited(true);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.ValidOn = 0;
this.AllowMultiple = false;
this.Inherited = false;
$t.ctor = function AttributeUsageAttribute(validOn) {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_ValidOn = function AttributeUsageAttribute_get_ValidOn() { return this.ValidOn; };
$p.set_ValidOn = function AttributeUsageAttribute_set_ValidOn(value) { this.ValidOn = value;return value; };
$p.get_AllowMultiple = function AttributeUsageAttribute_get_AllowMultiple() { return this.AllowMultiple; };
$p.set_AllowMultiple = function AttributeUsageAttribute_set_AllowMultiple(value) { this.AllowMultiple = value;return value; };
$p.get_Inherited = function AttributeUsageAttribute_get_Inherited() { return this.Inherited; };
$p.set_Inherited = function AttributeUsageAttribute_set_Inherited(value) { this.Inherited = value;return value; };
System.IComparable$1 = $d.declare("System.IComparable`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["CompareTo", null, 6]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.IEquatable$1 = $d.declare("System.IEquatable`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Equals", null, 6]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.Boolean = $d.declare("System.Boolean", null, 39, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(Boolean), System.IEquatable$1(Boolean)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["TrueLiteral", 20, 83, "true"], ["FalseLiteral", 20, 83, "false"], ["TrueString", 20, 54], ["FalseString", 20, 54]], [["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString$1, 6], ["CompareTo", p.CompareTo, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.TrueLiteral = "true";
$t.FalseLiteral = "false";
$t.TrueString = $t.TrueLiteral;
$t.FalseString = $t.FalseLiteral;
$t.Parse = function Boolean_Parse(value) {
if (value == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("value");
var result = { value: false };
if (!$t.TryParse(value, result))
throw new System.FormatException.ctor$1("Format_BadBoolean");
return result.value;
$t.TryParse = function Boolean_TryParse(value, result) {
result.value = false;
if (value == null)
return false;
if ($t.TrueLiteral.Equals$2(value, 5)) {
result.value = true;
return true;
if ($t.FalseLiteral.Equals$2(value, 5)) {
result.value = false;
return true;
value = value.trim();
if ($t.TrueLiteral.Equals$2(value, 5)) {
result.value = true;
return true;
if ($t.FalseLiteral.Equals$2(value, 5)) {
result.value = false;
return true;
return false;
$p.ToString = function Boolean_ToString() {
return this ? $t.TrueLiteral : $t.FalseLiteral;
$p.ToString$1 = function Boolean_ToString(provider) {
return this ? $t.TrueLiteral : $t.FalseLiteral;
$p.CompareTo = function Boolean_CompareTo(obj) {
if (this == obj)
return 0;
if (!this)
return -1;
return 1;
$p.Equals = function Boolean_Equals(obj) {
return (this === obj);
$p.GetHashCode = function Boolean_GetHashCode() { return this ? 1 : 0; };
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = $p.CompareTo;
$p.System$IComparable$1$CompareTo = $p.CompareTo;
$p.System$IEquatable$1$Equals = $p.Equals;
}, null, null, Boolean);
System.IFormattable = $d.declare("System.IFormattable", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["ToString", null, 6]]]; };
System.Byte = $d.declare("System.Byte", Number, 42, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.Byte), System.IEquatable$1(System.Byte), System.IFormattable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["MinValue", 42, 86, 0], ["MaxValue", 42, 86, 255]], [["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.MinValue = 0;
$t.MaxValue = 255;
$t.Parse = function Byte_Parse(s) { return Number.Parse(System.Byte, s); };
$t.TryParse = function Byte_TryParse(s, result) { return Number.TryParse(System.Byte, s, result); };
System.Char = $d.declare("System.Char", Number, 40, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.Char), System.IEquatable$1(System.Char)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["MinValue", 40, 86, 0], ["MaxValue", 40, 86, 0xFFFF]], [["IsLetter", t.IsLetter, 22], ["IsWhiteSpace", t.IsWhiteSpace, 22], ["IsDigit", t.IsDigit, 22], ["ToUpper", t.ToUpper, 22], ["ToLower", t.ToLower, 22], ["IsUpper", t.IsUpper, 22], ["IsLower", t.IsLower, 22], ["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.MinValue = 0;
$t.MaxValue = 0xFFFF;
$t.s_RegexIsLetter = null;
$t.s_RegexIsDigit = null;
$t.InitializeRegex = function Char_InitializeRegex() {
if ($t.s_RegexIsLetter != null) {
$t.s_RegexIsLetter = new RegExp("[A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u0131\u0134-\u013E\u0141-\u0148\u014A-\u017E\u0180-\u01C3\u01CD-\u01F0\u01F4-\u01F5\u01FA-\u0217\u0250-\u02A8\u02BB-\u02C1\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03CE\u03D0-\u03D6\u03DA\u03DC\u03DE\u03E0\u03E2-\u03F3\u0401-\u040C\u040E-\u044F\u0451-\u045C\u045E-\u0481\u0490-\u04C4\u04C7-\u04C8\u04CB-\u04CC\u04D0-\u04EB\u04EE-\u04F5\u04F8-\u04F9\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0586\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0621-\u063A\u0641-\u064A\u0671-\u06B7\u06BA-\u06BE\u06C0-\u06CE\u06D0-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5-\u06E6\u0905-\u0939\u093D\u0958-\u0961\u0985-\u098C\u098F-\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09DC-\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0-\u09F1\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F-\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32-\u0A33\u0A35-\u0A36\u0A38-\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8B\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2-\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AE0\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F-\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32-\u0B33\u0B36-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C-\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99-\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E-\u0B9F\u0BA3-\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB5\u0BB7-\u0BB9\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C33\u0C35-\u0C39\u0C60-\u0C61\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CDE\u0CE0-\u0CE1\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D28\u0D2A-\u0D39\u0D60-\u0D61\u0E01-\u0E2E\u0E30\u0E32-\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E45\u0E81-\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87-\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA-\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EAE\u0EB0\u0EB2-\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F69\u10A0-\u10C5\u10D0-\u10F6\u1100\u1102-\u1103\u1105-\u1107\u1109\u110B-\u110C\u110E-\u1112\u113C\u113E\u1140\u114C\u114E\u1150\u1154-\u1155\u1159\u115F-\u1161\u1163\u1165\u1167\u1169\u116D-\u116E\u1172-\u1173\u1175\u119E\u11A8\u11AB\u11AE-\u11AF\u11B7-\u11B8\u11BA\u11BC-\u11C2\u11EB\u11F0\u11F9\u1E00-\u1E9B\u1EA0-\u1EF9\u1F00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2126\u212A-\u212B\u212E\u2180-\u2182\u3041-\u3094\u30A1-\u30FA\u3105-\u312C\uAC00-\uD7A3\u4E00-\u9FA5\u3007\u3021-\u3029]");
$t.s_RegexIsDigit = new RegExp("[0-9\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9\u0966-\u096F\u09E6-\u09EF\u0A66-\u0A6F\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0BE7-\u0BEF\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0E50-\u0E59\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0F20-\u0F29]");
$t.IsLetter = function Char_IsLetter(c) {
if (c < 256) {
return (c >= 65 && c <= 90) || (c >= 97 && c <= 122);
else {
return $t.s_RegexIsLetter.test(String.fromCharCode(c));
$t.IsWhiteSpace = function Char_IsWhiteSpace(c) {
if (c < 256) {
return (((c >= 9) && (c <= 19)) || (c == 32) || (c == 160) || (c == 133));
else {
return /\s/.test(String.fromCharCode(c));
$t.IsDigit = function Char_IsDigit(c) {
if (c < 256) {
return (c >= 48) && (c <= 57);
else {
return $t.s_RegexIsDigit.test(String.fromCharCode(c));
$t.ToUpper = function Char_ToUpper(c) {
return String.fromCharCode(c).toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
$t.ToLower = function Char_ToLower(c) {
return String.fromCharCode(c).toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0);
$t.IsUpper = function Char_IsUpper(c) {
return $t.ToUpper(c) == c && $t.ToLower(c) != c;
$t.IsLower = function Char_IsLower(c) {
return $t.ToLower(c) == c && $t.ToUpper(c) != c;
$t.Parse = function Char_Parse(s) {
if (s == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("s");
if (s.length != 1)
throw new System.FormatException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Format_NeedSingleChar"));
return s.get_Chars(0);
$t.TryParse = function Char_TryParse(s, result) {
result.value = 0;
if (s == null || s.length != 1)
return false;
result.value = s.get_Chars(0);
return true;
System.Collections.IComparer = $d.declare("System.Collections.IComparer", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Compare", null, 6]]]; };
System.Collections.Comparer = $d.declare("System.Collections.Comparer", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IComparer];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["Default", System.Collections.Comparer, 54], ["DefaultInvariant", System.Collections.Comparer, 54]], [["Compare", p.Compare, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.Default = new System.Collections.Comparer.ctor(System.Globalization.CultureInfo().CurrentCulture);
$t.DefaultInvariant = new System.Collections.Comparer.ctor(System.Globalization.CultureInfo().InvariantCulture);
$t.CompareInfoName = "CompareInfo";
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_compareInfo = null;
$t.ctor = function Comparer(culture) {
if (culture == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("culture");
this.m_compareInfo = culture.get_CompareInfo();
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor = function Comparer() {
this.m_compareInfo = null;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Compare = function Comparer_Compare(a, b) {
if (a == b)
return 0;
if (a == null)
return -1;
if (b == null)
return 1;
if (this.m_compareInfo != null) {
var string1 = $, String);
var string2 = $, String);
if (string1 != null && string2 != null)
return this.m_compareInfo.Compare(string1, string2);
var comparable1 = $, System.IComparable);
if (comparable1 != null)
return comparable1.System$IComparable$CompareTo(b);
var comparable2 = $, System.IComparable);
if (comparable2 != null)
return -comparable2.System$IComparable$CompareTo(a);
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("Argument_ImplementIComparable");
$p.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare = $p.Compare;
System.Collections.ComparisonComparer = $d.declare("System.Collections.ComparisonComparer", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IComparer];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["Compare", p.Compare, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this._comparison = null;
$t.ctor = function ComparisonComparer(comparison) {
this._comparison = comparison;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Compare = function ComparisonComparer_Compare(x, y) {
return this._comparison(x, y);
$p.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare = $p.Compare;
System.Collections.Generic.IComparer$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Compare", null, 6]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.IComparer, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer$1(T)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [129, null, [["get_Default", t.get_Default, 22], ["Create", t.Create, 22], ["Compare", null, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 4]], [["Default", System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(T), 0]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.defaultComparer = null;
$t.get_Default = function Comparer$1_get_Default() {
var comparer = $t().defaultComparer;
if (comparer == null) {
comparer = $t.CreateComparer();
$t().defaultComparer = comparer;
return comparer;
$t.ctor = function Comparer$1() {
$t.Create = function Comparer$1_Create(comparison) {
if (comparison == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("comparison");
return new (System.Collections.Generic.ComparisonComparer$1(T).ctor)(comparison);
$t.CreateComparer = function Comparer$1_CreateComparer() {
var t = T;
var gcT = null;
if ((t.$typeKind >= 39 && t.$typeKind <= 48) || t.$typeKind == 63)
return new System.Collections.Generic.NumberComparer.ctor();
if (t.$typeKind == 56) {
var u = t.$underlyingType;
if ($d.typeIsAssignableFrom(System.IComparable$1(u), u))
gcT = u;
if ($d.typeIsAssignableFrom(System.IComparable$1(T), t))
gcT = t;
if (t.$typeKind == 63 || (t.$typeKind == 56 && t.$underlyingType.$typeKind == 63))
gcT = Number;
if (gcT != null) {
if (gcT.$typeKind >= 40 && gcT.$typeKind <= 51)
gcT = Number;
var gcTypeFunc = System.Collections.Generic.GenericComparer$1(gcT);
var result = new gcTypeFunc.ctor();
return result;
return new (System.Collections.Generic.ObjectComparer$1(T).ctor)();
$p.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare = function Comparer$1_System_Collections_IComparer_Compare(x, y) {
if (x == null) {
return y != null ? -1 : 0;
else {
if (y == null)
return 1;
if ($, T) && $, T))
return this.Compare($d.cast(x, T), $d.cast(y, T));
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("Argument_InvalidArgumentForComparison");
$p.Equals = function Comparer$1_Equals(obj) {
return (obj != null) && (this.constructor == obj.constructor);
$p.GetHashCode = function Comparer$1_GetHashCode() {
return this.constructor.$typeName.GetHashCode();
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.NumberComparer = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.NumberComparer", System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(Number), 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.IComparer, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer$1(Number)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["Compare", p.Compare, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function NumberComparer() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Compare = function NumberComparer_Compare(x, y) {
return (x < y) ? -1 : (x > y) ? 1 : 0;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IComparer$1$Compare = $p.Compare;
System.Collections.Generic.GenericComparer$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.GenericComparer`1", System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1, 768, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.IComparer, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer$1(T)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["Compare", p.Compare, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function GenericComparer$1() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Compare = function GenericComparer$1_Compare(x, y) {
if (x != null) {
if (y != null)
return x.System$IComparable$1$CompareTo(y);
return 1;
if (y != null)
return -1;
return 0;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IComparer$1$Compare = $p.Compare;
}, [$d.declareTP("T")]);
System.Collections.Generic.ObjectComparer$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.ObjectComparer`1", System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1, 768, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.IComparer, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer$1(T)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["Compare", p.Compare, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function ObjectComparer$1() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Compare = function ObjectComparer$1_Compare(x, y) {
return System.Collections.Comparer().Default.Compare(x, y);
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IComparer$1$Compare = $p.Compare;
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.ComparisonComparer$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.ComparisonComparer`1", System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1, 768, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.IComparer, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer$1(T)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["Compare", p.Compare, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this._comparison = null;
$t.ctor = function ComparisonComparer$1(comparison) {
this._comparison = comparison;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Compare = function ComparisonComparer$1_Compare(x, y) {
return this._comparison(x, y);
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IComparer$1$Compare = $p.Compare;
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.ComparerComparer = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.ComparerComparer", System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(System.Object), 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.IComparer, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer$1(System.Object)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["Compare", p.Compare, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this._comparer = null;
$t.ctor = function ComparerComparer(comparer) {
this._comparer = comparer;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Compare = function ComparerComparer_Compare(x, y) {
return this._comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(x, y);
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IComparer$1$Compare = $p.Compare;
System.Collections.DictionaryEntry = $d.declare("System.Collections.DictionaryEntry", null, 62, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Key", p.get_Key, 6], ["get_Value", p.get_Value, 6]], [["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Key", 1, 0], ["Value", 1, 1]]]; };
$t.ctor = function DictionaryEntry() {
this._key = null;
this._value = null;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Key = function DictionaryEntry_get_Key() {
return this._key;
$p.get_Value = function DictionaryEntry_get_Value() {
return this._value;
$t.ctor$1 = function DictionaryEntry(key, value) {
this._key = key;
this._value = value;
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
System.Collections.Generic.BucketItem = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.BucketItem", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [256, [["Key", System.Object, 38], ["Value", System.Object, 6]], null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.Key = null;
this.Value = null;
$t.ctor = function BucketItem(key, value) {
this.Key = key;
this.Value = value;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary$2 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, TKey, TValue) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2(TKey, TValue)), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2(TKey, TValue)), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["ContainsKey", null, 6], ["Add", null, 6], ["Remove", null, 6], ["TryGetValue", null, 6]], null, [["this[]", TValue, null, null, [["key", TKey, 0]]], ["Keys", System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(TKey)], ["Values", System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(TValue)]]]; };
}, ["TKey", "TValue"]);
System.Collections.IDictionary = $d.declare("System.Collections.IDictionary", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Contains", null, 6], ["Add", null, 6], ["Clear", null, 6], ["GetEnumerator", null, 6], ["Remove", null, 6]], null, [["this[]", 1, null, null, [["key", 1, 0]]], ["Keys", System.Collections.ICollection], ["Values", System.Collections.ICollection], ["IsReadOnly", 39], ["IsFixedSize", 39]]]; };
System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary$2 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, TKey, TValue) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2(TKey, TValue)), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2(TKey, TValue)), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["ContainsKey", null, 6], ["TryGetValue", null, 6]], null, [["this[]", TValue, null, null, [["key", TKey, 0]]], ["Keys", System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(TKey)], ["Values", System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(TValue)]]]; };
}, ["TKey", "TValue"]);
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, TKey, TValue) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary$2(TKey, TValue), System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2(TKey, TValue)), System.Collections.IDictionary, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary$2(TKey, TValue), System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2(TKey, TValue)), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2(TKey, TValue)), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Add", p.Add$1, 6], ["Remove", p.Remove, 6], ["ContainsKey", p.ContainsKey, 6], ["ContainsValue", p.ContainsValue, 6], ["Clear", p.Clear, 6], ["TryGetValue", p.TryGetValue, 6], ["get_Item", p.get_Item, 6], ["set_Item", p.set_Item, 6], ["get_Keys", p.get_Keys, 6], ["get_Values", p.get_Values, 6], ["get_Count", p.get_Count, 6], ["get_SyncRoot", p.get_SyncRoot, 6], ["get_IsSynchronized", p.get_IsSynchronized, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo, 6], ["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["get_IsReadOnly", p.get_IsReadOnly, 6], ["Add", p.Add, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo$1, 6], ["get_IsFixedSize", p.get_IsFixedSize, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6], ["ctor$5", t.ctor$5, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$4", t.ctor$4, 6]], [["this[]", TValue, 6, 7, [["key", TKey, 0]]], ["Keys", System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(TKey), 8], ["Values", System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(TValue), 9], ["Count", 45, 10], ["SyncRoot", 1, 11], ["IsSynchronized", 39, 12], ["IsReadOnly", 39, 15], ["IsFixedSize", 39, 18]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() { = null;
this.comparer = null;
this.count = 0;
this.keys = null;
this.values = null;
$t.ctor = function Dictionary$2() {
$t.ctor$, System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TKey).get_Default());
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function Dictionary$2(comparer) {
$t.$; = {};
this.comparer = comparer;
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function Dictionary$2(capacity) {
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$5 = function Dictionary$2(capacity, comparer) {
$t.ctor$, comparer || System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TKey).get_Default());
$t.ctor$5.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function Dictionary$2(dictionary) {
$t.ctor$, dictionary, null);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$4 = function Dictionary$2(dictionary, comparer) {
$t.ctor$, dictionary != null ? dictionary.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count() : 0,
if (dictionary == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("dictionary");
var $iter = $d.cast(dictionary, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2(TKey,
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var keyValuePair = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
this.Add$1(keyValuePair.get_Key(), keyValuePair.get_Value());
$t.ctor$4.prototype = $p;
$p.Add$1 = function Dictionary$2_Add(key, value) {
this.Insert(key, value, true);
$p.Insert = function Dictionary$2_Insert(key, value, add) {
if (key == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("key");
var hashCode = this.comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$GetHashCode(key);
var bucket =[hashCode];
if (bucket == null) {
bucket = new Array();[hashCode] = bucket;
else {
for (var i = 0; i < bucket.length; ++i) {
if (this.comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$Equals(bucket[i].Key,
key)) {
if (add)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("An item with the same key has already been added.");
bucket[i].Value = value;
bucket.push(new System.Collections.Generic.BucketItem.ctor(key, value));
$p.Remove = function Dictionary$2_Remove(key) {
var hashCode = this.comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$GetHashCode(key);
var bucket =[hashCode];
if (bucket != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < bucket.length; ++i) {
if (this.comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$Equals(bucket[i].Key,
key)) {
bucket.splice(i, 1);
if (bucket.length == 0)
return true;
return false;
$p.ContainsKey = function Dictionary$2_ContainsKey(key) {
var hashCode = this.comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$GetHashCode(key);
var bucket =[hashCode];
if (bucket != null)
for (var i = 0; i < bucket.length; ++i) {
if (this.comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$Equals(bucket[i].Key,
return true;
return false;
$p.ContainsValue = function Dictionary$2_ContainsValue(value) {
var ec = System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TValue).get_Default();
var hashes = Object.keys(;
for (var i = 0; i < hashes.length; ++i) {
var bucket =[hashes[i]];
for (var $i = 0, $length = bucket.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var item = bucket[$i];
if (ec.Equals$1(item.Value, value))
return true;
return false;
$p.Clear = function Dictionary$2_Clear() { = {};
this.count = 0;
$p.TryGetValue = function Dictionary$2_TryGetValue(key, value) {
var hashCode = this.comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$GetHashCode(key);
var bucket =[hashCode];
if (bucket != null)
for (var i = 0; i < bucket.length; ++i) {
if (this.comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$Equals(bucket[i].Key,
key)) {
value.value = bucket[i].Value;
return true;
value.value = $d.default(TValue);
return false;
$p.get_Item = function Dictionary$2_get_Item(key) {
var result = {};
if (!this.TryGetValue(key, result))
throw new System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException.ctor$1(key.toString());
return result.value;
$p.set_Item = function Dictionary$2_set_Item(key, value) {
this.Insert(key, value, false);
$p.get_Keys = function Dictionary$2_get_Keys() {
this.keys = this.keys || new (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2.KeyCollection(TKey, TValue).ctor)(this);
return this.keys;
$p.get_Values = function Dictionary$2_get_Values() {
this.values = this.values || new (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2.ValueCollection(TKey,
return this.values;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function Dictionary$2_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
$p.get_Count = function Dictionary$2_get_Count() {
return this.count;
$p.get_SyncRoot = function Dictionary$2_get_SyncRoot() {
return this;
$p.get_IsSynchronized = function Dictionary$2_get_IsSynchronized() {
return true;
$p.CopyTo = function Dictionary$2_CopyTo(array, index) {
this.CopyTo$1(array, index);
$p.GetEnumerator = function Dictionary$2_GetEnumerator() {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2(TKey,
var hashes = null;
var i = null;
var bucket = null;
var j = null;
var item = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
hashes = Object.keys(;
i = 0;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
while (i < hashes.length) {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 2;
continue $top;
case 2:
return false;
case 3:
bucket =[hashes[i]];
j = 0;
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (j < bucket.length) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 7:
item = bucket[j];
$state = 9;
$stateMachine.set_Current(new (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2(TKey,
TValue).ctor$1)(item.Key, item.Value));
return true;
case 8:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 9:
$state = 8;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$p.GetEnumeratorKeys = function Dictionary$2_GetEnumeratorKeys() {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TKey).ctor)();
var hashes = null;
var i = null;
var bucket = null;
var j = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
hashes = Object.keys(;
i = 0;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
while (i < hashes.length) {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 2;
continue $top;
case 2:
return false;
case 3:
bucket =[hashes[i]];
j = 0;
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (j < bucket.length) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 7:
$state = 9;
return true;
case 8:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 9:
$state = 8;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$p.GetEnumeratorValues = function Dictionary$2_GetEnumeratorValues() {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TValue).ctor)();
var hashes = null;
var i = null;
var bucket = null;
var j = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
hashes = Object.keys(;
i = 0;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
while (i < hashes.length) {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 2;
continue $top;
case 2:
return false;
case 3:
bucket =[hashes[i]];
j = 0;
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (j < bucket.length) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 7:
$state = 9;
return true;
case 8:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 9:
$state = 8;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$p.get_IsReadOnly = function Dictionary$2_get_IsReadOnly() {
return false;
$p.Add = function Dictionary$2_Add(item) {
this.Add$1(item.get_Key(), item.get_Value());
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Contains = function Dictionary$2_System_Collections_Generic_ICollection$System_Collections_Generic_KeyValuePair$TKey$TValue$$_Contains(item) {
return this.ContainsKey(item.get_Key()) && $d.equals(this.get_Item(item.get_Key()), item.get_Value());
$p.CopyTo$1 = function Dictionary$2_CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) {
var hashes = Object.keys(;
for (var i = 0; i < hashes.length; ++i) {
var bucket =[hashes[i]];
for (var j = 0; j < bucket.length; ++j) {
var item = bucket[j];
array[arrayIndex++] = new (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2(TKey, TValue).ctor$1)(item.Key,
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Remove = function Dictionary$2_System_Collections_Generic_ICollection$System_Collections_Generic_KeyValuePair$TKey$TValue$$_Remove(item) {
return false;
$p.System$Collections$IDictionary$get_Item = function Dictionary$2_System$Collections$IDictionary$get_Item(key) {
return this.get_Item($d.cast(key, TKey));
$p.System$Collections$IDictionary$set_Item = function Dictionary$2_System$Collections$IDictionary$set_Item(key, value) {
this.set_Item($d.cast(key, TKey), $d.cast(value, TValue));
$p.System$Collections$IDictionary$get_Keys = function Dictionary$2_System$Collections$IDictionary$get_Keys() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$IDictionary$get_Values = function Dictionary$2_System$Collections$IDictionary$get_Values() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.get_IsFixedSize = function Dictionary$2_get_IsFixedSize() {
return false;
$p.System$Collections$IDictionary$Contains = function Dictionary$2_System_Collections_IDictionary_Contains(key) {
return this.ContainsKey($d.cast(key, TKey));
$p.System$Collections$IDictionary$Add = function Dictionary$2_System_Collections_IDictionary_Add(key, value) {
this.Add$1($d.cast(key, TKey), $d.cast(value, TValue));
$p.System$Collections$IDictionary$GetEnumerator = function Dictionary$2_System_Collections_IDictionary_GetEnumerator() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$IDictionary$Remove = function Dictionary$2_System_Collections_IDictionary_Remove(key) {
this.Remove($d.cast(key, TKey));
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyDictionary$2$get_Keys = function Dictionary$2_System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyDictionary$2$get_Keys() {
return this.get_Keys();
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyDictionary$2$get_Values = function Dictionary$2_System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyDictionary$2$get_Values() {
return this.get_Values();
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IDictionary$2$get_Item = $p.get_Item;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IDictionary$2$set_Item = $p.set_Item;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IDictionary$2$get_Keys = $p.get_Keys;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IDictionary$2$get_Values = $p.get_Values;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IDictionary$2$ContainsKey = $p.ContainsKey;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IDictionary$2$Add = $p.Add$1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IDictionary$2$Remove = $p.Remove;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IDictionary$2$TryGetValue = $p.TryGetValue;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_IsReadOnly = $p.get_IsReadOnly;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Add = $p.Add;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Clear = $p.Clear;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$CopyTo = $p.CopyTo$1;
$p.System$Collections$IDictionary$get_IsReadOnly = $p.get_IsReadOnly;
$p.System$Collections$IDictionary$get_IsFixedSize = $p.get_IsFixedSize;
$p.System$Collections$IDictionary$Clear = $p.Clear;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_SyncRoot = $p.get_SyncRoot;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_IsSynchronized = $p.get_IsSynchronized;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$CopyTo = $p.CopyTo;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyDictionary$2$get_Item = $p.get_Item;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyDictionary$2$ContainsKey = $p.ContainsKey;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyDictionary$2$TryGetValue = $p.TryGetValue;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyCollection$1$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
}, ["TKey", "TValue"]);
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2.KeyCollection = $d.declare("KeyCollection", System.Object, 256, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2, function($t, $p, TKey, TValue) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(TKey), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(TKey), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [259, null, [["Contains", p.Contains, 6], ["get_Count", p.get_Count, 6], ["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["get_SyncRoot", p.get_SyncRoot, 6], ["get_IsSynchronized", p.get_IsSynchronized, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo, 6], ["get_IsReadOnly", p.get_IsReadOnly, 6], ["Add", p.Add, 6], ["Clear", p.Clear, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo$1, 6], ["Remove", p.Remove, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Count", 45, 1], ["SyncRoot", 1, 3], ["IsSynchronized", 39, 4], ["IsReadOnly", 39, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.dictionary = null;
$t.ctor = function KeyCollection(dictionary) {
this.dictionary = dictionary;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Contains = function KeyCollection_Contains(item) {
return this.dictionary.ContainsKey(item);
$p.get_Count = function KeyCollection_get_Count() {
return this.dictionary.get_Count();
$p.GetEnumerator = function KeyCollection_GetEnumerator() {
return this.dictionary.GetEnumeratorKeys();
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function KeyCollection_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
$p.get_SyncRoot = function KeyCollection_get_SyncRoot() {
return this.dictionary.get_SyncRoot();
$p.get_IsSynchronized = function KeyCollection_get_IsSynchronized() {
return this.dictionary.get_IsSynchronized();
$p.CopyTo = function KeyCollection_CopyTo(array, index) {
this.CopyTo$1(array, index);
$p.get_IsReadOnly = function KeyCollection_get_IsReadOnly() {
return true;
$p.Add = function KeyCollection_Add(item) {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor();
$p.Clear = function KeyCollection_Clear() {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor();
$p.CopyTo$1 = function KeyCollection_CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) {
var hashes = Object.keys(;
for (var i = 0; i < hashes.length; ++i) {
var bucket =[hashes[i]];
for (var j = 0; j < bucket.length; ++j) {
array[arrayIndex++] = bucket[j].Key;
$p.Remove = function KeyCollection_Remove(item) {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_IsReadOnly = $p.get_IsReadOnly;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Add = $p.Add;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Clear = $p.Clear;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Contains = $p.Contains;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$CopyTo = $p.CopyTo$1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Remove = $p.Remove;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
}, ["TKey", "TValue"]);
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2.ValueCollection = $d.declare("ValueCollection", System.Object, 256, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2, function($t, $p, TKey, TValue) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(TValue), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(TValue), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [259, null, [["Contains", p.Contains, 6], ["get_Count", p.get_Count, 6], ["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["get_SyncRoot", p.get_SyncRoot, 6], ["get_IsSynchronized", p.get_IsSynchronized, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo, 6], ["get_IsReadOnly", p.get_IsReadOnly, 6], ["Add", p.Add, 6], ["Clear", p.Clear, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo$1, 6], ["Remove", p.Remove, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Count", 45, 1], ["SyncRoot", 1, 3], ["IsSynchronized", 39, 4], ["IsReadOnly", 39, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.dictionary = null;
$t.ctor = function ValueCollection(dictionary) {
this.dictionary = dictionary;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Contains = function ValueCollection_Contains(item) {
return this.dictionary.ContainsValue(item);
$p.get_Count = function ValueCollection_get_Count() {
return this.dictionary.get_Count();
$p.GetEnumerator = function ValueCollection_GetEnumerator() {
return this.dictionary.GetEnumeratorValues();
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function ValueCollection_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
$p.get_SyncRoot = function ValueCollection_get_SyncRoot() {
return this.dictionary.get_SyncRoot();
$p.get_IsSynchronized = function ValueCollection_get_IsSynchronized() {
return this.dictionary.get_IsSynchronized();
$p.CopyTo = function ValueCollection_CopyTo(array, index) {
this.CopyTo$1(array, index);
$p.get_IsReadOnly = function ValueCollection_get_IsReadOnly() {
return true;
$p.Add = function ValueCollection_Add(item) {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor();
$p.Clear = function ValueCollection_Clear() {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor();
$p.CopyTo$1 = function ValueCollection_CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) {
var hashes = Object.keys(;
for (var i = 0; i < hashes.length; ++i) {
var bucket =[hashes[i]];
for (var j = 0; j < bucket.length; ++j) {
array[arrayIndex++] = bucket[j].Value;
$p.Remove = function ValueCollection_Remove(item) {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_IsReadOnly = $p.get_IsReadOnly;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Add = $p.Add;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Clear = $p.Clear;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Contains = $p.Contains;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$CopyTo = $p.CopyTo$1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Remove = $p.Remove;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
}, ["TKey", "TValue"]);
System.Collections.IEqualityComparer = $d.declare("System.Collections.IEqualityComparer", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Equals", null, 6], ["GetHashCode", null, 6]]]; };
System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Equals", null, 6], ["GetHashCode", null, 6]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.IEqualityComparer, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer$1(T)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [129, null, [["get_Default", t.get_Default, 22], ["Equals", null, 6], ["GetHashCode", null, 6], ["IndexOf", p.IndexOf, 3], ["LastIndexOf", p.LastIndexOf, 3], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 4]], [["Default", System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(T), 0]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.defaultComparer = null;
$t.get_Default = function EqualityComparer$1_get_Default() {
var equalityComparer = $t().defaultComparer;
if (equalityComparer == null) {
equalityComparer = $t.CreateComparer();
$t().defaultComparer = equalityComparer;
return equalityComparer;
$t.ctor = function EqualityComparer$1() {
$t.CreateComparer = function EqualityComparer$1_CreateComparer() {
var t = T;
if ((t.$typeKind & 32) != 0 && t.$typeKind != 62 && t.$typeKind != 56)
return new System.Collections.Generic.NumberEqualityComparer.ctor();
var gecT = null;
if (t.$typeKind == 56) {
var u = t.$underlyingType;
if ((u.$typeKind & 32) != 0 && u.$typeKind != 62)
return new System.Collections.Generic.NumberEqualityComparer.ctor();
if ($d.typeIsAssignableFrom(System.IEquatable$1(u), u))
gecT = u;
if ($d.typeIsAssignableFrom(System.IEquatable$1(T), t))
gecT = t;
if (gecT != null) {
var gcTypeFunc = System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer$1(gecT);
var result = new gcTypeFunc.ctor();
return result;
return new (System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer$1(T).ctor)();
$p.IndexOf = function EqualityComparer$1_IndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) {
var num = startIndex + count;
for (var index = startIndex; index < num; ++index) {
if (this.Equals$1(array[index], value))
return index;
return -1;
$p.LastIndexOf = function EqualityComparer$1_LastIndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) {
var num = startIndex - count + 1;
for (var index = startIndex; index >= num; --index) {
if (this.Equals$1(array[index], value))
return index;
return -1;
$p.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode = function EqualityComparer$1_System_Collections_IEqualityComparer_GetHashCode(obj) {
if (obj == null)
return 0;
if ($, T))
return this.GetHashCode$1(obj);
throw new System.Exception.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals = function EqualityComparer$1_System_Collections_IEqualityComparer_Equals(x, y) {
if (x == y)
return true;
if (x == null || y == null)
return false;
if ($, T) && $, T))
return this.Equals$1(x, y);
throw new System.Exception.ctor();
$p.Equals = function EqualityComparer$1_Equals(obj) {
return (obj != null) && (this.constructor == obj.constructor);
$p.GetHashCode = function EqualityComparer$1_GetHashCode() {
return this.constructor.$typeName.GetHashCode();
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1", System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1, 768, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.IEqualityComparer, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer$1(T)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["Equals", p.Equals$1, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode$1, 6], ["IndexOf", p.IndexOf, 3], ["LastIndexOf", p.LastIndexOf, 3]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function GenericEqualityComparer$1() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Equals$1 = function GenericEqualityComparer$1_Equals(x, y) {
if (x != null) {
if (y != null)
return x.System$IEquatable$1$Equals(y);
return false;
if (y != null)
return false;
return true;
$p.GetHashCode$1 = function GenericEqualityComparer$1_GetHashCode(obj) {
if (obj == null)
return 0;
return $d.getHashCode(obj);
$p.IndexOf = function GenericEqualityComparer$1_IndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) {
var endIndex = startIndex + count;
if (value == null) {
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (array[i] == null)
return i;
else {
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (array[i] != null && array[i].System$IEquatable$1$Equals(value))
return i;
return -1;
$p.LastIndexOf = function GenericEqualityComparer$1_LastIndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) {
var endIndex = startIndex - count + 1;
if (value == null) {
for (var i = startIndex; i >= endIndex; i--) {
if (array[i] == null)
return i;
else {
for (var i = startIndex; i >= endIndex; i--) {
if (array[i] != null && array[i].System$IEquatable$1$Equals(value))
return i;
return -1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$Equals = $p.Equals$1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$GetHashCode = $p.GetHashCode$1;
}, [$d.declareTP("T")]);
System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1", System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1, 768, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.IEqualityComparer, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer$1(T)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["Equals", p.Equals$1, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode$1, 6], ["IndexOf", p.IndexOf, 3], ["LastIndexOf", p.LastIndexOf, 3]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function ObjectEqualityComparer$1() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Equals$1 = function ObjectEqualityComparer$1_Equals(x, y) {
if (x != null) {
if (y != null)
return $d.equals(x, y);
return false;
if (y != null)
return false;
return true;
$p.GetHashCode$1 = function ObjectEqualityComparer$1_GetHashCode(obj) {
if (obj == null)
return 0;
return $d.getHashCode(obj);
$p.IndexOf = function ObjectEqualityComparer$1_IndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) {
var endIndex = startIndex + count;
if (value == null) {
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (array[i] == null)
return i;
else {
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (array[i] != null && $d.equals(array[i], value))
return i;
return -1;
$p.LastIndexOf = function ObjectEqualityComparer$1_LastIndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) {
var endIndex = startIndex - count + 1;
if (value == null) {
for (var i = startIndex; i >= endIndex; i--) {
if (array[i] == null)
return i;
else {
for (var i = startIndex; i >= endIndex; i--) {
if (array[i] != null && $d.equals(array[i], value))
return i;
return -1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$Equals = $p.Equals$1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$GetHashCode = $p.GetHashCode$1;
}, ["T"]);
System.Number = $d.declare("System.Number", null, 61, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IComparable$1(Number), System.IEquatable$1(Number)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [128, null, [["Parse", t.Parse, 19], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 19], ["LocaleFormat", p.LocaleFormat, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString$2, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString$1, 6], ["CompareTo", p.CompareTo, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6]]]; };
$t.Parse = function Number_Parse(T, s) {
var t = T;
var isFloat = (t == System.Single) || (t == System.Double);
var result = isFloat ? parseFloat(s) : parseInt(s);
if (isNaN(result))
throw new System.FormatException.ctor$1("Input string was not in a correct format");
if (!isFloat && (result < t.MinValue || result > t.MaxValue))
throw new System.OverflowException.ctor$1("Value was either too large or too small for " + t.$typeName);
return result;
$t.TryParse = function Number_TryParse(T, s, result) {
var t = T;
var isFloat = (t == System.Single) || (t == System.Double);
result.value = 0;
var value = isFloat ? parseFloat(s) : parseInt(s);
if (isNaN(value) || (!isFloat && (value < t.MinValue || value > t.MaxValue)))
return false;
result.value = value;
return true;
$p.LocaleFormat = function Number_LocaleFormat(format) {
return null;
$p.ToString = function Number_ToString() {
return this.toString();
$p.ToString$2 = function Number_ToString(format, formatProvider) {
return this.ToString$1(format);
$p.AddCommas = function Number_AddCommas() {
return $t.AddCommas(this.toString());
$t.AddCommas = function Number_AddCommas(num) {
var parts = num.split(".");
parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
return parts.join(".");
$p.ToString$1 = function Number_ToString(format) {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(format))
return this.toString();
var result = this.TryFormatStandard(format);
return result;
$p.TryFormatStandard = function Number_TryFormatStandard(format) {
var result = null;
var specifier = format.get_Chars(0);
var precision = format.length == 1 ? -1 : parseInt(format.Substring(1));
switch (specifier) {
case 99 /*'c'*/:
case 67 /*'C'*/:
if (precision == -1) {
precision = 2;
result = "$" + $t.AddCommas(this.toFixed(precision));
case 100 /*'d'*/:
case 68 /*'D'*/:
result = (this | 0).toString();
while (result.length < precision) {
result = "0" + result;
case 101 /*'e'*/:
case 69 /*'E'*/:
result = (precision == -1) ? this.toExponential() : this.toExponential(precision);
if (specifier == 69 /*'E'*/) {
result = result.toUpperCase();
case 102 /*'f'*/:
case 70 /*'F'*/:
if (precision == -1) {
precision = 2;
result = this.toFixed(precision);
case 112 /*'p'*/:
case 80 /*'P'*/:
if (precision == -1) {
precision = 2;
var p = this * 100;
result = p.toFixed(precision) + "%";
case 120 /*'x'*/:
case 88 /*'X'*/:
var s = this.toString(16);
if (specifier == 88 /*'X'*/) {
s = s.toUpperCase();
while (s.length < precision) {
s = "0" + s;
result = s;
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("format " + format + " is invalid or not supported.");
return result;
$p.CompareTo = function Number_CompareTo(obj) {
if (this < obj) {
return -1;
if (this > obj) {
return 1;
if (this == obj) {
return 0;
if (!isNaN(this)) {
return 1;
if (!isNaN(obj)) {
return -1;
return 0;
$p.Equals = function Number_Equals(obj) {
return (this === obj);
$p.GetHashCode = function Number_GetHashCode() {
var hashCode = this | 0;
if (hashCode === this)
return hashCode;
return this.toExponential().GetHashCode();
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = $p.CompareTo;
$p.System$IFormattable$ToString = $p.ToString$2;
$p.System$IComparable$1$CompareTo = $p.CompareTo;
$p.System$IEquatable$1$Equals = $p.Equals;
}, null, null, Number);
System.Collections.Generic.NumberEqualityComparer = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.NumberEqualityComparer", System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(Number), 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.IEqualityComparer, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer$1(Number)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["Equals", p.Equals$1, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode$1, 6], ["IndexOf", p.IndexOf, 3], ["LastIndexOf", p.LastIndexOf, 3]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function NumberEqualityComparer() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Equals$1 = function NumberEqualityComparer_Equals(x, y) {
return x == y;
$p.GetHashCode$1 = function NumberEqualityComparer_GetHashCode(x) {
if (x == null)
return 0;
return x.GetHashCode();
$p.IndexOf = function NumberEqualityComparer_IndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) {
if (count == 0)
return -1;
var endIndex = startIndex + count;
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (array[i] == value)
return i;
return -1;
$p.LastIndexOf = function NumberEqualityComparer_LastIndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) {
var endIndex = startIndex - count + 1;
for (var i = startIndex; i >= endIndex; i--) {
if (array[i] == value)
return i;
return -1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$Equals = $p.Equals$1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$GetHashCode = $p.GetHashCode$1;
System.Collections.Generic.ISet$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(T), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["UnionWith", null, 6], ["IntersectWith", null, 6], ["ExceptWith", null, 6], ["SymmetricExceptWith", null, 6], ["IsSubsetOf", null, 6], ["IsSupersetOf", null, 6], ["IsProperSupersetOf", null, 6], ["IsProperSubsetOf", null, 6], ["Overlaps", null, 6], ["SetEquals", null, 6]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.HashSet$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.ISet$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(T), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Count", p.get_Count, 6], ["get_SyncRoot", p.get_SyncRoot, 6], ["get_IsSynchronized", p.get_IsSynchronized, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo, 6], ["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["get_IsReadOnly", p.get_IsReadOnly, 6], ["Clear", p.Clear, 6], ["Contains", p.Contains, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo$1, 6], ["Remove", p.Remove, 6], ["Add", p.Add, 6], ["UnionWith", p.UnionWith, 6], ["IntersectWith", p.IntersectWith, 6], ["ExceptWith", p.ExceptWith, 6], ["SymmetricExceptWith", p.SymmetricExceptWith, 6], ["IsSubsetOf", p.IsSubsetOf, 6], ["IsSupersetOf", p.IsSupersetOf, 6], ["IsProperSupersetOf", p.IsProperSupersetOf, 6], ["IsProperSubsetOf", p.IsProperSubsetOf, 6], ["Overlaps", p.Overlaps, 6], ["SetEquals", p.SetEquals, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6]], [["Count", 45, 0], ["SyncRoot", 1, 1], ["IsSynchronized", 39, 2], ["IsReadOnly", 39, 5]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() { = null;
$t.ctor = function HashSet$1() {
$t.$; = new (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2(T, T).ctor)();
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function HashSet$1(source) {
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function HashSet$1(comparer) {
if (comparer == null)
comparer = System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(T).get_Default(); = new (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2(T, T).ctor$2)(comparer);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function HashSet$1(collection, comparer) {
$t.ctor$, comparer);
if (collection == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("collection");
var $iter = collection;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function HashSet$1_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
$p.get_Count = function HashSet$1_get_Count() {
$p.get_SyncRoot = function HashSet$1_get_SyncRoot() {
return this;
$p.get_IsSynchronized = function HashSet$1_get_IsSynchronized() {
return true;
$p.CopyTo = function HashSet$1_CopyTo(array, index) {
var i = 0;
var $iter = this;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
array[i++] = item;
$p.GetEnumerator = function HashSet$1_GetEnumerator() {
$p.get_IsReadOnly = function HashSet$1_get_IsReadOnly() {
return false;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Add = function HashSet$1_System_Collections_Generic_ICollection$T$_Add(item) {, item);
$p.Clear = function HashSet$1_Clear() {;
$p.Contains = function HashSet$1_Contains(item) {
$p.CopyTo$1 = function HashSet$1_CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) {
var i = 0;
var $iter = this;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
array[i++] = item;
$p.Remove = function HashSet$1_Remove(item) {
$p.Add = function HashSet$1_Add(item) {
if (! {, item);
return true;
return false;
$p.UnionWith = function HashSet$1_UnionWith(other) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.IntersectWith = function HashSet$1_IntersectWith(other) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.ExceptWith = function HashSet$1_ExceptWith(other) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.SymmetricExceptWith = function HashSet$1_SymmetricExceptWith(other) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.IsSubsetOf = function HashSet$1_IsSubsetOf(other) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.IsSupersetOf = function HashSet$1_IsSupersetOf(other) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.IsProperSupersetOf = function HashSet$1_IsProperSupersetOf(other) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.IsProperSubsetOf = function HashSet$1_IsProperSubsetOf(other) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.Overlaps = function HashSet$1_Overlaps(other) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.SetEquals = function HashSet$1_SetEquals(other) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ISet$1$UnionWith = $p.UnionWith;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ISet$1$IntersectWith = $p.IntersectWith;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ISet$1$ExceptWith = $p.ExceptWith;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ISet$1$SymmetricExceptWith = $p.SymmetricExceptWith;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ISet$1$IsSubsetOf = $p.IsSubsetOf;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ISet$1$IsSupersetOf = $p.IsSupersetOf;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ISet$1$IsProperSupersetOf = $p.IsProperSupersetOf;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ISet$1$IsProperSubsetOf = $p.IsProperSubsetOf;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ISet$1$Overlaps = $p.Overlaps;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ISet$1$SetEquals = $p.SetEquals;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_IsReadOnly = $p.get_IsReadOnly;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Clear = $p.Clear;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Contains = $p.Contains;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$CopyTo = $p.CopyTo$1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Remove = $p.Remove;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException", System.Exception, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function KeyNotFoundException() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function KeyNotFoundException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function KeyNotFoundException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2", null, 318, $asm, function($t, $p, TKey, TValue) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Key", p.get_Key, 6], ["get_Value", p.get_Value, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Key", TKey, 0], ["Value", TValue, 1]]]; };
$t.ctor = function KeyValuePair$2() {
this.key = $d.default(TKey);
this.value = $d.default(TValue);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Key = function KeyValuePair$2_get_Key() {
return this.key;
$p.get_Value = function KeyValuePair$2_get_Value() {
return this.value;
$t.ctor$1 = function KeyValuePair$2(key, value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.ToString = function KeyValuePair$2_ToString() {
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
sb.Append$2(91 /*'['*/);
if (this.get_Key() != null)
sb.Append$12(", ");
if (this.get_Value() != null)
sb.Append$2(93 /*']'*/);
return sb.toString();
}, ["TKey", "TValue"]);
System.Collections.Generic.Queue$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(T), System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Clear", p.Clear, 6], ["Contains", p.Contains, 6], ["Enqueue", p.Enqueue, 6], ["Dequeue", p.Dequeue, 6], ["Peek", p.Peek, 6], ["get_Count", p.get_Count, 6], ["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["get_SyncRoot", p.get_SyncRoot, 6], ["get_IsSynchronized", p.get_IsSynchronized, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6]], [["Count", 45, 5], ["SyncRoot", 1, 7], ["IsSynchronized", 39, 8]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() { = null;
$t.ctor = function Queue$1() {
$t.$; = new Array();
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function Queue$1(capacity) {
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function Queue$1(collection) {
$t.$; = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToJsArray(T, collection);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.Clear = function Queue$1_Clear() { = 0;
$p.Contains = function Queue$1_Contains(item) {
return Array.IndexOf$3(T,, item) != -1;
$p.Enqueue = function Queue$1_Enqueue(item) {;
$p.Dequeue = function Queue$1_Dequeue() {
$p.Peek = function Queue$1_Peek() {
if ( == 0)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor();
$p.get_Count = function Queue$1_get_Count() {
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function Queue$1_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
$p.GetEnumerator = function Queue$1_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerable().System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
$p.GetEnumerable = function Queue$1_GetEnumerable() {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(T).ctor)();
var i = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
i = 0;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
while (i < {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 2;
continue $top;
case 2:
return false;
case 3:
$state = 5;
return true;
case 4:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 5:
$state = 4;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$p.get_SyncRoot = function Queue$1_get_SyncRoot() {
return this;
$p.get_IsSynchronized = function Queue$1_get_IsSynchronized() {
return true;
$p.CopyTo = function Queue$1_CopyTo(array, index) {
for (var i = 0, j = index; index < array.length && i <; i++, j++) {
array[j] =[i];
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_SyncRoot = $p.get_SyncRoot;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_IsSynchronized = $p.get_IsSynchronized;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$CopyTo = $p.CopyTo;
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator = $d.declare("System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IEnumerator];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, null, null, [["Key", 1], ["Value", 1], ["Entry", System.Collections.DictionaryEntry]]]; };
System.Collections.Generic.List$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.List`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IList$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(T), System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Capacity", p.get_Capacity, 6], ["set_Capacity", p.set_Capacity, 6], ["get_Count", p.get_Count, 6], ["get_IsSynchronized", p.get_IsSynchronized, 6], ["get_SyncRoot", p.get_SyncRoot, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo, 6], ["get_IsReadOnly", p.get_IsReadOnly, 6], ["get_IsFixedSize", p.get_IsFixedSize, 6], ["AddRange", p.AddRange, 6], ["Clear", p.Clear, 6], ["IndexOf", p.IndexOf$1, 6], ["IndexOf", p.IndexOf$2, 6], ["LastIndexOf", p.LastIndexOf, 6], ["LastIndexOf", p.LastIndexOf$1, 6], ["LastIndexOf", p.LastIndexOf$2, 6], ["RemoveAt", p.RemoveAt, 6], ["RemoveRange", p.RemoveRange, 6], ["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["Add", p.Add, 6], ["Contains", p.Contains, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo$1, 6], ["Remove", p.Remove, 6], ["get_Item", p.get_Item, 6], ["set_Item", p.set_Item, 6], ["IndexOf", p.IndexOf, 6], ["Insert", p.Insert, 6], ["Exists", p.Exists, 6], ["Find", p.Find, 6], ["FindAll", p.FindAll, 6], ["FindLast", p.FindLast, 6], ["FindIndex", p.FindIndex, 6], ["FindIndex", p.FindIndex$1, 6], ["FindIndex", p.FindIndex$2, 6], ["FindLastIndex", p.FindLastIndex, 6], ["FindLastIndex", p.FindLastIndex$1, 6], ["FindLastIndex", p.FindLastIndex$2, 6], ["Reverse", p.Reverse, 6], ["Reverse", p.Reverse$1, 6], ["Sort", p.Sort, 6], ["Sort", p.Sort$1, 6], ["Sort", p.Sort$2, 6], ["ToArray", p.ToArray, 6], ["BinarySearch", p.BinarySearch$2, 6], ["BinarySearch", p.BinarySearch, 6], ["BinarySearch", p.BinarySearch$1, 6], ["ForEach", p.ForEach, 6], ["GetRange", p.GetRange, 6], ["RemoveAll", p.RemoveAll, 6], ["TrueForAll", p.TrueForAll, 6], ["TrimExcess", p.TrimExcess, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6]], [["Capacity", 45, 0, 1], ["Count", 45, 2], ["IsSynchronized", 39, 3], ["SyncRoot", 1, 4], ["IsReadOnly", 39, 6], ["IsFixedSize", 39, 7], ["this[]", T, 22, 23, [["index", 45, 0]]]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() { = null;
$t.ctor = function List$1() {
$t.$; = new Array();
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function List$1(capacity) {
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function List$1(collection) {
$t.$; = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToJsArray(T, collection);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Capacity = function List$1_get_Capacity() {
$p.set_Capacity = function List$1_set_Capacity(value) {
return value;
$p.get_Count = function List$1_get_Count() {
$p.get_IsSynchronized = function List$1_get_IsSynchronized() {
return true;
$p.get_SyncRoot = function List$1_get_SyncRoot() {
return this;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function List$1_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
$p.CopyTo = function List$1_CopyTo(array, index) {
for (var i = index; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = this.get_Item(i - index);
$p.get_IsReadOnly = function List$1_get_IsReadOnly() {
return false;
$p.get_IsFixedSize = function List$1_get_IsFixedSize() {
return false;
$p.AddRange = function List$1_AddRange(collection) {
if ($, Array)) { =;
if ($, System.Collections.Generic.List$1(T))) { =;
else {
var $iter = collection;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$p.Clear = function List$1_Clear() { = 0;
$p.IndexOf$1 = function List$1_IndexOf(item, index) {
if (index > this.get_Count())
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("index");
return Array.IndexOf$4(T,, item, index);
$p.IndexOf$2 = function List$1_IndexOf(item, index, count) {
if (index > this.get_Count())
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("index");
if (count < 0 || index > this.get_Count() - count)
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("count");
return Array.IndexOf$5(T,, item, index, count);
$p.LastIndexOf = function List$1_LastIndexOf(item) {
return Array.LastIndexOf$3(T,, item);
$p.LastIndexOf$1 = function List$1_LastIndexOf(item, index) {
if (index > this.get_Count())
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("index");
return Array.LastIndexOf$4(T,, item, index);
$p.LastIndexOf$2 = function List$1_LastIndexOf(item, index, count) {
if (index > this.get_Count())
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("index");
if (count < 0 || index > this.get_Count() - count)
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("count");
return Array.LastIndexOf$5(T,, item, index, count);
$p.RemoveAt = function List$1_RemoveAt(index) {, 1);
$p.RemoveRange = function List$1_RemoveRange(index, count) {, count);
$p.GetEnumerator = function List$1_GetEnumerator() {
return new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1.ListEnumerator(T).ctor)(this);
$p.Add = function List$1_Add(item) {;
$p.Contains = function List$1_Contains(item) {
return Array.IndexOf$3(T,, item) != -1;
$p.CopyTo$1 = function List$1_CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) {
for (var i = arrayIndex; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = this.get_Item(i - arrayIndex);
$p.Remove = function List$1_Remove(item) {
var index = this.IndexOf(item);
if (index >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
$p.get_Item = function List$1_get_Item(index) {
$p.set_Item = function List$1_set_Item(index, value) {[index] = value;
$p.IndexOf = function List$1_IndexOf(item) {
return Array.IndexOf$3(T,, item);
$p.Insert = function List$1_Insert(index, item) {, 0, item);
$p.Exists = function List$1_Exists(match) {
return this.FindIndex(match) != -1;
$p.Find = function List$1_Find(match) {
if (match == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("match");
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
if (match([i]))
return $d.default(T);
$p.FindAll = function List$1_FindAll(match) {
if (match == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("match");
var list = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(T).ctor)();
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
if (match([i]))
return list;
$p.FindLast = function List$1_FindLast(match) {
if (match == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("match");
for (var i = - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (match([i]))
return $d.default(T);
$p.FindIndex = function List$1_FindIndex(match) {
return this.FindIndex$2(0,, match);
$p.FindIndex$1 = function List$1_FindIndex(startIndex, match) {
return this.FindIndex$2(startIndex, - startIndex, match);
$p.FindIndex$2 = function List$1_FindIndex(startIndex, count, match) {
if (startIndex > {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("FindIndex: startIndex out of range");
if (count < 0 || startIndex > - count) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("FindIndex: count out of range");
if (match == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("match is null");
var endIndex = startIndex + count;
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (match([i]))
return i;
return -1;
$p.FindLastIndex = function List$1_FindLastIndex(match) {
return this.FindLastIndex$2( - 1,, match);
$p.FindLastIndex$1 = function List$1_FindLastIndex(startIndex, match) {
return this.FindLastIndex$2(startIndex, startIndex + 1, match);
$p.FindLastIndex$2 = function List$1_FindLastIndex(startIndex, count, match) {
if (match == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("match is null");
if ( == 0) {
if (startIndex != -1) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("startIndex");
else {
if ($d.toUInt32(startIndex) >= $d.toUInt32( {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("startIndex");
if (count < 0 || startIndex - count + 1 < 0) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("count");
var endIndex = startIndex - count;
for (var i = startIndex; i > endIndex; i--) {
if (match([i]))
return i;
return -1;
$p.Reverse = function List$1_Reverse() {
this.Reverse$1(0, this.get_Count());
$p.Reverse$1 = function List$1_Reverse(index, count) {
if (index < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("index");
if (count < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("count");
if ( - index < count)
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("Argument_InvalidOffLen");
Array.Reverse$1(, index, count);
$p.Sort = function List$1_Sort() {
$p.Sort$1 = function List$1_Sort(comparer) {
if (comparer == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("comparer");
if (this.get_Count() <= 0)
return;, y) {
return comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IComparer$1$Compare(x, y);
$p.Sort$2 = function List$1_Sort(comparison) {
if (comparison == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("comparison");
this.Sort$1(new (System.Collections.Generic.ComparisonComparer$1(T).ctor)(comparison));
$p.ToArray = function List$1_ToArray() {
var result = $d.array(T,;
Array.Copy$2(, 0, result, 0,;
return result;
$p.BinarySearch$2 = function List$1_BinarySearch(index, count, item, comparer) {
return Array.BinarySearch$3(T,, index, count, item, comparer);
$p.BinarySearch = function List$1_BinarySearch(item) {
return this.BinarySearch$2(0, this.get_Count(), item, null);
$p.BinarySearch$1 = function List$1_BinarySearch(item, comparer) {
return this.BinarySearch$2(0, this.get_Count(), item, comparer);
$p.ForEach = function List$1_ForEach(action) {
if (action == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("action");
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
$p.GetRange = function List$1_GetRange(index, count) {
var result = (function() {
var $obj = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(T).ctor)();
$ =, index + count);
return $obj;
return result;
$p.RemoveAll = function List$1_RemoveAll(match) {
var oldCount =; =, index, array) {
return !match(item);
return oldCount -;
$p.TrueForAll = function List$1_TrueForAll(match) {
if (match == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("match");
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
if (!match([i]))
return false;
return true;
$p.TrimExcess = function List$1_TrimExcess() {
$t.IsCompatibleObject = function List$1_IsCompatibleObject(value) {
return ($, T)) || (value == null && $d.default(T) == null);
$p.System$Collections$IList$get_Item = function List$1_System$Collections$IList$get_Item(index) {
return this.get_Item(index);
$p.System$Collections$IList$set_Item = function List$1_System$Collections$IList$set_Item(index, value) {
this.set_Item(index, $d.cast(value, T));
$p.System$Collections$IList$Add = function List$1_System_Collections_IList_Add(value) {$d.cast(value, T));
return - 1;
$p.System$Collections$IList$Contains = function List$1_System_Collections_IList_Contains(value) {
return $t.IsCompatibleObject(value) && this.Contains(value);
$p.System$Collections$IList$IndexOf = function List$1_System_Collections_IList_IndexOf(value) {
if ($t.IsCompatibleObject(value)) {
return this.IndexOf(value);
return -1;
$p.System$Collections$IList$Insert = function List$1_System_Collections_IList_Insert(index, value) {
this.Insert(index, $d.cast(value, T));
$p.System$Collections$IList$Remove = function List$1_System_Collections_IList_Remove(value) {
if ($t.IsCompatibleObject(value)) {
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item = $p.get_Item;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$set_Item = $p.set_Item;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$IndexOf = $p.IndexOf;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$Insert = $p.Insert;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$RemoveAt = $p.RemoveAt;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_IsReadOnly = $p.get_IsReadOnly;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Add = $p.Add;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Clear = $p.Clear;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Contains = $p.Contains;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$CopyTo = $p.CopyTo$1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Remove = $p.Remove;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyList$1$get_Item = $p.get_Item;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyCollection$1$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
$p.System$Collections$IList$get_IsReadOnly = $p.get_IsReadOnly;
$p.System$Collections$IList$get_IsFixedSize = $p.get_IsFixedSize;
$p.System$Collections$IList$Clear = $p.Clear;
$p.System$Collections$IList$RemoveAt = $p.RemoveAt;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_SyncRoot = $p.get_SyncRoot;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_IsSynchronized = $p.get_IsSynchronized;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$CopyTo = $p.CopyTo;
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.Generic.List$1.ListEnumerator = $d.declare("ListEnumerator", System.Object, 256, System.Collections.Generic.List$1, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator$1(T), System.IDisposable, System.Collections.IEnumerator]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [3, null, [["MoveNext", p.MoveNext, 6], ["Reset", p.Reset, 6], ["get_Current", p.get_Current, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Current", T, 2]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.index = -1;
this.list = null;
$t.ctor = function ListEnumerator(list) {
this.list = list;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.System$IDisposable$Dispose = function ListEnumerator_System_IDisposable_Dispose() {};
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current = function ListEnumerator_System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current() {
return this.get_Current();
$p.MoveNext = function ListEnumerator_MoveNext() {
return this.index < this.list.get_Count();
$p.Reset = function ListEnumerator_Reset() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.get_Current = function ListEnumerator_get_Current() {
return this.list.get_Item(this.index);
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerator$1$get_Current = $p.get_Current;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = $p.MoveNext;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerator$Reset = $p.Reset;
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.IStructuralComparable = $d.declare("System.Collections.IStructuralComparable", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["CompareTo", null, 6]]]; };
System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable = $d.declare("System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Equals", null, 6], ["GetHashCode", null, 6]]]; };
System.Collections.Generic.Stack$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(T), System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Clear", p.Clear, 6], ["Contains", p.Contains, 6], ["Push", p.Push, 6], ["Pop", p.Pop, 6], ["Peek", p.Peek, 6], ["get_Count", p.get_Count, 6], ["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["get_SyncRoot", p.get_SyncRoot, 6], ["get_IsSynchronized", p.get_IsSynchronized, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6]], [["Count", 45, 5], ["SyncRoot", 1, 7], ["IsSynchronized", 39, 8]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() { = null;
$t.ctor = function Stack$1() {
$t.$; = new Array();
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function Stack$1(capacity) {
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function Stack$1(collection) {
$t.$; = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToJsArray(T, collection);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.Clear = function Stack$1_Clear() { = 0;
$p.Contains = function Stack$1_Contains(item) {
return Array.IndexOf$3(T,, item) != -1;
$p.Push = function Stack$1_Push(item) {;
$p.Pop = function Stack$1_Pop() {
$p.Peek = function Stack$1_Peek() {
if ( == 0)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor();
return[ - 1];
$p.get_Count = function Stack$1_get_Count() {
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function Stack$1_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
$p.GetEnumerator = function Stack$1_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerable().System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
$p.GetEnumerable = function Stack$1_GetEnumerable() {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(T).ctor)();
var i = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
i = - 1;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
while (i >= 0) {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 2;
continue $top;
case 2:
return false;
case 3:
$state = 5;
return true;
case 4:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 5:
$state = 4;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$p.get_SyncRoot = function Stack$1_get_SyncRoot() {
return this;
$p.get_IsSynchronized = function Stack$1_get_IsSynchronized() {
return true;
$p.CopyTo = function Stack$1_CopyTo(array, index) {
for (var i = - 1, j = index; index < array.length && i >= 0; i--, j++) {
array[j] =[i];
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_SyncRoot = $p.get_SyncRoot;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_IsSynchronized = $p.get_IsSynchronized;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$CopyTo = $p.CopyTo;
}, ["T"]);
System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection$1 = $d.declare("System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IList$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(T), System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1(T), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(T), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Count", p.get_Count, 6], ["get_Item", p.get_Item, 6], ["Contains", p.Contains, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo, 6], ["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["IndexOf", p.IndexOf, 6], ["get_Items", p.get_Items, 4]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Count", 45, 0], ["this[]", T, 1, null, [["index", 45, 0]]], ["Items", System.Collections.Generic.IList$1(T), 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.list = null;
$t.ctor = function ReadOnlyCollection$1(list) {
if (list == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("list");
this.list = list;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ThrowNotSupportedException = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_ThrowNotSupportedException() {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor$1("read-only collection");
$p.get_Count = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_get_Count() {
return this.list.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count();
$p.get_Item = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_get_Item(index) {
return this.list.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item(index);
$p.Contains = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_Contains(value) {
return this.list.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Contains(value);
$p.CopyTo = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_CopyTo(array, index) {
this.list.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$CopyTo(array, index);
$p.GetEnumerator = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_GetEnumerator() {
return this.list.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
$p.IndexOf = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_IndexOf(value) {
return this.list.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$IndexOf(value);
$p.get_Items = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_get_Items() {
return this.list;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_IsReadOnly = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_IsReadOnly() {
return true;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item(index) {
return this.list.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item(index);
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$set_Item = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$set_Item(index, value) {
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Add = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_Generic_ICollection$T$_Add(value) {
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Clear = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_Generic_ICollection$T$_Clear() {
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$Insert = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_Generic_IList$T$_Insert(index, value) {
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Remove = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_Generic_ICollection$T$_Remove(value) {
return false;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$RemoveAt = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_Generic_IList$T$_RemoveAt(index) {
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return ($d.cast(this.list, System.Collections.IEnumerable)).System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_IsSynchronized = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System$Collections$ICollection$get_IsSynchronized() {
return false;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_SyncRoot = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System$Collections$ICollection$get_SyncRoot() {
return this;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$CopyTo = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_ICollection_CopyTo(array, index) {
var items = $, $d.arrayType(T));
if (items != null) {
this.list.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$CopyTo(items, index);
else {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$IList$get_IsFixedSize = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System$Collections$IList$get_IsFixedSize() {
return true;
$p.System$Collections$IList$get_IsReadOnly = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System$Collections$IList$get_IsReadOnly() {
return true;
$p.System$Collections$IList$get_Item = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System$Collections$IList$get_Item(index) {
return this.list.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item(index);
$p.System$Collections$IList$set_Item = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System$Collections$IList$set_Item(index, value) {
$p.System$Collections$IList$Add = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_IList_Add(value) {
return -1;
$p.System$Collections$IList$Clear = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_IList_Clear() {
$t.IsCompatibleObject = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_IsCompatibleObject(value) {
return ($, T)) || (value == null && $d.default(T) == null);
$p.System$Collections$IList$Contains = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_IList_Contains(value) {
return $t.IsCompatibleObject(value) && this.Contains(value);
$p.System$Collections$IList$IndexOf = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_IList_IndexOf(value) {
if ($t.IsCompatibleObject(value)) {
return this.IndexOf(value);
return -1;
$p.System$Collections$IList$Insert = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_IList_Insert(index, value) {
$p.System$Collections$IList$Remove = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_IList_Remove(value) {
$p.System$Collections$IList$RemoveAt = function ReadOnlyCollection$1_System_Collections_IList_RemoveAt(index) {
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$IndexOf = $p.IndexOf;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Contains = $p.Contains;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$CopyTo = $p.CopyTo;
$p.System$Collections$ICollection$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyList$1$get_Item = $p.get_Item;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IReadOnlyCollection$1$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
}, ["T"]);
System.Console = $d.declare("System.Console", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Write", t.Write, 22], ["Write", t.Write$1, 22], ["Write", t.Write$2, 22], ["Write", t.Write$3, 22], ["Write", t.Write$4, 22], ["Write", t.Write$5, 22], ["Write", t.Write$6, 22], ["Write", t.Write$7, 22], ["Write", t.Write$8, 22], ["Write", t.Write$9, 22], ["Write", t.Write$10, 22], ["Write", t.Write$11, 22], ["Write", t.Write$12, 22], ["Write", t.Write$13, 22], ["Write", t.Write$14, 22], ["Write", t.Write$15, 22], ["Write", t.Write$16, 22], ["Write", t.Write$17, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$1, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$2, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$3, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$4, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$5, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$6, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$7, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$8, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$9, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$10, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$11, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$12, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$13, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$14, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$15, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$16, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$17, 22], ["WriteLine", t.WriteLine$18, 22]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.s_Line = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
$t.s_DivConsole = typeof document != "undefined" ? document.getElementById("duocode-console") : null;
$t.DivWrite = function Console_DivWrite(value) {
if ($t().s_DivConsole != null && value != null) {
value = value.Replace$1("\n", "<br/>");
$t().s_DivConsole.innerHTML += value;
$t().s_DivConsole.scrollTop = $t().s_DivConsole.scrollHeight;
$t.DoWrite = function Console_DoWrite(value) {
$t.DoWriteLine = function Console_DoWriteLine(value) {
var output = $t().s_Line.toString();
$t.DivWrite(value + "\n");
$t.Write = function Console_Write(value) { $t.DoWrite(value.toString()); };
$t.Write$1 = function Console_Write(value) { $t.DoWrite(String.fromCharCode(value)); };
$t.Write$2 = function Console_Write(buffer) { $t.DoWrite(String.ctor(buffer)); };
$t.Write$3 = function Console_Write(value) { $t.DoWrite(value.toString()); };
$t.Write$4 = function Console_Write(value) { $t.DoWrite(value.toString()); };
$t.Write$5 = function Console_Write(value) { $t.DoWrite(value.toString()); };
$t.Write$6 = function Console_Write(value) { $t.DoWrite(value.toString()); };
$t.Write$7 = function Console_Write(value) { $t.DoWrite(value.toString()); };
$t.Write$8 = function Console_Write(value) { if (value != null)$t.DoWrite(value.toString()); };
$t.Write$9 = function Console_Write(value) { $t.DoWrite(value); };
$t.Write$10 = function Console_Write(value) { $t.DoWrite(value.toString()); };
$t.Write$11 = function Console_Write(value) { $t.DoWrite(value.toString()); };
$t.Write$12 = function Console_Write(format, arg0) { $t.DoWrite(String.Format(format, $d.array(System.Object, [arg0]))); };
$t.Write$13 = function Console_Write(format, arg) { $t.DoWrite(String.Format(format, arg)); };
$t.Write$14 = function Console_Write(buffer, index, count) { $t.DoWrite(String.ctor$3(buffer, index, count)); };
$t.Write$15 = function Console_Write(format, arg0, arg1) { $t.DoWrite(String.Format(format, $d.array(System.Object, [arg0, arg1]))); };
$t.Write$16 = function Console_Write(format, arg0, arg1, arg2) { $t.DoWrite(String.Format(format, $d.array(System.Object, [arg0, arg1, arg2]))); };
$t.Write$17 = function Console_Write(format, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) { $t.DoWrite(String.Format(format, $d.array(System.Object, [arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3]))); };
$t.WriteLine = function Console_WriteLine() { $t.DoWriteLine(""); };
$t.WriteLine$1 = function Console_WriteLine(value) { $t.DoWriteLine(value.toString()); };
$t.WriteLine$2 = function Console_WriteLine(value) { $t.DoWriteLine(String.fromCharCode(value)); };
$t.WriteLine$3 = function Console_WriteLine(buffer) { $t.DoWriteLine(String.ctor(buffer)); };
$t.WriteLine$4 = function Console_WriteLine(value) { $t.DoWriteLine(value.toString()); };
$t.WriteLine$5 = function Console_WriteLine(value) { $t.DoWriteLine(value.toString()); };
$t.WriteLine$6 = function Console_WriteLine(value) { $t.DoWriteLine(value.toString()); };
$t.WriteLine$7 = function Console_WriteLine(value) { $t.DoWriteLine(value.toString()); };
$t.WriteLine$8 = function Console_WriteLine(value) { $t.DoWriteLine(value.toString()); };
$t.WriteLine$9 = function Console_WriteLine(value) { $t.DoWriteLine(value != null ? value.toString() : null); };
$t.WriteLine$10 = function Console_WriteLine(value) { $t.DoWriteLine(value); };
$t.WriteLine$11 = function Console_WriteLine(value) { $t.DoWriteLine(value.toString()); };
$t.WriteLine$12 = function Console_WriteLine(value) { $t.DoWriteLine(value.toString()); };
$t.WriteLine$13 = function Console_WriteLine(format, arg0) { $t.DoWriteLine(String.Format(format, $d.array(System.Object, [arg0]))); };
$t.WriteLine$14 = function Console_WriteLine(format, arg) { $t.DoWriteLine(String.Format(format, arg)); };
$t.WriteLine$15 = function Console_WriteLine(buffer, index, count) { $t.DoWriteLine(String.ctor$3(buffer, index, count)); };
$t.WriteLine$16 = function Console_WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1) { $t.DoWriteLine(String.Format(format, $d.array(System.Object, [arg0, arg1]))); };
$t.WriteLine$17 = function Console_WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1, arg2) { $t.DoWriteLine(String.Format(format, $d.array(System.Object, [arg0, arg1, arg2]))); };
$t.WriteLine$18 = function Console_WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) { $t.DoWriteLine(String.Format(format, $d.array(System.Object, [arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3]))); };
System.Convert = $d.declare("System.Convert", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["ChangeType", t.ChangeType, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function Convert() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ChangeType = function Convert_ChangeType(value, conversionType) {
if (value == null) {
if (conversionType.get_IsValueType())
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("Null object cannot be converted to a value type");
return null;
if ($d.getTypeFromInst(value) == conversionType) {
return value;
if ($, String)) {
var s = $d.cast(value, String);
if (conversionType == $d.typeOf(System.Int32))
return System.Int32.Parse(s);
if (conversionType == $d.typeOf(System.Int16))
return System.Int16.Parse(s);
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("Could not convert " + $d.toString(value) + " (" + $d.getTypeFromInst(value).get_FullName() + ") to " + conversionType.get_FullName());
System.IConvertible = $d.declare("System.IConvertible", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["GetTypeCode", null, 6], ["ToBoolean", null, 6], ["ToChar", null, 6], ["ToSByte", null, 6], ["ToByte", null, 6], ["ToInt16", null, 6], ["ToUInt16", null, 6], ["ToInt32", null, 6], ["ToUInt32", null, 6], ["ToInt64", null, 6], ["ToUInt64", null, 6], ["ToSingle", null, 6], ["ToDouble", null, 6], ["ToDecimal", null, 6], ["ToDateTime", null, 6], ["ToString", null, 6], ["ToType", null, 6]]]; };
System.DateTime = $d.declare("System.DateTime", null, 57, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible, System.IComparable$1(System.DateTime), System.IEquatable$1(System.DateTime)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["MinValue", 57, 54], ["MaxValue", 57, 54]], [["get_JsDate", p.get_JsDate, 6], ["get_Date", p.get_Date, 6], ["get_Day", p.get_Day, 6], ["get_DayOfWeek", p.get_DayOfWeek, 6], ["get_DayOfYear", p.get_DayOfYear, 6], ["get_Hour", p.get_Hour, 6], ["get_Kind", p.get_Kind, 6], ["get_Millisecond", p.get_Millisecond, 6], ["get_Minute", p.get_Minute, 6], ["get_Month", p.get_Month, 6], ["get_Now", t.get_Now, 22], ["get_UtcNow", t.get_UtcNow, 22], ["get_Second", p.get_Second, 6], ["get_Today", t.get_Today, 22], ["get_Year", p.get_Year, 6], ["SpecifyKind", t.SpecifyKind, 22], ["CompareTo", p.CompareTo, 6], ["CompareTo", p.CompareTo$1, 6], ["GetTypeCode", p.GetTypeCode, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals$1, 6], ["ToDateTime", p.ToDateTime, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString$1, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString$2, 6], ["op_Subtraction", t.op_Subtraction, 22], ["Add", p.Add, 6], ["AddTicks", p.AddTicks, 6], ["AddYears", p.AddYears, 6], ["AddMonths", p.AddMonths, 6], ["AddDays", p.AddDays, 6], ["AddHours", p.AddHours, 6], ["AddMilliseconds", p.AddMilliseconds, 6], ["AddMinutes", p.AddMinutes, 6], ["AddSeconds", p.AddSeconds, 6]], [["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6], ["ctor$4", t.ctor$4, 6], ["ctor$5", t.ctor$5, 6], ["ctor$6", t.ctor$6, 6], ["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["JsDate", Date, 0], ["Date", 57, 1], ["Day", 45, 2], ["DayOfWeek", System.DayOfWeek, 3], ["DayOfYear", 45, 4], ["Hour", 45, 5], ["Kind", System.DateTimeKind, 6], ["Millisecond", 45, 7], ["Minute", 45, 8], ["Month", 45, 9], ["Now", 57, 10], ["UtcNow", 57, 11], ["Second", 45, 12], ["Today", 57, 13], ["Year", 45, 14]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.MinValue = new System.DateTime.ctor$1(new Date(-8640000000000000), 0);
$t.MaxValue = new System.DateTime.ctor$1(new Date(+8640000000000000), 0);
$t.ctor = function DateTime(dummy) {
this.value = new Date(0);
this.kind = 0;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function DateTime(value, kind) {
this.value = value;
this.kind = kind;
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.get_JsDate = function DateTime_get_JsDate() {
return this.value;
$t.ctor$2 = function DateTime(year, month, day) {
$t.ctor$, new Date(year, month - 1, day), 0);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) {
$t.ctor$, new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, second), 0);
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$4 = function DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, kind) {
$t.ctor$, new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, second), kind);
$t.ctor$4.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$5 = function DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond) {
$t.ctor$, new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond), 0);
$t.ctor$5.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$6 = function DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, kind) {
$t.ctor$, new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond), kind);
$t.ctor$6.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Date = function DateTime_get_Date() {
var clone = new Date(this.value.getTime());
return new System.DateTime.ctor$1(clone, this.kind);
$p.get_Day = function DateTime_get_Day() {
return this.value.getDate();
$p.get_DayOfWeek = function DateTime_get_DayOfWeek() {
return this.value.getDay();
$p.get_DayOfYear = function DateTime_get_DayOfYear() {
var now = new Date();
var start = new Date(now.getFullYear(), 0);
var diff = now - start;
var oneDay = 86400000;
var day = Math.ceil(diff / oneDay);
return day;
$p.get_Hour = function DateTime_get_Hour() {
return this.value.getHours();
$p.get_Kind = function DateTime_get_Kind() {
return this.kind;
$p.get_Millisecond = function DateTime_get_Millisecond() {
return this.value.getMilliseconds();
$p.get_Minute = function DateTime_get_Minute() {
return this.value.getMinutes();
$p.get_Month = function DateTime_get_Month() {
return this.value.getMonth() + 1;
$t.get_Now = function DateTime_get_Now() {
return new System.DateTime.ctor$1(new Date(), 2);
$t.get_UtcNow = function DateTime_get_UtcNow() {
var now = new Date();
var utcNow = new Date(now.getUTCFullYear(), now.getUTCMonth(), now.getUTCDate(), now.getUTCHours(),
now.getUTCMinutes(), now.getUTCSeconds(), now.getUTCMilliseconds());
return new System.DateTime.ctor$1(utcNow, 1);
$p.get_Second = function DateTime_get_Second() {
return this.value.getSeconds();
$t.get_Today = function DateTime_get_Today() {
return $t().get_Now().get_Date();
$p.get_Year = function DateTime_get_Year() {
return this.value.getFullYear();
$t.SpecifyKind = function DateTime_SpecifyKind(value, kind) {
return new System.DateTime.ctor$1(new Date(value.value.getTime()), kind);
$p.CompareTo = function DateTime_CompareTo(other) {
return ((this.value.getTime() - other.value.getTime()) | 0);
$p.CompareTo$1 = function DateTime_CompareTo(obj) {
if (!($, System.DateTime)))
return 1;
return this.CompareTo($d.cast(obj, System.DateTime));
$p.GetTypeCode = function DateTime_GetTypeCode() {
return 16;
$p.Equals$1 = function DateTime_Equals(other) {
return this.value.getTime() == other.value.getTime();
$p.ToDateTime = function DateTime_ToDateTime(provider) {
return this;
$p.ToString = function DateTime_ToString() {
return this.value.toString();
$p.ToString$1 = function DateTime_ToString(provider) {
return this.toString();
$p.ToString$2 = function DateTime_ToString(format, formatProvider) {
return this.toString();
$p.System$IConvertible$ToBoolean = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToBoolean(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'Boolean'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToChar = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToChar(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'Char'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToSByte = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToSByte(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'SByte'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToByte = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToByte(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'Byte'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToInt16 = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToInt16(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'Int16'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToUInt16 = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToUInt16(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'UInt16'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToInt32 = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToInt32(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'Int32'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToUInt32 = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToUInt32(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'UInt32'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToInt64 = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToInt64(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'Int64'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToUInt64 = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToUInt64(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'UInt64'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToSingle = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToSingle(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'Single'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToDouble = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToDouble(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'Double'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToDecimal = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToDecimal(provider) {
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'Decimal'");
$p.System$IConvertible$ToType = function DateTime_System_IConvertible_ToType(conversionType, provider) {
if (conversionType == $d.typeOf(System.DateTime))
return this;
if (conversionType == $d.typeOf(String))
return this.toString();
throw new System.InvalidCastException.ctor("Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to '" + conversionType.get_Name() + "'");
$t.op_Subtraction = function DateTime_op_Subtraction(left, right) {
return System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(left.value - right.value);
$p.Add = function DateTime_Add(value) {
return this.AddTicks(value.ticks);
$p.AddTicks = function DateTime_AddTicks(value) {
var milliseconds = (value / 10000 | 0);
var newDate = new Date(this.value.getTime());
newDate.setMilliseconds(newDate.getMilliseconds() + (milliseconds | 0));
return new System.DateTime.ctor$1(newDate, 0);
$p.AddYears = function DateTime_AddYears(value) {
return this.AddMonths(value * 12);
$p.AddMonths = function DateTime_AddMonths(months) {
var newDate = new Date(this.value.getTime());
newDate.setMonth(newDate.getMonth() + months);
return new System.DateTime.ctor$1(newDate, 0);
$p.AddDays = function DateTime_AddDays(value) {
return this.Add$1(value, 86400000);
$p.AddHours = function DateTime_AddHours(value) {
return this.Add$1(value, 3600000);
$p.AddMilliseconds = function DateTime_AddMilliseconds(value) {
return this.Add$1(value, 1);
$p.AddMinutes = function DateTime_AddMinutes(value) {
return this.Add$1(value, 60000);
$p.AddSeconds = function DateTime_AddSeconds(value) {
return this.Add$1(value, 1000);
$p.Add$1 = function DateTime_Add(value, scale) {
var num = $d.toInt64((value * scale + (value >= 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)));
return this.AddTicks(num * 10000);
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = $p.CompareTo$1;
$p.System$IFormattable$ToString = $p.ToString$2;
$p.System$IConvertible$GetTypeCode = $p.GetTypeCode;
$p.System$IConvertible$ToDateTime = $p.ToDateTime;
$p.System$IConvertible$ToString = $p.ToString$1;
$p.System$IComparable$1$CompareTo = $p.CompareTo;
$p.System$IEquatable$1$Equals = $p.Equals$1;
System.DateTimeKind = $d.declareEnum("System.DateTimeKind", 45, $asm, 257, ["Unspecified", "Utc", "Local"], [0, 1, 2]);
System.DayOfWeek = $d.declareEnum("System.DayOfWeek", 45, $asm, 257, ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
System.Decimal = $d.declare("System.Decimal", Number, 49, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.Decimal), System.IEquatable$1(System.Decimal)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
System.Diagnostics.Debug = $d.declare("System.Diagnostics.Debug", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Assert", t.Assert, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function Debug() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.Assert = function Debug_Assert(condition) {
if (!condition)
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("Assertion failed");
System.Diagnostics.Debugger = $d.declare("System.Diagnostics.Debugger", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["DefaultCategory", 20, 54]], [["Break", t.Break, 22], ["Launch", t.Launch, 22], ["get_IsAttached", t.get_IsAttached, 22], ["Log", t.Log, 22], ["IsLogging", t.IsLogging, 22]], null, [["IsAttached", 39, 2]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.DefaultCategory = null;
$t.Break = function Debugger_Break() {
$t.Launch = function Debugger_Launch() {
return true;
$t.get_IsAttached = function Debugger_get_IsAttached() {
return true;
$t.Log = function Debugger_Log(level, category, message) {
$t.IsLogging = function Debugger_IsLogging() {
return true;
System.Double = $d.declare("System.Double", Number, 51, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.Double), System.IEquatable$1(System.Double), System.IFormattable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["MinValue", 51, 86, -1.79769313486232E+308], ["MaxValue", 51, 86, 1.79769313486232E+308], ["Epsilon", 51, 86, 4.94065645841247E-324], ["NaN", 51, 86, NaN], ["NegativeInfinity", 51, 86, (-Infinity)], ["PositiveInfinity", 51, 86, Infinity]], [["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22], ["IsNaN", t.IsNaN, 22], ["IsInfinity", t.IsInfinity, 22], ["IsNegativeInfinity", t.IsNegativeInfinity, 22], ["IsPositiveInfinity", t.IsPositiveInfinity, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.MinValue = -1.79769313486232E+308;
$t.MaxValue = 1.79769313486232E+308;
$t.Epsilon = 4.94065645841247E-324;
$t.NaN = NaN;
$t.NegativeInfinity = (-Infinity);
$t.PositiveInfinity = Infinity;
$t.Parse = function Double_Parse(s) { return Number.Parse(System.Double, s); };
$t.TryParse = function Double_TryParse(s, result) { return Number.TryParse(System.Double, s, result); };
$t.IsNaN = function Double_IsNaN(d) { return isNaN(d); };
$t.IsInfinity = function Double_IsInfinity(d) { return !isFinite(d); };
$t.IsNegativeInfinity = function Double_IsNegativeInfinity(d) { return (d == (-Infinity)); };
$t.IsPositiveInfinity = function Double_IsPositiveInfinity(d) { return (d == Infinity); };
System.Drawing.Bitmap = $d.declare("System.Drawing.Bitmap", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.Image = null;
$t.ctor = function Bitmap(image) {
this.Image = image;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
DuoCode.Runtime.CompilerAttribute = $d.declare("DuoCode.Runtime.CompilerAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["Version", 20, 38]], null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], null, null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(1);$obj.set_Inherited(false);$obj.set_AllowMultiple(false);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.Version = null;
$t.ctor = function CompilerAttribute(version) {
this.Version = version;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Visit", p.Visit$1, 6], ["Visit", p.Visit, 6], ["VisitArguments", p.VisitArguments, 3], ["Visit", t.Visit, 22], ["VisitAndConvert", p.VisitAndConvert$1, 6], ["VisitAndConvert", p.VisitAndConvert, 6], ["VisitBinary", p.VisitBinary, 5], ["VisitConditional", p.VisitConditional, 5], ["VisitConstant", p.VisitConstant, 5], ["VisitDefault", p.VisitDefault, 5], ["VisitInvocation", p.VisitInvocation, 5], ["VisitLambda", p.VisitLambda, 5], ["VisitMember", p.VisitMember, 5], ["VisitIndex", p.VisitIndex, 5], ["VisitMethodCall", p.VisitMethodCall, 5], ["VisitNewArray", p.VisitNewArray, 5], ["VisitNew", p.VisitNew, 5], ["VisitParameter", p.VisitParameter, 5], ["VisitTypeBinary", p.VisitTypeBinary, 5], ["VisitUnary", p.VisitUnary, 5], ["VisitMemberInit", p.VisitMemberInit, 5], ["VisitListInit", p.VisitListInit, 5], ["VisitElementInit", p.VisitElementInit, 4], ["VisitMemberBinding", p.VisitMemberBinding, 4], ["VisitMemberAssignment", p.VisitMemberAssignment, 4], ["VisitMemberMemberBinding", p.VisitMemberMemberBinding, 4], ["VisitMemberListBinding", p.VisitMemberListBinding, 4]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 4]]]; };
$t.ctor = function ExpressionVisitor() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Visit$1 = function ExpressionVisitor_Visit(node) {
if (node != null) {
return node.Accept(this);
return null;
$p.Visit = function ExpressionVisitor_Visit(nodes) {
var newNodes = null;
for (var i = 0, n = nodes.get_Count(); i < n; i++) {
var node = this.Visit$1(nodes.get_Item(i));
if (newNodes != null) {
newNodes[i] = node;
if (!(node === nodes.get_Item(i))) {
newNodes = $d.array(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, n);
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
newNodes[j] = nodes.get_Item(j);
newNodes[i] = node;
if (newNodes == null) {
return nodes;
return new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression).ctor$1)(newNodes);
$p.VisitArguments = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitArguments(nodes) {
var newNodes = null;
for (var i = 0, n = nodes.System$Linq$Expressions$IArgumentProvider$get_Arguments().get_Count(); i < n; i++) {
var curNode = nodes.System$Linq$Expressions$IArgumentProvider$get_Arguments().get_Item(i);
var node = this.Visit$1(curNode);
if (newNodes != null) {
newNodes[i] = node;
if (!(node === curNode)) {
newNodes = $d.array(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, n);
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
newNodes[j] = nodes.System$Linq$Expressions$IArgumentProvider$get_Arguments().get_Item(j);
newNodes[i] = node;
return newNodes;
$t.Visit = function ExpressionVisitor_Visit(T, nodes, elementVisitor) {
var newNodes = null;
for (var i = 0, n = nodes.get_Count(); i < n; i++) {
var node = elementVisitor(nodes.get_Item(i));
if (newNodes != null) {
newNodes[i] = node;
if (!(node === nodes.get_Item(i))) {
newNodes = $d.array(T, n);
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
newNodes[j] = nodes.get_Item(j);
newNodes[i] = node;
if (newNodes == null) {
return nodes;
return new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(T).ctor$1)(newNodes);
$p.VisitAndConvert$1 = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitAndConvert(T, node, callerName) {
if (node == null) {
return null;
node = $$1(node), T);
if (node == null) {
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("MustRewriteToSameNode");
return node;
$p.VisitAndConvert = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitAndConvert(T, nodes, callerName) {
var newNodes = null;
for (var i = 0, n = nodes.get_Count(); i < n; i++) {
var node = $$1(nodes.get_Item(i)), T);
if (node == null) {
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("MustRewriteToSameNode");
if (newNodes != null) {
newNodes[i] = node;
if (!(node === nodes.get_Item(i))) {
newNodes = $d.array(T, n);
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
newNodes[j] = nodes.get_Item(j);
newNodes[i] = node;
if (newNodes == null) {
return nodes;
return new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(T).ctor$1)(newNodes);
$p.VisitBinary = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitBinary(node) {
return $t.ValidateBinary(node, node.Update(this.Visit$1(node.get_Left()), this.VisitAndConvert$1(System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression,
node.get_Conversion(), "VisitBinary"), this.Visit$1(node.get_Right())));
$p.VisitConditional = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitConditional(node) {
return node.Update(this.Visit$1(node.get_Test()), this.Visit$1(node.get_IfTrue()), this.Visit$1(node.get_IfFalse()));
$p.VisitConstant = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitConstant(node) {
return node;
$p.VisitDefault = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitDefault(node) {
return node;
$p.VisitInvocation = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitInvocation(node) {
var e = this.Visit$1(node.get_Expression());
var a = this.VisitArguments(node);
if (e == node.get_Expression() && a == null) {
return node;
return node.Rewrite(e, a);
$p.VisitLambda = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitLambda(T, node) {
return node.Update(this.Visit$1(node.get_Body()), this.VisitAndConvert(System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression,
node.get_Parameters(), "VisitLambda"));
$p.VisitMember = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitMember(node) {
return node.Update(this.Visit$1(node.get_Expression()));
$p.VisitIndex = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitIndex(node) {
var o = this.Visit$1(node.get_Object());
var a = this.VisitArguments(node);
if (o == node.get_Object() && a == null) {
return node;
return node;
$p.VisitMethodCall = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitMethodCall(node) {
var o = this.Visit$1(node.get_Object());
var a = this.VisitArguments(node);
if (o == node.get_Object() && a == null) {
return node;
return node;
$p.VisitNewArray = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitNewArray(node) {
return node.Update(this.Visit(node.get_Expressions()));
$p.VisitNew = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitNew(node) {
return node.Update(this.Visit(node.get_Arguments()));
$p.VisitParameter = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitParameter(node) {
return node;
$p.VisitTypeBinary = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitTypeBinary(node) {
return node.Update(this.Visit$1(node.get_Expression()));
$p.VisitUnary = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitUnary(node) {
return $t.ValidateUnary(node, node.Update(this.Visit$1(node.get_Operand())));
$p.VisitMemberInit = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitMemberInit(node) {
return node.Update(this.VisitAndConvert$1(System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression, node.get_NewExpression(),
"VisitMemberInit"), $t.Visit(System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding, node.get_Bindings(),
$d.delegate(this.VisitMemberBinding, this)));
$p.VisitListInit = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitListInit(node) {
return node.Update(this.VisitAndConvert$1(System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression, node.get_NewExpression(),
"VisitListInit"), $t.Visit(System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit, node.get_Initializers(),
$d.delegate(this.VisitElementInit, this)));
$p.VisitElementInit = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitElementInit(node) {
return node.Update(this.Visit(node.get_Arguments()));
$p.VisitMemberBinding = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitMemberBinding(node) {
switch (node.get_BindingType()) {
case 0:
return this.VisitMemberAssignment($d.cast(node, System.Linq.Expressions.MemberAssignment));
case 1:
return this.VisitMemberMemberBinding($d.cast(node, System.Linq.Expressions.MemberMemberBinding));
case 2:
return this.VisitMemberListBinding($d.cast(node, System.Linq.Expressions.MemberListBinding));
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("UnhandledBindingType");
$p.VisitMemberAssignment = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitMemberAssignment(node) {
return node.Update(this.Visit$1(node.get_Expression()));
$p.VisitMemberMemberBinding = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitMemberMemberBinding(node) {
return node.Update($t.Visit(System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding, node.get_Bindings(), $d.delegate(this.VisitMemberBinding,
$p.VisitMemberListBinding = function ExpressionVisitor_VisitMemberListBinding(node) {
return node.Update($t.Visit(System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit, node.get_Initializers(), $d.delegate(this.VisitElementInit,
$t.ValidateUnary = function ExpressionVisitor_ValidateUnary(before, after) {
if (before != after && before.get_Method() == null) {
if (after.get_Method() != null) {
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("MustRewriteWithoutMethod");
if (before.get_Operand() != null && after.get_Operand() != null) {
$t.ValidateChildType(before.get_Operand().get_Type(), after.get_Operand().get_Type(),
return after;
$t.ValidateBinary = function ExpressionVisitor_ValidateBinary(before, after) {
if (before != after && before.get_Method() == null) {
if (after.get_Method() != null) {
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("MustRewriteWithoutMethod");
$t.ValidateChildType(before.get_Left().get_Type(), after.get_Left().get_Type(), "VisitBinary");
$t.ValidateChildType(before.get_Right().get_Type(), after.get_Right().get_Type(), "VisitBinary");
return after;
$t.ValidateChildType = function ExpressionVisitor_ValidateChildType(before, after, methodName) {
if (before.get_IsValueType()) {
if (before == after) {
if (!after.get_IsValueType()) {
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("MustRewriteChildToSameType");
DuoCode.Runtime.Evaluator = $d.declare("DuoCode.Runtime.Evaluator", System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [256, null, [["AddArgument", p.AddArgument, 6], ["Evaluate", p.Evaluate, 6], ["VisitConstant", p.VisitConstant, 5], ["VisitBinary", p.VisitBinary, 5], ["VisitConditional", p.VisitConditional, 5], ["VisitMember", p.VisitMember, 5], ["VisitMethodCall", p.VisitMethodCall, 5], ["VisitNew", p.VisitNew, 5], ["VisitMemberInit", p.VisitMemberInit, 5], ["VisitListInit", p.VisitListInit, 5], ["VisitUnary", p.VisitUnary, 5], ["VisitInvocation", p.VisitInvocation, 5], ["VisitTypeBinary", p.VisitTypeBinary, 5], ["VisitNewArray", p.VisitNewArray, 5], ["VisitParameter", p.VisitParameter, 5], ["VisitLambda", p.VisitLambda, 5]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.expression = null;
this.stack = new (System.Collections.Generic.Stack$1(System.Object).ctor)();
this.arguments = new (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2(System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression,
$t.ctor = function Evaluator(expression) {
this.expression = expression;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.AddArgument = function Evaluator_AddArgument(parameter, value) {
this.arguments.set_Item(parameter, value);
$p.Evaluate = function Evaluator_Evaluate() {
return this.stack.Peek();
$p.VisitConstant = function Evaluator_VisitConstant(node) {
$t.$, node);
return node;
$p.VisitBinary = function Evaluator_VisitBinary(node) {
$t.$, node);
var right = this.stack.Pop();
var left = this.stack.Pop();
switch (node.get_NodeType()) {
case 0:
this.stack.Push(DuoCode.Runtime.GenericMath.Add(left, right));
case 42:
this.stack.Push(DuoCode.Runtime.GenericMath.Subtract(left, right));
case 26:
this.stack.Push(DuoCode.Runtime.GenericMath.Multiply(left, right));
case 12:
this.stack.Push(DuoCode.Runtime.GenericMath.Divide(left, right));
case 25:
this.stack.Push(DuoCode.Runtime.GenericMath.Modulus(left, right));
case 5:
var array = $d.cast(left, Array);
var index = $d.cast(System.Convert.ChangeType(right, $d.typeOf(System.Int64)), System.Int64);
var value = array.GetValue$1(index);
return node;
$p.VisitConditional = function Evaluator_VisitConditional(node) {
$t.$, node);
var ifFalse = this.stack.Pop();
var ifTrue = this.stack.Pop();
var test = $d.cast(this.stack.Pop(), Boolean);
this.stack.Push(test ? ifTrue : ifFalse);
return node;
$p.VisitMember = function Evaluator_VisitMember(node) {
$t.$, node);
var obj = this.stack.Pop();
var fieldInfo = $, System.Reflection.FieldInfo);
if (fieldInfo != null) {
var field = fieldInfo;
var value = field.GetValue(obj);
else {
var property = $d.cast(node.get_Member(), System.Reflection.PropertyInfo);
var value = property.GetValue$1(obj, null);
return node;
$p.VisitMethodCall = function Evaluator_VisitMethodCall(node) {
$t.$, node);
var args = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Object, System.Linq.Enumerable.Reverse(System.Object,
System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, System.Object, node.get_Arguments(),
$d.delegate(function(_) {
return this.stack.Pop();
}, this))));
var obj = this.stack.Pop();
var value = node.get_Method().Invoke(obj, args);
return node;
$p.VisitNew = function Evaluator_VisitNew(node) {
$t.$, node);
var args = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Object, System.Linq.Enumerable.Reverse(System.Object,
System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, System.Object, node.get_Arguments(),
$d.delegate(function(_) {
return this.stack.Pop();
}, this))));
var obj = node.get_Constructor().Invoke$2(args);
return node;
$p.VisitMemberInit = function Evaluator_VisitMemberInit(node) {
$t.$, node);
var bindings = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Object, System.Linq.Enumerable.Reverse(System.Object,
System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding, System.Object, node.get_Bindings(),
$d.delegate(function(_) {
return this.stack.Pop();
}, this))));
var obj = this.stack.Pop();
for (var i = 0; i < node.get_Bindings().get_Count(); i++) {
var binding = node.get_Bindings().get_Item(i);
var fieldInfo = $, System.Reflection.FieldInfo);
if (fieldInfo != null) {
fieldInfo.SetValue(obj, bindings[i]);
else {
var propertyInfo = $, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo);
if (propertyInfo != null) {
propertyInfo.SetValue$1(obj, bindings[i], null);
return node;
$p.VisitListInit = function Evaluator_VisitListInit(node) {
$t.$, node);
var args = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray($d.arrayType(System.Object), System.Linq.Enumerable.Reverse($d.arrayType(System.Object),
System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit, $d.arrayType(System.Object),
node.get_Initializers(), $d.delegate(function(init) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Object, System.Linq.Enumerable.Reverse(System.Object,
System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, System.Object,
init.get_Arguments(), $d.delegate(function(_) {
return this.stack.Pop();
}, this))));
}, this))));
var list = this.stack.Pop();
for (var i = 0; i < node.get_Initializers().get_Count(); i++) {
var binding = node.get_Initializers().get_Item(i);
var argument = args[i];
binding.get_AddMethod().Invoke(list, argument);
return node;
$p.VisitUnary = function Evaluator_VisitUnary(node) {
$t.$, node);
var value = this.stack.Pop();
switch (node.get_NodeType()) {
case 34:
this.stack.Push(!$d.cast(value, Boolean));
case 10:
this.stack.Push(System.Convert.ChangeType(value, node.get_Type()));
case 44:
this.stack.Push(node.get_Type().IsInstanceOfType(value) ? value : null);
return node;
$p.VisitInvocation = function Evaluator_VisitInvocation(node) {
$t.$, node);
var args = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Object, System.Linq.Enumerable.Reverse(System.Object,
System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, System.Object, node.get_Arguments(),
$d.delegate(function(_) {
return this.stack.Pop();
}, this))));
var lambda = $d.cast(this.stack.Pop(), System.Delegate);
var value = lambda.DynamicInvoke(args);
return node;
$p.VisitTypeBinary = function Evaluator_VisitTypeBinary(node) {
$t.$, node);
var expression = this.stack.Pop();
var value = node.get_TypeOperand().IsInstanceOfType(expression);
return node;
$p.VisitNewArray = function Evaluator_VisitNewArray(node) {
$t.$, node);
var args = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Object, System.Linq.Enumerable.Reverse(System.Object,
System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, System.Object, node.get_Expressions(),
$d.delegate(function(_) {
return this.stack.Pop();
}, this))));
var array = Array.CreateInstance(node.get_Type().GetElementType(), node.get_Expressions().get_Count(),
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array.SetValue(args[i], i);
return node;
$p.VisitParameter = function Evaluator_VisitParameter(node) {
var value = this.arguments.get_Item(node);
return node;
$p.VisitLambda = function Evaluator_VisitLambda(T, node) {
return node;
DuoCode.Runtime.EvaluatorExtensions = $d.declare("DuoCode.Runtime.EvaluatorExtensions", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["Evaluate", t.Evaluate, 22], ["ExtractArguments", t.ExtractArguments, 22], ["ExtractArguments", t.ExtractArguments$1, 22]]]; };
$t.Evaluate = function EvaluatorExtensions_Evaluate(expression) {
return new DuoCode.Runtime.Evaluator.ctor(expression).Evaluate();
$t.ExtractArguments = function EvaluatorExtensions_ExtractArguments(expression) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Object, System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,
System.Object, expression.get_Arguments(), $d.delegate(function(x) {
return DuoCode.Runtime.EvaluatorExtensions.Evaluate(x);
}, this)));
$t.ExtractArguments$1 = function EvaluatorExtensions_ExtractArguments(expression) {
var parameters = expression.get_Method().parameters;
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary$1($asm.anonymousTypes[0], String, System.Object, System.Linq.Enumerable.Select$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,
$asm.anonymousTypes[0], expression.get_Arguments(), $d.delegate(function(x, i) {
return new $asm.anonymousTypes[0].ctor(parameters[i].get_Name(), DuoCode.Runtime.EvaluatorExtensions.Evaluate(x));
}, this)), $d.delegate(function(x) {
return x.get_Name();
}, this), $d.delegate(function(x) {
return x.get_Value();
}, this));
DuoCode.Runtime.GenericMath = $d.declare("DuoCode.Runtime.GenericMath", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [256, null, [["Add", t.Add, 22], ["Subtract", t.Subtract, 22], ["Multiply", t.Multiply, 22], ["Divide", t.Divide, 22], ["Modulus", t.Modulus, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function GenericMath() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.IsInteger = function GenericMath_IsInteger(type) {
return type == $d.typeOf(System.Byte) || type == $d.typeOf(System.Int16) || type == $d.typeOf(System.Int32) || type == $d.typeOf(System.Int64);
$t.IsBinaryFloat = function GenericMath_IsBinaryFloat(type) {
return type == $d.typeOf(System.Single) || type == $d.typeOf(System.Double);
$t.IsDecimal = function GenericMath_IsDecimal(type) {
return false;
$t.GetWidestType = function GenericMath_GetWidestType(type1, type2) {
if (type1 == type2)
return type1;
if ($t.IsInteger(type1))
return type2;
if ($t.IsBinaryFloat(type1)) {
if (!$t.IsDecimal(type2))
return type1;
if ($t.IsDecimal(type1)) {
if (!$t.IsBinaryFloat(type2))
return type1;
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("There is no implicit conversion between " + type1.get_FullName() + " and " + type2.get_FullName());
$t.Add = function GenericMath_Add(left, right) {
var widestType = $t.GetWidestType($d.getTypeFromInst(left), $d.getTypeFromInst(right));
left = System.Convert.ChangeType(left, widestType);
right = System.Convert.ChangeType(right, widestType);
if ($, System.Byte))
return $d.cast(left, System.Byte) + $d.cast(right, System.Byte);
if ($, System.Int16))
return $d.cast(left, System.Int16) + $d.cast(right, System.Int16);
if ($, System.Int32))
return $d.cast(left, System.Int32) + $d.cast(right, System.Int32);
if ($, System.Int64))
return $d.cast(left, System.Int64) + $d.cast(right, System.Int64);
if ($, System.Single))
return $d.cast(left, System.Single) + $d.cast(right, System.Single);
if ($, System.Decimal))
return $d.cast(left, System.Decimal) + $d.cast(right, System.Decimal);
return $d.cast(left, System.Double) + $d.cast(right, System.Double);
$t.Subtract = function GenericMath_Subtract(left, right) {
var widestType = $t.GetWidestType($d.getTypeFromInst(left), $d.getTypeFromInst(right));
left = System.Convert.ChangeType(left, widestType);
right = System.Convert.ChangeType(right, widestType);
if ($, System.Byte))
return $d.cast(left, System.Byte) - $d.cast(right, System.Byte);
if ($, System.Int16))
return $d.cast(left, System.Int16) - $d.cast(right, System.Int16);
if ($, System.Int32))
return $d.cast(left, System.Int32) - $d.cast(right, System.Int32);
if ($, System.Int64))
return $d.cast(left, System.Int64) - $d.cast(right, System.Int64);
if ($, System.Single))
return $d.cast(left, System.Single) - $d.cast(right, System.Single);
if ($, System.Decimal))
return $d.cast(left, System.Decimal) - $d.cast(right, System.Decimal);
return $d.cast(left, System.Double) - $d.cast(right, System.Double);
$t.Multiply = function GenericMath_Multiply(left, right) {
var widestType = $t.GetWidestType($d.getTypeFromInst(left), $d.getTypeFromInst(right));
left = System.Convert.ChangeType(left, widestType);
right = System.Convert.ChangeType(right, widestType);
if ($, System.Byte))
return $d.cast(left, System.Byte) * $d.cast(right, System.Byte);
if ($, System.Int16))
return $d.cast(left, System.Int16) * $d.cast(right, System.Int16);
if ($, System.Int32))
return $d.cast(left, System.Int32) * $d.cast(right, System.Int32);
if ($, System.Int64))
return $d.cast(left, System.Int64) * $d.cast(right, System.Int64);
if ($, System.Single))
return $d.cast(left, System.Single) * $d.cast(right, System.Single);
if ($, System.Decimal))
return $d.cast(left, System.Decimal) * $d.cast(right, System.Decimal);
return $d.cast(left, System.Double) * $d.cast(right, System.Double);
$t.Divide = function GenericMath_Divide(left, right) {
var widestType = $t.GetWidestType($d.getTypeFromInst(left), $d.getTypeFromInst(right));
left = System.Convert.ChangeType(left, widestType);
right = System.Convert.ChangeType(right, widestType);
if ($, System.Byte))
return ($d.cast(left, System.Byte) / $d.cast(right, System.Byte) | 0);
if ($, System.Int16))
return ($d.cast(left, System.Int16) / $d.cast(right, System.Int16) | 0);
if ($, System.Int32))
return ($d.cast(left, System.Int32) / $d.cast(right, System.Int32) | 0);
if ($, System.Int64))
return ($d.cast(left, System.Int64) / $d.cast(right, System.Int64) | 0);
if ($, System.Single))
return $d.cast(left, System.Single) / $d.cast(right, System.Single);
if ($, System.Decimal))
return $d.cast(left, System.Decimal) / $d.cast(right, System.Decimal);
return $d.cast(left, System.Double) / $d.cast(right, System.Double);
$t.Modulus = function GenericMath_Modulus(left, right) {
var widestType = $t.GetWidestType($d.getTypeFromInst(left), $d.getTypeFromInst(right));
left = System.Convert.ChangeType(left, widestType);
right = System.Convert.ChangeType(right, widestType);
if ($, System.Byte))
return $d.cast(left, System.Byte) % $d.cast(right, System.Byte);
if ($, System.Int16))
return $d.cast(left, System.Int16) % $d.cast(right, System.Int16);
if ($, System.Int32))
return $d.cast(left, System.Int32) % $d.cast(right, System.Int32);
if ($, System.Int64))
return $d.cast(left, System.Int64) % $d.cast(right, System.Int64);
if ($, System.Single))
return $d.cast(left, System.Single) % $d.cast(right, System.Single);
if ($, System.Decimal))
return $d.cast(left, System.Decimal) % $d.cast(right, System.Decimal);
return $d.cast(left, System.Double) % $d.cast(right, System.Double);
System.Environment = $d.declare("System.Environment", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["NewLine", 20, 54]], [["GetResourceString", t.GetResourceString, 19], ["GetResourceString", t.GetResourceString$1, 19], ["get_CurrentManagedThreadId", t.get_CurrentManagedThreadId, 22], ["get_TickCount", t.get_TickCount, 22]], null, [["CurrentManagedThreadId", 45, 2], ["TickCount", 45, 3]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.NewLine = "\n";
$t.GetResourceString = function Environment_GetResourceString(key) {
return key;
$t.GetResourceString$1 = function Environment_GetResourceString(key, values) {
var result = $t.GetResourceString(key);
if (values != null && values.length > 0) {
result += ": " + {
return v.toString();
return result;
$t.get_CurrentManagedThreadId = function Environment_get_CurrentManagedThreadId() {
return 1;
$t.get_TickCount = function Environment_get_TickCount() {
return ((System.Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() / 10000 | 0) | 0);
System.EventArgs = $d.declare("System.EventArgs", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["Empty", System.EventArgs, 54]], null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.Empty = new System.EventArgs.ctor();
$t.ctor = function EventArgs() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.EventHandler = $d.declare("System.EventHandler", null, 65, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
System.EventHandler$1 = $d.declare("System.EventHandler`1", null, 321, $asm, function($t, $p, TEventArgs) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
}, ["TEventArgs"]);
System.FlagsAttribute = $d.declare("System.FlagsAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], null, null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(16);$obj.set_Inherited(false);$obj.set_AllowMultiple(false);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.ctor = function FlagsAttribute() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.FormatException = $d.declare("System.FormatException", System.Exception, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function FormatException() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function FormatException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function FormatException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
System.GC = $d.declare("System.GC", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["KeepAlive", t.KeepAlive, 22], ["SuppressFinalize", t.SuppressFinalize, 22]]]; };
$t.KeepAlive = function GC_KeepAlive(obj) {};
$t.SuppressFinalize = function GC_SuppressFinalize(obj) {
if (obj == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("obj");
System.Globalization.CompareInfo = $d.declare("System.Globalization.CompareInfo", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Compare", p.Compare, 6], ["Compare", p.Compare$1, 6], ["Compare", p.Compare$4, 6], ["Compare", p.Compare$3, 6], ["Compare", p.Compare$2, 6], ["Compare", p.Compare$5, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function CompareInfo() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Compare = function CompareInfo_Compare(string1, string2) {
return this.Compare$1(string1, string2, 0);
$p.Compare$1 = function CompareInfo_Compare(string1, string2, options) {
return String.Compare(string1, string2);
$p.Compare$4 = function CompareInfo_Compare(string1, offset1, length1, string2, offset2, length2) {
return this.Compare$5(string1, offset1, length1, string2, offset2, length2, 0);
$p.Compare$3 = function CompareInfo_Compare(string1, offset1, string2, offset2, options) {
return this.Compare$5(string1, offset1, string1 == null ? 0 : string1.length - offset1, string2,
offset2, string2 == null ? 0 : string2.length - offset2, options);
$p.Compare$2 = function CompareInfo_Compare(string1, offset1, string2, offset2) {
return this.Compare$3(string1, offset1, string2, offset2, 0);
$p.Compare$5 = function CompareInfo_Compare(string1, offset1, length1, string2, offset2, length2, options) {
return String.Compare$1(string1.Substring$1(offset1, length1), string2.Substring$1(offset2, length2),
System.Globalization.CompareOptions = $d.declareEnum("System.Globalization.CompareOptions", 45, $asm, 289, ["None", "IgnoreCase", "IgnoreNonSpace", "IgnoreSymbols", "IgnoreKanaType", "IgnoreWidth", "OrdinalIgnoreCase", "StringSort", "Ordinal"], [0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000]);
System.IFormatProvider = $d.declare("System.IFormatProvider", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["GetFormat", null, 6]]]; };
System.Globalization.CultureInfo = $d.declare("System.Globalization.CultureInfo", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.IFormatProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["CurrentCulture", System.Globalization.CultureInfo, 54], ["InvariantCulture", System.Globalization.CultureInfo, 54]], [["get_Name", p.get_Name, 6], ["get_CompareInfo", p.get_CompareInfo, 6], ["GetFormat", p.GetFormat, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Name", 20, 0], ["CompareInfo", System.Globalization.CompareInfo, 1]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo.ctor();
$t.InvariantCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo.ctor();
$t.$ator = function() {
this.Name = null;
this.CompareInfo = null;
$p.get_Name = function CultureInfo_get_Name() { return this.Name; };
$p.set_Name = function CultureInfo_set_Name(value) { this.Name = value;return value; };
$p.get_CompareInfo = function CultureInfo_get_CompareInfo() { return this.CompareInfo; };
$p.set_CompareInfo = function CultureInfo_set_CompareInfo(value) { this.CompareInfo = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function CultureInfo() {
this.set_CompareInfo(new System.Globalization.CompareInfo.ctor());
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.GetFormat = function CultureInfo_GetFormat(formatType) {
return null;
$p.System$IFormatProvider$GetFormat = $p.GetFormat;
System.Guid = $d.declare("System.Guid", null, 62, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IFormattable, System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.Guid), System.IEquatable$1(System.Guid)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["Empty", System.Guid, 54]], [["NewGuid", t.NewGuid, 22], ["CompareTo", p.CompareTo$1, 6], ["CompareTo", p.CompareTo, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals$1, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["ToByteArray", p.ToByteArray, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString$1, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString$2, 6], ["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["ParseExact", t.ParseExact, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22], ["TryParseExact", t.TryParseExact, 22]], [["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.Empty = new System.Guid.ctor();
$t.zeros = $d.array(System.Byte, 16);
$t.random = new System.Random.ctor();
$t.ctor = function Guid() {
this.a = null;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function Guid(b) {
if (b == null || b.length != 16)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("b");
this.a = $d.array(System.Byte, 16);
b.CopyTo(this.a, 0);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.NewGuid = function Guid_NewGuid() {
var a = $d.array(System.Byte, 16);
a[6] = ((a[6] & 15 | 64) & 0xFF);
a[8] = ((a[8] & 191 | 128) & 0xFF);
return new System.Guid.ctor$1(a);
$p.CompareTo$1 = function Guid_CompareTo(obj) { return this.CompareTo($d.cast(obj, System.Guid)); };
$p.CompareTo = function Guid_CompareTo(other) {
if (this === other)
return 0;
var a = this.a || $t().zeros;
var b = other.a || $t().zeros;
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (a[i] < b[i])
return -1;
if (a[i] > b[i])
return 1;
return 0;
$p.Equals = function Guid_Equals(o) {
if (o == null || !($, System.Guid)))
return false;
return this.CompareTo($d.cast(o, System.Guid)) == 0;
$p.Equals$1 = function Guid_Equals(other) {
return this.CompareTo(other) == 0;
$p.GetHashCode = function Guid_GetHashCode() {
var hash = 0;
if (this.a != null)
for (var k = 0; k < 16; k += 4) {
hash ^= (this.a[k] | (this.a[k + 1] << 8) | (this.a[k + 2] << 16) | (this.a[k + 3] << 24));
return hash;
$p.ToByteArray = function Guid_ToByteArray() {
var a = this.a || $t().zeros;
return a.Clone();
$p.ToString = function Guid_ToString() { return this.ToString$2("D", null); };
$p.ToString$1 = function Guid_ToString(format) { return this.ToString$2(format, null); };
$t.HexToChar = function Guid_HexToChar(a) {
a = a & 15;
return (((a > 9) ? a - 10 + 97 : a + 48) & 0xFFFF);
$t.HexsToChars = function Guid_HexsToChars(guidChars, offset, a, b) {
guidChars[offset++] = $t.HexToChar(a >> 4);
guidChars[offset++] = $t.HexToChar(a);
guidChars[offset++] = $t.HexToChar(b >> 4);
guidChars[offset++] = $t.HexToChar(b);
return offset;
$p.ToString$2 = function Guid_ToString(format, provider) {
if (format == null || format.length == 0)
format = "D";
var guidChars;
var offset = 0;
var strLength = 38;
var dash = true;
if (format.length != 1) {
throw new System.FormatException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidGuidFormatSpecification"));
var formatCh = format.get_Chars(0);
if (formatCh == 68 /*'D'*/ || formatCh == 100 /*'d'*/) {
guidChars = $d.array(System.Char, 36);
strLength = 36;
if (formatCh == 78 /*'N'*/ || formatCh == 110 /*'n'*/) {
guidChars = $d.array(System.Char, 32);
strLength = 32;
dash = false;
if (formatCh == 66 /*'B'*/ || formatCh == 98 /*'b'*/) {
guidChars = $d.array(System.Char, 38);
guidChars[offset++] = 123 /*'{'*/;
guidChars[37] = 125 /*'}'*/;
if (formatCh == 80 /*'P'*/ || formatCh == 112 /*'p'*/) {
guidChars = $d.array(System.Char, 38);
guidChars[offset++] = 40 /*'('*/;
guidChars[37] = 41 /*')'*/;
throw new System.FormatException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidGuidFormatSpecification"));
var a = this.a || $t().zeros;
offset = $t.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset, a[0], a[1]);
offset = $t.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset, a[2], a[3]);
if (dash)
guidChars[offset++] = 45 /*'-'*/;
offset = $t.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset, a[4], a[5]);
if (dash)
guidChars[offset++] = 45 /*'-'*/;
offset = $t.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset, a[6], a[7]);
if (dash)
guidChars[offset++] = 45 /*'-'*/;
offset = $t.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset, a[8], a[9]);
if (dash)
guidChars[offset++] = 45 /*'-'*/;
offset = $t.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset, a[10], a[11]);
offset = $t.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset, a[12], a[13]);
offset = $t.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset, a[14], a[15]);
return String.ctor$3(guidChars, 0, strLength);
$t.Parse = function Guid_Parse(input) {
return $t.ParseExact(input, null);
$t.ParseExact = function Guid_ParseExact(input, format) {
if (input == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("input");
var result = { value: new System.Guid.ctor() };
if (!$t.TryParseExact(input, format, result))
throw new System.FormatException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Format_GuidUnrecognized"));
return result.value;
$t.TryParse = function Guid_TryParse(input, result) {
return $t.TryParseExact(input, null, result);
$t.TryParseExact = function Guid_TryParseExact(input, format, result) {
result.value = System.Guid().Empty;
if (input == null || (format != null && format.length != 1))
return false;
var r = null;
var parts;
if (format == null || format == "b" || format == "p" || format == "d") {
var p = input.get_Chars(0);
var s = input.get_Chars(input.length - 1);
if ((format == "b" && (p != 123 /*'{'*/ || s != 125 /*'}'*/)) || (format == "p" && (p != 40 /*'('*/ || s != 41 /*')'*/)) || (format == "d" && input.length != 36))
return false;
parts = /^[{(]?([0-9a-f]{8})-?([0-9a-f]{4})-?([0-9a-f]{4})-?([0-9a-f]{4})-?([0-9a-f]{12})[)}]?$/ig.exec(input);
if (parts == null)
return false;
r = parts.slice(1).join("");
if (format == "n") {
if (!/^([0-9a-f]{16})$/ig.test(input))
return false;
r = input;
var a = $d.array(System.Byte, 16);
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
a[i] = parseInt(r.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), 16);
result.value = new System.Guid.ctor$1(a);
return true;
$p.System$IFormattable$ToString = $p.ToString$2;
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = $p.CompareTo$1;
$p.System$IComparable$1$CompareTo = $p.CompareTo;
$p.System$IEquatable$1$Equals = $p.Equals$1;
System.ICustomFormatter = $d.declare("System.ICustomFormatter", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Format", null, 6]]]; };
System.IdentityFunction$1 = $d.declare("System.IdentityFunction`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, [["Default", System.Func$2(T, T), 54]], null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.Default = $d.delegate(function(x) {
return x;
}, this);
$t.ctor = function IdentityFunction$1() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
}, ["T"]);
System.IndexOutOfRangeException = $d.declare("System.IndexOutOfRangeException", System.SystemException, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function IndexOutOfRangeException() {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_IndexOutOfRangeException"));
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function IndexOutOfRangeException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function IndexOutOfRangeException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
System.Int16 = $d.declare("System.Int16", Number, 43, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.Int16), System.IEquatable$1(System.Int16), System.IFormattable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["MaxValue", 43, 86, 32767], ["MinValue", 43, 86, -32768]], [["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.MaxValue = 32767;
$t.MinValue = -32768;
$t.Parse = function Int16_Parse(s) { return Number.Parse(System.Int16, s); };
$t.TryParse = function Int16_TryParse(s, result) { return Number.TryParse(System.Int16, s, result); };
System.Int32 = $d.declare("System.Int32", Number, 45, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.Int32), System.IEquatable$1(System.Int32), System.IFormattable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["MaxValue", 45, 86, 2147483647], ["MinValue", 45, 86, -2147483648]], [["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.MaxValue = 2147483647;
$t.MinValue = -2147483648;
$t.Parse = function Int32_Parse(s) { return Number.Parse(System.Int32, s); };
$t.TryParse = function Int32_TryParse(s, result) { return Number.TryParse(System.Int32, s, result); };
System.Int64 = $d.declare("System.Int64", Number, 47, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.Int64), System.IEquatable$1(System.Int64), System.IFormattable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["MinValue", 47, 86, -9007199254740991], ["MaxValue", 47, 86, 9007199254740991]], [["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.MinValue = -9007199254740991;
$t.MaxValue = 9007199254740991;
$t.Parse = function Int64_Parse(s) { return Number.Parse(System.Int64, s); };
$t.TryParse = function Int64_TryParse(s, result) { return Number.TryParse(System.Int64, s, result); };
System.InvalidCastException = $d.declare("System.InvalidCastException", System.Exception, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function InvalidCastException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.InvalidOperationException = $d.declare("System.InvalidOperationException", System.Exception, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function InvalidOperationException() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function InvalidOperationException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function InvalidOperationException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
System.IObservable$1 = $d.declare("System.IObservable`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Subscribe", null, 6]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.IObserver$1 = $d.declare("System.IObserver`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["OnNext", null, 6], ["OnError", null, 6], ["OnCompleted", null, 6]]]; };
}, ["T"]);
System.IO.Base64Decoder = $d.declare("System.IO.Base64Decoder", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["Decode", t.Decode, 22]]]; };
$t.DecodeChar = function Base64Decoder_DecodeChar(c) {
return c > 64 && c < 91 ? c - 65 : c > 96 && c < 123 ? c - 71 : c > 47 && c < 58 ? c + 4 : c == 43 ? 62 : c == 47 ? 63 : 0;
$t.Decode = function Base64Decoder_Decode(s) {
var sl = s.length;
var length = (sl * 3 + 1) >> 2;
if (s.charCodeAt(sl - 1) == 61 /*'='*/)
length -= 1;
if (s.charCodeAt(sl - 2) == 61 /*'='*/)
length -= 1;
var result = $d.array(System.Byte, length);
var dstIndex = 0, mod3 = 0, mod4 = 0, int24 = 0;
for (var srcIndex = 0; srcIndex < sl; srcIndex++) {
mod4 = srcIndex & 3;
int24 |= $t.DecodeChar(s.charCodeAt(srcIndex)) << 18 - 6 * mod4;
if (mod4 == 3 || sl - srcIndex == 1) {
for (mod3 = 0; mod3 < 3 && dstIndex < length; mod3++, dstIndex++) {
result[dstIndex] = ((int24 >> (16 >> mod3 & 24) & 255) & 0xFF);
int24 = 0;
return result;
System.IO.IOException = $d.declare("System.IO.IOException", System.SystemException, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6], ["ctor$4", t.ctor$4, 3], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this._maybeFullPath = null;
$t.ctor = function IOException() {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_IOException"));
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function IOException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function IOException(message, hresult) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$4 = function IOException(message, hresult, maybeFullPath) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
this._maybeFullPath = maybeFullPath;
$t.ctor$4.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function IOException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
System.IO.Stream = $d.declare("System.IO.Stream", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.IDisposable];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [129, [["Null", System.IO.Stream, 54]], [["get_CanTimeout", p.get_CanTimeout, 6], ["get_ReadTimeout", p.get_ReadTimeout, 6], ["set_ReadTimeout", p.set_ReadTimeout, 6], ["get_WriteTimeout", p.get_WriteTimeout, 6], ["set_WriteTimeout", p.set_WriteTimeout, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo, 6], ["CopyTo", p.CopyTo$1, 6], ["Close", p.Close, 6], ["Dispose", p.Dispose, 6], ["Dispose", p.Dispose$1, 4], ["Flush", null, 6], ["Seek", null, 6], ["SetLength", null, 6], ["Read", null, 6], ["ReadByte", p.ReadByte, 6], ["Write", null, 6], ["WriteByte", p.WriteByte, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 4]], [["CanRead", 39], ["CanSeek", 39], ["CanTimeout", 39, 0], ["CanWrite", 39], ["Length", 47], ["Position", 47], ["ReadTimeout", 45, 1, 2], ["WriteTimeout", 45, 3, 4]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.Null = new System.IO.Stream.NullStream.ctor();
$t._DefaultCopyBufferSize = 81920;
$t.ctor = $t.$baseType.ctor;
$p.get_CanTimeout = function Stream_get_CanTimeout() {
return false;
$p.get_ReadTimeout = function Stream_get_ReadTimeout() {
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_TimeoutsNotSupported"));
$p.set_ReadTimeout = function Stream_set_ReadTimeout(value) {
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_TimeoutsNotSupported"));
return value;
$p.get_WriteTimeout = function Stream_get_WriteTimeout() {
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_TimeoutsNotSupported"));
$p.set_WriteTimeout = function Stream_set_WriteTimeout(value) {
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_TimeoutsNotSupported"));
return value;
$p.CopyTo = function Stream_CopyTo(destination) {
if (destination == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("destination");
if (!this.get_CanRead() && !this.get_CanWrite())
throw new System.ObjectDisposedException.ctor$3(null, System.Environment.GetResourceString("ObjectDisposed_StreamClosed"));
if (!destination.get_CanRead() && !destination.get_CanWrite())
throw new System.ObjectDisposedException.ctor$3("destination", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ObjectDisposed_StreamClosed"));
if (!this.get_CanRead())
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_UnreadableStream"));
if (!destination.get_CanWrite())
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_UnwritableStream"));
this.InternalCopyTo(destination, 81920);
$p.CopyTo$1 = function Stream_CopyTo(destination, bufferSize) {
if (destination == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("destination");
if (bufferSize <= 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("bufferSize", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum"));
if (!this.get_CanRead() && !this.get_CanWrite())
throw new System.ObjectDisposedException.ctor$3(null, System.Environment.GetResourceString("ObjectDisposed_StreamClosed"));
if (!destination.get_CanRead() && !destination.get_CanWrite())
throw new System.ObjectDisposedException.ctor$3("destination", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ObjectDisposed_StreamClosed"));
if (!this.get_CanRead())
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_UnreadableStream"));
if (!destination.get_CanWrite())
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_UnwritableStream"));
this.InternalCopyTo(destination, bufferSize);
$p.InternalCopyTo = function Stream_InternalCopyTo(destination, bufferSize) {
var buffer = $d.array(System.Byte, bufferSize);
var read;
while ((read = this.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) != 0) {
destination.Write(buffer, 0, read);
$p.Close = function Stream_Close() {
$p.Dispose = function Stream_Dispose() {
$p.Dispose$1 = function Stream_Dispose(disposing) {};
$p.ReadByte = function Stream_ReadByte() {
var oneByteArray = $d.array(System.Byte, 1);
var r = this.Read(oneByteArray, 0, 1);
if (r == 0)
return -1;
return oneByteArray[0];
$p.WriteByte = function Stream_WriteByte(value) {
var oneByteArray = $d.array(System.Byte, 1);
oneByteArray[0] = value;
this.Write(oneByteArray, 0, 1);
$p.System$IDisposable$Dispose = $p.Dispose;
System.IO.MemoryStream = $d.declare("System.IO.MemoryStream", System.IO.Stream, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.IDisposable];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_CanRead", p.get_CanRead, 6], ["get_CanSeek", p.get_CanSeek, 6], ["get_CanWrite", p.get_CanWrite, 6], ["Dispose", p.Dispose$1, 4], ["Flush", p.Flush, 6], ["GetBuffer", p.GetBuffer, 6], ["InternalGetBuffer", p.InternalGetBuffer, 3], ["InternalGetOriginAndLength", p.InternalGetOriginAndLength, 3], ["InternalGetPosition", p.InternalGetPosition, 3], ["InternalReadInt32", p.InternalReadInt32, 3], ["InternalEmulateRead", p.InternalEmulateRead, 3], ["get_Capacity", p.get_Capacity, 6], ["set_Capacity", p.set_Capacity, 6], ["get_Length", p.get_Length, 6], ["get_Position", p.get_Position, 6], ["set_Position", p.set_Position, 6], ["Read", p.Read, 6], ["ReadByte", p.ReadByte, 6], ["Seek", p.Seek, 6], ["SetLength", p.SetLength, 6], ["ToArray", p.ToArray, 6], ["Write", p.Write, 6], ["WriteByte", p.WriteByte, 6], ["WriteTo", p.WriteTo, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6], ["ctor$4", t.ctor$4, 6], ["ctor$5", t.ctor$5, 6], ["ctor$6", t.ctor$6, 6]], [["CanRead", 39, 0], ["CanSeek", 39, 1], ["CanWrite", 39, 2], ["Capacity", 45, 11, 12], ["Length", 47, 13], ["Position", 47, 14, 15]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.MemStreamMaxLength = 2147483647;
$t.$ator = function() {
this._buffer = null;
this._origin = 0;
this._position = 0;
this._length = 0;
this._capacity = 0;
this._expandable = false;
this._writable = false;
this._exposable = false;
this._isOpen = false;
$t.ctor = function MemoryStream() {
$t.ctor$, 0);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function MemoryStream(capacity) {
if (capacity < 0) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("capacity", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NegativeCapacity"));
this._buffer = $d.array(System.Byte, capacity);
this._capacity = capacity;
this._expandable = true;
this._writable = true;
this._exposable = true;
this._origin = 0;
this._isOpen = true;
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function MemoryStream(buffer) {
$t.ctor$, buffer, true);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function MemoryStream(buffer, writable) {
if (buffer == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$3("buffer", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_Buffer"));
this._buffer = buffer;
this._length = this._capacity = buffer.length;
this._writable = writable;
this._exposable = false;
this._origin = 0;
this._isOpen = true;
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$4 = function MemoryStream(buffer, index, count) {
$t.ctor$, buffer, index, count, true, false);
$t.ctor$4.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$5 = function MemoryStream(buffer, index, count, writable) {
$t.ctor$, buffer, index, count, writable, false);
$t.ctor$5.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$6 = function MemoryStream(buffer, index, count, writable, publiclyVisible) {
if (buffer == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$3("buffer", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_Buffer"));
if (index < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("index", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
if (count < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("count", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
if (buffer.length - index < count)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidOffLen"));
this._buffer = buffer;
this._origin = this._position = index;
this._length = this._capacity = index + count;
this._writable = writable;
this._exposable = publiclyVisible;
this._expandable = false;
this._isOpen = true;
$t.ctor$6.prototype = $p;
$p.get_CanRead = function MemoryStream_get_CanRead() {
return this._isOpen;
$p.get_CanSeek = function MemoryStream_get_CanSeek() {
return this._isOpen;
$p.get_CanWrite = function MemoryStream_get_CanWrite() {
return this._writable;
$p.EnsureWriteable = function MemoryStream_EnsureWriteable() {
if (!this.get_CanWrite())
$p.Dispose$1 = function MemoryStream_Dispose(disposing) {
try {
if (disposing) {
this._isOpen = false;
this._writable = false;
this._expandable = false;
finally {
$t.$baseType.prototype.Dispose$, disposing);
$p.EnsureCapacity = function MemoryStream_EnsureCapacity(value) {
if (value < 0)
throw new System.IO.IOException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_StreamTooLong"));
if (value > this._capacity) {
var newCapacity = value;
if (newCapacity < 256)
newCapacity = 256;
if (newCapacity < this._capacity * 2)
newCapacity = this._capacity * 2;
return true;
return false;
$p.Flush = function MemoryStream_Flush() {};
$p.GetBuffer = function MemoryStream_GetBuffer() {
if (!this._exposable)
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("UnauthorizedAccess_MemStreamBuffer");
return this._buffer;
$p.InternalGetBuffer = function MemoryStream_InternalGetBuffer() {
return this._buffer;
$p.InternalGetOriginAndLength = function MemoryStream_InternalGetOriginAndLength(origin, length) {
if (!this._isOpen)
origin.value = this._origin;
length.value = this._length;
$p.InternalGetPosition = function MemoryStream_InternalGetPosition() {
if (!this._isOpen)
return this._position;
$p.InternalReadInt32 = function MemoryStream_InternalReadInt32() {
if (!this._isOpen)
var pos = (this._position += 4);
if (pos > this._length) {
this._position = this._length;
return (this._buffer[pos - 4] | this._buffer[pos - 3] << 8 | this._buffer[pos - 2] << 16 | this._buffer[pos - 1] << 24);
$p.InternalEmulateRead = function MemoryStream_InternalEmulateRead(count) {
if (!this._isOpen)
var n = this._length - this._position;
if (n > count)
n = count;
if (n < 0)
n = 0;
this._position += n;
return n;
$p.get_Capacity = function MemoryStream_get_Capacity() {
if (!this._isOpen)
return this._capacity - this._origin;
$p.set_Capacity = function MemoryStream_set_Capacity(value) {
if (value < this.get_Length())
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("value", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_SmallCapacity"));
if (!this._isOpen)
if (!this._expandable && (value != this.get_Capacity()))
if (this._expandable && value != this._capacity) {
if (value > 0) {
var newBuffer = $d.array(System.Byte, value);
if (this._length > 0)
Array.Copy$2(this._buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, this._length);
this._buffer = newBuffer;
else {
this._buffer = null;
this._capacity = value;
return value;
$p.get_Length = function MemoryStream_get_Length() {
if (!this._isOpen)
return this._length - this._origin;
$p.get_Position = function MemoryStream_get_Position() {
if (!this._isOpen)
return this._position - this._origin;
$p.set_Position = function MemoryStream_set_Position(value) {
if (value < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("value", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
if (!this._isOpen)
if (value > 2147483647)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("value", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_StreamLength"));
this._position = this._origin + (value | 0);
return value;
$p.Read = function MemoryStream_Read(buffer, offset, count) {
if (buffer == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$3("buffer", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_Buffer"));
if (offset < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("offset", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
if (count < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("count", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
if (buffer.length - offset < count)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidOffLen"));
if (!this._isOpen)
var n = this._length - this._position;
if (n > count)
n = count;
if (n <= 0)
return 0;
if (n <= 8) {
var byteCount = n;
while (--byteCount >= 0) {
buffer[offset + byteCount] = this._buffer[this._position + byteCount];
Array.Copy$2(this._buffer, this._position, buffer, offset, n);
this._position += n;
return n;
$p.ReadByte = function MemoryStream_ReadByte() {
if (!this._isOpen)
if (this._position >= this._length)
return -1;
return this._buffer[this._position++];
$p.Seek = function MemoryStream_Seek(offset, loc) {
if (!this._isOpen)
if (offset > 2147483647)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("offset", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_StreamLength"));
switch (loc) {
case 0:
var tempPosition = this._origin + (offset | 0);
if (offset < 0 || tempPosition < this._origin)
throw new System.IO.IOException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_SeekBeforeBegin"));
this._position = tempPosition;
case 1:
var tempPosition = this._position + (offset | 0);
if (this._position + offset < this._origin || tempPosition < this._origin)
throw new System.IO.IOException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_SeekBeforeBegin"));
this._position = tempPosition;
case 2:
var tempPosition = this._length + (offset | 0);
if (this._length + offset < this._origin || tempPosition < this._origin)
throw new System.IO.IOException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_SeekBeforeBegin"));
this._position = tempPosition;
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidSeekOrigin"));
return this._position;
$p.SetLength = function MemoryStream_SetLength(value) {
if (value < 0 || value > 2147483647) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("value", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_StreamLength"));
if (value > (2147483647 - this._origin)) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("value", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_StreamLength"));
var newLength = this._origin + (value | 0);
var allocatedNewArray = this.EnsureCapacity(newLength);
if (!allocatedNewArray && newLength > this._length)
Array.Clear(this._buffer, this._length, newLength - this._length);
this._length = newLength;
if (this._position > newLength)
this._position = newLength;
$p.ToArray = function MemoryStream_ToArray() {
var copy = $d.array(System.Byte, this._length - this._origin);
Array.Copy$2(this._buffer, this._origin, copy, 0, this._length - this._origin);
return copy;
$p.Write = function MemoryStream_Write(buffer, offset, count) {
if (buffer == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$3("buffer", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_Buffer"));
if (offset < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("offset", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
if (count < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$3("count", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
if (buffer.length - offset < count)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidOffLen"));
if (!this._isOpen)
var i = this._position + count;
if (i < 0)
throw new System.IO.IOException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_StreamTooLong"));
if (i > this._length) {
var mustZero = this._position > this._length;
if (i > this._capacity) {
var allocatedNewArray = this.EnsureCapacity(i);
if (allocatedNewArray)
mustZero = false;
if (mustZero)
Array.Clear(this._buffer, this._length, i - this._length);
this._length = i;
if ((count <= 8) && (buffer != this._buffer)) {
var byteCount = count;
while (--byteCount >= 0) {
this._buffer[this._position + byteCount] = buffer[offset + byteCount];
Array.Copy$2(buffer, offset, this._buffer, this._position, count);
this._position = i;
$p.WriteByte = function MemoryStream_WriteByte(value) {
if (!this._isOpen)
if (this._position >= this._length) {
var newLength = this._position + 1;
var mustZero = this._position > this._length;
if (newLength >= this._capacity) {
var allocatedNewArray = this.EnsureCapacity(newLength);
if (allocatedNewArray)
mustZero = false;
if (mustZero)
Array.Clear(this._buffer, this._length, this._position - this._length);
this._length = newLength;
this._buffer[this._position++] = value;
$p.WriteTo = function MemoryStream_WriteTo(stream) {
if (stream == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$3("stream", System.Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_Stream"));
if (!this._isOpen)
stream.Write(this._buffer, this._origin, this._length - this._origin);
System.IO.Path = $d.declare("System.IO.Path", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["DirectorySeparatorChar", 40, 86, 92 /*'\\'*/], ["AltDirectorySeparatorChar", 40, 86, 47 /*'/'*/], ["VolumeSeparatorChar", 40, 86, 58 /*':'*/], ["PathSeparator", 40, 86, 59 /*';'*/], ["InvalidPathChars", 168, 54], ["TrimEndChars", 168, 51], ["MaxPath", 45, 51]], [["ChangeExtension", t.ChangeExtension, 22], ["GetDirectoryName", t.GetDirectoryName, 22], ["GetRootLength", t.GetRootLength, 19], ["IsDirectorySeparator", t.IsDirectorySeparator, 19], ["GetInvalidPathChars", t.GetInvalidPathChars, 22], ["GetInvalidFileNameChars", t.GetInvalidFileNameChars, 22], ["GetExtension", t.GetExtension, 22], ["GetFullPath", t.GetFullPath, 22], ["GetFileName", t.GetFileName, 22], ["GetFileNameWithoutExtension", t.GetFileNameWithoutExtension, 22], ["GetPathRoot", t.GetPathRoot, 22], ["HasExtension", t.HasExtension, 22], ["IsPathRooted", t.IsPathRooted, 22], ["Combine", t.Combine$1, 22], ["Combine", t.Combine$2, 22], ["Combine", t.Combine$3, 22], ["Combine", t.Combine, 22], ["HasIllegalCharacters", t.HasIllegalCharacters, 19], ["CheckInvalidPathChars", t.CheckInvalidPathChars, 19]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.DirectorySeparatorChar = 92 /*'\\'*/;
$t.AltDirectorySeparatorChar = 47 /*'/'*/;
$t.VolumeSeparatorChar = 58 /*':'*/;
$t.PathSeparator = 59 /*';'*/;
$t.InvalidPathChars = $t.GetInvalidPathChars();
$t.TrimEndChars = $d.array(System.Char, [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 32, 133, 160]);
$t.MaxPath = 260;
$t.MaxDirectoryLength = 255;
$t.ChangeExtension = function Path_ChangeExtension(path, extension) {
if (path != null) {
var s = path;
for (var i = path.length; --i >= 0; ) {
var ch = path.get_Chars(i);
if (ch == 46 /*'.'*/) {
s = path.Substring$1(0, i);
if (ch == 92 /*'\\'*/ || ch == 47 /*'/'*/ || ch == 58 /*':'*/)
if (extension != null && path.length != 0) {
if (extension.length == 0 || extension.get_Chars(0) != 46 /*'.'*/)
s = s + ".";
s = s + extension;
return s;
return null;
$t.GetDirectoryName = function Path_GetDirectoryName(path) {
if (path != null) {
var root = $t.GetRootLength(path);
var i = path.length;
if (i > root) {
i = path.length;
if (i == root)
return null;
while (i > root && path.get_Chars(--i) != 92 /*'\\'*/ && path.get_Chars(i) != 47 /*'/'*/) {
var dir = path.Substring$1(0, i);
return dir;
return null;
$t.GetRootLength = function Path_GetRootLength(path) {
var i = 0;
var length = path.length;
if (length >= 1 && ($t.IsDirectorySeparator(path.get_Chars(0)))) {
i = 1;
if (length >= 2 && ($t.IsDirectorySeparator(path.get_Chars(1)))) {
i = 2;
var n = 2;
while (i < length && ((path.get_Chars(i) != 92 /*'\\'*/ && path.get_Chars(i) != 47 /*'/'*/) || --n > 0)) {
if (length >= 2 && path.get_Chars(1) == 58 /*':'*/) {
i = 2;
if (length >= 3 && ($t.IsDirectorySeparator(path.get_Chars(2))))
return i;
$t.IsDirectorySeparator = function Path_IsDirectorySeparator(c) {
return (c == 92 /*'\\'*/ || c == 47 /*'/'*/);
$t.GetInvalidPathChars = function Path_GetInvalidPathChars() {
return $d.array(System.Char, [34 /*'"'*/, 60 /*'<'*/, 62 /*'>'*/, 124 /*'|'*/, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31]);
$t.GetInvalidFileNameChars = function Path_GetInvalidFileNameChars() {
return $d.array(System.Char, [34 /*'"'*/, 60 /*'<'*/, 62 /*'>'*/, 124 /*'|'*/, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31, 58 /*':'*/, 42 /*'*'*/, 63 /*'?'*/, 92 /*'\\'*/, 47 /*'/'*/]);
$t.GetExtension = function Path_GetExtension(path) {
if (path == null)
return null;
var length = path.length;
for (var i = length; --i >= 0; ) {
var ch = path.get_Chars(i);
if (ch == 46 /*'.'*/)
return (i != length - 1) ? path.Substring$1(i, length - i) : String.Empty;
if (ch == 92 /*'\\'*/ || ch == 47 /*'/'*/ || ch == 58 /*':'*/)
return String.Empty;
$t.GetFullPath = function Path_GetFullPath(path) {
if (path == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("path");
path = path.TrimEnd($t().TrimEndChars);
var index = 0;
var newBuffer = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor$3(0, $t().MaxPath);
var numSpaces = 0;
var numDots = 0;
var fixupDirectorySeparator = false;
var numSigChars = 0;
var lastSigChar = -1;
var startedWithVolumeSeparator = false;
var firstSegment = true;
var lastDirectorySeparatorPos = 0;
if (path.length > 0 && (path.get_Chars(0) == 92 /*'\\'*/ || path.get_Chars(0) == 47 /*'/'*/)) {
newBuffer.Append$2(92 /*'\\'*/);
lastSigChar = 0;
while (index < path.length) {
var currentChar = path.get_Chars(index);
if (currentChar == 92 /*'\\'*/ || currentChar == 47 /*'/'*/) {
if (numSigChars == 0) {
if (numDots > 0) {
var start = lastSigChar + 1;
if (path.get_Chars(start) != 46 /*'.'*/)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathIllegal"));
if (numDots >= 2) {
if (startedWithVolumeSeparator && numDots > 2)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathIllegal"));
if (path.get_Chars(start + 1) == 46 /*'.'*/) {
for (var i = start + 2; i < start + numDots; i++) {
if (path.get_Chars(i) != 46 /*'.'*/)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathIllegal"));
numDots = 2;
else {
if (numDots > 1)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathIllegal"));
numDots = 1;
if (numDots == 2)
newBuffer.Append$2(46 /*'.'*/);
newBuffer.Append$2(46 /*'.'*/);
fixupDirectorySeparator = false;
if (numSpaces > 0 && firstSegment) {
if (index + 1 < path.length && (path.get_Chars(index + 1) == 92 /*'\\'*/ || path.get_Chars(index + 1) == 47 /*'/'*/)) {
newBuffer.Append$2(92 /*'\\'*/);
numDots = 0;
numSpaces = 0;
if (!fixupDirectorySeparator) {
fixupDirectorySeparator = true;
newBuffer.Append$2(92 /*'\\'*/);
numSigChars = 0;
lastSigChar = index;
startedWithVolumeSeparator = false;
firstSegment = false;
var thisPos = newBuffer.get_Length() - 1;
if (thisPos - lastDirectorySeparatorPos > $t().MaxDirectoryLength)
throw new System.IO.PathTooLongException.ctor(System.Environment.GetResourceString("IO.PathTooLong"));
lastDirectorySeparatorPos = thisPos;
if (currentChar == 46 /*'.'*/) {
if (currentChar == 32 /*' '*/) {
else {
fixupDirectorySeparator = false;
if (firstSegment && currentChar == 58 /*':'*/) {
var driveLetter = (index > 0) ? path.get_Chars(index - 1) : 32 /*' '*/;
var validPath = ((numDots == 0) && (numSigChars >= 1) && (driveLetter != 32 /*' '*/));
if (!validPath)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathIllegal"));
startedWithVolumeSeparator = true;
if (numSigChars > 1) {
var spaceCount = 0;
while ((spaceCount < newBuffer.get_Length()) && newBuffer.get_Item(spaceCount) == 32 /*' '*/) {
if (numSigChars - spaceCount == 1) {
numSigChars = 0;
else {
numSigChars += 1 + numDots + numSpaces;
if (numDots > 0 || numSpaces > 0) {
var numCharsToCopy = (lastSigChar >= 0) ? index - lastSigChar - 1 : index;
if (numCharsToCopy > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < numCharsToCopy; i++) {
newBuffer.Append$2(path.get_Chars(lastSigChar + 1 + i));
numDots = 0;
numSpaces = 0;
lastSigChar = index;
if (newBuffer.get_Length() - 1 - lastDirectorySeparatorPos > $t().MaxDirectoryLength)
throw new System.IO.PathTooLongException.ctor(System.Environment.GetResourceString("IO.PathTooLong"));
if (numSigChars == 0) {
if (numDots > 0) {
var start = lastSigChar + 1;
if (path.get_Chars(start) != 46 /*'.'*/)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathIllegal"));
if (numDots >= 2) {
if (startedWithVolumeSeparator && numDots > 2)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathIllegal"));
if (path.get_Chars(start + 1) == 46 /*'.'*/) {
for (var i = start + 2; i < start + numDots; i++) {
if (path.get_Chars(i) != 46 /*'.'*/)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathIllegal"));
numDots = 2;
else {
if (numDots > 1)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathIllegal"));
numDots = 1;
if (numDots == 2)
newBuffer.Append$2(46 /*'.'*/);
newBuffer.Append$2(46 /*'.'*/);
if (newBuffer.get_Length() == 0)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathIllegal"));
var buf = newBuffer.toString();
if (buf.StartsWith("http:") || buf.StartsWith("file:"))
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_PathUriFormatNotSupported"));
var result = 0;
if (newBuffer.get_Length() > 1 && newBuffer.get_Item(0) == 92 /*'\\'*/ && newBuffer.get_Item(1) == 92 /*'\\'*/) {
var startIndex = 2;
while (startIndex < result) {
if (newBuffer.get_Item(startIndex++) == 92 /*'\\'*/)
if (startIndex == result)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathIllegalUNC"));
if (newBuffer.toString().StartsWith$1("\\\\?\\globalroot", 5))
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathGlobalRoot"));
if (newBuffer.get_Length() >= $t().MaxPath)
throw new System.IO.PathTooLongException.ctor(System.Environment.GetResourceString("IO.PathTooLong"));
var returnVal = newBuffer.toString();
returnVal = $t.FixComponents(returnVal);
if (String.Equals(returnVal, path, 4))
returnVal = path;
return returnVal;
$t.FixComponents = function Path_FixComponents(path) {
var components = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(String).ctor)();
var root = $t.GetPathRoot(path);
if (!$t.IsDirectorySeparator(root.get_Chars(root.length - 1)) && root.length < path.length)
root = path.Substring$1(0, root.length + 1);
if (root.length == path.length)
return path;
components.Add(path.Substring$1(0, root.length));
var lastIndex = root.length - 1;
for (var k = root.length; k < path.length; ++k) {
if ($t.IsDirectorySeparator(path.get_Chars(k)) || k == path.length - 1) {
var component = path.Substring$1(lastIndex + 1, k - lastIndex);
lastIndex = k;
var trimmed = component.TrimEnd($d.array(System.Char, [92 /*'\\'*/, 47 /*'/'*/]));
if (trimmed == "..") {
if (components.get_Count() > 1)
components.RemoveAt(components.get_Count() - 1);
if (trimmed != ".") {
return String.Join$1(String, "", components);
$t.GetFileName = function Path_GetFileName(path) {
if (path == null)
return null;
for (var i = path.length; --i >= 0; ) {
var ch = path.get_Chars(i);
if (ch == 92 /*'\\'*/ || ch == 47 /*'/'*/ || ch == 58 /*':'*/)
return path.Substring$1(i + 1, path.length - i - 1);
return path;
$t.GetFileNameWithoutExtension = function Path_GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) {
if (path == null)
return null;
path = $t.GetFileName(path);
var i;
if ((i = path.LastIndexOf(46 /*'.'*/)) == -1)
return path;
return path.Substring$1(0, i);
$t.GetPathRoot = function Path_GetPathRoot(path) {
if (path == null)
return null;
return path.Substring$1(0, $t.GetRootLength(path));
$t.HasExtension = function Path_HasExtension(path) {
if (path != null) {
for (var i = path.length; --i >= 0; ) {
var ch = path.get_Chars(i);
if (ch == 46 /*'.'*/)
return (i != path.length - 1);
if (ch == 92 /*'\\'*/ || ch == 47 /*'/'*/ || ch == 58 /*':'*/)
return false;
$t.IsPathRooted = function Path_IsPathRooted(path) {
if (path != null) {
var length = path.length;
return (length >= 1 && (path.get_Chars(0) == 92 /*'\\'*/ || path.get_Chars(0) == 47 /*'/'*/)) || (length >= 2 && path.get_Chars(1) == 58 /*':'*/);
return false;
$t.Combine$1 = function Path_Combine(path1, path2) {
if (path1 == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("path1");
if (path2 == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("path2");
if (path2.length == 0)
return path1;
if (path1.length == 0)
return path2;
if ($t.IsPathRooted(path2))
return path2;
var ch = path1.get_Chars(path1.length - 1);
if (ch != 92 /*'\\'*/ && ch != 47 /*'/'*/ && ch != 58 /*':'*/)
return path1 + String.fromCharCode(92 /*'\\'*/) + path2;
return path1 + path2;
$t.Combine$2 = function Path_Combine(path1, path2, path3) {
return $t.Combine($d.array(String, [path1, path2, path3]));
$t.Combine$3 = function Path_Combine(path1, path2, path3, path4) {
return $t.Combine($d.array(String, [path1, path2, path3, path4]));
$t.Combine = function Path_Combine(paths) {
if (paths == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("paths");
var lastIsSeparator = false;
var result = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
for (var $i = 0, $length = paths.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var path = paths[$i];
if (path == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("paths");
if (path.length == 0) {
lastIsSeparator = false;
if ($t.IsPathRooted(path))
if (result.get_Length() > 0 && !lastIsSeparator)
result.Append$2(92 /*'\\'*/);
var ch = path.get_Chars(path.length - 1);
lastIsSeparator = (ch == 92 /*'\\'*/ || ch == 47 /*'/'*/ || ch == 58 /*':'*/);
return result.toString();
$t.HasIllegalCharacters = function Path_HasIllegalCharacters(path) {
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
var c = path.get_Chars(i);
if (c == 34 /*'"'*/ || c == 60 /*'<'*/ || c == 62 /*'>'*/ || c == 124 /*'|'*/ || c < 32)
return true;
return false;
$t.CheckInvalidPathChars = function Path_CheckInvalidPathChars(path) {
if (path == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("path");
if ($t.HasIllegalCharacters(path))
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("Argument_InvalidPathChars");
System.IO.PathTooLongException = $d.declare("System.IO.PathTooLongException", System.Exception, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function PathTooLongException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.IO.SeekOrigin = $d.declareEnum("System.IO.SeekOrigin", 45, $asm, 257, ["Begin", "Current", "End"], [0, 1, 2]);
System.IO.Stream.NullStream = $d.declare("NullStream", System.IO.Stream, 0, System.IO.Stream, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.IDisposable];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [259, null, [["get_CanRead", p.get_CanRead, 6], ["get_CanWrite", p.get_CanWrite, 6], ["get_CanSeek", p.get_CanSeek, 6], ["get_Length", p.get_Length, 6], ["get_Position", p.get_Position, 6], ["set_Position", p.set_Position, 6], ["Dispose", p.Dispose$1, 4], ["Flush", p.Flush, 6], ["Read", p.Read, 6], ["ReadByte", p.ReadByte, 6], ["Write", p.Write, 6], ["WriteByte", p.WriteByte, 6], ["Seek", p.Seek, 6], ["SetLength", p.SetLength, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 3]], [["CanRead", 39, 0], ["CanWrite", 39, 1], ["CanSeek", 39, 2], ["Length", 47, 3], ["Position", 47, 4, 5]]]; };
$t.ctor = function NullStream() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_CanRead = function NullStream_get_CanRead() {
return true;
$p.get_CanWrite = function NullStream_get_CanWrite() {
return true;
$p.get_CanSeek = function NullStream_get_CanSeek() {
return true;
$p.get_Length = function NullStream_get_Length() {
return 0;
$p.get_Position = function NullStream_get_Position() {
return 0;
$p.set_Position = function NullStream_set_Position(value) {
return value;
$p.Dispose$1 = function NullStream_Dispose(disposing) {};
$p.Flush = function NullStream_Flush() {};
$p.Read = function NullStream_Read(buffer, offset, count) {
return 0;
$p.ReadByte = function NullStream_ReadByte() {
return -1;
$p.Write = function NullStream_Write(buffer, offset, count) {};
$p.WriteByte = function NullStream_WriteByte(value) {};
$p.Seek = function NullStream_Seek(offset, origin) {
return 0;
$p.SetLength = function NullStream_SetLength(length) {};
System.IO.__Error = $d.declare("System.IO.__Error", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["EndOfFile", t.EndOfFile, 19], ["FileNotOpen", t.FileNotOpen, 19], ["PipeNotOpen", t.PipeNotOpen, 19], ["StreamIsClosed", t.StreamIsClosed, 19], ["ReadNotSupported", t.ReadNotSupported, 19], ["SeekNotSupported", t.SeekNotSupported, 19], ["WrongAsyncResult", t.WrongAsyncResult, 19], ["EndReadCalledTwice", t.EndReadCalledTwice, 19], ["EndWriteCalledTwice", t.EndWriteCalledTwice, 19], ["EndWaitForConnectionCalledTwice", t.EndWaitForConnectionCalledTwice, 19], ["WriteNotSupported", t.WriteNotSupported, 19], ["MemoryStreamNotExpandable", t.MemoryStreamNotExpandable, 19]]]; };
$t.EndOfFile = function __Error_EndOfFile() {
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("IO_EOF_ReadBeyondEOF");
$t.FileNotOpen = function __Error_FileNotOpen() {
throw new System.ObjectDisposedException.ctor$3(null, "ObjectDisposed_FileClosed");
$t.PipeNotOpen = function __Error_PipeNotOpen() {
throw new System.ObjectDisposedException.ctor$3(null, "ObjectDisposed_PipeClosed");
$t.StreamIsClosed = function __Error_StreamIsClosed() {
throw new System.ObjectDisposedException.ctor$3(null, "ObjectDisposed_StreamIsClosed");
$t.ReadNotSupported = function __Error_ReadNotSupported() {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor$1("NotSupported_UnreadableStream");
$t.SeekNotSupported = function __Error_SeekNotSupported() {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor$1("NotSupported_UnseekableStream");
$t.WrongAsyncResult = function __Error_WrongAsyncResult() {
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("Argument_WrongAsyncResult");
$t.EndReadCalledTwice = function __Error_EndReadCalledTwice() {
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("InvalidOperation_EndReadCalledMultiple");
$t.EndWriteCalledTwice = function __Error_EndWriteCalledTwice() {
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("InvalidOperation_EndWriteCalledMultiple");
$t.EndWaitForConnectionCalledTwice = function __Error_EndWaitForConnectionCalledTwice() {
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("InvalidOperation_EndWaitForConnectionCalledMultiple");
$t.WriteNotSupported = function __Error_WriteNotSupported() {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor$1("NotSupported_UnwritableStream");
$t.MemoryStreamNotExpandable = function __Error_MemoryStreamNotExpandable() {
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor$1("MemoryStreamNotExpandable");
System.IServiceProvider = $d.declare("System.IServiceProvider", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["GetService", null, 6]]]; };
System.LazyThreadSafetyMode = $d.declareEnum("System.LazyThreadSafetyMode", 45, $asm, 257, ["ExecutionAndPublication"], [0]);
System.Lazy$1 = $d.declare("System.Lazy`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["ToString", p.ToString, 6], ["get_ValueForDebugDisplay", p.get_ValueForDebugDisplay, 3], ["get_Mode", p.get_Mode, 3], ["get_IsValueFaulted", p.get_IsValueFaulted, 3], ["get_IsValueCreated", p.get_IsValueCreated, 6], ["get_Value", p.get_Value, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6]], [["ValueForDebugDisplay", T, 1], ["Mode", System.LazyThreadSafetyMode, 2], ["IsValueFaulted", 39, 3], ["IsValueCreated", 39, 4], ["Value", T, 5]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
return $d.default(T);
}, this);
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_boxed = null;
this.m_valueFactory = null;
this.m_threadSafeObj = null;
$t.ctor = function Lazy$1() {
$t.ctor$, 0);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function Lazy$1(valueFactory) {
$t.ctor$, valueFactory, 0);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function Lazy$1(mode) {
this.m_threadSafeObj = $t.GetObjectFromMode(mode);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function Lazy$1(valueFactory, mode) {
if (valueFactory == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("valueFactory");
this.m_threadSafeObj = $t.GetObjectFromMode(mode);
this.m_valueFactory = valueFactory;
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$t.GetObjectFromMode = function Lazy$1_GetObjectFromMode(mode) {
if (mode == 0)
return new System.Object.ctor();
return null;
$p.ToString = function Lazy$1_ToString() {
return this.get_IsValueCreated() ? this.get_Value().toString() : "Lazy_ToString_ValueNotCreated";
$p.get_ValueForDebugDisplay = function Lazy$1_get_ValueForDebugDisplay() {
if (!this.get_IsValueCreated()) {
return $d.default(T);
return ($d.cast(this.m_boxed, System.Lazy$1.Boxed(T))).m_value;
$p.get_Mode = function Lazy$1_get_Mode() {
return 0;
$p.get_IsValueFaulted = function Lazy$1_get_IsValueFaulted() {
return $, System.Lazy$1.LazyInternalExceptionHolder(T));
$p.get_IsValueCreated = function Lazy$1_get_IsValueCreated() {
return this.m_boxed != null && $, System.Lazy$1.Boxed(T));
$p.get_Value = function Lazy$1_get_Value() {
var boxed = null;
if (this.m_boxed != null) {
boxed = $, System.Lazy$1.Boxed(T));
if (boxed != null) {
return boxed.m_value;
var exc = $, System.Lazy$1.LazyInternalExceptionHolder(T));
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(this.m_boxed != null);
throw $d.signEx(exc.m_exception);
return this.LazyInitValue();
$p.LazyInitValue = function Lazy$1_LazyInitValue() {
var boxed = null;
var mode = this.get_Mode();
if (this.m_boxed == null) {
boxed = this.CreateValue();
this.m_boxed = boxed;
else {
boxed = $, System.Lazy$1.Boxed(T));
if (boxed == null) {
var exHolder = $, System.Lazy$1.LazyInternalExceptionHolder(T));
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(exHolder != null);
throw $d.signEx(exHolder.m_exception);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(boxed != null);
return boxed.m_value;
$p.CreateValue = function Lazy$1_CreateValue() {
var boxed = null;
var mode = this.get_Mode();
if (this.m_valueFactory != null) {
try {
if (System.Delegate.op_Equality(this.m_valueFactory, $t.PUBLICATION_ONLY_OR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED))
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("Lazy_Value_RecursiveCallsToValue");
var factory = this.m_valueFactory;
boxed = new (System.Lazy$1.Boxed(T).ctor)(factory());
catch ($e) {
$e = System.Exception.Wrap($e);
this.m_boxed = new (System.Lazy$1.LazyInternalExceptionHolder(T).ctor)($e);
throw $e;
else {
boxed = new (System.Lazy$1.Boxed(T).ctor)($d.cast(System.Activator.CreateInstance($d.typeOf(T)),
return boxed;
}, ["T"]);
System.Lazy$1.Boxed = $d.declare("Boxed", System.Object, 256, System.Lazy$1, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [3, [["m_value", T, 3]], null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_value = $d.default(T);
$t.ctor = function Boxed(value) {
this.m_value = value;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
}, ["T"]);
System.Lazy$1.LazyInternalExceptionHolder = $d.declare("LazyInternalExceptionHolder", System.Object, 256, System.Lazy$1, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [3, [["m_exception", 28, 3]], null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_exception = null;
$t.ctor = function LazyInternalExceptionHolder(ex) {
this.m_exception = ex;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
}, ["T"]);
System.System_LazyDebugView$1 = $d.declare("System.System_LazyDebugView`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [256, null, [["get_IsValueCreated", p.get_IsValueCreated, 6], ["get_Value", p.get_Value, 6], ["get_Mode", p.get_Mode, 6], ["get_IsValueFaulted", p.get_IsValueFaulted, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["IsValueCreated", 39, 0], ["Value", T, 1], ["Mode", System.LazyThreadSafetyMode, 2], ["IsValueFaulted", 39, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_lazy = null;
$t.ctor = function System_LazyDebugView$1(lazy) {
this.m_lazy = lazy;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_IsValueCreated = function System_LazyDebugView$1_get_IsValueCreated() {
return this.m_lazy.get_IsValueCreated();
$p.get_Value = function System_LazyDebugView$1_get_Value() {
return this.m_lazy.get_ValueForDebugDisplay();
$p.get_Mode = function System_LazyDebugView$1_get_Mode() {
return this.m_lazy.get_Mode();
$p.get_IsValueFaulted = function System_LazyDebugView$1_get_IsValueFaulted() {
return this.m_lazy.get_IsValueFaulted();
}, ["T"]);
System.Linq.Enumerable = $d.declare("System.Linq.Enumerable", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Aggregate", t.Aggregate, 22], ["Aggregate", t.Aggregate$1, 22], ["Aggregate", t.Aggregate$2, 22], ["All", t.All, 22], ["Where", t.Where, 22], ["Where", t.Where$1, 22], ["First", t.First$1, 22], ["FirstOrDefault", t.FirstOrDefault$1, 22], ["First", t.First, 22], ["FirstOrDefault", t.FirstOrDefault, 22], ["FirstOrDefault", t.FirstOrDefault$2, 22], ["Last", t.Last$1, 22], ["LastOrDefault", t.LastOrDefault$1, 22], ["Last", t.Last, 22], ["LastOrDefault", t.LastOrDefault, 22], ["LastOrDefault", t.LastOrDefault$2, 22], ["Single", t.Single$1, 22], ["SingleOrDefault", t.SingleOrDefault$1, 22], ["Single", t.Single, 22], ["SingleOrDefault", t.SingleOrDefault, 22], ["SingleOrDefault", t.SingleOrDefault$2, 22], ["ToArray", t.ToArray, 22], ["ToJsArray", t.ToJsArray, 19], ["ToList", t.ToList, 22], ["Select", t.Select, 22], ["Select", t.Select$1, 22], ["SelectMany", t.SelectMany, 22], ["SelectMany", t.SelectMany$1, 22], ["SelectMany", t.SelectMany$3, 22], ["SelectMany", t.SelectMany$2, 22], ["Take", t.Take, 22], ["TakeWhile", t.TakeWhile, 22], ["TakeWhile", t.TakeWhile$1, 22], ["Skip", t.Skip, 22], ["SkipWhile", t.SkipWhile, 22], ["SkipWhile", t.SkipWhile$1, 22], ["Join", t.Join, 22], ["Any", t.Any, 22], ["Any", t.Any$1, 22], ["Max", t.Max, 22], ["Min", t.Min, 22], ["Concat", t.Concat, 22], ["Sum", t.Sum, 22], ["Sum", t.Sum$1, 22], ["Sum", t.Sum$2, 22], ["Repeat", t.Repeat, 22], ["Reverse", t.Reverse, 22], ["ToDictionary", t.ToDictionary, 22], ["ToDictionary", t.ToDictionary$1, 22], ["SequenceEqual", t.SequenceEqual, 22], ["SequenceEqual", t.SequenceEqual$1, 22], ["Cast", t.Cast, 22], ["OrderBy", t.OrderBy, 22], ["OrderBy", t.OrderBy$1, 22], ["OrderByDescending", t.OrderByDescending, 22], ["OrderByDescending", t.OrderByDescending$1, 22], ["ThenBy", t.ThenBy, 22], ["ThenBy", t.ThenBy$1, 22], ["ThenByDescending", t.ThenByDescending, 22], ["ThenByDescending", t.ThenByDescending$1, 22], ["OfType", t.OfType, 22], ["Empty", t.Empty, 22], ["DefaultIfEmpty", t.DefaultIfEmpty, 22], ["DefaultIfEmpty", t.DefaultIfEmpty$1, 22], ["GroupBy", t.GroupBy, 22], ["GroupBy", t.GroupBy$1, 22], ["GroupBy", t.GroupBy$3, 22], ["GroupBy", t.GroupBy$5, 22], ["GroupBy", t.GroupBy$2, 22], ["GroupBy", t.GroupBy$6, 22], ["GroupBy", t.GroupBy$4, 22], ["GroupBy", t.GroupBy$7, 22], ["ToLookup", t.ToLookup, 22], ["ToLookup", t.ToLookup$1, 22], ["ToLookup", t.ToLookup$2, 22], ["ToLookup", t.ToLookup$3, 22], ["Distinct", t.Distinct, 22], ["Distinct", t.Distinct$1, 22], ["ElementAt", t.ElementAt, 22], ["ElementAtOrDefault", t.ElementAtOrDefault, 22], ["Range", t.Range, 22], ["Zip", t.Zip, 22], ["Union", t.Union, 22], ["Union", t.Union$1, 22], ["Intersect", t.Intersect, 22], ["Intersect", t.Intersect$1, 22], ["Average", t.Average$6, 22], ["Average", t.Average$1, 22], ["Average", t.Average, 22], ["Average", t.Average$7, 22], ["Average", t.Average$5, 22], ["Average", t.Average$4, 22], ["Average", t.Average$3, 22], ["Average", t.Average$2, 22], ["Count", t.Count, 22], ["Count", t.Count$1, 22], ["LongCount", t.LongCount, 22], ["LongCount", t.LongCount$1, 22], ["Contains", t.Contains, 22], ["Contains", t.Contains$1, 22], ["Except", t.Except, 22], ["Except", t.Except$1, 22]]]; };
$t.Aggregate = function Enumerable_Aggregate(TSource, source, func) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
if (func == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("func");
var enumerator = source.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
try {
if (!enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext())
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("No elements");
var current = enumerator.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerator$1$get_Current();
while (enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
current = func(current, enumerator.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerator$1$get_Current());
return current;
finally {
$t.Aggregate$1 = function Enumerable_Aggregate(TSource, TAccumulate, source, seed, func) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
if (func == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("func");
var accumulate = seed;
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var current = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
accumulate = func(accumulate, current);
return accumulate;
$t.Aggregate$2 = function Enumerable_Aggregate(TSource, TAccumulate, TResult, source, seed, func, resultSelector) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
if (func == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("func");
if (resultSelector == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("resultSelector");
var accumulate = seed;
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var current = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
accumulate = func(accumulate, current);
return resultSelector(accumulate);
$t.All = function Enumerable_All(TSource, source, predicate) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
if (predicate == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("predicate");
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var current = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (!predicate(current))
return false;
return true;
$t.Where = function Enumerable_Where(TSource, source, predicate) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 2;
continue $top;
case 2:
return false;
case 3:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (predicate(item)) {
$state = 5;
continue $top;
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 4:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 5:
$state = 6;
return true;
case 6:
$state = 4;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Where$1 = function Enumerable_Where(TSource, source, predicate) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var index = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (predicate == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
index = 0;
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("predicate");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
return false;
case 7:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (predicate(item, index)) {
$state = 9;
continue $top;
$state = 8;
continue $top;
case 8:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 9:
$state = 10;
return true;
case 10:
$state = 8;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.First$1 = function Enumerable_First(TSource, source, predicate) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.First(TSource, System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(TSource, source, predicate));
$t.FirstOrDefault$1 = function Enumerable_FirstOrDefault(TSource, source, predicate) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault(TSource, System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(TSource, source,
$t.First = function Enumerable_First(TSource, source) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault$2(TSource, source, $d.delegate(function() {
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("Sequence contains no elements");
}, this));
$t.FirstOrDefault = function Enumerable_FirstOrDefault(TSource, source) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault$2(TSource, source, $d.delegate(function() {
return $d.default(TSource);
}, this));
$t.FirstOrDefault$2 = function Enumerable_FirstOrDefault(TSource, source, defaultValue) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
var enumerator = source.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
if (!enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext())
return defaultValue();
var result = enumerator.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerator$1$get_Current();
return result;
$t.Last$1 = function Enumerable_Last(TSource, source, predicate) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Last(TSource, System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(TSource, source, predicate));
$t.LastOrDefault$1 = function Enumerable_LastOrDefault(TSource, source, predicate) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.LastOrDefault(TSource, System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(TSource, source,
$t.Last = function Enumerable_Last(TSource, source) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.LastOrDefault$2(TSource, source, $d.delegate(function() {
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("Sequence contains no elements");
}, this));
$t.LastOrDefault = function Enumerable_LastOrDefault(TSource, source) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.LastOrDefault$2(TSource, source, $d.delegate(function() {
return $d.default(TSource);
}, this));
$t.LastOrDefault$2 = function Enumerable_LastOrDefault(TSource, source, defaultValue) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
var enumerator = source.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
if (!enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext())
return defaultValue();
var lastValue = enumerator.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerator$1$get_Current();
while (enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
lastValue = enumerator.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerator$1$get_Current();
return lastValue;
$t.Single$1 = function Enumerable_Single(TSource, source, predicate) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Single(TSource, System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(TSource, source, predicate));
$t.SingleOrDefault$1 = function Enumerable_SingleOrDefault(TSource, source, predicate) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault(TSource, System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(TSource,
source, predicate));
$t.Single = function Enumerable_Single(TSource, source) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault$2(TSource, source, $d.delegate(function() {
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("Sequence contains no elements");
}, this));
$t.SingleOrDefault = function Enumerable_SingleOrDefault(TSource, source) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault$2(TSource, source, $d.delegate(function() {
return $d.default(TSource);
}, this));
$t.SingleOrDefault$2 = function Enumerable_SingleOrDefault(TSource, source, defaultValue) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
var enumerator = source.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
if (!enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext())
return defaultValue();
var result = enumerator.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerator$1$get_Current();
if (enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext())
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("Sequence contains more than one element");
return result;
$t.ToArray = function Enumerable_ToArray(TSource, source) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
var sa = $, Array);
if (sa != null)
return sa.Clone();
var cl = $, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(TSource));
if (cl != null) {
var items = $d.array(TSource, cl.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count());
cl.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$CopyTo(items, 0);
return items;
var result = new Array();
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
return $d.array(TSource, result);
$t.ToJsArray = function Enumerable_ToJsArray(TSource, source) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
var sa = $, Array);
if (sa != null)
var cl = $, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(TSource));
if (cl != null) {
var items = new Array(cl.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count());
cl.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$CopyTo(items, 0);
return items;
var result = new Array();
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
return result;
$t.ToList = function Enumerable_ToList(TSource, source) {
return new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(TSource).ctor$1)(source);
$t.Select = function Enumerable_Select(TSource, TResult, source, selector) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 2;
continue $top;
case 2:
return false;
case 3:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$state = 4;
return true;
case 4:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Select$1 = function Enumerable_Select(TSource, TResult, source, selector) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var index = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (selector == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
index = 0;
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("selector");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
return false;
case 7:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$state = 8;
$stateMachine.set_Current(selector(item, index));
return true;
case 8:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.SelectMany = function Enumerable_SelectMany(TSource, TResult, source, selector) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var subitem = null;
var subitem$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 2;
continue $top;
case 2:
return false;
case 3:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
subitem$enumerator = selector(item).System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 4:
while (subitem$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 6;
continue $top;
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 5:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 6:
subitem = subitem$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$state = 7;
return true;
case 7:
$state = 4;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.SelectMany$1 = function Enumerable_SelectMany(TSource, TResult, source, selector) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var index = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var subitem = null;
var subitem$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (selector == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
index = 0;
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("selector");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
return false;
case 7:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
subitem$enumerator = selector(item, index).System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 8;
continue $top;
case 8:
while (subitem$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 10;
continue $top;
$state = 9;
continue $top;
case 9:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 10:
subitem = subitem$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$state = 11;
return true;
case 11:
$state = 8;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.SelectMany$3 = function Enumerable_SelectMany(TSource, TCollection, TResult, source, collectionSelector, resultSelector) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var index = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var subitem = null;
var subitem$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (collectionSelector == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
if (resultSelector == null) {
$state = 6;
continue $top;
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("collectionSelector");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
index = 0;
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 7;
continue $top;
case 6:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("resultSelector");
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 7:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 9;
continue $top;
$state = 8;
continue $top;
case 8:
return false;
case 9:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
subitem$enumerator = collectionSelector(item, index).System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 10;
continue $top;
case 10:
while (subitem$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 12;
continue $top;
$state = 11;
continue $top;
case 11:
$state = 7;
continue $top;
case 12:
subitem = subitem$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$state = 13;
$stateMachine.set_Current(resultSelector(item, subitem));
return true;
case 13:
$state = 10;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.SelectMany$2 = function Enumerable_SelectMany(TSource, TCollection, TResult, source, collectionSelector, resultSelector) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var subitem = null;
var subitem$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (collectionSelector == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
if (resultSelector == null) {
$state = 6;
continue $top;
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("collectionSelector");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 7;
continue $top;
case 6:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("resultSelector");
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 7:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 9;
continue $top;
$state = 8;
continue $top;
case 8:
return false;
case 9:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
subitem$enumerator = collectionSelector(item).System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 10;
continue $top;
case 10:
while (subitem$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 12;
continue $top;
$state = 11;
continue $top;
case 11:
$state = 7;
continue $top;
case 12:
subitem = subitem$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$state = 13;
$stateMachine.set_Current(resultSelector(item, subitem));
return true;
case 13:
$state = 10;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Take = function Enumerable_Take(TSource, source, count) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var index = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
index = 0;
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 5;
continue $top;
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 4:
return false;
case 5:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (index >= count) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
$state = 8;
return true;
case 7:
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 8:
$state = 3;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.TakeWhile = function Enumerable_TakeWhile(TSource, source, predicate) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (predicate == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("predicate");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
return false;
case 7:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (!predicate(item)) {
$state = 9;
continue $top;
$state = 8;
continue $top;
case 8:
$state = 10;
return true;
case 9:
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 10:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.TakeWhile$1 = function Enumerable_TakeWhile(TSource, source, predicate) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var index = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (predicate == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
index = 0;
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("predicate");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
return false;
case 7:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (!predicate(item, index)) {
$state = 9;
continue $top;
$state = 8;
continue $top;
case 8:
$state = 10;
return true;
case 9:
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 10:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Skip = function Enumerable_Skip(TSource, source, count) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var index = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
index = -1;
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 5;
continue $top;
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 4:
return false;
case 5:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (index < count) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
$state = 8;
return true;
case 7:
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 8:
$state = 3;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.SkipWhile = function Enumerable_SkipWhile(TSource, source, predicate) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (predicate == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("predicate");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
return false;
case 7:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (predicate(item)) {
$state = 9;
continue $top;
$state = 8;
continue $top;
case 8:
$state = 10;
return true;
case 9:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 10:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.SkipWhile$1 = function Enumerable_SkipWhile(TSource, source, predicate) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var index = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (predicate == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
index = -1;
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("predicate");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
return false;
case 7:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (predicate(item, index)) {
$state = 9;
continue $top;
$state = 8;
continue $top;
case 8:
$state = 10;
return true;
case 9:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 10:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Join = function Enumerable_Join(TOuter, TInner, TKey, TResult, outer, inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var outers = null;
var dictionary = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var key = null;
var lists = null;
var item2 = null;
var item2$enumerator = null;
var key2 = null;
var lists2 = null;
var outerItem = null;
var outerItem$enumerator = null;
var key3 = null;
var set = null;
var innerItem = null;
var innerItem$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
outers = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(TOuter, outer);
if (outer == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (inner == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("outer");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
if (outerKeySelector == null) {
$state = 6;
continue $top;
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("inner");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
if (innerKeySelector == null) {
$state = 8;
continue $top;
$state = 7;
continue $top;
case 6:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("outerKeySelector");
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 7:
if (resultSelector == null) {
$state = 10;
continue $top;
$state = 9;
continue $top;
case 8:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("innerKeySelector");
$state = 7;
continue $top;
case 9:
dictionary = new (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2(TKey, System.Tuple$2(System.Collections.Generic.List$1(TOuter),
item$enumerator = outers.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 11;
continue $top;
case 10:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("resultSelector");
$state = 9;
continue $top;
case 11:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 13;
continue $top;
$state = 12;
continue $top;
case 12:
item2$enumerator = inner.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 16;
continue $top;
case 13:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
key = outerKeySelector(item);
if (!(function() {
var $out = {};
var $result$ = dictionary.TryGetValue(key, $out);
lists = $out.value;
return $result$;
}).call(this)) {
$state = 15;
continue $top;
$state = 14;
continue $top;
case 14:
$state = 11;
continue $top;
case 15:
lists = new (System.Tuple$2(System.Collections.Generic.List$1(TOuter), System.Collections.Generic.List$1(TInner)).ctor)(new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(TOuter).ctor)(),
new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(TInner).ctor)());
dictionary.set_Item(key, lists);
$state = 14;
continue $top;
case 16:
while (item2$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 18;
continue $top;
$state = 17;
continue $top;
case 17:
outerItem$enumerator = outers.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 21;
continue $top;
case 18:
item2 = item2$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
key2 = innerKeySelector(item2);
if (!(function() {
var $out1 = {};
var $result$ = dictionary.TryGetValue(key2, $out1);
lists2 = $out1.value;
return $result$;
}).call(this)) {
$state = 20;
continue $top;
$state = 19;
continue $top;
case 19:
$state = 16;
continue $top;
case 20:
$state = 16;
continue $top;
case 21:
while (outerItem$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 23;
continue $top;
$state = 22;
continue $top;
case 22:
return false;
case 23:
outerItem = outerItem$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
key3 = outerKeySelector(outerItem);
set = dictionary.get_Item(key3);
innerItem$enumerator = set.get_Item2().System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 24;
continue $top;
case 24:
while (innerItem$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 26;
continue $top;
$state = 25;
continue $top;
case 25:
$state = 21;
continue $top;
case 26:
innerItem = innerItem$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$state = 27;
$stateMachine.set_Current(resultSelector(outerItem, innerItem));
return true;
case 27:
$state = 24;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Any = function Enumerable_Any(TSource, source) {
var enumerator = source.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
var result = enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext();
return result;
$t.Any$1 = function Enumerable_Any(TSource, source, predicate) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Any(TSource, System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(TSource, source, predicate));
$t.Max = function Enumerable_Max(TSource, source) {
var current = $d.default(TSource);
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (item == null)
if (current == null) {
current = item;
var comparable = $, System.IComparable);
if (comparable.System$IComparable$CompareTo(current) > 0)
current = item;
return current;
$t.Min = function Enumerable_Min(TSource, source) {
var current = $d.default(TSource);
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (item == null)
if (current == null) {
current = item;
var comparable = $, System.IComparable);
if (comparable.System$IComparable$CompareTo(current) < 0)
current = item;
return current;
$t.Concat = function Enumerable_Concat(T, source, other) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(T).ctor)();
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var item2 = null;
var item2$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 2;
continue $top;
case 2:
item2$enumerator = other.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 3:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$state = 4;
return true;
case 4:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (item2$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
return false;
case 7:
item2 = item2$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$state = 8;
return true;
case 8:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Sum = function Enumerable_Sum(source) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum$1(source);
$t.Sum$1 = function Enumerable_Sum(source) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
var num = 0;
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var nullable = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (nullable != null)
num += (nullable || 0);
return num;
$t.Sum$2 = function Enumerable_Sum(TSource, source, selector) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(TSource, System.Int32, source,
$t.Repeat = function Enumerable_Repeat(TResult, element, count) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var i = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (count < 0) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
else {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
return false;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("count");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
i = 0;
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 4:
while (i < count) {
$state = 6;
continue $top;
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 5:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 6:
$state = 8;
return true;
case 7:
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 8:
$state = 7;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Reverse = function Enumerable_Reverse(TSource, source) {
var stack = new (System.Collections.Generic.Stack$1(TSource).ctor)();
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
return stack;
$t.ToDictionary = function Enumerable_ToDictionary(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary$1(TSource, TKey, TSource, source, keySelector, $d.delegate(function(x) {
return x;
}, this));
$t.ToDictionary$1 = function Enumerable_ToDictionary(TSource, TKey, TValue, source, keySelector, valueSelector) {
var dictionary = new (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2(TKey, TValue).ctor)();
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
var key = keySelector(item);
var value = valueSelector(item);
dictionary.set_Item(key, value);
return dictionary;
$t.SequenceEqual = function Enumerable_SequenceEqual(TSource, source, other) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.SequenceEqual$1(TSource, source, other, System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TSource).get_Default());
$t.SequenceEqual$1 = function Enumerable_SequenceEqual(TSource, source, other, comparer) {
var sourceEnumerator = source.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
var otherEnumerator = other.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
while (sourceEnumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext() && otherEnumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var sourceItem = sourceEnumerator.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerator$1$get_Current();
var otherItem = otherEnumerator.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerator$1$get_Current();
if (!comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$Equals(sourceItem, otherItem))
return false;
return true;
$t.Cast = function Enumerable_Cast(TResult, source) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 5;
continue $top;
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 4:
return false;
case 5:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
$state = 6;
$stateMachine.set_Current($d.cast(item, TResult));
return true;
case 6:
$state = 3;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.OrderBy = function Enumerable_OrderBy(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector) {
return System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable$1(TSource).Create(TKey, source, keySelector, System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(TKey).get_Default(),
$t.OrderBy$1 = function Enumerable_OrderBy(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector, comparer) {
return System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable$1(TSource).Create(TKey, source, keySelector, comparer, false);
$t.OrderByDescending = function Enumerable_OrderByDescending(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector) {
return System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable$1(TSource).Create(TKey, source, keySelector, System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(TKey).get_Default(),
$t.OrderByDescending$1 = function Enumerable_OrderByDescending(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector, comparer) {
return System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable$1(TSource).Create(TKey, source, keySelector, comparer, true);
$t.ThenBy = function Enumerable_ThenBy(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
return source.System$Linq$IOrderedEnumerable$1$CreateOrderedEnumerable(TKey, keySelector,
System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(TKey).get_Default(), false);
$t.ThenBy$1 = function Enumerable_ThenBy(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector, comparer) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
return source.System$Linq$IOrderedEnumerable$1$CreateOrderedEnumerable(TKey, keySelector,
comparer, false);
$t.ThenByDescending = function Enumerable_ThenByDescending(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
return source.System$Linq$IOrderedEnumerable$1$CreateOrderedEnumerable(TKey, keySelector,
System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(TKey).get_Default(), true);
$t.ThenByDescending$1 = function Enumerable_ThenByDescending(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector, comparer) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
return source.System$Linq$IOrderedEnumerable$1$CreateOrderedEnumerable(TKey, keySelector,
comparer, true);
$t.OfType = function Enumerable_OfType(TResult, source) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 2;
continue $top;
case 2:
return false;
case 3:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if ($, TResult)) {
$state = 5;
continue $top;
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 4:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 5:
$state = 6;
$stateMachine.set_Current($d.cast(item, TResult));
return true;
case 6:
$state = 4;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Empty = function Enumerable_Empty(TResult) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
$state = 1;
return false;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.DefaultIfEmpty = function Enumerable_DefaultIfEmpty(TSource, source) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.DefaultIfEmpty$1(TSource, source, $d.default(TSource));
$t.DefaultIfEmpty$1 = function Enumerable_DefaultIfEmpty(TSource, source, defaultValue) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var isEmpty = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
isEmpty = true;
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 5;
continue $top;
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 4:
if (isEmpty) {
$state = 8;
continue $top;
$state = 7;
continue $top;
case 5:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
isEmpty = false;
$state = 6;
return true;
case 6:
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 7:
return false;
case 8:
$state = 9;
return true;
case 9:
$state = 7;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.GroupBy = function Enumerable_GroupBy(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy$7(TSource, TKey, TSource, System.Linq.IGrouping$2(TKey,
TSource), source, keySelector, System.IdentityFunction$1(TSource).Default, $d.delegate(System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupingCreator$2(TKey,
TSource).Create), System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TKey).get_Default());
$t.GroupBy$1 = function Enumerable_GroupBy(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector, comparer) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy$7(TSource, TKey, TSource, System.Linq.IGrouping$2(TKey,
TSource), source, keySelector, System.IdentityFunction$1(TSource).Default, $d.delegate(System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupingCreator$2(TKey,
TSource).Create), comparer);
$t.GroupBy$3 = function Enumerable_GroupBy(TSource, TKey, TElement, source, keySelector, elementSelector) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy$7(TSource, TKey, TElement, System.Linq.IGrouping$2(TKey,
TElement), source, keySelector, elementSelector, $d.delegate(System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupingCreator$2(TKey,
TElement).Create), System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TKey).get_Default());
$t.GroupBy$5 = function Enumerable_GroupBy(TSource, TKey, TElement, source, keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy$7(TSource, TKey, TElement, System.Linq.IGrouping$2(TKey,
TElement), source, keySelector, elementSelector, $d.delegate(System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupingCreator$2(TKey,
TElement).Create), System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TKey).get_Default());
$t.GroupBy$2 = function Enumerable_GroupBy(TSource, TKey, TResult, source, keySelector, resultSelector) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy$7(TSource, TKey, TSource, TResult, source, keySelector,
System.IdentityFunction$1(TSource).Default, resultSelector, System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TKey).get_Default());
$t.GroupBy$6 = function Enumerable_GroupBy(TSource, TKey, TElement, TResult, source, keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy$7(TSource, TKey, TElement, TResult, source, keySelector,
elementSelector, resultSelector, System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TKey).get_Default());
$t.GroupBy$4 = function Enumerable_GroupBy(TSource, TKey, TResult, source, keySelector, resultSelector, comparer) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy$7(TSource, TKey, TSource, TResult, source, keySelector,
System.IdentityFunction$1(TSource).Default, resultSelector, comparer);
$t.GroupBy$7 = function Enumerable_GroupBy(TSource, TKey, TElement, TResult, source, keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector, comparer) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var dictionary = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var key = null;
var list = null;
var item2 = null;
var item2$enumerator = null;
var result = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
dictionary = new (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2(TKey, System.Collections.Generic.List$1(TElement)).ctor$2)(comparer);
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 2;
continue $top;
case 2:
item2$enumerator = dictionary.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 3:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
key = keySelector(item);
if (!(function() {
var $out = {};
var $result$ = dictionary.TryGetValue(key, $out);
list = $out.value;
return $result$;
}).call(this)) {
$state = 5;
continue $top;
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 4:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 5:
list = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(TElement).ctor)();
dictionary.set_Item(key, list);
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 6:
while (item2$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 8;
continue $top;
$state = 7;
continue $top;
case 7:
return false;
case 8:
item2 = item2$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
result = resultSelector(item2.get_Key(), item2.get_Value());
$state = 9;
return true;
case 9:
$state = 6;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.ToLookup = function Enumerable_ToLookup(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector) {
return new (System.Linq.Lookup$2(TKey, TSource).ctor)(System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy(TSource,
TKey, source, keySelector));
$t.ToLookup$1 = function Enumerable_ToLookup(TSource, TKey, source, keySelector, comparer) {
return new (System.Linq.Lookup$2(TKey, TSource).ctor)(System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy$4(TSource,
TKey, System.Linq.IGrouping$2(TKey, TSource), source, keySelector, $d.delegate(System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupingCreator$2(TKey,
TSource).Create), comparer));
$t.ToLookup$2 = function Enumerable_ToLookup(TSource, TKey, TElement, source, keySelector, elementSelector) {
return new (System.Linq.Lookup$2(TKey, TElement).ctor)(System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy$3(TSource,
TKey, TElement, source, keySelector, elementSelector));
$t.ToLookup$3 = function Enumerable_ToLookup(TSource, TKey, TElement, source, keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) {
return new (System.Linq.Lookup$2(TKey, TElement).ctor)(System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy$5(TSource,
TKey, TElement, source, keySelector, elementSelector, comparer));
$t.Distinct = function Enumerable_Distinct(TSource, source) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Distinct$1(TSource, source, System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TSource).get_Default());
$t.Distinct$1 = function Enumerable_Distinct(TSource, source, comparer) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var set = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (source == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
set = new (System.Collections.Generic.HashSet$1(TSource).ctor$2)(comparer);
item$enumerator = source.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 5;
continue $top;
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 4:
return false;
case 5:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (set.Add(item)) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 7:
$state = 8;
return true;
case 8:
$state = 6;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.ElementAt = function Enumerable_ElementAt(TSource, source, index) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
var list = $, System.Collections.Generic.IList$1(TSource));
if (list != null)
return list.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item(index);
if (index < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("index");
var enumerator = source.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
try {
while (enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
if (index == 0)
return enumerator.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerator$1$get_Current();
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("index");
finally {
$t.ElementAtOrDefault = function Enumerable_ElementAtOrDefault(TSource, source, index) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
if (index >= 0) {
var list = $, System.Collections.Generic.IList$1(TSource));
if (list != null) {
if (index < list.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count())
return list.System$Collections$Generic$IList$1$get_Item(index);
else {
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var source1 = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (index == 0)
return source1;
return $d.default(TSource);
$t.Range = function Enumerable_Range(start, count) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(System.Int32).ctor)();
var num = null;
var value = null;
var index = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
num = start + count - 1;
if (count < 0 || num > 2147483647) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
value = start;
index = 0;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("count");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
while (index < count) {
$state = 5;
continue $top;
$state = 4;
continue $top;
case 4:
return false;
case 5:
$state = 7;
return true;
case 6:
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 7:
$state = 6;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Zip = function Enumerable_Zip(TFirst, TSecond, TResult, first, second, resultSelector) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TResult).ctor)();
var firstEnumerator = null;
var secondEnumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (first == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (second == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("first");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
if (resultSelector == null) {
$state = 6;
continue $top;
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("second");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
firstEnumerator = first.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
secondEnumerator = second.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
$state = 7;
continue $top;
case 6:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("resultSelector");
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 7:
while (firstEnumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext() && secondEnumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 9;
continue $top;
$state = 8;
continue $top;
case 8:
return false;
case 9:
$state = 10;
return true;
case 10:
$state = 7;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Union = function Enumerable_Union(TSource, first, second) {
if (first == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("first");
if (second == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("second");
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Union$1(TSource, first, second, System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TSource).get_Default());
$t.Union$1 = function Enumerable_Union(TSource, first, second, comparer) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var set = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (first == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (second == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("first");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
set = new (System.Collections.Generic.HashSet$1(TSource).ctor$2)(comparer);
item$enumerator = System.Linq.Enumerable.Concat(TSource, first, second).System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("second");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
return false;
case 7:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (set.Add(item)) {
$state = 9;
continue $top;
$state = 8;
continue $top;
case 8:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 9:
$state = 10;
return true;
case 10:
$state = 8;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Intersect = function Enumerable_Intersect(TSource, first, second) {
if (first == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("first");
if (second == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("second");
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Intersect$1(TSource, first, second, System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TSource).get_Default());
$t.Intersect$1 = function Enumerable_Intersect(TSource, first, second, comparer) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var firstSet = null;
var set = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (first == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (second == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("first");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
firstSet = new (System.Collections.Generic.HashSet$1(TSource).ctor$1)(first);
set = new (System.Collections.Generic.HashSet$1(TSource).ctor)();
item$enumerator = second.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("second");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
return false;
case 7:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (set.Add(item) && firstSet.Contains(item)) {
$state = 9;
continue $top;
$state = 8;
continue $top;
case 8:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 9:
$state = 10;
return true;
case 10:
$state = 8;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$t.Average$6 = function Enumerable_Average(TSource, source, selector) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(TSource, System.Double, source,
$t.Average$1 = function Enumerable_Average(source) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Average$8(source, $d.delegate(function() {
return null;
}, this));
$t.Average = function Enumerable_Average(source) {
return $d.nv(System.Linq.Enumerable.Average$8(System.Linq.Enumerable.Cast(System.Nullable$1(System.Double),
source), $d.delegate(function() {
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("No Elements to Average");
}, this)));
$t.Average$8 = function Enumerable_Average(source, onEmpty) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
var num1 = 0;
var num2 = 0;
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
num1 = $d.nadd(num1, item);
if (num2 > 0)
return $d.nv(num1) / num2;
return onEmpty();
$t.Average$7 = function Enumerable_Average(TSource, source, selector) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Average$4(System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(TSource, System.Int64,
source, selector));
$t.Average$5 = function Enumerable_Average(source) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Average$8(System.Linq.Enumerable.Cast(System.Nullable$1(System.Double),
source), $d.delegate(function() {
return null;
}, this));
$t.Average$4 = function Enumerable_Average(source) {
return $d.nv(System.Linq.Enumerable.Average$8(System.Linq.Enumerable.Cast(System.Nullable$1(System.Double),
source), $d.delegate(function() {
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("No Elements to Average");
}, this)));
$t.Average$3 = function Enumerable_Average(source) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Average$8(System.Linq.Enumerable.Cast(System.Nullable$1(System.Double),
source), $d.delegate(function() {
return null;
}, this));
$t.Average$2 = function Enumerable_Average(source) {
return $d.nv(System.Linq.Enumerable.Average$8(System.Linq.Enumerable.Cast(System.Nullable$1(System.Double),
source), $d.delegate(function() {
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("No Elements to Average");
}, this)));
$t.Count = function Enumerable_Count(TSource, source) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
var collection1 = $, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(TSource));
if (collection1 != null)
return collection1.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$get_Count();
var collection2 = $, System.Collections.ICollection);
if (collection2 != null)
return collection2.System$Collections$ICollection$get_Count();
var num = 0;
var enumerator = source.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
try {
while (enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
finally {
return num;
$t.Count$1 = function Enumerable_Count(TSource, source, predicate) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
if (predicate == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("predicate");
var num = 0;
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var source1 = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (predicate(source1))
return num;
$t.LongCount = function Enumerable_LongCount(TSource, source) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
var num = 0;
var enumerator = source.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
try {
while (enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
finally {
return num;
$t.LongCount$1 = function Enumerable_LongCount(TSource, source, predicate) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
if (predicate == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("predicate");
var num = 0;
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var source1 = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (predicate(source1))
return num;
$t.Contains = function Enumerable_Contains(TSource, source, value) {
var collection = $, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1(TSource));
if (collection != null)
return collection.System$Collections$Generic$ICollection$1$Contains(value);
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Contains$1(TSource, source, value, null);
$t.Contains$1 = function Enumerable_Contains(TSource, source, value, comparer) {
if (comparer == null)
comparer = System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TSource).get_Default();
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
var $iter = source;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var x = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IEqualityComparer$1$Equals(x, value))
return true;
return false;
$t.Except = function Enumerable_Except(TSource, first, second) {
if (first == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("first");
if (second == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("second");
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Except$1(TSource, first, second, System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(TSource).get_Default());
$t.Except$1 = function Enumerable_Except(TSource, first, second, comparer) {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(TSource).ctor)();
var set = null;
var item = null;
var item$enumerator = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if (first == null) {
$state = 2;
continue $top;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
if (second == null) {
$state = 4;
continue $top;
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 2:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("first");
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 3:
set = new (System.Collections.Generic.HashSet$1(TSource).ctor$3)(second,
item$enumerator = first.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 4:
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("second");
$state = 3;
continue $top;
case 5:
while (item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
$state = 7;
continue $top;
$state = 6;
continue $top;
case 6:
return false;
case 7:
item = item$enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (!set.Contains(item)) {
$state = 9;
continue $top;
$state = 8;
continue $top;
case 8:
$state = 5;
continue $top;
case 9:
$state = 10;
return true;
case 10:
$state = 8;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupingCreator$2 = $d.declare("GroupingCreator`2", System.Object, 256, System.Linq.Enumerable, function($t, $p, TKey, TElement) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [3, null, [["Create", t.Create, 22]]]; };
$t.Create = function GroupingCreator$2_Create(key, elements) {
return new (System.Linq.Grouping$2(TKey, TElement).ctor)(key, elements);
}, ["TKey", "TElement"]);
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.Expression", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [129, null, [["get_NodeType", p.get_NodeType, 6], ["Accept", null, 6], ["Lambda", t.Lambda$2, 22], ["Lambda", t.Lambda$3, 22], ["Lambda", t.Lambda, 22], ["Lambda", t.Lambda$1, 22], ["Property", t.Property$6, 22], ["Property", t.Property$4, 22], ["Property", t.Property$3, 22], ["Property", t.Property$2, 22], ["Property", t.Property$5, 22], ["Property", t.Property$1, 22], ["Property", t.Property, 22], ["PropertyOrField", t.PropertyOrField, 22], ["Parameter", t.Parameter, 22], ["Variable", t.Variable, 22], ["Variable", t.Variable$1, 22], ["Parameter", t.Parameter$1, 22], ["MakeMemberAccess", t.MakeMemberAccess, 22], ["Call", t.Call$1, 22], ["Call", t.Call, 22], ["Constant", t.Constant, 22], ["Constant", t.Constant$1, 22], ["MakeBinary", t.MakeBinary$1, 22], ["MakeBinary", t.MakeBinary, 22], ["MakeUnary", t.MakeUnary, 22], ["MakeUnary", t.MakeUnary$1, 22], ["New", t.New$1, 22], ["New", t.New, 22], ["New", t.New$3, 22], ["New", t.New$2, 22], ["Bind", t.Bind, 22], ["Bind", t.Bind$1, 22], ["MemberInit", t.MemberInit$1, 22], ["MemberInit", t.MemberInit, 22], ["ListInit", t.ListInit$3, 22], ["ListInit", t.ListInit$1, 22], ["ListInit", t.ListInit$5, 22], ["ListInit", t.ListInit$4, 22], ["ListInit", t.ListInit$2, 22], ["ListInit", t.ListInit, 22], ["ElementInit", t.ElementInit$1, 22], ["ElementInit", t.ElementInit, 22], ["NewArrayInit", t.NewArrayInit$1, 22], ["NewArrayInit", t.NewArrayInit, 22], ["NewArrayBounds", t.NewArrayBounds$1, 22], ["NewArrayBounds", t.NewArrayBounds, 22], ["TypeAs", t.TypeAs, 22], ["TypeIs", t.TypeIs, 22], ["Default", t.Default, 22], ["MakeIndex", t.MakeIndex, 22], ["ArrayIndex", t.ArrayIndex$2, 22], ["ArrayIndex", t.ArrayIndex, 22], ["ArrayIndex", t.ArrayIndex$1, 22], ["Condition", t.Condition, 22], ["Condition", t.Condition$1, 22], ["Invoke", t.Invoke$1, 22], ["Invoke", t.Invoke, 22], ["Field", t.Field, 22], ["Field", t.Field$1, 22], ["Field", t.Field$2, 22], ["Convert", t.Convert, 22], ["Convert", t.Convert$1, 22], ["Add", t.Add, 22], ["Add", t.Add$1, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 4]], [["NodeType", System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType, 0], ["Type", 27]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.NodeType = 0;
$p.get_NodeType = function Expression_get_NodeType() { return this.NodeType; };
$p.set_NodeType = function Expression_set_NodeType(value) { this.NodeType = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function Expression(nodeType) {
$t.Lambda$2 = function Expression_Lambda(TDelegate, body, parameters) {
return $t.Lambda$3(TDelegate, body, null, false, parameters);
$t.Lambda$3 = function Expression_Lambda(TDelegate, body, name, tailCall, parameters) {
return new (System.Linq.Expressions.Expression$1(TDelegate).ctor)(body, name, tailCall, parameters);
$t.Lambda = function Expression_Lambda(delegateType, body, parameters) {
return $t.Lambda$1(delegateType, body, null, false, parameters);
$t.Lambda$1 = function Expression_Lambda(delegateType, body, name, tailCall, parameters) {
return null;
$t.Property$6 = function Expression_Property(instance, propertyName, args) {
return $t.Property$4(instance, null, args);
$t.Property$4 = function Expression_Property(instance, indexer, args) {
return $t.Property$3(instance, indexer, $d.cast(args, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)));
$t.Property$3 = function Expression_Property(instance, indexer, args) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.IndexExpression.ctor(instance, indexer, null, System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,
$t.Property$2 = function Expression_Property(expression, propertyName) {
var property = $d.getTypeFromInst(expression).GetProperty(propertyName);
return $t.Property$1(expression, property);
$t.Property$5 = function Expression_Property(expression, type, propertyName) {
var property = type.GetProperty(propertyName);
return $t.Property$1(expression, property);
$t.Property$1 = function Expression_Property(expression, property) {
return System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression.Make(expression, property);
$t.Property = function Expression_Property(expression, propertyAccessor) {
return $t.Property$1(expression, $t.GetProperty(propertyAccessor));
$t.PropertyOrField = function Expression_PropertyOrField(expression, propertyOrFieldName) {
var property1 = expression.get_Type().GetProperty$1(propertyOrFieldName, 85);
if (property1 != null)
return $t.Property$1(expression, property1);
var field1 = expression.get_Type().GetField$1(propertyOrFieldName, 85);
if (field1 != null)
return $t.Field(expression, field1);
var property2 = expression.get_Type().GetProperty$1(propertyOrFieldName, 101);
if (property2 != null)
return $t.Property$1(expression, property2);
var field2 = expression.get_Type().GetField$1(propertyOrFieldName, 101);
if (field2 != null)
return $t.Field(expression, field2);
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("Not found: " + propertyOrFieldName);
$t.Parameter = function Expression_Parameter(type) {
return $t.Parameter$1(type, null);
$t.Variable = function Expression_Variable(type) {
return $t.Variable$1(type, null);
$t.Variable$1 = function Expression_Variable(type, name) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression.ctor(type, name);
$t.Parameter$1 = function Expression_Parameter(type, name) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression.ctor(type, name);
$t.MakeMemberAccess = function Expression_MakeMemberAccess(target, member) {
if ($, System.Reflection.FieldInfo))
return new System.Linq.Expressions.FieldExpression.ctor(target, $d.cast(member, System.Reflection.FieldInfo));
if ($, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo))
return new System.Linq.Expressions.PropertyExpression.ctor(target, $d.cast(member, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo));
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("Only field and property members are supported");
$t.Call$1 = function Expression_Call(target, method, args) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression.ctor(target, method, args);
$t.Call = function Expression_Call(method, args) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression.ctor(null, method, args);
$t.Constant = function Expression_Constant(value) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.ConstantExpression.ctor(value);
$t.Constant$1 = function Expression_Constant(value, type) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.ConstantExpression.ctor$1(value, type);
$t.MakeBinary$1 = function Expression_MakeBinary(nodeType, left, right, liftToNull, method) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.BinaryExpression.ctor$1(left, right, nodeType, liftToNull,
$t.MakeBinary = function Expression_MakeBinary(binaryType, left, right) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.BinaryExpression.ctor$1(left, right, binaryType, false, null);
$t.MakeUnary = function Expression_MakeUnary(unaryType, operand, type) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression.ctor(unaryType, operand, null, type);
$t.MakeUnary$1 = function Expression_MakeUnary(unaryType, operand, type, method) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression.ctor(unaryType, operand, method, type);
$t.New$1 = function Expression_New(type) {
var constructor = System.Linq.Enumerable.Single$1(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo, type.GetConstructors(),
$d.delegate(function(x) {
return x.parameters.length == 0;
}, this));
return new System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression.ctor(constructor, $d.array(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,
$t.New = function Expression_New(constructor) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression.ctor(constructor, $d.array(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,
$t.New$3 = function Expression_New(constructor, args) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression.ctor(constructor, args);
$t.New$2 = function Expression_New(constructor, args) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression.ctor(constructor, args);
$t.Bind = function Expression_Bind(member, expression) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.MemberAssignment.ctor(member, expression);
$t.Bind$1 = function Expression_Bind(propertyAccessor, expression) {
var memberInfo = $t.GetProperty(propertyAccessor);
return new System.Linq.Expressions.MemberAssignment.ctor(memberInfo, expression);
$t.MemberInit$1 = function Expression_MemberInit(newExpression, bindings) {
return $t.MemberInit(newExpression, $d.cast(bindings, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding)));
$t.MemberInit = function Expression_MemberInit(newExpression, bindings) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.MemberInitExpression.ctor(newExpression, System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding,
$t.GetProperty = function Expression_GetProperty(mi) {
var propertyName = mi.get_Name();
if (propertyName.StartsWith("set_"))
propertyName = propertyName.Substring(4);
return mi.get_DeclaringType().GetProperty(propertyName);
$t.ListInit$3 = function Expression_ListInit(newExpression, initializers) {
return $t.ListInit$1(newExpression, $d.cast(initializers, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)));
$t.ListInit$1 = function Expression_ListInit(newExpression, initializers) {
var method = newExpression.get_Type().GetMethod("Add");
return $t.ListInit$4(newExpression, method, initializers);
$t.ListInit$5 = function Expression_ListInit(newExpression, addMethod, initializers) {
if (addMethod == null)
return $t.ListInit$1(newExpression, $d.cast(initializers, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)));
return $t.ListInit$4(newExpression, addMethod, $d.cast(initializers, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)));
$t.ListInit$4 = function Expression_ListInit(newExpression, addMethod, initializers) {
if (addMethod == null)
return $t.ListInit$1(newExpression, initializers);
var list = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit, System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,
System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit, initializers, $d.delegate(function(x) {
return $t.ElementInit(addMethod, (function() {
var $obj = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression).ctor)();
return $obj;
}, this)));
return $t.ListInit$2(newExpression, list);
$t.ListInit$2 = function Expression_ListInit(newExpression, initializers) {
return $t.ListInit(newExpression, $d.cast(initializers, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit)));
$t.ListInit = function Expression_ListInit(newExpression, initializers) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.ListInitExpression.ctor(newExpression, System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit,
$t.ElementInit$1 = function Expression_ElementInit(addMethod, args) {
return $t.ElementInit(addMethod, $d.cast(args, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)));
$t.ElementInit = function Expression_ElementInit(addMethod, args) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit.ctor(addMethod, System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,
$t.NewArrayInit$1 = function Expression_NewArrayInit(type, initializers) {
return $t.NewArrayInit(type, $d.cast(initializers, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)));
$t.NewArrayInit = function Expression_NewArrayInit(type, initializers) {
var expressions = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, initializers);
var i = 0;
var list = null;
if (list != null)
expressions = list;
return new System.Linq.Expressions.NewArrayExpression.ctor(32, type.MakeArrayType(), System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,
$t.NewArrayBounds$1 = function Expression_NewArrayBounds(type, bounds) {
return $t.NewArrayBounds(type, $d.cast(bounds, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)));
$t.NewArrayBounds = function Expression_NewArrayBounds(type, bounds) {
var expressions = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, bounds);
var count = expressions.length;
return new System.Linq.Expressions.NewArrayExpression.ctor(33, count != 1 ? type.MakeArrayType$1(count) : type.MakeArrayType(),
System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, expressions));
$t.TypeAs = function Expression_TypeAs(expression, type) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression.ctor(44, expression, null, type);
$t.TypeIs = function Expression_TypeIs(expression, type) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.TypeBinaryExpression.ctor(expression, type, 45);
$t.Default = function Expression_Default(type) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.DefaultExpression.ctor(type);
$t.MakeIndex = function Expression_MakeIndex(target, indexer, args) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.IndexExpression.ctor(target, indexer, indexer != null ? indexer.get_PropertyType() : null,
System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, args));
$t.ArrayIndex$2 = function Expression_ArrayIndex(array, indexes) {
return $t.ArrayIndex(array, $d.cast(indexes, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)));
$t.ArrayIndex = function Expression_ArrayIndex(array, indexes) {
var method = $d.typeOf(Array).GetMethod("Get");
return $t.Call$1(array, method, System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,
$t.ArrayIndex$1 = function Expression_ArrayIndex(array, index) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.BinaryExpression.ctor(array, index, 5);
$t.Condition = function Expression_Condition(test, ifTrue, ifFalse) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.ConditionalExpression.ctor$1(test, ifTrue, ifFalse, ifTrue.get_Type());
$t.Condition$1 = function Expression_Condition(test, ifTrue, ifFalse, type) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.ConditionalExpression.ctor$1(test, ifTrue, ifFalse, type);
$t.Invoke$1 = function Expression_Invoke(expression, args) {
return $t.Invoke(expression, $d.cast(args, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)));
$t.Invoke = function Expression_Invoke(expression, args) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.InvocationExpression.ctor(expression, System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,
args), $d.typeOf(System.Object));
$t.Field = function Expression_Field(expression, field) {
return System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression.Make(expression, field);
$t.Field$1 = function Expression_Field(expression, fieldName) {
var field = expression.get_Type().GetField$1(fieldName, 85);
if (field == null)
field = expression.get_Type().GetField$1(fieldName, 101);
if (field == null)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1(fieldName + ": " + $d.toString(expression.get_Type()));
return $t.Field(expression, field);
$t.Field$2 = function Expression_Field(expression, type, fieldName) {
var field = type.GetField$1(fieldName, 93);
if (field == null)
field = type.GetField$1(fieldName, 109);
if (field == null)
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1(fieldName + ": " + $d.toString(type));
return $t.Field(expression, field);
$t.Convert = function Expression_Convert(expression, type) {
return $t.Convert$1(expression, type, null);
$t.Convert$1 = function Expression_Convert(expression, type, method) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$t.Add = function Expression_Add(left, right) {
return $t.Add$1(left, right, null);
$t.Add$1 = function Expression_Add(left, right, method) {
return $t.MakeBinary$1(0, left, right, false, method);
System.Linq.Expressions.BinaryExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.BinaryExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Left", p.get_Left, 6], ["get_Right", p.get_Right, 6], ["get_Method", p.get_Method, 6], ["get_Conversion", p.get_Conversion, 6], ["get_IsLifted", p.get_IsLifted, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6], ["get_IsReferenceComparison", p.get_IsReferenceComparison, 3], ["get_IsLiftedToNull", p.get_IsLiftedToNull, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6]], [["Left", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0], ["Right", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 1], ["Method", System.Reflection.MethodInfo, 2], ["Conversion", System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression, 3], ["IsLifted", 39, 4], ["Type", 27, 6], ["IsReferenceComparison", 39, 8], ["IsLiftedToNull", 39, 9]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.Left = null;
this.Right = null;
this.Method = null;
this.Conversion = null;
this.IsLifted = false;
$p.get_Left = function BinaryExpression_get_Left() { return this.Left; };
$p.set_Left = function BinaryExpression_set_Left(value) { this.Left = value;return value; };
$p.get_Right = function BinaryExpression_get_Right() { return this.Right; };
$p.set_Right = function BinaryExpression_set_Right(value) { this.Right = value;return value; };
$p.get_Method = function BinaryExpression_get_Method() { return this.Method; };
$p.set_Method = function BinaryExpression_set_Method(value) { this.Method = value;return value; };
$p.get_Conversion = function BinaryExpression_get_Conversion() { return this.Conversion; };
$p.set_Conversion = function BinaryExpression_set_Conversion(value) { this.Conversion = value;return value; };
$p.get_IsLifted = function BinaryExpression_get_IsLifted() { return this.IsLifted; };
$p.set_IsLifted = function BinaryExpression_set_IsLifted(value) { this.IsLifted = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function BinaryExpression(left, right, nodeType) {
$t.$, nodeType);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function BinaryExpression(left, right, nodeType, liftToNull, method) {
$t.$, nodeType);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function BinaryExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitBinary(this);
$p.get_Type = function BinaryExpression_get_Type() {
switch (this.get_NodeType()) {
case 0:
case 63:
case 74:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 64:
case 46:
case 12:
case 65:
case 14:
case 66:
case 19:
case 67:
case 25:
case 68:
case 26:
case 69:
case 75:
case 27:
case 36:
case 70:
case 37:
case 41:
case 72:
case 42:
case 73:
case 76:
case 43:
return this.get_Left().get_Type();
case 13:
case 15:
case 16:
case 20:
case 21:
case 35:
case 45:
return $d.typeOf(Boolean);
case 5:
return $d.typeOf(System.Object);
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("Unexpected node type: " + $d.toString($d.boxEnum(System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType,
$p.Update = function BinaryExpression_Update(left, conversion, right) {
return this;
$p.get_IsReferenceComparison = function BinaryExpression_get_IsReferenceComparison() {
var type1 = this.get_Left().get_Type();
var type2 = this.get_Right().get_Type();
var method = this.get_Method();
switch (this.get_NodeType()) {
case 13:
case 35:
if (method == null && !type1.get_IsValueType())
return !type2.get_IsValueType();
return false;
$p.get_IsLiftedToNull = function BinaryExpression_get_IsLiftedToNull() {
if (this.get_IsLifted())
return this.get_Type() == $d.typeOf(System.Nullable$1);
return false;
System.Linq.Expressions.ConditionalExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.ConditionalExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Test", p.get_Test, 6], ["get_IfTrue", p.get_IfTrue, 6], ["get_IfFalse", p.get_IfFalse, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6]], [["Test", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0], ["IfTrue", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 1], ["IfFalse", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 2], ["Type", 27, 4]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.type = null;
this.Test = null;
this.IfTrue = null;
this.IfFalse = null;
$p.get_Test = function ConditionalExpression_get_Test() { return this.Test; };
$p.set_Test = function ConditionalExpression_set_Test(value) { this.Test = value;return value; };
$p.get_IfTrue = function ConditionalExpression_get_IfTrue() { return this.IfTrue; };
$p.set_IfTrue = function ConditionalExpression_set_IfTrue(value) { this.IfTrue = value;return value; };
$p.get_IfFalse = function ConditionalExpression_get_IfFalse() { return this.IfFalse; };
$p.set_IfFalse = function ConditionalExpression_set_IfFalse(value) { this.IfFalse = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function ConditionalExpression(test, ifTrue, ifFalse) {
$t.$, 8);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function ConditionalExpression(test, ifTrue, ifFalse, type) {
$t.$, 8);
this.type = type;
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function ConditionalExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitConditional(this);
$p.get_Type = function ConditionalExpression_get_Type() {
return this.type || this.get_IfTrue().get_Type();
$p.Update = function ConditionalExpression_Update(test, ifTrue, ifFalse) {
return this;
System.Linq.Expressions.ConstantExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.ConstantExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Value", p.get_Value, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6]], [["Value", 1, 0], ["Type", 27, 2]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.type = null;
this.Value = null;
$p.get_Value = function ConstantExpression_get_Value() { return this.Value; };
$p.set_Value = function ConstantExpression_set_Value(value) { this.Value = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function ConstantExpression(value) {
$t.$, 9);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function ConstantExpression(value, type) {
$, value);
this.type = type;
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function ConstantExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitConstant(this);
$p.get_Type = function ConstantExpression_get_Type() {
return this.type || (this.get_Value() != null ? $d.getTypeFromInst(this.get_Value()) : $d.typeOf(System.Object));
System.Linq.Expressions.DefaultExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.DefaultExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Type", 27, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.type = null;
$t.ctor = function DefaultExpression(type) {
$t.$, 51);
this.type = type;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function DefaultExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitDefault(this);
$p.get_Type = function DefaultExpression_get_Type() {
return this.type;
System.Linq.Expressions.IArgumentProvider = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.IArgumentProvider", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [160, null, null, null, [["Arguments", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)]]]; };
System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Linq.Expressions.IArgumentProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_AddMethod", p.get_AddMethod, 6], ["get_Arguments", p.get_Arguments, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["AddMethod", System.Reflection.MethodInfo, 0], ["Arguments", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression), 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.AddMethod = null;
this.Arguments = null;
$p.get_AddMethod = function ElementInit_get_AddMethod() { return this.AddMethod; };
$p.set_AddMethod = function ElementInit_set_AddMethod(value) { this.AddMethod = value;return value; };
$p.get_Arguments = function ElementInit_get_Arguments() { return this.Arguments; };
$p.set_Arguments = function ElementInit_set_Arguments(value) { this.Arguments = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function ElementInit(addMethod, args) {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Update = function ElementInit_Update(args) {
return this;
$p.System$Linq$Expressions$IArgumentProvider$get_Arguments = $p.get_Arguments;
System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [129, null, [["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6], ["get_Name", p.get_Name, 6], ["get_Body", p.get_Body, 6], ["get_Parameters", p.get_Parameters, 6], ["get_DelegateType", p.get_DelegateType, 6], ["get_TailCall", p.get_TailCall, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6], ["Compile", p.Compile, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 3]], [["Type", 27, 0], ["Name", 20, 1], ["Body", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 2], ["Parameters", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression), 3], ["DelegateType", 27, 4], ["TailCall", 39, 5]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() { = null;
this.body = null;
this.parameters = null;
this.delegateType = null;
this.tailCall = false;
$t.ctor = function LambdaExpression(delegateType, name, body, tailCall, parameters) {
$t.$, 18); = name;
this.body = body;
this.parameters = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression,
this.delegateType = delegateType;
this.tailCall = tailCall;
$p.get_Type = function LambdaExpression_get_Type() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.get_Name = function LambdaExpression_get_Name() {
$p.get_Body = function LambdaExpression_get_Body() {
return this.body;
$p.get_Parameters = function LambdaExpression_get_Parameters() {
return this.parameters;
$p.get_DelegateType = function LambdaExpression_get_DelegateType() {
return this.delegateType;
$p.get_TailCall = function LambdaExpression_get_TailCall() {
return this.tailCall;
$p.Update = function LambdaExpression_Update(body, parameters) {
return this;
$p.Compile = function LambdaExpression_Compile() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression$1 = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.Expression`1", System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, TDelegate) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["Compile", p.Compile$1, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 3]]]; };
$t.ctor = function Expression$1(body, name, tailCall, parameters) {
$t.$, $d.typeOf(TDelegate), name, body, tailCall, parameters);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function Expression$1_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitLambda(TDelegate, this);
$p.Compile$1 = function Expression$1_Compile() {
var lambdaExpression = this;
var lambda = function() {
var evaluator = new DuoCode.Runtime.Evaluator.ctor(lambdaExpression.get_Body());
var index = 0;
for (var $i1 = 0, $a1 = lambdaExpression.get_Parameters(), $length1 = $; $i1 != $length1; $i1++) {
var parameter = $[$i1];
var value = arguments[index];
evaluator.AddArgument(parameter, value);
return evaluator.Evaluate();
return $d.delegate(lambda, $d.typeOf(TDelegate).self);
}, ["TDelegate"]);
System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType = $d.declareEnum("System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType", 45, $asm, 257, ["Add", "AddChecked", "And", "AndAlso", "ArrayLength", "ArrayIndex", "Call", "Coalesce", "Conditional", "Constant", "Convert", "ConvertChecked", "Divide", "Equal", "ExclusiveOr", "GreaterThan", "GreaterThanOrEqual", "Invoke", "Lambda", "LeftShift", "LessThan", "LessThanOrEqual", "ListInit", "MemberAccess", "MemberInit", "Modulo", "Multiply", "MultiplyChecked", "Negate", "UnaryPlus", "NegateChecked", "New", "NewArrayInit", "NewArrayBounds", "Not", "NotEqual", "Or", "OrElse", "Parameter", "Power", "Quote", "RightShift", "Subtract", "SubtractChecked", "TypeAs", "TypeIs", "Assign", "Block", "DebugInfo", "Decrement", "Dynamic", "Default", "Extension", "Goto", "Increment", "Index", "Label", "RuntimeVariables", "Loop", "Switch", "Throw", "Try", "Unbox", "AddAssign", "AndAssign", "DivideAssign", "ExclusiveOrAssign", "LeftShiftAssign", "ModuloAssign", "MultiplyAssign", "OrAssign", "PowerAssign", "RightShiftAssign", "SubtractAssign", "AddAssignChecked", "MultiplyAssignChecked", "SubtractAssignChecked", "PreIncrementAssign", "PreDecrementAssign", "PostIncrementAssign", "PostDecrementAssign", "TypeEqual", "OnesComplement", "IsTrue", "IsFalse"], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84]);
System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [129, null, [["get_Expression", p.get_Expression, 6], ["get_Member", p.get_Member, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["Make", t.Make, 19], ["Update", p.Update, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Expression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0], ["Member", System.Reflection.MemberInfo, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.Expression = null;
this.Member = null;
$p.get_Expression = function MemberExpression_get_Expression() { return this.Expression; };
$p.set_Expression = function MemberExpression_set_Expression(value) { this.Expression = value;return value; };
$p.get_Member = function MemberExpression_get_Member() { return this.Member; };
$p.set_Member = function MemberExpression_set_Member(value) { this.Member = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function MemberExpression(expression, member) {
$t.$, 23);
$p.Accept = function MemberExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitMember(this);
$t.Make = function MemberExpression_Make(expression, member) {
if (member.get_MemberType() == 4) {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.FieldExpression.ctor(expression, $d.cast(member, System.Reflection.FieldInfo));
else {
return new System.Linq.Expressions.PropertyExpression.ctor(expression, $d.cast(member, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo));
$p.Update = function MemberExpression_Update(Expression) {
return this;
System.Linq.Expressions.FieldExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.FieldExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Type", 27, 0]]]; };
$t.ctor = function FieldExpression(expression, member) {
$t.$, expression, member);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Type = function FieldExpression_get_Type() {
return ($d.cast(this.get_Member(), System.Reflection.FieldInfo)).get_FieldType();
System.Linq.Expressions.IndexExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.IndexExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Linq.Expressions.IArgumentProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Object", p.get_Object, 6], ["get_Indexer", p.get_Indexer, 6], ["get_Arguments", p.get_Arguments, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Object", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0], ["Indexer", System.Reflection.PropertyInfo, 1], ["Arguments", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression), 2], ["Type", 27, 4]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.elementType = null;
this.Object = null;
this.Indexer = null;
this.Arguments = null;
$p.get_Object = function IndexExpression_get_Object() { return this.Object; };
$p.set_Object = function IndexExpression_set_Object(value) { this.Object = value;return value; };
$p.get_Indexer = function IndexExpression_get_Indexer() { return this.Indexer; };
$p.set_Indexer = function IndexExpression_set_Indexer(value) { this.Indexer = value;return value; };
$p.get_Arguments = function IndexExpression_get_Arguments() { return this.Arguments; };
$p.set_Arguments = function IndexExpression_set_Arguments(value) { this.Arguments = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function IndexExpression(obj, indexer, elementType, args) {
$t.$, 55);
this.elementType = elementType;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function IndexExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitIndex(this);
$p.get_Type = function IndexExpression_get_Type() {
return this.elementType;
$p.System$Linq$Expressions$IArgumentProvider$get_Arguments = $p.get_Arguments;
System.Linq.Expressions.InvocationExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.InvocationExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Linq.Expressions.IArgumentProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Expression", p.get_Expression, 6], ["get_Arguments", p.get_Arguments, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6], ["Rewrite", p.Rewrite, 3]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Expression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0], ["Arguments", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression), 1], ["Type", 27, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.returnType = null;
this.Expression = null;
this.Arguments = null;
$p.get_Expression = function InvocationExpression_get_Expression() { return this.Expression; };
$p.set_Expression = function InvocationExpression_set_Expression(value) { this.Expression = value;return value; };
$p.get_Arguments = function InvocationExpression_get_Arguments() { return this.Arguments; };
$p.set_Arguments = function InvocationExpression_set_Arguments(value) { this.Arguments = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function InvocationExpression(expression, args, returnType) {
$t.$, 17);
this.returnType = returnType;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function InvocationExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitInvocation(this);
$p.get_Type = function InvocationExpression_get_Type() {
return this.returnType;
$p.Rewrite = function InvocationExpression_Rewrite(lambda, args) {
return this;
$p.System$Linq$Expressions$IArgumentProvider$get_Arguments = $p.get_Arguments;
System.Linq.Expressions.ListInitExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.ListInitExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_NewExpression", p.get_NewExpression, 6], ["get_Initializers", p.get_Initializers, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["NewExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression, 0], ["Initializers", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit), 1], ["Type", 27, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.NewExpression = null;
this.Initializers = null;
$p.get_NewExpression = function ListInitExpression_get_NewExpression() { return this.NewExpression; };
$p.set_NewExpression = function ListInitExpression_set_NewExpression(value) { this.NewExpression = value;return value; };
$p.get_Initializers = function ListInitExpression_get_Initializers() { return this.Initializers; };
$p.set_Initializers = function ListInitExpression_set_Initializers(value) { this.Initializers = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function ListInitExpression(newExpression, initializers) {
$t.$, 22);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function ListInitExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitListInit(this);
$p.get_Type = function ListInitExpression_get_Type() {
return this.get_NewExpression().get_Type();
$p.Update = function ListInitExpression_Update(NewExpression, initializers) {
return this;
System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_BindingType", p.get_BindingType, 6], ["get_Member", p.get_Member, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["BindingType", System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBindingType, 0], ["Member", System.Reflection.MemberInfo, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.BindingType = 0;
this.Member = null;
$p.get_BindingType = function MemberBinding_get_BindingType() { return this.BindingType; };
$p.set_BindingType = function MemberBinding_set_BindingType(value) { this.BindingType = value;return value; };
$p.get_Member = function MemberBinding_get_Member() { return this.Member; };
$p.set_Member = function MemberBinding_set_Member(value) { this.Member = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function MemberBinding(bindingType, member) {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Linq.Expressions.MemberAssignment = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.MemberAssignment", System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Expression", p.get_Expression, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Expression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.Expression = null;
$p.get_Expression = function MemberAssignment_get_Expression() { return this.Expression; };
$p.set_Expression = function MemberAssignment_set_Expression(value) { this.Expression = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function MemberAssignment(member, expression) {
$t.$, 0, member);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Update = function MemberAssignment_Update(Expression) {
return this;
System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBindingType = $d.declareEnum("System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBindingType", 45, $asm, 257, ["Assignment", "MemberBinding", "ListBinding"], [0, 1, 2]);
System.Linq.Expressions.MemberInitExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.MemberInitExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_NewExpression", p.get_NewExpression, 6], ["get_Bindings", p.get_Bindings, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["NewExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression, 0], ["Bindings", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding), 1], ["Type", 27, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.NewExpression = null;
this.Bindings = null;
$p.get_NewExpression = function MemberInitExpression_get_NewExpression() { return this.NewExpression; };
$p.set_NewExpression = function MemberInitExpression_set_NewExpression(value) { this.NewExpression = value;return value; };
$p.get_Bindings = function MemberInitExpression_get_Bindings() { return this.Bindings; };
$p.set_Bindings = function MemberInitExpression_set_Bindings(value) { this.Bindings = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function MemberInitExpression(newExpression, bindings) {
$t.$, 24);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function MemberInitExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitMemberInit(this);
$p.get_Type = function MemberInitExpression_get_Type() {
return this.get_NewExpression().get_Type();
$p.Update = function MemberInitExpression_Update(newExpression, bindings) {
return this;
System.Linq.Expressions.MemberListBinding = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.MemberListBinding", System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Initializers", p.get_Initializers, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Initializers", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit), 0]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.Initializers = null;
$p.get_Initializers = function MemberListBinding_get_Initializers() { return this.Initializers; };
$p.set_Initializers = function MemberListBinding_set_Initializers(value) { this.Initializers = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function MemberListBinding(bindingType, member, initializers) {
$t.$, bindingType, member);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Update = function MemberListBinding_Update(initializers) {
return this;
System.Linq.Expressions.MemberMemberBinding = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.MemberMemberBinding", System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Bindings", p.get_Bindings, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Bindings", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding), 0]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.Bindings = null;
$p.get_Bindings = function MemberMemberBinding_get_Bindings() { return this.Bindings; };
$p.set_Bindings = function MemberMemberBinding_set_Bindings(value) { this.Bindings = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function MemberMemberBinding(bindingType, member, bindings) {
$t.$, bindingType, member);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Update = function MemberMemberBinding_Update(bindings) {
return this;
System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Linq.Expressions.IArgumentProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Object", p.get_Object, 6], ["get_Method", p.get_Method, 6], ["get_Arguments", p.get_Arguments, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Object", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0], ["Method", System.Reflection.MethodInfo, 1], ["Arguments", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression), 2], ["Type", 27, 4]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.Object = null;
this.Method = null;
this.Arguments = null;
$p.get_Object = function MethodCallExpression_get_Object() { return this.Object; };
$p.set_Object = function MethodCallExpression_set_Object(value) { this.Object = value;return value; };
$p.get_Method = function MethodCallExpression_get_Method() { return this.Method; };
$p.set_Method = function MethodCallExpression_set_Method(value) { this.Method = value;return value; };
$p.get_Arguments = function MethodCallExpression_get_Arguments() { return this.Arguments; };
$p.set_Arguments = function MethodCallExpression_set_Arguments(value) { this.Arguments = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function MethodCallExpression(obj, method, args) {
$t.$, 6);
this.set_Arguments(System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, args));
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function MethodCallExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitMethodCall(this);
$p.get_Type = function MethodCallExpression_get_Type() {
return this.get_Method().get_ReturnType();
$p.System$Linq$Expressions$IArgumentProvider$get_Arguments = $p.get_Arguments;
System.Linq.Expressions.NewArrayExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.NewArrayExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Expressions", p.get_Expressions, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Expressions", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression), 0], ["Type", 27, 2]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.type = null;
this.Expressions = null;
$p.get_Expressions = function NewArrayExpression_get_Expressions() { return this.Expressions; };
$p.set_Expressions = function NewArrayExpression_set_Expressions(value) { this.Expressions = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function NewArrayExpression(nodeType, type, expressions) {
$t.$, nodeType);
this.type = type;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function NewArrayExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitNewArray(this);
$p.get_Type = function NewArrayExpression_get_Type() {
return this.type;
$p.Update = function NewArrayExpression_Update(expressions) {
return this;
System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Linq.Expressions.IArgumentProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Arguments", p.get_Arguments, 6], ["get_Constructor", p.get_Constructor, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Arguments", System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression), 0], ["Constructor", System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo, 1], ["Type", 27, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.Arguments = null;
this.Constructor = null;
$p.get_Arguments = function NewExpression_get_Arguments() { return this.Arguments; };
$p.set_Arguments = function NewExpression_set_Arguments(value) { this.Arguments = value;return value; };
$p.get_Constructor = function NewExpression_get_Constructor() { return this.Constructor; };
$p.set_Constructor = function NewExpression_set_Constructor(value) { this.Constructor = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function NewExpression(constructor, args) {
$t.$, 31);
this.set_Arguments(System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, args));
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function NewExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitNew(this);
$p.get_Type = function NewExpression_get_Type() {
return this.get_Constructor().get_DeclaringType();
$p.Update = function NewExpression_Update(args) {
return this;
$p.System$Linq$Expressions$IArgumentProvider$get_Arguments = $p.get_Arguments;
System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_ParameterType", p.get_ParameterType, 6], ["get_Name", p.get_Name, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["ParameterType", 27, 0], ["Name", 20, 1], ["Type", 27, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.ParameterType = null;
this.Name = null;
$p.get_ParameterType = function ParameterExpression_get_ParameterType() { return this.ParameterType; };
$p.set_ParameterType = function ParameterExpression_set_ParameterType(value) { this.ParameterType = value;return value; };
$p.get_Name = function ParameterExpression_get_Name() { return this.Name; };
$p.set_Name = function ParameterExpression_set_Name(value) { this.Name = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function ParameterExpression(parameterType, name) {
$t.$, 38);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function ParameterExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitParameter(this);
$p.get_Type = function ParameterExpression_get_Type() {
return this.get_ParameterType();
System.Linq.Expressions.PropertyExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.PropertyExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Type", 27, 0]]]; };
$t.ctor = function PropertyExpression(expression, member) {
$t.$, expression, member);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Type = function PropertyExpression_get_Type() {
return ($d.cast(this.get_Member(), System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)).get_PropertyType();
System.Linq.Expressions.TypeBinaryExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.TypeBinaryExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Expression", p.get_Expression, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_TypeOperand", p.get_TypeOperand, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Expression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0], ["TypeOperand", 27, 2], ["Type", 27, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.typeOperand = null;
this.Expression = null;
$p.get_Expression = function TypeBinaryExpression_get_Expression() { return this.Expression; };
$p.set_Expression = function TypeBinaryExpression_set_Expression(value) { this.Expression = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function TypeBinaryExpression(expression, typeOperand, nodeKind) {
$t.$, nodeKind);
this.typeOperand = typeOperand;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function TypeBinaryExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitTypeBinary(this);
$p.get_TypeOperand = function TypeBinaryExpression_get_TypeOperand() {
return this.typeOperand;
$p.get_Type = function TypeBinaryExpression_get_Type() {
switch (this.get_NodeType()) {
case 44:
return this.get_TypeOperand();
case 45:
return $d.typeOf(Boolean);
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("Unexpected NodeType: " + $d.toString($d.boxEnum(System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType,
$p.Update = function TypeBinaryExpression_Update(expression) {
return this;
System.Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression = $d.declare("System.Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Operand", p.get_Operand, 6], ["get_Method", p.get_Method, 6], ["Accept", p.Accept, 6], ["get_Type", p.get_Type, 6], ["Update", p.Update, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Operand", System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, 0], ["Method", System.Reflection.MethodInfo, 1], ["Type", 27, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.type = null;
this.Operand = null;
this.Method = null;
$p.get_Operand = function UnaryExpression_get_Operand() { return this.Operand; };
$p.set_Operand = function UnaryExpression_set_Operand(value) { this.Operand = value;return value; };
$p.get_Method = function UnaryExpression_get_Method() { return this.Method; };
$p.set_Method = function UnaryExpression_set_Method(value) { this.Method = value;return value; };
$t.ctor = function UnaryExpression(nodeType, operand, method, type) {
$t.$, nodeType);
this.type = type;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Accept = function UnaryExpression_Accept(visitor) {
return visitor.VisitUnary(this);
$p.get_Type = function UnaryExpression_get_Type() {
return this.type;
$p.Update = function UnaryExpression_Update(operand) {
return this;
System.Linq.IGrouping$2 = $d.declare("System.Linq.IGrouping`2", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, TKey, TElement) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(TElement), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, null, null, [["Key", TKey]]]; };
}, ["TKey", "TElement"]);
System.Linq.Grouping$2 = $d.declare("System.Linq.Grouping`2", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, TKey, TElement) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Linq.IGrouping$2(TKey, TElement), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(TElement), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["get_Key", p.get_Key, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Key", TKey, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.key = $d.default(TKey);
this.elements = null;
$t.ctor = function Grouping$2(key, elements) {
this.key = key;
this.elements = elements;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function Grouping$2_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
$p.GetEnumerator = function Grouping$2_GetEnumerator() {
return this.elements.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
$p.get_Key = function Grouping$2_get_Key() {
return this.key;
$p.System$Linq$IGrouping$2$get_Key = $p.get_Key;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
}, ["TKey", "TElement"]);
System.Linq.ILookup$2 = $d.declare("System.Linq.ILookup`2", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, TKey, TElement) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.IGrouping$2(TKey, TElement)), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["Contains", null, 6]], null, [["Count", 45], ["this[]", System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(TElement), null, null, [["key", TKey, 0]]]]]; };
}, ["TKey", "TElement"]);
System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable$1 = $d.declare("System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable`1", null, 322, $asm, function($t, $p, TElement) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(TElement), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["CreateOrderedEnumerable", null, 6]]]; };
}, ["TElement"]);
System.Linq.Lookup$2 = $d.declare("System.Linq.Lookup`2", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, TKey, TElement) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Linq.ILookup$2(TKey, TElement), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Linq.IGrouping$2(TKey, TElement)), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["get_Count", p.get_Count, 6], ["get_Item", p.get_Item, 6], ["Contains", p.Contains, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Count", 45, 1], ["this[]", System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(TElement), 2, null, [["key", TKey, 0]]]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.dictionary = new (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2(TKey, System.Linq.IGrouping$2(TKey,
$t.ctor = function Lookup$2(elements) {
var $iter = elements;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
this.dictionary.set_Item(item.System$Linq$IGrouping$2$get_Key(), item);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function Lookup$2_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
$p.GetEnumerator = function Lookup$2_GetEnumerator() {
return this.dictionary.get_Values().System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator();
$p.get_Count = function Lookup$2_get_Count() {
return this.dictionary.get_Count();
$p.get_Item = function Lookup$2_get_Item(key) {
return this.dictionary.get_Item(key);
$p.Contains = function Lookup$2_Contains(key) {
return this.dictionary.ContainsKey(key);
$p.System$Linq$ILookup$2$get_Count = $p.get_Count;
$p.System$Linq$ILookup$2$get_Item = $p.get_Item;
$p.System$Linq$ILookup$2$Contains = $p.Contains;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
}, ["TKey", "TElement"]);
System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable$1 = $d.declare("System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, TElement) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable$1(TElement), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(TElement), System.Collections.IEnumerable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Create", t.Create, 19], ["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["CreateOrderedEnumerable", p.CreateOrderedEnumerable, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.comparers = null;
this.source = null; = null;
$t.ctor = function OrderedEnumerable$1(source, comparers) {
this.source = source;
this.comparers = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(System.Collections.IComparer, comparers);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.Create = function OrderedEnumerable$1_Create(TKey, source, keySelector, comparer, isDescending) {
return new (System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable$1(TElement).ctor)(source, $d.array(System.Collections.IComparer,
[new (System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable$1.KeyComparer$2(TElement, TElement, TKey).ctor)(keySelector,
comparer, isDescending)]));
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function OrderedEnumerable$1_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
$p.GetEnumerator = function OrderedEnumerable$1_GetEnumerator() {
if ( == null) { = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(TElement, this.source);$2($d.delegate(function(x, y) {
for (var $i1 = 0, $length1 =; $i1 != $length1; $i1++) {
var comparer =[$i1];
var result = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(x, y);
if (result != 0)
return result;
return 0;
}, this));
$p.CreateOrderedEnumerable = function OrderedEnumerable$1_CreateOrderedEnumerable(TKey, keySelector, comparer, descending) {
return new (System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable$1(TElement).ctor)(this.source, System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Collections.IComparer,
System.Linq.Enumerable.Concat(System.Collections.IComparer, this.comparers, $d.array(System.Collections.IComparer,
[new (System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable$1.KeyComparer$2(TElement, TElement, TKey).ctor)(keySelector,
comparer, descending)]))));
$p.System$Linq$IOrderedEnumerable$1$CreateOrderedEnumerable = $p.CreateOrderedEnumerable;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
}, ["TElement"]);
System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable$1.KeyComparer$2 = $d.declare("KeyComparer`2", System.Object, 256, System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable$1, function($t, $p, TElement, T, TKey) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IComparer];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [3, null, [["Compare", p.Compare, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.keySelector = null;
this.comparer = null;
this.isDescending = false;
$t.ctor = function KeyComparer$2(keySelector, comparer, isDescending) {
this.keySelector = keySelector;
this.comparer = comparer;
this.isDescending = isDescending;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Compare = function KeyComparer$2_Compare(x, y) {
var xKey = this.keySelector($d.cast(x, T));
var yKey = this.keySelector($d.cast(y, T));
var result = this.comparer.System$Collections$Generic$IComparer$1$Compare(xKey, yKey);
if (this.isDescending)
result = -result;
return result;
$p.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare = $p.Compare;
}, ["TElement", "T", "TKey"]);
System.Math = $d.declare("System.Math", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["PI", 51, 86, 3.14159265358979], ["E", 51, 86, 2.71828182845905]], [["Acos", t.Acos, 22], ["Asin", t.Asin, 22], ["Atan", t.Atan, 22], ["Atan2", t.Atan2, 22], ["Ceiling", t.Ceiling, 22], ["Ceiling", t.Ceiling$1, 22], ["Cos", t.Cos, 22], ["Cosh", t.Cosh, 22], ["Floor", t.Floor, 22], ["Floor", t.Floor$1, 22], ["Exp", t.Exp, 22], ["Pow", t.Pow, 22], ["Sin", t.Sin, 22], ["Tan", t.Tan, 22], ["Sinh", t.Sinh, 22], ["Tanh", t.Tanh, 22], ["Round", t.Round, 22], ["Sqrt", t.Sqrt, 22], ["Round", t.Round$1, 22], ["Abs", t.Abs$1, 22], ["Truncate", t.Truncate, 22], ["Abs", t.Abs, 22], ["Abs", t.Abs$3, 22], ["Abs", t.Abs$2, 22], ["Round", t.Round$2, 22], ["Sign", t.Sign, 22], ["Max", t.Max$6, 22], ["Max", t.Max, 22], ["Max", t.Max$7, 22], ["Max", t.Max$10, 22], ["Max", t.Max$4, 22], ["Max", t.Max$8, 22], ["Max", t.Max$5, 22], ["Max", t.Max$9, 22], ["Max", t.Max$3, 22], ["Max", t.Max$2, 22], ["Max", t.Max$1, 22], ["Min", t.Min$6, 22], ["Min", t.Min, 22], ["Min", t.Min$7, 22], ["Min", t.Min$10, 22], ["Min", t.Min$4, 22], ["Min", t.Min$8, 22], ["Min", t.Min$5, 22], ["Min", t.Min$9, 22], ["Min", t.Min$3, 22], ["Min", t.Min$2, 22], ["Min", t.Min$1, 22], ["Log", t.Log, 22], ["Log10", t.Log10, 22], ["Log", t.Log$1, 22]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.PI = 3.14159265358979;
$t.E = 2.71828182845905;
$t.Acos = function Math_Acos(d) {
return Math.acos(d);
$t.Asin = function Math_Asin(d) {
return Math.asin(d);
$t.Atan = function Math_Atan(d) {
return Math.atan(d);
$t.Atan2 = function Math_Atan2(y, x) {
return Math.atan2(y, x);
$t.Ceiling = function Math_Ceiling(d) {
return Math.ceil(d);
$t.Ceiling$1 = function Math_Ceiling(a) {
return Math.ceil(a);
$t.Cos = function Math_Cos(d) {
return Math.cos(d);
$t.Cosh = function Math_Cosh(value) {
return Math.cosh(value);
$t.Floor = function Math_Floor(d) {
return Math.floor(d);
$t.Floor$1 = function Math_Floor(d) {
return Math.floor(d);
$t.Exp = function Math_Exp(d) {
return Math.exp(d);
$t.Pow = function Math_Pow(exponentBase, exponent) {
return Math.pow(exponentBase, exponent);
$t.Sin = function Math_Sin(a) {
return Math.sin(a);
$t.Tan = function Math_Tan(a) {
return Math.tan(a);
$t.Sinh = function Math_Sinh(value) {
return Math.sinh(value);
$t.Tanh = function Math_Tanh(value) {
return Math.tanh(value);
$t.Round = function Math_Round(a) {
return Math.round(a);
$t.Sqrt = function Math_Sqrt(d) {
return Math.sqrt(d);
$t.Round$1 = function Math_Round(value, digits) {
if (digits < 0 || digits > 15)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("Value is too small or too big.");
if (digits == 0)
return $t.Round(value);
return $t.Round$2(value, digits, 0);
$t.Abs$1 = function Math_Abs(value) {
return Math.abs(value);
$t.Truncate = function Math_Truncate(value) {
return (value | 0);
$t.Abs = function Math_Abs(value) {
return Math.abs(value);
$t.Abs$3 = function Math_Abs(value) {
return Math.abs(value);
$t.Abs$2 = function Math_Abs(value) {
return Math.abs(value);
$t.Round$2 = function Math_Round(value, digits, mode) {
var s = value.toString();
var isNegative = value < 0;
if (isNegative)
s = s.Substring(1);
var decimalIndex = s.IndexOf(46 /*'.'*/);
if (decimalIndex == -1)
return value;
var integerPart = s.Substring$1(0, decimalIndex);
var intValue = System.Int32.Parse(integerPart);
var firstDecimalDigit = System.Int32.Parse(String.fromCharCode(s.get_Chars(decimalIndex + 1)));
if (digits == 0 && firstDecimalDigit == 5) {
switch (mode) {
case 1:
case 0:
if (intValue % 2 == 1)
if (isNegative)
intValue = -intValue;
return intValue;
else {
var decimalPart = new (System.Collections.Generic.Stack$1(System.Int32).ctor)();
var digit = digits;
var carry = 0;
for (var i = $t.Min$4(decimalIndex + digits, s.length - 1); i > decimalIndex && digit >= 1; i--, digit--) {
var digitValue = System.Int32.Parse(String.fromCharCode(s.get_Chars(i))) + carry;
if (i < s.length - 1) {
var nextDigit = s.get_Chars(i + 1);
var nextDigitValue = System.Int32.Parse(String.fromCharCode(nextDigit));
if (digit == digits && nextDigitValue == 5) {
switch (mode) {
case 1:
case 0:
if (digitValue % 2 == 1) {
if (digit == digits && nextDigitValue > 5)
if (digitValue == 10) {
digitValue = 0;
carry = 1;
else {
carry = 0;
if (decimalPart.get_Count() > 0 || digitValue != 0)
if (carry > 0)
var tempArray = new Array(decimalPart.get_Count());
decimalPart.CopyTo(tempArray, 0);
var newString = $d.toString(intValue) + "." + tempArray.join("");
if (isNegative)
newString = "-" + newString;
return System.Double.Parse(newString);
$t.Sign = function Math_Sign(value) {
if (value < 0) {
return -1;
if (value > 0) {
return 1;
if (value == 0) {
return 0;
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("value is NaN");
$t.Max$6 = function Math_Max(val1, val2) {
if (val1 < val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Max = function Math_Max(val1, val2) {
if (val1 < val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Max$7 = function Math_Max(val1, val2) {
if (val1 < val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Max$10 = function Math_Max(val1, val2) {
if (val1 < val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Max$4 = function Math_Max(val1, val2) {
if (val1 < val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Max$8 = function Math_Max(val1, val2) {
if (val1 < val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Max$5 = function Math_Max(val1, val2) {
if (val1 < val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Max$9 = function Math_Max(val1, val2) {
if (val1 < val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Max$3 = function Math_Max(val1, val2) {
if (val1 > val2 || System.Single.IsNaN(val1))
return val1;
return val2;
$t.Max$2 = function Math_Max(val1, val2) {
if (val1 > val2 || System.Double.IsNaN(val1))
return val1;
return val2;
$t.Max$1 = function Math_Max(val1, val2) {
if (val1 > val2)
return val1;
return val2;
$t.Min$6 = function Math_Min(val1, val2) {
if (val1 > val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Min = function Math_Min(val1, val2) {
if (val1 > val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Min$7 = function Math_Min(val1, val2) {
if (val1 > val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Min$10 = function Math_Min(val1, val2) {
if (val1 > val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Min$4 = function Math_Min(val1, val2) {
if (val1 > val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Min$8 = function Math_Min(val1, val2) {
if (val1 > val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Min$5 = function Math_Min(val1, val2) {
if (val1 > val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Min$9 = function Math_Min(val1, val2) {
if (val1 > val2)
return val2;
return val1;
$t.Min$3 = function Math_Min(val1, val2) {
if (val1 < val2 || System.Single.IsNaN(val1))
return val1;
return val2;
$t.Min$2 = function Math_Min(val1, val2) {
if (val1 < val2 || System.Double.IsNaN(val1))
return val1;
return val2;
$t.Min$1 = function Math_Min(val1, val2) {
return Math.min(val1, val2);
$t.Log = function Math_Log(d) {
return Math.log(d);
$t.Log10 = function Math_Log10(d) {
return Math.log(d) / Math.LN10;
$t.Log$1 = function Math_Log(a, newBase) {
if (System.Double.IsNaN(a) || System.Double.IsNaN(newBase) || newBase == 1 || (a != 1 && (newBase == 0 || System.Double.IsPositiveInfinity(newBase)))) {
return NaN;
return Math.log(a) / Math.log(newBase);
System.NotImplementedException = $d.declare("System.NotImplementedException", System.Exception, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function NotImplementedException() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function NotImplementedException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function NotImplementedException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
System.NotSupportedException = $d.declare("System.NotSupportedException", System.Exception, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function NotSupportedException() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function NotSupportedException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function NotSupportedException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
System.Nullable$1 = $d.declare("System.Nullable`1", null, 312, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$underlyingType = T;
}, ["T"]);
System.NullReferenceException = $d.declare("System.NullReferenceException", System.SystemException, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function NullReferenceException() {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_NullReferenceException"));
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function NullReferenceException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function NullReferenceException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
System.ObjectDisposedException = $d.declare("System.ObjectDisposedException", System.Exception, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function ObjectDisposedException() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function ObjectDisposedException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function ObjectDisposedException(objectName, message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function ObjectDisposedException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
System.OverflowException = $d.declare("System.OverflowException", System.ArithmeticException, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function OverflowException() {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_OverflowException"));
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function OverflowException(message) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function OverflowException(message, innerException) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message, innerException);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
System.Random = $d.declare("System.Random", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Sample", p.Sample, 4], ["Next", p.Next, 6], ["Next", p.Next$2, 6], ["Next", p.Next$1, 6], ["NextDouble", p.NextDouble, 6], ["NextBytes", p.NextBytes, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.MBIG = 2147483647;
$t.MSEED = 161803398;
$t.MZ = 0;
$t.$ator = function() {
this.inext = 0;
this.inextp = 0;
this.seedArray = $d.array(System.Int32, 56);
$t.ctor = function Random() {
$t.ctor$, ((Math.random() * 2147483647) | 0));
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function Random(seed) {
var ii;
var mj, mk;
var subtraction = (seed == -2147483648) ? 2147483647 : System.Math.Abs$2(seed);
mj = 161803398 - subtraction;
this.seedArray[55] = mj;
mk = 1;
for (var i = 1; i < 55; i++) {
ii = (21 * i) % 55;
this.seedArray[ii] = mk;
mk = mj - mk;
if (mk < 0)
mk += 2147483647;
mj = this.seedArray[ii];
for (var k = 1; k < 5; k++) {
for (var i = 1; i < 56; i++) {
this.seedArray[i] -= this.seedArray[1 + (i + 30) % 55];
if (this.seedArray[i] < 0)
this.seedArray[i] += 2147483647;
this.inext = 0;
this.inextp = 21;
seed = 1;
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.Sample = function Random_Sample() {
return (this.InternalSample() * 4.6566128752458E-10);
$p.InternalSample = function Random_InternalSample() {
var retVal;
var locINext = this.inext;
var locINextp = this.inextp;
if (++locINext >= 56)
locINext = 1;
if (++locINextp >= 56)
locINextp = 1;
retVal = this.seedArray[locINext] - this.seedArray[locINextp];
if (retVal == 2147483647)
if (retVal < 0)
retVal += 2147483647;
this.seedArray[locINext] = retVal;
this.inext = locINext;
this.inextp = locINextp;
return retVal;
$p.Next = function Random_Next() {
return this.InternalSample();
$p.GetSampleForLargeRange = function Random_GetSampleForLargeRange() {
var result = this.InternalSample();
var negative = (this.InternalSample() % 2 == 0) ? true : false;
if (negative) {
result = -result;
var d = result;
d += 2147483646;
d /= 4294967293;
return d;
$p.Next$2 = function Random_Next(minValue, maxValue) {
if (minValue > maxValue) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("minValue");
var range = maxValue - minValue;
if (range <= 2147483647) {
return (((this.Sample() * range) | 0) + minValue);
else {
return (($d.toInt64((this.GetSampleForLargeRange() * range)) + minValue) | 0);
$p.Next$1 = function Random_Next(maxValue) {
if (maxValue < 0) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("maxValue");
return ((this.Sample() * maxValue) | 0);
$p.NextDouble = function Random_NextDouble() {
return this.Sample();
$p.NextBytes = function Random_NextBytes(buffer) {
if (buffer == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("buffer");
for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
buffer[i] = (this.InternalSample() & 0xFF);
System.Activator = $d.declare("System.Activator", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["CreateInstance", t.CreateInstance$3, 22], ["CreateInstance", t.CreateInstance$2, 22], ["CreateInstance", t.CreateInstance, 22], ["CreateInstance", t.CreateInstance$1, 22], ["CreateInstance", t.CreateInstance$4, 22]]]; };
$t.CreateInstance$3 = function Activator_CreateInstance(type, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture) {
var actualCount = (args != null) ? args.length : 0;
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Single$1(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo, type.GetConstructors(),
$d.delegate(function(x) {
return x.parameters.length == actualCount;
}, this)).Invoke$2(args);
$t.CreateInstance$2 = function Activator_CreateInstance(type, args) {
return $t.CreateInstance$3(type, 532, null, args, null);
$t.CreateInstance = function Activator_CreateInstance(type) {
return $t.CreateInstance$1(type, false);
$t.CreateInstance$1 = function Activator_CreateInstance(type, nonPublic) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Single$1(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo, type.GetConstructors(),
$d.delegate(function(x) {
return x.parameters.length == 0;
}, this)).Invoke$2(null);
$t.CreateInstance$4 = function Activator_CreateInstance(T) {
return $t.CreateInstance$1($d.typeOf(T), false);
System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider = $d.declare("System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["GetCustomAttributes", null, 6], ["GetCustomAttributes", null, 6], ["IsDefined", null, 6]]]; };
System.Reflection.Assembly = $d.declare("System.Reflection.Assembly", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["GetManifestResourceString", p.GetManifestResourceString, 6], ["GetManifestResourceBytes", p.GetManifestResourceBytes, 6], ["GetManifestResourceNames", p.GetManifestResourceNames, 6], ["GetManifestResourceStream", p.GetManifestResourceStream, 6], ["get_CodeBase", p.get_CodeBase, 6], ["get_FullName", p.get_FullName, 6], ["get_EntryPoint", p.get_EntryPoint, 6], ["get_Location", p.get_Location, 6], ["CreateQualifiedName", t.CreateQualifiedName, 22], ["GetAssembly", t.GetAssembly, 22], ["GetExecutingAssembly", t.GetExecutingAssembly, 22], ["GetCallingAssembly", t.GetCallingAssembly, 22], ["GetEntryAssembly", t.GetEntryAssembly, 22], ["Load", t.Load, 22], ["GetName", p.GetName, 6], ["GetName", p.GetName$1, 6], ["GetType", p.GetType$1, 6], ["GetType", p.GetType$2, 6], ["GetType", p.GetType$3, 6], ["GetTypes", p.GetTypes, 6], ["GetCustomAttributes", p.GetCustomAttributes, 6], ["GetCustomAttributes", p.GetCustomAttributes$1, 6], ["IsDefined", p.IsDefined, 6], ["CreateInstance", p.CreateInstance, 6], ["CreateInstance", p.CreateInstance$1, 6], ["CreateInstance", p.CreateInstance$2, 6], ["GetReferencedAssemblies", p.GetReferencedAssemblies, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 5]], [["CodeBase", 20, 4], ["FullName", 20, 5], ["EntryPoint", System.Reflection.MethodInfo, 6], ["Location", 20, 7]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.self = null;
this.attributes = null;
this.typesByName = null;
this.typesByNamesUp = null;
this.types = null;
$t.ctor = function Assembly(self, attributes) {
this.self = self;
this.attributes = (attributes != null) ? $d.array(System.Attribute, attributes) : System.Attribute().EmptyAttributes;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.GetManifestResourceString = function Assembly_GetManifestResourceString(name) {
var result = this.self.resources[name];
return result;
$p.GetManifestResourceBytes = function Assembly_GetManifestResourceBytes(name) {
var bytes = System.IO.Base64Decoder.Decode(this.self.resources[name]);
return bytes;
$p.GetManifestResourceNames = function Assembly_GetManifestResourceNames() {
return $d.array(String, Object.keys(this.self.resources));
$p.GetManifestResourceStream = function Assembly_GetManifestResourceStream(name) {
var bytes = System.IO.Base64Decoder.Decode(this.self.resources[name]);
var result = new System.IO.MemoryStream.ctor$1(bytes);
return result;
$p.get_CodeBase = function Assembly_get_CodeBase() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.get_FullName = function Assembly_get_FullName() {
return this.self.fullName;
$p.get_EntryPoint = function Assembly_get_EntryPoint() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.get_Location = function Assembly_get_Location() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$t.CreateQualifiedName = function Assembly_CreateQualifiedName(assemblyName, typeName) {
return typeName + ", " + assemblyName;
$t.GetAssembly = function Assembly_GetAssembly(type) {
if (type == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("type");
return type.get_Assembly();
$t.GetExecutingAssembly = function Assembly_GetExecutingAssembly() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$t.GetCallingAssembly = function Assembly_GetCallingAssembly() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$t.GetEntryAssembly = function Assembly_GetEntryAssembly() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$t.Load = function Assembly_Load(name) {
var result = $d.$assemblies[name] || require(name);
return $d.assemblyOf(result);
$p.GetName = function Assembly_GetName() {
return this.GetName$1(false);
$p.GetName$1 = function Assembly_GetName(copiedName) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.GetType$1 = function Assembly_GetType(name) {
return this.GetType$3(name, false, false);
$p.GetType$2 = function Assembly_GetType(name, throwOnError) {
return this.GetType$3(name, throwOnError, false);
$p.GetType$3 = function Assembly_GetType(name, throwOnError, ignoreCase) {
var typesDict = ignoreCase ? this.typesByNamesUp : this.typesByName;
if (typesDict == null) {
typesDict = {};
var types = this.self.types;
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
var typeName = types[i].$typeName;
typesDict[ignoreCase ? typeName.toUpperCase() : typeName] = types[i];
if (ignoreCase)
this.typesByNamesUp = typesDict;
this.typesByName = typesDict;
var result = typesDict[ignoreCase ? name.toUpperCase() : name];
if (result == null && throwOnError)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("Type not found: " + name);
if (result != null)
return $d.typeOf(result);
return null;
$p.GetTypes = function Assembly_GetTypes() {
if (this.types == null) {
this.types = $d.typesOf(this.self.types);
return this.types;
$p.GetCustomAttributes = function Assembly_GetCustomAttributes(inherit) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Attribute, this.attributes);
$p.GetCustomAttributes$1 = function Assembly_GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Object, System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(System.Object,
this.GetCustomAttributes(inherit), $d.delegate(function(x) {
return attributeType.IsInstanceOfType(x);
}, this)));
$p.IsDefined = function Assembly_IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Any$1(System.Object, this.GetCustomAttributes(inherit), $d.delegate(function(x) {
return attributeType.IsInstanceOfType(x);
}, this));
$p.CreateInstance = function Assembly_CreateInstance(typeName) {
return this.CreateInstance$2(typeName, false, 20, null, null, null, null);
$p.CreateInstance$1 = function Assembly_CreateInstance(typeName, ignoreCase) {
return this.CreateInstance$2(typeName, ignoreCase, 20, null, null, null, null);
$p.CreateInstance$2 = function Assembly_CreateInstance(typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes) {
var type = this.GetType$3(typeName, false, ignoreCase);
if (type == null)
return null;
return System.Activator.CreateInstance$2(type, $d.array(System.Object, [$d.boxEnum(System.Reflection.BindingFlags,
bindingAttr), binder, args, culture, activationAttributes]));
$p.GetReferencedAssemblies = function Assembly_GetReferencedAssemblies() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.ToString = function Assembly_ToString() {
return this.get_FullName() || $t.$;
$p.System$Reflection$ICustomAttributeProvider$GetCustomAttributes$1 = $p.GetCustomAttributes$1;
$p.System$Reflection$ICustomAttributeProvider$GetCustomAttributes = $p.GetCustomAttributes;
$p.System$Reflection$ICustomAttributeProvider$IsDefined = $p.IsDefined;
System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute = $d.declare("System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Company", p.get_Company, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Company", 20, 0]], null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(1);$obj.set_Inherited(false);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_company = null;
$p.get_Company = function AssemblyCompanyAttribute_get_Company() {
return this.m_company;
$t.ctor = function AssemblyCompanyAttribute(company) {
this.m_company = company;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute = $d.declare("System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Configuration", p.get_Configuration, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Configuration", 20, 0]], null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(1);$obj.set_Inherited(false);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_configuration = null;
$p.get_Configuration = function AssemblyConfigurationAttribute_get_Configuration() {
return this.m_configuration;
$t.ctor = function AssemblyConfigurationAttribute(configuration) {
this.m_configuration = configuration;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute = $d.declare("System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Copyright", p.get_Copyright, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Copyright", 20, 0]], null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(1);$obj.set_Inherited(false);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_copyright = null;
$p.get_Copyright = function AssemblyCopyrightAttribute_get_Copyright() {
return this.m_copyright;
$t.ctor = function AssemblyCopyrightAttribute(copyright) {
this.m_copyright = copyright;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Reflection.AssemblyCultureAttribute = $d.declare("System.Reflection.AssemblyCultureAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Culture", p.get_Culture, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Culture", 20, 0]], null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(1);$obj.set_Inherited(false);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_culture = null;
$p.get_Culture = function AssemblyCultureAttribute_get_Culture() {
return this.m_culture;
$t.ctor = function AssemblyCultureAttribute(culture) {
this.m_culture = culture;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute = $d.declare("System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Description", p.get_Description, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Description", 20, 0]], null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(1);$obj.set_Inherited(false);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_description = null;
$p.get_Description = function AssemblyDescriptionAttribute_get_Description() {
return this.m_description;
$t.ctor = function AssemblyDescriptionAttribute(description) {
this.m_description = description;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute = $d.declare("System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Version", p.get_Version, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Version", 20, 0]], null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(1);$obj.set_Inherited(false);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this._version = null;
$p.get_Version = function AssemblyFileVersionAttribute_get_Version() {
return this._version;
$t.ctor = function AssemblyFileVersionAttribute(version) {
if (version == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("version");
this._version = version;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Reflection.AssemblyName = $d.declare("System.Reflection.AssemblyName", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Name", p.get_Name, 6], ["set_Name", p.set_Name, 6], ["get_CultureInfo", p.get_CultureInfo, 6], ["set_CultureInfo", p.set_CultureInfo, 6], ["get_CultureName", p.get_CultureName, 6], ["get_CodeBase", p.get_CodeBase, 6], ["set_CodeBase", p.set_CodeBase, 6], ["get_FullName", p.get_FullName, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6]], [["Name", 20, 0, 1], ["CultureInfo", System.Globalization.CultureInfo, 2, 3], ["CultureName", 20, 4], ["CodeBase", 20, 5, 6], ["FullName", 20, 7]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this._CultureInfo = null;
this._CodeBase = null;
this.Name = null;
$p.get_Name = function AssemblyName_get_Name() { return this.Name; };
$p.set_Name = function AssemblyName_set_Name(value) { this.Name = value;return value; };
$p.get_CultureInfo = function AssemblyName_get_CultureInfo() {
return this._CultureInfo;
$p.set_CultureInfo = function AssemblyName_set_CultureInfo(value) {
this._CultureInfo = value;
return value;
$p.get_CultureName = function AssemblyName_get_CultureName() {
if (this._CultureInfo != null)
return this._CultureInfo.get_Name();
return null;
$p.get_CodeBase = function AssemblyName_get_CodeBase() {
return this._CodeBase;
$p.set_CodeBase = function AssemblyName_set_CodeBase(value) {
this._CodeBase = value;
return value;
$p.get_FullName = function AssemblyName_get_FullName() {
return this.get_Name();
$t.ctor = function AssemblyName() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function AssemblyName(assemblyName) {
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.ToString = function AssemblyName_ToString() {
return this.get_FullName() || $t.$;
System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute = $d.declare("System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Product", p.get_Product, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Product", 20, 0]], null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(1);$obj.set_Inherited(false);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_product = null;
$p.get_Product = function AssemblyProductAttribute_get_Product() {
return this.m_product;
$t.ctor = function AssemblyProductAttribute(product) {
this.m_product = product;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute = $d.declare("System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Title", p.get_Title, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Title", 20, 0]], null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(1);$obj.set_Inherited(false);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_title = null;
$p.get_Title = function AssemblyTitleAttribute_get_Title() {
return this.m_title;
$t.ctor = function AssemblyTitleAttribute(title) {
this.m_title = title;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Reflection.AssemblyTrademarkAttribute = $d.declare("System.Reflection.AssemblyTrademarkAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Trademark", p.get_Trademark, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Trademark", 20, 0]], null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(1);$obj.set_Inherited(false);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_trademark = null;
$p.get_Trademark = function AssemblyTrademarkAttribute_get_Trademark() {
return this.m_trademark;
$t.ctor = function AssemblyTrademarkAttribute(trademark) {
this.m_trademark = trademark;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute = $d.declare("System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Version", p.get_Version, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Version", 20, 0]], null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(1);$obj.set_Inherited(false);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_version = null;
$p.get_Version = function AssemblyVersionAttribute_get_Version() {
return this.m_version;
$t.ctor = function AssemblyVersionAttribute(version) {
this.m_version = version;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Reflection.Binder = $d.declare("System.Reflection.Binder", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function Binder() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Reflection.BindingFlags = $d.declareEnum("System.Reflection.BindingFlags", 45, $asm, 289, ["Default", "IgnoreCase", "DeclaredOnly", "Instance", "Static", "Public", "NonPublic", "FlattenHierarchy", "InvokeMethod", "CreateInstance", "GetField", "SetField", "GetProperty", "SetProperty", "PutDispProperty", "PutRefDispProperty", "ExactBinding", "SuppressChangeType", "OptionalParamBinding", "IgnoreReturn"], [0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x8000, 0x10000, 0x20000, 0x40000, 0x1000000]);
System.Reflection.CallingConventions = $d.declareEnum("System.Reflection.CallingConventions", 45, $asm, 289, ["Standard", "VarArgs", "Any", "HasThis", "ExplicitThis"], [0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x20, 0x40]);
System.Reflection.MemberInfo = $d.declare("System.Reflection.MemberInfo", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [129, [["name", 20, 36], ["attributes", $d.arrayType(System.Attribute), 36]], [["get_Name", p.get_Name, 6], ["get_DeclaringType", p.get_DeclaringType, 6], ["GetCustomAttributes", p.GetCustomAttributes, 6], ["GetCustomAttributes", p.GetCustomAttributes$1, 6], ["IsDefined", p.IsDefined, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 4]], [["MemberType", System.Reflection.MemberTypes], ["Name", 20, 0], ["DeclaringType", 27, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() { = null;
this.attributes = null;
this.declaringType = null;
$t.ctor = function MemberInfo(name, attributes) {
$t.$; = name;
this.attributes = (attributes != null) ? $d.array(System.Attribute, attributes) : System.Attribute().EmptyAttributes;
$p.get_Name = function MemberInfo_get_Name() {
$p.get_DeclaringType = function MemberInfo_get_DeclaringType() {
return this.declaringType ? $d.typeOf(this.declaringType) : null;
$p.GetCustomAttributes = function MemberInfo_GetCustomAttributes(inherit) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Attribute, this.attributes);
$p.GetCustomAttributes$1 = function MemberInfo_GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Object, System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(System.Object,
this.GetCustomAttributes(inherit), $d.delegate(function(x) {
return attributeType.IsInstanceOfType(x);
}, this)));
$p.IsDefined = function MemberInfo_IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Any$1(System.Object, this.GetCustomAttributes(inherit), $d.delegate(function(x) {
return attributeType.IsInstanceOfType(x);
}, this));
$p.System$Reflection$ICustomAttributeProvider$GetCustomAttributes$1 = $p.GetCustomAttributes$1;
$p.System$Reflection$ICustomAttributeProvider$GetCustomAttributes = $p.GetCustomAttributes;
$p.System$Reflection$ICustomAttributeProvider$IsDefined = $p.IsDefined;
System.Reflection.MethodBase = $d.declare("System.Reflection.MethodBase", System.Reflection.MemberInfo, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [129, [["methodAttributes", System.Reflection.MethodAttributes, 36], ["parameters", $d.arrayType(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo), 35]], [["get_Attributes", p.get_Attributes, 6], ["get_CallingConvention", p.get_CallingConvention, 6], ["get_IsGenericMethodDefinition", p.get_IsGenericMethodDefinition, 6], ["get_ContainsGenericParameters", p.get_ContainsGenericParameters, 6], ["get_IsGenericMethod", p.get_IsGenericMethod, 6], ["get_IsSecurityCritical", p.get_IsSecurityCritical, 6], ["get_IsSecuritySafeCritical", p.get_IsSecuritySafeCritical, 6], ["get_IsSecurityTransparent", p.get_IsSecurityTransparent, 6], ["get_IsPublic", p.get_IsPublic, 6], ["get_IsPrivate", p.get_IsPrivate, 6], ["get_IsFamily", p.get_IsFamily, 6], ["get_IsAssembly", p.get_IsAssembly, 6], ["get_IsFamilyAndAssembly", p.get_IsFamilyAndAssembly, 6], ["get_IsFamilyOrAssembly", p.get_IsFamilyOrAssembly, 6], ["get_IsStatic", p.get_IsStatic, 6], ["get_IsFinal", p.get_IsFinal, 6], ["get_IsVirtual", p.get_IsVirtual, 6], ["get_IsHideBySig", p.get_IsHideBySig, 6], ["get_IsAbstract", p.get_IsAbstract, 6], ["get_IsSpecialName", p.get_IsSpecialName, 6], ["get_IsConstructor", p.get_IsConstructor, 6], ["get_FullName", p.get_FullName, 3], ["GetCurrentMethod", t.GetCurrentMethod, 22], ["GetParameters", p.GetParameters, 6], ["Invoke", null, 6], ["GetGenericArguments", p.GetGenericArguments, 6], ["Invoke", p.Invoke, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 4]], [["Attributes", System.Reflection.MethodAttributes, 0], ["CallingConvention", System.Reflection.CallingConventions, 1], ["IsGenericMethodDefinition", 39, 2], ["ContainsGenericParameters", 39, 3], ["IsGenericMethod", 39, 4], ["IsSecurityCritical", 39, 5], ["IsSecuritySafeCritical", 39, 6], ["IsSecurityTransparent", 39, 7], ["IsPublic", 39, 8], ["IsPrivate", 39, 9], ["IsFamily", 39, 10], ["IsAssembly", 39, 11], ["IsFamilyAndAssembly", 39, 12], ["IsFamilyOrAssembly", 39, 13], ["IsStatic", 39, 14], ["IsFinal", 39, 15], ["IsVirtual", 39, 16], ["IsHideBySig", 39, 17], ["IsAbstract", 39, 18], ["IsSpecialName", 39, 19], ["IsConstructor", 39, 20], ["FullName", 20, 21]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.methodAttributes = 0;
this.parameters = null;
$t.ctor = function MethodBase(name, methodAttributes, parameters, attributes) {
$t.$, name, attributes);
this.methodAttributes = methodAttributes;
System.Type.TryConstruct(parameters, System.Reflection.ParameterInfo.Create);
this.parameters = (parameters != null) ? $d.array(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo, parameters) : System.Reflection.ParameterInfo().EmptyParameters;
for (var $i = 0, $length = this.parameters.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var parameter = this.parameters[$i];
parameter.containingMember = this;
$p.get_Attributes = function MethodBase_get_Attributes() {
return this.methodAttributes;
$p.get_CallingConvention = function MethodBase_get_CallingConvention() {
return 1;
$p.get_IsGenericMethodDefinition = function MethodBase_get_IsGenericMethodDefinition() {
return false;
$p.get_ContainsGenericParameters = function MethodBase_get_ContainsGenericParameters() {
return false;
$p.get_IsGenericMethod = function MethodBase_get_IsGenericMethod() {
return false;
$p.get_IsSecurityCritical = function MethodBase_get_IsSecurityCritical() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.get_IsSecuritySafeCritical = function MethodBase_get_IsSecuritySafeCritical() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.get_IsSecurityTransparent = function MethodBase_get_IsSecurityTransparent() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.get_IsPublic = function MethodBase_get_IsPublic() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 7) == 6;
$p.get_IsPrivate = function MethodBase_get_IsPrivate() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 7) == 1;
$p.get_IsFamily = function MethodBase_get_IsFamily() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 7) == 4;
$p.get_IsAssembly = function MethodBase_get_IsAssembly() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 7) == 3;
$p.get_IsFamilyAndAssembly = function MethodBase_get_IsFamilyAndAssembly() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 7) == 2;
$p.get_IsFamilyOrAssembly = function MethodBase_get_IsFamilyOrAssembly() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 7) == 5;
$p.get_IsStatic = function MethodBase_get_IsStatic() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 16) != 0;
$p.get_IsFinal = function MethodBase_get_IsFinal() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 32) != 0;
$p.get_IsVirtual = function MethodBase_get_IsVirtual() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 64) != 0;
$p.get_IsHideBySig = function MethodBase_get_IsHideBySig() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 128) != 0;
$p.get_IsAbstract = function MethodBase_get_IsAbstract() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 1024) != 0;
$p.get_IsSpecialName = function MethodBase_get_IsSpecialName() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 2048) != 0;
$p.get_IsConstructor = function MethodBase_get_IsConstructor() {
if ($, System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo) && !this.get_IsStatic())
return (this.get_Attributes() & 4096) == 4096;
return false;
$p.get_FullName = function MethodBase_get_FullName() {
return this.get_DeclaringType().get_FullName() + "." + this.get_Name();
$t.GetCurrentMethod = function MethodBase_GetCurrentMethod() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.GetParameters = function MethodBase_GetParameters() {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo, this.parameters);
$p.GetGenericArguments = function MethodBase_GetGenericArguments() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.Invoke = function MethodBase_Invoke(obj, parameters) {
return this.Invoke$1(obj, 0, null, parameters, null);
System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo = $d.declare("System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo", System.Reflection.MethodBase, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["ConstructorName", 20, 54], ["TypeConstructorName", 20, 54]], [["get_MemberType", p.get_MemberType, 6], ["Create", t.Create, 19], ["Invoke", p.Invoke$3, 6], ["Invoke", p.Invoke$1, 6], ["Invoke", p.Invoke$2, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["MemberType", System.Reflection.MemberTypes, 0]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.ConstructorName = ".ctor";
$t.TypeConstructorName = ".cctor";
$t.$ator = function() {
this.jsConstructor = null;
$p.get_MemberType = function ConstructorInfo_get_MemberType() {
return 1;
$t.ctor = function ConstructorInfo(name, jsConstructor, methodAttributes, parameters, attributes) {
$t.$, name, methodAttributes, parameters, attributes);
this.jsConstructor = jsConstructor;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.Create = function ConstructorInfo_Create(args) {
return new System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
$p.Invoke$3 = function ConstructorInfo_Invoke(invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) {
var actualCount = (parameters != null) ? parameters.length : 0;
if (this.parameters.length != actualCount)
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_ParmCnt"));
if (actualCount == 0)
return new this.jsConstructor();
var instance = Object.create(this.jsConstructor.prototype);
this.jsConstructor.apply(instance, parameters);
return instance;
$p.Invoke$1 = function ConstructorInfo_Invoke(obj, invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) {
return this.Invoke$3(invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture);
$p.Invoke$2 = function ConstructorInfo_Invoke(parameters) {
return this.Invoke$3(0, null, parameters, null);
System.Reflection.EventInfo = $d.declare("System.Reflection.EventInfo", System.Reflection.MemberInfo, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Create", t.Create, 19], ["get_MemberType", p.get_MemberType, 6], ["get_AddMethod", p.get_AddMethod, 6], ["get_RemoveMethod", p.get_RemoveMethod, 6], ["get_EventHandlerType", p.get_EventHandlerType, 6], ["GetAddMethod", p.GetAddMethod$1, 6], ["GetRemoveMethod", p.GetRemoveMethod$1, 6], ["GetAddMethod", p.GetAddMethod, 6], ["GetRemoveMethod", p.GetRemoveMethod, 6], ["AddEventHandler", p.AddEventHandler, 6], ["RemoveEventHandler", p.RemoveEventHandler, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["MemberType", System.Reflection.MemberTypes, 1], ["AddMethod", System.Reflection.MethodInfo, 2], ["RemoveMethod", System.Reflection.MethodInfo, 3], ["EventHandlerType", 27, 4]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.eventType = null;
this.addMethod = null;
this.removeMethod = null;
$t.ctor = function EventInfo(name, eventType, addMethod, removeMethod, attributes) {
$t.$, name, attributes);
this.eventType = eventType;
this.addMethod = Array.isArray(addMethod) ? System.Reflection.MethodInfo.Create(addMethod) : addMethod || null;
this.removeMethod = Array.isArray(removeMethod) ? System.Reflection.MethodInfo.Create(removeMethod) : removeMethod || null;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.Create = function EventInfo_Create(methods, args) {
return new System.Reflection.EventInfo.ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2] != null ? methods[args[2]] : null,
args[3] != null ? methods[args[3]] : null, args[4]);
$p.get_MemberType = function EventInfo_get_MemberType() {
return 2;
$p.get_AddMethod = function EventInfo_get_AddMethod() {
return this.addMethod;
$p.get_RemoveMethod = function EventInfo_get_RemoveMethod() {
return this.removeMethod;
$p.get_EventHandlerType = function EventInfo_get_EventHandlerType() {
return $d.typeOf(this.eventType);
$p.GetAddMethod$1 = function EventInfo_GetAddMethod(nonPublic) {
return this.addMethod == null || this.addMethod.get_IsPublic() || nonPublic ? this.addMethod : null;
$p.GetRemoveMethod$1 = function EventInfo_GetRemoveMethod(nonPublic) {
return this.removeMethod == null || this.removeMethod.get_IsPublic() || nonPublic ? this.removeMethod : null;
$p.GetAddMethod = function EventInfo_GetAddMethod() {
return this.GetAddMethod$1(false);
$p.GetRemoveMethod = function EventInfo_GetRemoveMethod() {
return this.GetRemoveMethod$1(false);
$p.AddEventHandler = function EventInfo_AddEventHandler(target, handler) {
var addMethod = this.GetAddMethod();
if (addMethod == null)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("InvalidOperation_NoPublicAddMethod");
addMethod.Invoke(target, $d.array(System.Delegate, [handler]));
$p.RemoveEventHandler = function EventInfo_RemoveEventHandler(target, handler) {
var removeMethod = this.GetRemoveMethod();
if (removeMethod == null)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("InvalidOperation_NoPublicRemoveMethod");
removeMethod.Invoke(target, $d.array(System.Delegate, [handler]));
System.Reflection.FieldAttributes = $d.declareEnum("System.Reflection.FieldAttributes", 45, $asm, 289, ["PrivateScope", "Private", "FamANDAssem", "Assembly", "Family", "FamORAssem", "Public", "FieldAccessMask", "Static", "InitOnly", "Literal", "NotSerialized", "HasFieldRVA", "SpecialName", "RTSpecialName", "HasFieldMarshal", "PinvokeImpl", "HasDefault", "ReservedMask"], [0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x8000, 0x9500]);
System.Reflection.FieldInfo = $d.declare("System.Reflection.FieldInfo", System.Reflection.MemberInfo, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Create", t.Create, 19], ["get_MemberType", p.get_MemberType, 6], ["get_FieldType", p.get_FieldType, 6], ["get_Attributes", p.get_Attributes, 6], ["get_IsPublic", p.get_IsPublic, 6], ["get_IsPrivate", p.get_IsPrivate, 6], ["get_IsFamily", p.get_IsFamily, 6], ["get_IsAssembly", p.get_IsAssembly, 6], ["get_IsFamilyAndAssembly", p.get_IsFamilyAndAssembly, 6], ["get_IsFamilyOrAssembly", p.get_IsFamilyOrAssembly, 6], ["get_IsStatic", p.get_IsStatic, 6], ["get_IsInitOnly", p.get_IsInitOnly, 6], ["get_IsLiteral", p.get_IsLiteral, 6], ["get_IsNotSerialized", p.get_IsNotSerialized, 6], ["get_IsSpecialName", p.get_IsSpecialName, 6], ["get_IsPinvokeImpl", p.get_IsPinvokeImpl, 6], ["GetRequiredCustomModifiers", p.GetRequiredCustomModifiers, 6], ["GetOptionalCustomModifiers", p.GetOptionalCustomModifiers, 6], ["GetValue", p.GetValue, 6], ["SetValue", p.SetValue$1, 6], ["GetRawConstantValue", p.GetRawConstantValue, 6], ["SetValue", p.SetValue, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["MemberType", System.Reflection.MemberTypes, 1], ["FieldType", 27, 2], ["Attributes", System.Reflection.FieldAttributes, 3], ["IsPublic", 39, 4], ["IsPrivate", 39, 5], ["IsFamily", 39, 6], ["IsAssembly", 39, 7], ["IsFamilyAndAssembly", 39, 8], ["IsFamilyOrAssembly", 39, 9], ["IsStatic", 39, 10], ["IsInitOnly", 39, 11], ["IsLiteral", 39, 12], ["IsNotSerialized", 39, 13], ["IsSpecialName", 39, 14], ["IsPinvokeImpl", 39, 15]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.fieldType = null;
this.fieldAttributes = 0;
this.constantValue = null;
$t.ctor = function FieldInfo(name, fieldType, fieldAttributes, constantValue, attributes) {
$t.$, name, attributes);
this.fieldType = $d.tryDecodeTypeFunc(fieldType);
this.fieldAttributes = fieldAttributes;
this.constantValue = constantValue || null;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.Create = function FieldInfo_Create(args) {
return new System.Reflection.FieldInfo.ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
$p.get_MemberType = function FieldInfo_get_MemberType() {
return 4;
$p.get_FieldType = function FieldInfo_get_FieldType() {
return $d.typeOf(this.fieldType);
$p.get_Attributes = function FieldInfo_get_Attributes() {
return this.fieldAttributes;
$p.get_IsPublic = function FieldInfo_get_IsPublic() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 7) == 6;
$p.get_IsPrivate = function FieldInfo_get_IsPrivate() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 7) == 1;
$p.get_IsFamily = function FieldInfo_get_IsFamily() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 7) == 4;
$p.get_IsAssembly = function FieldInfo_get_IsAssembly() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 7) == 3;
$p.get_IsFamilyAndAssembly = function FieldInfo_get_IsFamilyAndAssembly() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 7) == 2;
$p.get_IsFamilyOrAssembly = function FieldInfo_get_IsFamilyOrAssembly() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 7) == 5;
$p.get_IsStatic = function FieldInfo_get_IsStatic() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 16) != 0;
$p.get_IsInitOnly = function FieldInfo_get_IsInitOnly() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 32) != 0;
$p.get_IsLiteral = function FieldInfo_get_IsLiteral() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 64) != 0;
$p.get_IsNotSerialized = function FieldInfo_get_IsNotSerialized() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 128) != 0;
$p.get_IsSpecialName = function FieldInfo_get_IsSpecialName() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 512) != 0;
$p.get_IsPinvokeImpl = function FieldInfo_get_IsPinvokeImpl() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 8192) != 0;
$p.GetRequiredCustomModifiers = function FieldInfo_GetRequiredCustomModifiers() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.GetOptionalCustomModifiers = function FieldInfo_GetOptionalCustomModifiers() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.GetValue = function FieldInfo_GetValue(obj) {
if (this.get_IsStatic())
return this.declaringType[this.get_Name()];
return obj[this.get_Name()];
$p.SetValue$1 = function FieldInfo_SetValue(obj, value, invokeAttr, binder, culture) {
if (this.get_IsStatic())
this.declaringType[this.get_Name()] = value;
obj[this.get_Name()] = value;
$p.GetRawConstantValue = function FieldInfo_GetRawConstantValue() {
return this.constantValue;
$p.SetValue = function FieldInfo_SetValue(obj, value) {
this.SetValue$1(obj, value, 0, System.Type().DefaultBinder, null);
System.Reflection.MemberTypes = $d.declareEnum("System.Reflection.MemberTypes", 45, $asm, 289, ["Constructor", "Event", "Field", "Method", "Property", "TypeInfo", "Custom", "NestedType", "All"], [0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0xBF]);
System.Reflection.MethodAttributes = $d.declareEnum("System.Reflection.MethodAttributes", 45, $asm, 289, ["PrivateScope", "Private", "FamANDAssem", "Assembly", "Family", "FamORAssem", "Public", "MemberAccessMask", "UnmanagedExport", "Static", "Final", "Virtual", "HideBySig", "VtableLayoutMask", "CheckAccessOnOverride", "Abstract", "SpecialName", "RTSpecialName", "PinvokeImpl", "HasSecurity", "RequireSecObject", "ReservedMask"], [0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x8000, 0xD000]);
System.Reflection.MethodInfo = $d.declare("System.Reflection.MethodInfo", System.Reflection.MethodBase, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Create", t.Create, 19], ["get_MemberType", p.get_MemberType, 6], ["get_IsGenericMethod", p.get_IsGenericMethod, 6], ["get_IsGenericMethodDefinition", p.get_IsGenericMethodDefinition, 6], ["get_ReturnType", p.get_ReturnType, 6], ["get_ReturnTypeCustomAttributes", p.get_ReturnTypeCustomAttributes, 6], ["GetBaseDefinition", p.GetBaseDefinition, 6], ["GetGenericArguments", p.GetGenericArguments, 6], ["GetGenericMethodDefinition", p.GetGenericMethodDefinition, 6], ["MakeGenericMethod", p.MakeGenericMethod, 6], ["CreateDelegate", p.CreateDelegate, 6], ["CreateDelegate", p.CreateDelegate$1, 6], ["Invoke", p.Invoke$1, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["MemberType", System.Reflection.MemberTypes, 1], ["IsGenericMethod", 39, 2], ["IsGenericMethodDefinition", 39, 3], ["ReturnType", 27, 4], ["ReturnTypeCustomAttributes", System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider, 5]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.jsMethod = null;
this.returnType = null;
this.typeArguments = null;
this.constructedMethods = null;
$t.ctor = function MethodInfo(name, jsMethod, methodAttributes, returnType, parameters, attributes, typeArguments) {
$t.$, name, methodAttributes, parameters, attributes);
this.jsMethod = jsMethod;
this.returnType = returnType ? $d.tryDecodeTypeFunc(returnType) : System.Void;
this.typeArguments = typeArguments;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.Create = function MethodInfo_Create(args) {
return new System.Reflection.MethodInfo.ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5],
$p.get_MemberType = function MethodInfo_get_MemberType() {
return 8;
$p.get_IsGenericMethod = function MethodInfo_get_IsGenericMethod() {
return (this.typeArguments != null && this.typeArguments.length > 0);
$p.get_IsGenericMethodDefinition = function MethodInfo_get_IsGenericMethodDefinition() {
return (this.typeArguments != null && this.typeArguments.length > 0 && this.typeArguments[0].$typeKind == 67);
$p.get_ReturnType = function MethodInfo_get_ReturnType() {
return $d.typeOf(this.returnType);
$p.get_ReturnTypeCustomAttributes = function MethodInfo_get_ReturnTypeCustomAttributes() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.GetBaseDefinition = function MethodInfo_GetBaseDefinition() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.GetGenericArguments = function MethodInfo_GetGenericArguments() {
return $d.typesOf(this.typeArguments);
$p.GetGenericMethodDefinition = function MethodInfo_GetGenericMethodDefinition() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.MakeGenericMethod = function MethodInfo_MakeGenericMethod(typeArguments) {
if (!this.get_IsGenericMethodDefinition())
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("IsGenericMethodDefinition must be true");
if (this.constructedMethods == null)
this.constructedMethods = new Object();
var keyString = {
return x.get_FullName();
}).join(", ");
var result = this.constructedMethods[keyString];
if (result == null) {
var typeArgumentsFuncs = {
return x.self;
var newReturnType = this.returnType;
var newParameters = this.GetParameters();
result = new System.Reflection.MethodInfo.ctor(, this.jsMethod, this.methodAttributes,
newReturnType, newParameters, this.attributes, typeArgumentsFuncs);
result.declaringType = this.declaringType;
this.constructedMethods[keyString] = result;
return result;
$p.CreateDelegate = function MethodInfo_CreateDelegate(delegateType) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.CreateDelegate$1 = function MethodInfo_CreateDelegate(delegateType, target) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.Invoke$1 = function MethodInfo_Invoke(obj, invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) {
if (this.get_IsStatic() && obj != null)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("Static methods cannot have a target");
if (!this.get_IsStatic() && obj == null)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("Instance methods must have a target");
var args = this.typeArguments ? (parameters ? this.typeArguments.concat(parameters) : this.typeArguments) : parameters;
return this.jsMethod.apply(obj, args);
$p.ToString = function MethodInfo_ToString() {
var s = {
return x.get_ParameterType().get_FullName() + " " + x.get_Name();
}).join(", ");
var t = String.Empty;
if (this.typeArguments) {
t = "<" + {
return x.$typeName;
}).join(", ") + ">";
return this.returnType.toString() + " " + this.get_DeclaringType().get_FullName() + "." + + t + "(" + s + ")";
System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes = $d.declareEnum("System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes", 45, $asm, 289, ["None", "In", "Out", "Lcid", "Retval", "Optional", "HasDefault", "HasFieldMarshal", "Reserved3", "Reserved4", "ReservedMask"], [0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x8000, 0xF000]);
System.Reflection.ParameterInfo = $d.declare("System.Reflection.ParameterInfo", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["EmptyParameters", $d.arrayType(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo), 51], ["containingMember", System.Reflection.MemberInfo, 3]], [["Create", t.Create, 19], ["get_ParameterType", p.get_ParameterType, 6], ["get_Name", p.get_Name, 6], ["get_HasDefaultValue", p.get_HasDefaultValue, 6], ["get_DefaultValue", p.get_DefaultValue, 6], ["get_RawDefaultValue", p.get_RawDefaultValue, 6], ["get_Position", p.get_Position, 6], ["get_Attributes", p.get_Attributes, 6], ["get_Member", p.get_Member, 6], ["get_IsIn", p.get_IsIn, 6], ["get_IsOut", p.get_IsOut, 6], ["get_IsLcid", p.get_IsLcid, 6], ["get_IsRetval", p.get_IsRetval, 6], ["get_IsOptional", p.get_IsOptional, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6], ["GetCustomAttributes", p.GetCustomAttributes, 6], ["GetCustomAttributes", p.GetCustomAttributes$1, 6], ["IsDefined", p.IsDefined, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["ParameterType", 27, 1], ["Name", 20, 2], ["HasDefaultValue", 39, 3], ["DefaultValue", 1, 4], ["RawDefaultValue", 1, 5], ["Position", 45, 6], ["Attributes", System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes, 7], ["Member", System.Reflection.MemberInfo, 8], ["IsIn", 39, 9], ["IsOut", 39, 10], ["IsLcid", 39, 11], ["IsRetval", 39, 12], ["IsOptional", 39, 13]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.EmptyParameters = $d.array(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo, 0);
$t.$ator = function() { = null;
this.type = null;
this.position = 0;
this.parameterAttributes = 0;
this.defaultValue = null;
this.attributes = null;
this.containingMember = null;
$t.ctor = function ParameterInfo(name, type, position, parameterAttributes, defaultValue, attributes) {
$t.$; = name;
this.type = $d.tryDecodeTypeFunc(type);
this.position = position;
this.parameterAttributes = $d.ncl(parameterAttributes, 0);
this.defaultValue = defaultValue || null;
this.attributes = (attributes != null) ? $d.array(System.Attribute, attributes) : System.Attribute().EmptyAttributes;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.Create = function ParameterInfo_Create(args) {
return new System.Reflection.ParameterInfo.ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4],
$p.get_ParameterType = function ParameterInfo_get_ParameterType() {
return $d.typeOf(this.type);
$p.get_Name = function ParameterInfo_get_Name() {
$p.get_HasDefaultValue = function ParameterInfo_get_HasDefaultValue() {
return this.get_IsOptional();
$p.get_DefaultValue = function ParameterInfo_get_DefaultValue() {
return this.defaultValue;
$p.get_RawDefaultValue = function ParameterInfo_get_RawDefaultValue() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 4096) != 0;
$p.get_Position = function ParameterInfo_get_Position() {
return this.position;
$p.get_Attributes = function ParameterInfo_get_Attributes() {
return this.parameterAttributes;
$p.get_Member = function ParameterInfo_get_Member() {
return this.containingMember;
$p.get_IsIn = function ParameterInfo_get_IsIn() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 1) != 0;
$p.get_IsOut = function ParameterInfo_get_IsOut() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 2) != 0;
$p.get_IsLcid = function ParameterInfo_get_IsLcid() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 4) != 0;
$p.get_IsRetval = function ParameterInfo_get_IsRetval() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 8) != 0;
$p.get_IsOptional = function ParameterInfo_get_IsOptional() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 16) != 0;
$p.ToString = function ParameterInfo_ToString() {
return $d.toString(this.get_ParameterType()) + " " + this.get_Name();
$p.GetCustomAttributes = function ParameterInfo_GetCustomAttributes(inherit) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Attribute, this.attributes);
$p.GetCustomAttributes$1 = function ParameterInfo_GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Object, System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(System.Object,
this.GetCustomAttributes(inherit), $d.delegate(function(x) {
return attributeType.IsInstanceOfType(x);
}, this)));
$p.IsDefined = function ParameterInfo_IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.Any$1(System.Object, this.GetCustomAttributes(inherit), $d.delegate(function(x) {
return attributeType.IsInstanceOfType(x);
}, this));
$p.System$Reflection$ICustomAttributeProvider$GetCustomAttributes$1 = $p.GetCustomAttributes$1;
$p.System$Reflection$ICustomAttributeProvider$GetCustomAttributes = $p.GetCustomAttributes;
$p.System$Reflection$ICustomAttributeProvider$IsDefined = $p.IsDefined;
System.Reflection.ParameterModifier = $d.declare("System.Reflection.ParameterModifier", null, 62, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_IsByRefArray", p.get_IsByRefArray, 3], ["get_Item", p.get_Item, 6], ["set_Item", p.set_Item, 6]], [["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["IsByRefArray", 167, 0], ["this[]", 39, 1, 2, [["index", 45, 0]]]]]; };
$t.ctor = function ParameterModifier() {
this._byRef = null;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_IsByRefArray = function ParameterModifier_get_IsByRefArray() {
return this._byRef;
$p.get_Item = function ParameterModifier_get_Item(index) {
return this._byRef[index];
$p.set_Item = function ParameterModifier_set_Item(index, value) {
this._byRef[index] = value;
$t.ctor$1 = function ParameterModifier(parameterCount) {
if (parameterCount <= 0)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("Arg_ParmArraySize");
this._byRef = $d.array(Boolean, parameterCount);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes = $d.declareEnum("System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes", 45, $asm, 289, ["None", "SpecialName", "RTSpecialName", "HasDefault", "Reserved2", "Reserved3", "Reserved4", "ReservedMask"], [0, 0x200, 0x400, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x8000, 0xF400]);
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo = $d.declare("System.Reflection.PropertyInfo", System.Reflection.MemberInfo, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Create", t.Create, 19], ["get_MemberType", p.get_MemberType, 6], ["get_PropertyType", p.get_PropertyType, 6], ["get_Attributes", p.get_Attributes, 6], ["get_CanRead", p.get_CanRead, 6], ["get_CanWrite", p.get_CanWrite, 6], ["get_GetMethod", p.get_GetMethod, 6], ["get_SetMethod", p.get_SetMethod, 6], ["get_IsSpecialName", p.get_IsSpecialName, 6], ["SetValue", p.SetValue$2, 6], ["GetAccessors", p.GetAccessors$1, 6], ["GetGetMethod", p.GetGetMethod$1, 6], ["GetSetMethod", p.GetSetMethod$1, 6], ["GetIndexParameters", p.GetIndexParameters, 6], ["GetValue", p.GetValue, 6], ["GetValue", p.GetValue$1, 6], ["GetValue", p.GetValue$2, 6], ["SetValue", p.SetValue, 6], ["SetValue", p.SetValue$1, 6], ["GetRequiredCustomModifiers", p.GetRequiredCustomModifiers, 6], ["GetOptionalCustomModifiers", p.GetOptionalCustomModifiers, 6], ["GetAccessors", p.GetAccessors, 6], ["GetGetMethod", p.GetGetMethod, 6], ["GetSetMethod", p.GetSetMethod, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 4]], [["MemberType", System.Reflection.MemberTypes, 1], ["PropertyType", 27, 2], ["Attributes", System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes, 3], ["CanRead", 39, 4], ["CanWrite", 39, 5], ["GetMethod", System.Reflection.MethodInfo, 6], ["SetMethod", System.Reflection.MethodInfo, 7], ["IsSpecialName", 39, 8]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.propertyType = null;
this.getMethod = null;
this.setMethod = null;
this.indexParameters = null;
$t.ctor = function PropertyInfo(name, propertyType, getMethod, setMethod, indexParameters, attributes) {
$t.$, name, attributes);
this.propertyType = $d.tryDecodeTypeFunc(propertyType);
this.getMethod = Array.isArray(getMethod) ? System.Reflection.MethodInfo.Create(getMethod) : getMethod || null;
this.setMethod = Array.isArray(setMethod) ? System.Reflection.MethodInfo.Create(setMethod) : setMethod || null;
this.indexParameters = (indexParameters != null) ? $d.array(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo,
indexParameters) : System.Reflection.ParameterInfo().EmptyParameters;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.Create = function PropertyInfo_Create(methods, args) {
return new System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2] != null ? methods[args[2]] : null,
args[3] != null ? methods[args[3]] : null, args[4], args[5]);
$p.get_MemberType = function PropertyInfo_get_MemberType() {
return 16;
$p.get_PropertyType = function PropertyInfo_get_PropertyType() {
return $d.typeOf(this.propertyType);
$p.get_Attributes = function PropertyInfo_get_Attributes() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.get_CanRead = function PropertyInfo_get_CanRead() {
return this.getMethod != null;
$p.get_CanWrite = function PropertyInfo_get_CanWrite() {
return this.setMethod != null;
$p.get_GetMethod = function PropertyInfo_get_GetMethod() {
return this.GetGetMethod$1(true);
$p.get_SetMethod = function PropertyInfo_get_SetMethod() {
return this.GetSetMethod$1(true);
$p.get_IsSpecialName = function PropertyInfo_get_IsSpecialName() {
return (this.get_Attributes() & 512) != 0;
$p.SetValue$2 = function PropertyInfo_SetValue(obj, value, invokeAttr, binder, index, culture) {
if (this.get_SetMethod() == null)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("Property '" + this.get_DeclaringType().get_FullName() + "." + this.get_Name() + "' does not have a setter.");
var args = $d.array(System.Object, 1 + (index != null ? index.length : 0));
args[0] = value;
for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
args[i] = index[i - 1];
this.get_SetMethod().Invoke$1(obj, invokeAttr, binder, args, culture);
$p.GetAccessors$1 = function PropertyInfo_GetAccessors(nonPublic) {
var methods = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Reflection.MethodInfo).ctor)();
if (this.getMethod != null)
if (this.setMethod != null)
return methods.ToArray();
$p.GetGetMethod$1 = function PropertyInfo_GetGetMethod(nonPublic) {
if (nonPublic || this.getMethod == null)
return this.getMethod;
return this.getMethod.get_IsPublic() ? this.getMethod : null;
$p.GetSetMethod$1 = function PropertyInfo_GetSetMethod(nonPublic) {
if (nonPublic || this.setMethod == null)
return this.setMethod;
return this.setMethod.get_IsPublic() ? this.setMethod : null;
$p.GetIndexParameters = function PropertyInfo_GetIndexParameters() {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo, this.indexParameters);
$p.GetValue = function PropertyInfo_GetValue(obj) {
return this.GetValue$1(obj, null);
$p.GetValue$1 = function PropertyInfo_GetValue(obj, index) {
return this.GetValue$2(obj, 0, null, index, null);
$p.GetValue$2 = function PropertyInfo_GetValue(obj, invokeAttr, binder, index, culture) {
return this.get_GetMethod().Invoke$1(obj, invokeAttr, binder, index, culture);
$p.SetValue = function PropertyInfo_SetValue(obj, value) {
this.SetValue$1(obj, value, null);
$p.SetValue$1 = function PropertyInfo_SetValue(obj, value, index) {
this.SetValue$2(obj, value, 0, null, index, null);
$p.GetRequiredCustomModifiers = function PropertyInfo_GetRequiredCustomModifiers() {
return $d.array(System.Type, 0);
$p.GetOptionalCustomModifiers = function PropertyInfo_GetOptionalCustomModifiers() {
return $d.array(System.Type, 0);
$p.GetAccessors = function PropertyInfo_GetAccessors() {
return this.GetAccessors$1(false);
$p.GetGetMethod = function PropertyInfo_GetGetMethod() {
return this.GetGetMethod$1(false);
$p.GetSetMethod = function PropertyInfo_GetSetMethod() {
return this.GetSetMethod$1(false);
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes = $d.declareEnum("System.Reflection.TypeAttributes", 45, $asm, 289, ["NotPublic", "AutoLayout", "AnsiClass", "Class", "Public", "NestedPublic", "NestedPrivate", "NestedFamily", "NestedAssembly", "NestedFamANDAssem", "VisibilityMask", "NestedFamORAssem", "SequentialLayout", "ExplicitLayout", "LayoutMask", "Interface", "ClassSemanticsMask", "Abstract", "Sealed", "SpecialName", "RTSpecialName", "Import", "Serializable", "UnicodeClass", "AutoClass", "StringFormatMask", "CustomFormatClass", "HasSecurity", "ReservedMask", "BeforeFieldInit", "Unknown", "CustomFormatMask"], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x7, 0x8, 0x10, 0x18, 0x20, 0x20, 0x80, 0x100, 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x10000, 0x20000, 0x30000, 0x30000, 0x40000, 0x40800, 0x100000, 0x200000, 0xC00000]);
System.Resources.ResourceManager = $d.declare("System.Resources.ResourceManager", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["GetString", p.GetString, 6], ["GetObject", p.GetObject, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_Assembly = null;
this.m_Name = null;
$t.ctor = function ResourceManager(name, assembly) {
this.m_Assembly = assembly;
this.m_Name = name;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.GetString = function ResourceManager_GetString(name, cultureInfo) {
var result = this.m_Assembly.GetManifestResourceString(this.m_Name + "$" + name);
return result;
$p.GetObject = function ResourceManager_GetObject(name, cultureInfo) {
var image = document.createElement("img");
var data = this.m_Assembly.GetManifestResourceString(this.m_Name + "$" + name);
image.src = data;
var result = new System.Drawing.Bitmap.ctor(image);
return result;
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore", null, 62, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [256, [["m_defaultContextAction", System.Action, 3], ["m_stateMachine", System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine, 3]], [["Start", p.Start, 3], ["SetStateMachine", p.SetStateMachine, 6], ["GetCompletionAction", p.GetCompletionAction, 3], ["ThrowAsync", t.ThrowAsync, 19]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function AsyncMethodBuilderCore() {
this.m_defaultContextAction = null;
this.m_stateMachine = null;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Start = function AsyncMethodBuilderCore_Start(stateMachine) {
if (stateMachine == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("stateMachine");
$p.SetStateMachine = function AsyncMethodBuilderCore_SetStateMachine(stateMachine) {
if (stateMachine == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("stateMachine");
if (this.m_stateMachine != null)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("AsyncMethodBuilder_InstanceNotInitialized");
this.m_stateMachine = stateMachine;
$p.GetCompletionAction = function AsyncMethodBuilderCore_GetCompletionAction(TMethodBuilder, TStateMachine, builder, stateMachine) {
if (this.m_stateMachine == null) {
this.m_stateMachine = stateMachine;
var action = $d.delegate(this.m_stateMachine.System$Runtime$CompilerServices$IAsyncStateMachine$MoveNext,
return action;
$t.ThrowAsync = function AsyncMethodBuilderCore_ThrowAsync(exception) {
var exceptionDispatchInfo = System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(exception);
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncMethodBuilder = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncMethodBuilder", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [160]; };
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder", null, 62, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncMethodBuilder];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Task", p.get_Task, 6], ["Create", t.Create, 22], ["Start", p.Start, 6], ["SetStateMachine", p.SetStateMachine, 6], ["AwaitOnCompleted", p.AwaitOnCompleted, 6], ["SetResult", p.SetResult, 6], ["SetException", p.SetException, 6], ["AwaitOnCompleted", p.AwaitOnCompleted$1, 6], ["AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted", p.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Task", System.Threading.Tasks.Task, 0]]]; };
$t.ctor = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder() {
this.m_builder = new (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1(System.Runtime.InteropServices.VoidTaskResult).ctor)();
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Task = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder_get_Task() {
return this.m_builder.get_Task();
$t.Create = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder_Create() {
var result = new System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.ctor();
result.m_builder = System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1(System.Runtime.InteropServices.VoidTaskResult).Create();
return result;
$p.Start = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder_Start(TStateMachine, stateMachine) {
this.m_builder.Start(TStateMachine, stateMachine);
$p.SetStateMachine = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder_SetStateMachine(stateMachine) {
$p.AwaitOnCompleted = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder_AwaitOnCompleted(TAwaiter, TStateMachine, awaiter, stateMachine) {
this.m_builder.AwaitOnCompleted(TAwaiter, TStateMachine, awaiter, stateMachine);
$p.SetResult = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder_SetResult() {
this.m_builder.SetResult(new System.Runtime.InteropServices.VoidTaskResult.ctor());
$p.SetException = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder_SetException(exception) {
$p.AwaitOnCompleted$1 = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder_AwaitOnCompleted(TAwaiter, TStateMachine, awaiter, stateMachine) {
this.m_builder.AwaitOnCompleted(TAwaiter, TStateMachine, awaiter.value, stateMachine.value);
$p.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder_AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(TAwaiter, TStateMachine, awaiter, stateMachine) {
this.m_builder.AwaitOnCompleted(TAwaiter, TStateMachine, awaiter.value, stateMachine.value);
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1 = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1", null, 318, $asm, function($t, $p, TResult) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncMethodBuilder];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Task", p.get_Task, 6], ["Create", t.Create, 22], ["Start", p.Start, 6], ["SetStateMachine", p.SetStateMachine, 6], ["AwaitOnCompleted", p.AwaitOnCompleted, 6], ["SetResult", p.SetResult, 6], ["SetResult", p.SetResult$1, 3], ["SetException", p.SetException, 6], ["AwaitOnCompleted", p.AwaitOnCompleted$1, 6], ["AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted", p.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Task", System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1(TResult), 0]]]; };
$t.ctor = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1() {
this.m_coreState = new System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.ctor();
this.m_task = null;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Task = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1_get_Task() {
var task = this.m_task;
if (task == null)
this.m_task = task = new (System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1(TResult).ctor)();
return task;
$t.Create = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1_Create() {
var result = new (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1(TResult).ctor)();
result.m_coreState = new System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.ctor();
return result;
$p.Start = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1_Start(TStateMachine, stateMachine) {
$p.SetStateMachine = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1_SetStateMachine(stateMachine) {
$p.AwaitOnCompleted = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1_AwaitOnCompleted(TAwaiter, TStateMachine, awaiter, stateMachine) {
try {
var completionAction = this.m_coreState.GetCompletionAction(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1(TResult),
TStateMachine, this, stateMachine);
catch ($e) {
$e = System.Exception.Wrap($e);
$p.SetResult = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1_SetResult(result) {
var task = this.m_task;
if (task == null)
this.m_task = this.GetTaskForResult(result);
if (!task.TrySetResult(result))
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("TaskT_TransitionToFinal_AlreadyCompleted");
$p.SetResult$1 = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1_SetResult(completedTask) {
if (this.m_task == null)
this.m_task = completedTask;
$p.SetException = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1_SetException(exception) {
if (exception == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("exception");
var task = this.get_Task();
var canceledException = $, System.Runtime.CompilerServices.OperationCanceledException);
if (!(canceledException != null ? task.TrySetCanceled$1(canceledException.get_CancellationToken(),
canceledException) : task.TrySetException(exception)))
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("TaskT_TransitionToFinal_AlreadyCompleted");
$p.GetTaskForResult = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1_GetTaskForResult(result) {
return new (System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1(TResult).ctor$1)(result);
$p.AwaitOnCompleted$1 = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1_AwaitOnCompleted(TAwaiter, TStateMachine, awaiter, stateMachine) {
try {
var completionAction = this.m_coreState.GetCompletionAction(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1(TResult),
TStateMachine, this, stateMachine.value);
catch ($e) {
$e = System.Exception.Wrap($e);
$p.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted = function AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1_AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(TAwaiter, TStateMachine, awaiter, stateMachine) {
try {
var completionAction = this.m_coreState.GetCompletionAction(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder$1(TResult),
TStateMachine, this, stateMachine.value);
catch ($e) {
$e = System.Exception.Wrap($e);
}, ["TResult"]);
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder", null, 62, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncMethodBuilder];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["Create", t.Create, 22], ["Start", p.Start, 6], ["SetStateMachine", p.SetStateMachine, 6], ["AwaitOnCompleted", p.AwaitOnCompleted, 6], ["AwaitOnCompleted", p.AwaitOnCompleted$1, 6], ["AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted", p.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted, 6], ["SetResult", p.SetResult, 6], ["SetException", p.SetException, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function AsyncVoidMethodBuilder() {
this.m_coreState = new System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.ctor();
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.Create = function AsyncVoidMethodBuilder_Create() {
var result = new System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.ctor();
result.m_coreState = new System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.ctor();
return result;
$p.Start = function AsyncVoidMethodBuilder_Start(TStateMachine, stateMachine) {
$p.SetStateMachine = function AsyncVoidMethodBuilder_SetStateMachine(stateMachine) {
$p.AwaitOnCompleted = function AsyncVoidMethodBuilder_AwaitOnCompleted(TAwaiter, TStateMachine, awaiter, stateMachine) {
try {
var completionAction = this.m_coreState.GetCompletionAction(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder,
TStateMachine, this, stateMachine);
catch ($e) {
$e = System.Exception.Wrap($e);
$p.AwaitOnCompleted$1 = function AsyncVoidMethodBuilder_AwaitOnCompleted(TAwaiter, TStateMachine, awaiter, stateMachine) {
try {
var completionAction = this.m_coreState.GetCompletionAction(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder,
TStateMachine, this, stateMachine.value);
catch ($e) {
$e = System.Exception.Wrap($e);
$p.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted = function AsyncVoidMethodBuilder_AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(TAwaiter, TStateMachine, awaiter, stateMachine) {};
$p.SetResult = function AsyncVoidMethodBuilder_SetResult() {};
$p.SetException = function AsyncVoidMethodBuilder_SetException(exception) {
throw $d.signEx(exception);
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["MoveNext", null, 6], ["SetStateMachine", null, 6]]]; };
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["OnCompleted", null, 6]]]; };
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["UnsafeOnCompleted", null, 6]]]; };
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerNameAttribute = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerNameAttribute", System.Attribute, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], null, null, [(function() { var $obj = new System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ctor(128);$obj.set_Inherited(true);return $obj; }).call(this)]]; };
$t.ctor = function IndexerNameAttribute(indexerName) {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.OperationCanceledException = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.OperationCanceledException", System.Exception, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_CancellationToken", p.get_CancellationToken, 6], ["set_CancellationToken", p.set_CancellationToken, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["CancellationToken", System.Threading.CancellationToken, 0, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.CancellationToken = new System.Threading.CancellationToken.ctor();
$t.ctor = function OperationCanceledException() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_CancellationToken = function OperationCanceledException_get_CancellationToken() { return this.CancellationToken; };
$p.set_CancellationToken = function OperationCanceledException_set_CancellationToken(value) { this.CancellationToken = value;return value; };
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException", System.Exception, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_WrappedException", p.get_WrappedException, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 3]], [["WrappedException", 1, 0]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_wrappedException = null;
$t.ctor = function RuntimeWrappedException(message, thrownObject) {
$t.$baseType.ctor$, message || System.Environment.GetResourceString("RuntimeWrappedException"));
this.m_wrappedException = thrownObject;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_WrappedException = function RuntimeWrappedException_get_WrappedException() {
return this.m_wrappedException;
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter", null, 62, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion, System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_IsCompleted", p.get_IsCompleted, 6], ["OnCompleted", p.OnCompleted, 6], ["UnsafeOnCompleted", p.UnsafeOnCompleted, 6], ["GetResult", p.GetResult, 6]], [["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 3], ["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["IsCompleted", 39, 0]]]; };
$t.ctor = function TaskAwaiter() {
this.m_task = null;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function TaskAwaiter(task) {
this.m_task = task;
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.get_IsCompleted = function TaskAwaiter_get_IsCompleted() {
return this.m_task.get_IsCompleted();
$p.OnCompleted = function TaskAwaiter_OnCompleted(continuation) {
$p.UnsafeOnCompleted = function TaskAwaiter_UnsafeOnCompleted(continuation) {
$p.GetResult = function TaskAwaiter_GetResult() {
if (this.m_task.get_IsFaulted())
$p.System$Runtime$CompilerServices$ICriticalNotifyCompletion$UnsafeOnCompleted = $p.UnsafeOnCompleted;
$p.System$Runtime$CompilerServices$INotifyCompletion$OnCompleted = $p.OnCompleted;
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter$1 = $d.declare("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1", null, 318, $asm, function($t, $p, TResult) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion, System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_IsCompleted", p.get_IsCompleted, 6], ["OnCompleted", p.OnCompleted, 6], ["UnsafeOnCompleted", p.UnsafeOnCompleted, 6], ["GetResult", p.GetResult, 6]], [["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["IsCompleted", 39, 0]]]; };
$t.ctor = function TaskAwaiter$1() {
this.m_task = null;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function TaskAwaiter$1(mTask) {
this.m_task = mTask;
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.get_IsCompleted = function TaskAwaiter$1_get_IsCompleted() {
return this.m_task.get_IsCompleted();
$p.OnCompleted = function TaskAwaiter$1_OnCompleted(continuation) {
$p.UnsafeOnCompleted = function TaskAwaiter$1_UnsafeOnCompleted(continuation) {
$p.GetResult = function TaskAwaiter$1_GetResult() {
if (!this.m_task.get_IsFaulted())
return this.m_task.m_result;
return $d.default(TResult);
$p.System$Runtime$CompilerServices$ICriticalNotifyCompletion$UnsafeOnCompleted = $p.UnsafeOnCompleted;
$p.System$Runtime$CompilerServices$INotifyCompletion$OnCompleted = $p.OnCompleted;
}, ["TResult"]);
System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo = $d.declare("System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_BinaryStackTraceArray", p.get_BinaryStackTraceArray, 3], ["get_SourceException", p.get_SourceException, 6], ["Capture", t.Capture, 22], ["Throw", p.Throw, 6]], null, [["BinaryStackTraceArray", 1, 0], ["SourceException", 28, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_Exception = null;
this.m_stackTrace = null;
$t.ctor = function ExceptionDispatchInfo(exception) {
this.m_Exception = exception;
this.m_stackTrace = exception.get_StackTrace();
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_BinaryStackTraceArray = function ExceptionDispatchInfo_get_BinaryStackTraceArray() {
return this.m_stackTrace;
$p.get_SourceException = function ExceptionDispatchInfo_get_SourceException() {
return this.m_Exception;
$t.Capture = function ExceptionDispatchInfo_Capture(source) {
if (source == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("source");
return new System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.ctor(source);
$p.Throw = function ExceptionDispatchInfo_Throw() {
throw $d.signEx(this.m_Exception);
System.IntPtr = $d.declare("System.IntPtr", null, 53, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function IntPtr() {};
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.MidpointRounding = $d.declareEnum("System.MidpointRounding", 45, $asm, 257, ["ToEven", "AwayFromZero"], [0, 1]);
System.Runtime.InteropServices.VoidTaskResult = $d.declare("System.Runtime.InteropServices.VoidTaskResult", null, 62, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [256, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function VoidTaskResult() {};
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable = $d.declare("System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [161, null, [["GetObjectData", null, 6]]]; };
System.SByte = $d.declare("System.SByte", Number, 41, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.SByte), System.IEquatable$1(System.SByte), System.IFormattable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["MinValue", 41, 86, -128], ["MaxValue", 41, 86, 127]], [["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.MinValue = -128;
$t.MaxValue = 127;
$t.Parse = function SByte_Parse(s) { return Number.Parse(System.SByte, s); };
$t.TryParse = function SByte_TryParse(s, result) { return Number.TryParse(System.SByte, s, result); };
System.Single = $d.declare("System.Single", Number, 50, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.Single), System.IEquatable$1(System.Single), System.IFormattable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["MinValue", 50, 86, -3.402823E+38], ["Epsilon", 50, 86, 1.401298E-45], ["MaxValue", 50, 86, 3.402823E+38], ["NaN", 50, 86, NaN], ["NegativeInfinity", 50, 86, (-Infinity)], ["PositiveInfinity", 50, 86, Infinity]], [["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22], ["IsNaN", t.IsNaN, 22], ["IsInfinity", t.IsInfinity, 22], ["IsNegativeInfinity", t.IsNegativeInfinity, 22], ["IsPositiveInfinity", t.IsPositiveInfinity, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.MinValue = -3.40282346638529E+38;
$t.Epsilon = 1.4E-45;
$t.MaxValue = 3.40282346638529E+38;
$t.NaN = NaN;
$t.NegativeInfinity = (-Infinity);
$t.PositiveInfinity = Infinity;
$t.Parse = function Single_Parse(s) { return Number.Parse(System.Single, s); };
$t.TryParse = function Single_TryParse(s, result) { return Number.TryParse(System.Single, s, result); };
$t.IsNaN = function Single_IsNaN(f) { return isNaN(f); };
$t.IsInfinity = function Single_IsInfinity(f) { return !isFinite(f); };
$t.IsNegativeInfinity = function Single_IsNegativeInfinity(f) { return (f == (-Infinity)); };
$t.IsPositiveInfinity = function Single_IsPositiveInfinity(f) { return (f == Infinity); };
System.Stopwatch = $d.declare("System.Stopwatch", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["Frequency", 47, 54], ["IsHighResolution", 39, 54]], [["Start", p.Start, 6], ["StartNew", t.StartNew, 22], ["Stop", p.Stop, 6], ["Reset", p.Reset, 6], ["Restart", p.Restart, 6], ["get_IsRunning", p.get_IsRunning, 6], ["get_Elapsed", p.get_Elapsed, 6], ["get_ElapsedMilliseconds", p.get_ElapsedMilliseconds, 6], ["get_ElapsedTicks", p.get_ElapsedTicks, 6], ["GetTimestamp", t.GetTimestamp, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["IsRunning", 39, 5], ["Elapsed", 58, 6], ["ElapsedMilliseconds", 47, 7], ["ElapsedTicks", 47, 8]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.Frequency = 0;
$t.IsHighResolution = false;
$t.IsHighResolution = window.performance;
$t.Frequency = 10000000;
$t.$ator = function() {
this.elapsed = 0;
this.startTimeStamp = 0;
this.isRunning = false;
$t.ctor = function Stopwatch() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Start = function Stopwatch_Start() {
if (!this.isRunning) {
this.startTimeStamp = $t.GetTimestamp();
this.isRunning = true;
$t.StartNew = function Stopwatch_StartNew() {
var s = new System.Stopwatch.ctor();
return s;
$p.Stop = function Stopwatch_Stop() {
if (this.isRunning) {
var endTimeStamp = $t.GetTimestamp();
var elapsedThisPeriod = endTimeStamp - this.startTimeStamp;
this.elapsed += elapsedThisPeriod;
this.isRunning = false;
if (this.elapsed < 0) {
this.elapsed = 0;
$p.Reset = function Stopwatch_Reset() {
this.elapsed = 0;
this.isRunning = false;
this.startTimeStamp = 0;
$p.Restart = function Stopwatch_Restart() {
this.elapsed = 0;
this.startTimeStamp = $t.GetTimestamp();
this.isRunning = true;
$p.get_IsRunning = function Stopwatch_get_IsRunning() {
return this.isRunning;
$p.get_Elapsed = function Stopwatch_get_Elapsed() {
return new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(this.GetRawElapsedTicks());
$p.get_ElapsedMilliseconds = function Stopwatch_get_ElapsedMilliseconds() {
return (this.GetRawElapsedTicks() / 10000 | 0);
$p.get_ElapsedTicks = function Stopwatch_get_ElapsedTicks() {
return this.GetRawElapsedTicks();
$t.GetTimestamp = function Stopwatch_GetTimestamp() {
if ($t().IsHighResolution) {
return $d.toInt64(( * 10000));
else {
return * 10000;
$p.GetRawElapsedTicks = function Stopwatch_GetRawElapsedTicks() {
var timeElapsed = this.elapsed;
if (this.isRunning) {
var currentTimeStamp = $t.GetTimestamp();
var elapsedUntilNow = currentTimeStamp - this.startTimeStamp;
timeElapsed += elapsedUntilNow;
return timeElapsed;
System.String = $d.declare("System.String", System.Object, 20, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(String), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(System.Char), System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.IEquatable$1(String)]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["Empty", 20, 54]], [["get_Chars", p.get_Chars, 6], ["IndexOf", p.IndexOf, 6], ["IndexOf", p.IndexOf$1, 6], ["LastIndexOf", p.LastIndexOf, 6], ["LastIndexOf", p.LastIndexOf$1, 6], ["EndsWith", p.EndsWith, 6], ["StartsWith", p.StartsWith, 6], ["StartsWith", p.StartsWith$1, 6], ["Compare", t.Compare, 22], ["Compare", t.Compare$1, 22], ["Substring", p.Substring, 6], ["Substring", p.Substring$1, 6], ["Split", p.Split, 6], ["Split", p.Split$3, 6], ["Split", p.Split$2, 6], ["Split", p.Split$5, 6], ["Split", p.Split$4, 6], ["Split", p.Split$6, 6], ["Join", t.Join, 22], ["Join", t.Join$1, 22], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6], ["IsNullOrEmpty", t.IsNullOrEmpty, 22], ["Concat", t.Concat$1, 22], ["Concat", t.Concat$4, 22], ["Concat", t.Concat$6, 22], ["Concat", t.Concat$2, 22], ["Concat", t.Concat$9, 22], ["Concat", t.Concat, 22], ["Concat", t.Concat$5, 22], ["Concat", t.Concat$7, 22], ["Concat", t.Concat$8, 22], ["Concat", t.Concat$3, 22], ["Format", t.Format, 22], ["Format", t.Format$1, 22], ["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["Contains", p.Contains, 6], ["CompareTo", p.CompareTo, 6], ["CompareTo", p.CompareTo$1, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals$1, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals$2, 6], ["Equals", t.Equals, 22], ["Replace", p.Replace$1, 6], ["Replace", p.Replace, 6], ["ToCharArray", p.ToCharArray, 6], ["ToCharArray", p.ToCharArray$1, 6], ["Trim", p.Trim$1, 6], ["TrimStart", p.TrimStart, 6], ["TrimEnd", p.TrimEnd, 6]], [["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]], [["this[]", 40, 0, null, [["index", 45, 0]], [new System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerNameAttribute.ctor("Chars")]]]]; };
$t.Empty = "";
$t.ctor$1 = function(s) {
return s;
$t.ctor = function(value) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, value);
$t.ctor$3 = function(value, startIndex, length) {
var array = value;
if (startIndex != 0 || length != value.length)
array =, startIndex, startIndex + length);
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array);
$t.ctor$2 = function(c, count) {
if (count == 0)
return "";
if (count == 1)
return String.fromCharCode(c);
return new Array(count + 1).join(String.fromCharCode(c));
$p.get_Chars = function String_get_Chars(index) {
var c = this.charCodeAt(index);
if (isNaN(c))
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException.ctor();
return c;
$p.IndexOf = function String_IndexOf(value) {
return this.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(value));
$p.IndexOf$1 = function String_IndexOf(value, startIndex) {
return this.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(value), startIndex);
$p.LastIndexOf = function String_LastIndexOf(value) {
return this.lastIndexOf(String.fromCharCode(value));
$p.LastIndexOf$1 = function String_LastIndexOf(value, startIndex) {
return this.lastIndexOf(String.fromCharCode(value), startIndex);
$p.EndsWith = function String_EndsWith(value) {
return this.indexOf(value, this.length - value.length) != -1;
$p.StartsWith = function String_StartsWith(value) {
return this.Substring$1(0, value.length) == value;
$p.StartsWith$1 = function String_StartsWith(value, comparisonType) {
switch (comparisonType) {
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
return this.Substring$1(0, value.length).toUpperCase() == value.toUpperCase();
return this.Substring$1(0, value.length) == value;
$t.Compare = function String_Compare(strA, strB) {
if (strA == null && strB == null)
return 0;
if (strA == null)
return -1;
if (strB == null)
return 1;
if (strA < strB)
return -1;
if (strA > strB)
return 1;
return 0;
$t.Compare$1 = function String_Compare(strA, strB, comparisonType) {
if ($d.toUInt32((comparisonType | 0)) > 5)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("NotSupported_StringComparison");
if (strA == strB)
return 0;
if (strA == null)
return -1;
if (strB == null)
return 1;
switch (comparisonType) {
case 0:
return System.Globalization.CultureInfo().CurrentCulture.get_CompareInfo().Compare$1(strA,
strB, 0);
case 1:
return System.Globalization.CultureInfo().CurrentCulture.get_CompareInfo().Compare$1(strA,
strB, 1);
case 2:
return System.Globalization.CultureInfo().InvariantCulture.get_CompareInfo().Compare$1(strA,
strB, 0);
case 3:
return System.Globalization.CultureInfo().InvariantCulture.get_CompareInfo().Compare$1(strA,
strB, 1);
case 4:
return $t.CompareOrdinal(strA, strB, false);
case 5:
return $t.CompareOrdinal(strA, strB, true);
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor$1("NotSupported_StringComparison");
$t.CompareOrdinal = function String_CompareOrdinal(strA, strB, ignoreCase) {
if (ignoreCase) {
strA = strA.toUpperCase();
strB = strB.toUpperCase();
return (strA == strB) ? 0 : (strA < strB) ? -1 : 1;
$p.Substring = function String_Substring(startIndex) {
return this.substring(startIndex);
$p.Substring$1 = function String_Substring(startIndex, length) {
return this.substring(startIndex, startIndex + length);
$p.Split = function String_Split(separator) {
var s = this;
var stringSeparator = $d.array(System.Char, separator.length);
for (var i = 0; i < separator.length; i++) {
stringSeparator[i] = separator[i];
var array = s.split(new RegExp($t.Join$1(String, "|", System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(System.Char,
String, stringSeparator, $d.delegate(function(x) {
return this.EscapeRegex(x);
}, this)))));
return $d.array(String, array);
$p.Split$3 = function String_Split(separator, count) {
var s = this;
var stringSeparator = $d.array(System.Char, separator.length);
for (var i = 0; i < separator.length; i++) {
stringSeparator[i] = separator[i];
var array = s.split(new RegExp($t.Join$1(String, "|", System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(System.Char,
String, stringSeparator, $d.delegate(function(x) {
return this.EscapeRegex(x);
}, this)))), count);
return array;
$p.EscapeRegex = function String_EscapeRegex(c) {
switch (c) {
case 63 /*'?'*/:
return "\\?";
return String.fromCharCode(c);
$p.Split$2 = function String_Split(separator, options) {
return null;
$p.Split$5 = function String_Split(separator, count, options) {
return null;
$p.Split$4 = function String_Split(separator, options) {
return this.Split$6(separator, 2147483647, options);
$p.Split$6 = function String_Split(separator, count, options) {
return null;
$t.Join = function String_Join(separator, value) {
return $t.InternalJoin(separator, value);
$t.Join$1 = function String_Join(T, separator, values) {
return $t.InternalJoin(separator, System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(String, System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(T,
String, values, $d.delegate(function(x) {
return x.toString();
}, this))));
$t.InternalJoin = function String_InternalJoin(separator, value) {
return value.join(separator);
$p.Equals = function String_Equals(obj) {
return this == obj;
$p.GetHashCode = function String_GetHashCode() {
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
var ch = this.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ch;
hash |= 0;
return hash;
$p.ToString = function String_ToString() {
return this.toString();
$t.IsNullOrEmpty = function String_IsNullOrEmpty(s) {
return (s == null) || (s == "");
$t.Concat$1 = function String_Concat(arg0) {
if (arg0 == null)
return String.Empty;
return arg0.toString();
$t.Concat$4 = function String_Concat(arg0, arg1) {
if (arg0 == null)
arg0 = String.Empty;
if (arg1 == null)
arg1 = String.Empty;
return arg0.toString() + $d.toString(arg1);
$t.Concat$6 = function String_Concat(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
if (arg0 == null)
arg0 = String.Empty;
if (arg1 == null)
arg1 = String.Empty;
if (arg2 == null)
arg2 = String.Empty;
return arg0.toString() + $d.toString(arg1) + $d.toString(arg2);
$t.Concat$2 = function String_Concat(args) {
if (args == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("args");
var values = $d.array(String, args.length);
var totalLength = 0;
for (var index = 0; index < args.length; ++index) {
var obj = args[index];
values[index] = obj == null ? String.Empty : obj.toString();
if (values[index] == null)
values[index] = String.Empty;
totalLength += values[index].length;
if (totalLength < 0)
throw new System.Exception.ctor();
return $t.ConcatArray(values, totalLength);
$t.ConcatArray = function String_ConcatArray(values, totalLength) {
var s = "";
for (var $i = 0, $length = values.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var item = values[$i];
s += item;
return s;
$t.Concat$9 = function String_Concat(T, values) {
var s = "";
var $iter = values;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
s += item.toString();
return s;
$t.Concat = function String_Concat(values) {
var s = "";
var $iter = values;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var item = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
s += item;
return s;
$t.Concat$5 = function String_Concat(str0, str1) {
return str0 + str1;
$t.Concat$7 = function String_Concat(str0, str1, str2) {
if (str0 == null && str1 == null && str2 == null)
return String.Empty;
if (str0 == null)
str0 = String.Empty;
if (str1 == null)
str1 = String.Empty;
if (str2 == null)
str2 = String.Empty;
return str0 + str1 + str2;
$t.Concat$8 = function String_Concat(str0, str1, str2, str3) {
if (str0 == null && str1 == null && (str2 == null && str3 == null))
return String.Empty;
if (str0 == null)
str0 = String.Empty;
if (str1 == null)
str1 = String.Empty;
if (str2 == null)
str2 = String.Empty;
if (str3 == null)
str3 = String.Empty;
return str0 + str1 + str2 + str3;
$t.Concat$3 = function String_Concat(values) {
var s = "";
for (var $i = 0, $length = values.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var item = values[$i];
s += item;
return s;
$t.Format = function String_Format(format, args) {
if (format == null || args == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1(format == null ? "format" : "args");
return $t.Format$1(null, format, args);
$t.Format$1 = function String_Format(provider, format, args) {
if (format == null || args == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1(format == null ? "format" : "args");
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
sb.AppendFormat$2(provider, format, args);
return sb.toString();
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function String_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
$p.GetEnumerator = function String_GetEnumerator() {
var $stateMachineFunc = function() {
var $this = this;
var $state = 0;
var $stateMachine = new (System.YieldIterator$1(System.Char).ctor)();
var i = null;
var $moveNext = function() {
while (true) {
switch ($state) {
case 0:
i = 0;
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 1:
while (i < this.length) {
$state = 3;
continue $top;
$state = 2;
continue $top;
case 2:
return false;
case 3:
$state = 5;
return true;
case 4:
$state = 1;
continue $top;
case 5:
$state = 4;
continue $top;
return false;
$stateMachine.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext = function() {
return $$this);
$stateMachine.Clone = function() {
return $$this);
return $stateMachine;
return $;
$p.Contains = function String_Contains(part) {
return this.indexOf(part) != -1;
$p.CompareTo = function String_CompareTo(obj) {
return $t.Compare(this, $d.cast(obj, String));
$p.CompareTo$1 = function String_CompareTo(other) {
return $t.Compare(this, other);
$p.Equals$1 = function String_Equals(other) {
return this == other;
$p.Equals$2 = function String_Equals(value, comparisonType) {
switch (comparisonType) {
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
return this.toUpperCase() == value.toUpperCase();
return this == value;
$t.Equals = function String_Equals(a, b, comparisonType) {
return (a == null && b == null) || a.Equals$2(b, comparisonType);
$t.EscapeRegex = function String_EscapeRegex(text) {
return text.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
$p.Replace$1 = function String_Replace(searchString, replaceString) {
return this.replace(new RegExp($t.EscapeRegex(searchString), "g"), replaceString);
$p.Replace = function String_Replace(searchChar, replaceChar) {
return this.Replace$1(String.fromCharCode(searchChar), String.fromCharCode(replaceChar));
$p.ToCharArray = function String_ToCharArray() {
return this.ToCharArray$1(0, this.length);
$p.ToCharArray$1 = function String_ToCharArray(startIndex, length) {
if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > this.length || startIndex > this.length - length)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("startIndex");
if (length < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("length");
var chars = $d.array(System.Char, length);
if (length > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < length; ++k) {
chars[k] = this.get_Chars(k + startIndex);
return chars;
$p.Trim$1 = function String_Trim(trimChars) {
if (null == trimChars || trimChars.length == 0) {
return this.TrimHelper(2);
return this.TrimHelper$1(trimChars, 2);
$p.TrimStart = function String_TrimStart(trimChars) {
if (null == trimChars || trimChars.length == 0) {
return this.TrimHelper(0);
return this.TrimHelper$1(trimChars, 0);
$p.TrimEnd = function String_TrimEnd(trimChars) {
if (null == trimChars || trimChars.length == 0) {
return this.TrimHelper(1);
return this.TrimHelper$1(trimChars, 1);
$p.TrimHelper = function String_TrimHelper(trimType) {
var end = this.length - 1;
var start = 0;
if (trimType != 1) {
for (start = 0; start < this.length; start++) {
if (!System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(this.get_Chars(start)))
if (trimType != 0) {
for (end = this.length - 1; end >= start; end--) {
if (!System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(this.get_Chars(end)))
return this.substring(start, end + 1);
$p.TrimHelper$1 = function String_TrimHelper(trimChars, trimType) {
var end = this.length - 1;
var start = 0;
if (trimType != 1) {
for (start = 0; start < this.length; start++) {
var i = 0;
var ch = this.get_Chars(start);
for (i = 0; i < trimChars.length; i++) {
if (trimChars[i] == ch)
if (i == trimChars.length) {
if (trimType != 0) {
for (end = this.length - 1; end >= start; end--) {
var i = 0;
var ch = this.get_Chars(end);
for (i = 0; i < trimChars.length; i++) {
if (trimChars[i] == ch)
if (i == trimChars.length) {
return this.substring(start, end + 1);
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = $p.CompareTo;
$p.System$IComparable$1$CompareTo = $p.CompareTo$1;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
$p.System$IEquatable$1$Equals = $p.Equals$1;
}, null, null, String);
System.StringComparison = $d.declareEnum("System.StringComparison", 45, $asm, 257, ["CurrentCulture", "CurrentCultureIgnoreCase", "InvariantCulture", "InvariantCultureIgnoreCase", "Ordinal", "OrdinalIgnoreCase"], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
System.StringSplitOptions = $d.declareEnum("System.StringSplitOptions", 45, $asm, 289, ["None", "RemoveEmptyEntries"], [0, 0x1]);
System.Text.StringBuilder = $d.declare("System.Text.StringBuilder", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, [["get_Item", p.get_Item, 6], ["get_Length", p.get_Length, 6], ["set_Length", p.set_Length, 6], ["Append", p.Append$12, 6], ["Append", p.Append, 6], ["Append", p.Append$10, 6], ["Append", p.Append$1, 6], ["Append", p.Append$11, 6], ["Append", p.Append$7, 6], ["Append", p.Append$8, 6], ["Append", p.Append$6, 6], ["Append", p.Append$5, 6], ["Append", p.Append$4, 6], ["Append", p.Append$15, 6], ["Append", p.Append$13, 6], ["Append", p.Append$14, 6], ["Append", p.Append$3, 6], ["Append", p.Append$17, 6], ["Append", p.Append$2, 6], ["Append", p.Append$9, 6], ["AppendLine", p.AppendLine, 6], ["AppendLine", p.AppendLine$1, 6], ["Append", p.Append$18, 6], ["AppendFormat", p.AppendFormat$1, 6], ["AppendFormat", p.AppendFormat, 6], ["AppendFormat", p.AppendFormat$3, 6], ["AppendFormat", p.AppendFormat$4, 6], ["AppendFormat", p.AppendFormat$2, 6], ["Append", p.Append$16, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6], ["Clear", p.Clear, 6], ["Remove", p.Remove, 3]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6]], [["this[]", 40, 0, null, [["index", 45, 0]]], ["Length", 45, 1, 2]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.chunks = new Array();
this.length = 0;
this.maxCapacity = 0;
$p.get_Item = function StringBuilder_get_Item(index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.length)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("index");
for (var $i = 0, $length = this.chunks.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var chunk = this.chunks[$i];
if (index < chunk.length)
return chunk.get_Chars(index);
index -= chunk.length;
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("StringBuilder.this: consistency error");
$t.ctor = function StringBuilder() {
$t.ctor$, 0, 0);
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function StringBuilder(capacity) {
$t.ctor$, capacity, 0);
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function StringBuilder(capacity, maxCapacity) {
this.maxCapacity = maxCapacity <= 0 ? 2147483647 : maxCapacity;
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function StringBuilder(initialText) {
$t.ctor$, 0, 0);
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Length = function StringBuilder_get_Length() {
return this.length;
$p.set_Length = function StringBuilder_set_Length(value) {
if (value == this.length)
if (value == 0)
throw new System.NotSupportedException.ctor$1("Setting StringBuilder.Length other than 0 is not supported");
return value;
$p.Append$12 = function StringBuilder_Append(s) {
if (s != null) {
var newLength = this.length + s.length;
if (newLength > this.maxCapacity) {
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("StringBuilder max capacity exceeded");
this.length += s.length;
return this;
$p.Append = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$10 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$1 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$11 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$7 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$8 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$6 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$5 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$4 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$15 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$13 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$14 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$3 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$17 = function StringBuilder_Append(value, startIndex, charCount) {
this.Append$12(String.ctor$3(value, startIndex, charCount));
return this;
$p.Append$2 = function StringBuilder_Append(value) {
return this;
$p.Append$9 = function StringBuilder_Append(o) {
if (o != null) {
var s = o.toString();
return this;
$p.AppendLine = function StringBuilder_AppendLine() {
return this.Append$12("\n");
$p.AppendLine$1 = function StringBuilder_AppendLine(s) {
return this.Append$12(s).AppendLine();
$p.Append$18 = function StringBuilder_Append(value, startIndex, length) {
return this.Append$12(value.Substring$1(startIndex, length));
$p.AppendFormat$1 = function StringBuilder_AppendFormat(format, args) {
return this.AppendFormat$2(null, format, args);
$p.AppendFormat = function StringBuilder_AppendFormat(format, arg0) {
return this.AppendFormat$2(null, format, $d.array(System.Object, [arg0]));
$p.AppendFormat$3 = function StringBuilder_AppendFormat(format, arg0, arg1) {
return this.AppendFormat$2(null, format, $d.array(System.Object, [arg0, arg1]));
$p.AppendFormat$4 = function StringBuilder_AppendFormat(format, arg0, arg1, arg2) {
return this.AppendFormat$2(null, format, $d.array(System.Object, [arg0, arg1, arg2]));
$t.FormatError = function StringBuilder_FormatError() {
throw new System.FormatException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));
$p.AppendFormat$2 = function StringBuilder_AppendFormat(provider, format, args) {
if (format == null || args == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1((format == null) ? "format" : "args");
var pos = 0;
var len = format.length;
var ch = 0;
var cf = null;
if (provider != null) {
cf = $d.cast(provider.System$IFormatProvider$GetFormat($d.typeOf(System.ICustomFormatter)),
while (true) {
var p = pos;
var i = pos;
while (pos < len) {
ch = format.get_Chars(pos);
if (ch == 125 /*'}'*/) {
if (pos < len && format.get_Chars(pos) == 125 /*'}'*/)
if (ch == 123 /*'{'*/) {
if (pos < len && format.get_Chars(pos) == 123 /*'{'*/)
else {
if (pos == len)
if (pos == len || (ch = format.get_Chars(pos)) < 48 /*'0'*/ || ch > 57 /*'9'*/)
var index = 0;
do {
index = index * 10 + ch - 48 /*'0'*/;
if (pos == len)
ch = format.get_Chars(pos);
while (ch >= 48 /*'0'*/ && ch <= 57 /*'9'*/ && index < 1000000);
if (index >= args.length)
throw new System.FormatException.ctor$1(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Format_IndexOutOfRange"));
while (pos < len && (ch = format.get_Chars(pos)) == 32 /*' '*/) {
var leftJustify = false;
var width = 0;
if (ch == 44 /*','*/) {
while (pos < len && format.get_Chars(pos) == 32 /*' '*/) {
if (pos == len)
ch = format.get_Chars(pos);
if (ch == 45 /*'-'*/) {
leftJustify = true;
if (pos == len)
ch = format.get_Chars(pos);
if (ch < 48 /*'0'*/ || ch > 57 /*'9'*/)
do {
width = width * 10 + ch - 48 /*'0'*/;
if (pos == len)
ch = format.get_Chars(pos);
while (ch >= 48 /*'0'*/ && ch <= 57 /*'9'*/ && width < 1000000);
while (pos < len && (ch = format.get_Chars(pos)) == 32 /*' '*/) {
var arg = args[index];
var fmt = null;
if (ch == 58 /*':'*/) {
p = pos;
i = pos;
while (true) {
if (pos == len)
ch = format.get_Chars(pos);
if (ch == 123 /*'{'*/) {
if (pos < len && format.get_Chars(pos) == 123 /*'{'*/)
if (ch == 125 /*'}'*/) {
if (pos < len && format.get_Chars(pos) == 125 /*'}'*/)
else {
if (fmt == null) {
fmt = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
if (ch != 125 /*'}'*/)
var sFmt = null;
var s = null;
if (cf != null) {
if (fmt != null) {
sFmt = fmt.toString();
s = cf.System$ICustomFormatter$Format(sFmt, arg, provider);
if (s == null) {
var formattableArg = $, System.IFormattable);
if (formattableArg != null) {
if (sFmt == null && fmt != null) {
sFmt = fmt.toString();
s = formattableArg.System$IFormattable$ToString(sFmt, provider);
if (arg != null) {
s = arg.toString();
if (s == null)
s = String.Empty;
var pad = width - s.length;
if (!leftJustify && pad > 0)
this.Append$16(32 /*' '*/, pad);
if (leftJustify && pad > 0)
this.Append$16(32 /*' '*/, pad);
return this;
$p.Append$16 = function StringBuilder_Append(value, repeatCount) {
if (repeatCount < 0)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor();
var s = String.ctor$2(value, repeatCount);
return this.Append$12(s);
$p.ToString = function StringBuilder_ToString() {
return this.chunks.join("");
$p.Clear = function StringBuilder_Clear() {
this.chunks.length = 0;
this.length = 0;
return this;
$p.Remove = function StringBuilder_Remove(index, count) {
var temp = this.toString();
this.Append$12(temp.Substring$1(0, index));
this.Append$12(temp.Substring$1(index + count, temp.length - index - count));
return this;
System.Threading.CancellationToken = $d.declare("System.Threading.CancellationToken", null, 62, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function CancellationToken() {};
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Threading.Interlocked = $d.declare("System.Threading.Interlocked", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["CompareExchange", t.CompareExchange, 22], ["Exchange", t.Exchange, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function Interlocked() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.CompareExchange = function Interlocked_CompareExchange(T, location1, value, comparand) {
var oldValue = location1.value;
if (System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(T).get_Default().Equals$1(location1.value,
location1.value = value;
return oldValue;
$t.Exchange = function Interlocked_Exchange(T, location1, value) {
var oldValue = location1.value;
location1.value = value;
return oldValue;
System.Threading.Tasks.Task = $d.declare("System.Threading.Tasks.Task", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["isCompleted", 39, 4], ["isFaulted", 39, 4], ["m_continuationObject", System.Action, 4]], [["get_IsCompleted", p.get_IsCompleted, 6], ["get_IsFaulted", p.get_IsFaulted, 6], ["FromResult", t.FromResult, 22], ["GetAwaiter", p.GetAwaiter, 6], ["Wait", p.Wait, 6], ["SetContinuationForAwait", p.SetContinuationForAwait, 3], ["Finish", p.Finish, 3], ["ContinueWith", p.ContinueWith$1, 6], ["ContinueWith", p.ContinueWith, 6], ["ThrowIfExceptional", p.ThrowIfExceptional, 3], ["TrySetException", p.TrySetException, 3], ["TrySetCanceled", p.TrySetCanceled, 3], ["TrySetCanceled", p.TrySetCanceled$1, 3]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["IsCompleted", 39, 0], ["IsFaulted", 39, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.isCompleted = false;
this.isFaulted = false;
this.m_continuationObject = null;
this.exceptions = null;
$t.ctor = function Task() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_IsCompleted = function Task_get_IsCompleted() {
return this.isCompleted;
$p.get_IsFaulted = function Task_get_IsFaulted() {
return this.isFaulted;
$t.FromResult = function Task_FromResult(TResult, result) {
return new (System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1(TResult).ctor$1)(result);
$p.GetAwaiter = function Task_GetAwaiter() {
return new System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ctor$1(this);
$p.Wait = function Task_Wait(continueWith) {};
$p.SetContinuationForAwait = function Task_SetContinuationForAwait(continuationAction) {
if (this.get_IsCompleted())
if (this.m_continuationObject != null)
throw new System.Exception.ctor$1("Cannot add more than one continuation to a task");
this.m_continuationObject = continuationAction;
$p.Finish = function Task_Finish() {
this.isCompleted = true;
if (this.m_continuationObject != null)
$p.ContinueWith$1 = function Task_ContinueWith(TResult, continuationFunction) {
if (this.isCompleted)
return $t.FromResult(TResult, continuationFunction(this));
if (this.m_continuationObject == null) {
var result = new (System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1(TResult).ctor)();
this.m_continuationObject = $d.delegate(function() {
}, this);
return result;
else {
var result = new (System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1(TResult).ctor)();
var oldContinuation = this.m_continuationObject;
this.m_continuationObject = $d.delegate(function() {
}, this);
return result;
$p.ContinueWith = function Task_ContinueWith(continuationAction) {
if (this.isCompleted)
if (this.m_continuationObject == null)
this.m_continuationObject = $d.delegate(function() {
}, this);
else {
var oldContinuation = this.m_continuationObject;
this.m_continuationObject = $d.delegate(function() {
}, this);
return this;
$p.ThrowIfExceptional = function Task_ThrowIfExceptional(includeTaskCanceledExceptions) {
var exception = this.GetExceptions(includeTaskCanceledExceptions);
if (exception != null) {
throw $d.signEx(exception);
$p.GetExceptions = function Task_GetExceptions(includeTaskCanceledExceptions) {
if (this.exceptions != null && this.exceptions.get_Count() > 0) {
return new System.AggregateException.ctor$1(this.exceptions);
return null;
$p.TrySetException = function Task_TrySetException(exceptionObject) {
var flag = false;
if (!this.get_IsCompleted()) {
this.exceptions = this.exceptions || new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Exception).ctor)();
this.isFaulted = true;
flag = true;
return flag;
$p.TrySetCanceled = function Task_TrySetCanceled(tokenToRecord) {
return this.TrySetCanceled$1(tokenToRecord, null);
$p.TrySetCanceled$1 = function Task_TrySetCanceled(tokenToRecord, cancellationException) {
var flag = false;
if (!this.get_IsCompleted()) {
flag = true;
return flag;
System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1 = $d.declare("System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1", System.Threading.Tasks.Task, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, TResult) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["m_result", TResult, 3]], [["TrySetResult", p.TrySetResult, 3], ["GetAwaiter", p.GetAwaiter$1, 6], ["ContinueWith", p.ContinueWith$2, 6], ["ContinueWith", p.ContinueWith$3, 6], ["get_Result", p.get_Result, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6], ["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6]], [["Result", TResult, 4]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_result = $d.default(TResult);
$t.ctor = function Task$1() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function Task$1(mResult) {
this.m_result = mResult;
this.isCompleted = true;
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$p.TrySetResult = function Task$1_TrySetResult(result) {
if (this.get_IsCompleted())
return false;
this.m_result = result;
return true;
$p.GetAwaiter$1 = function Task$1_GetAwaiter() {
return new (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter$1(TResult).ctor$1)(this);
$p.ContinueWith$2 = function Task$1_ContinueWith(continuationAction) {
return $t.$, $d.delegate(function(task) {
}, this));
$p.ContinueWith$3 = function Task$1_ContinueWith(TNewResult, continuationFunction) {
var task = new (System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1(TNewResult).ctor)();
if (this.get_IsCompleted())
if (this.m_continuationObject == null)
this.m_continuationObject = $d.delegate(function() {
}, this);
else {
var oldContinuation = this.m_continuationObject;
this.m_continuationObject = $d.delegate(function() {
}, this);
return task;
$p.get_Result = function Task$1_get_Result() {
return this.m_result;
}, ["TResult"]);
System.Threading.Tasks.Shared$1 = $d.declare("System.Threading.Tasks.Shared`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, [["Value", T, 3]], null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.Value = $d.default(T);
$t.ctor = function Shared$1(value) {
this.Value = value;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
}, ["T"]);
System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource$1 = $d.declare("System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, TResult) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Task", p.get_Task, 6], ["TrySetException", p.TrySetException$1, 6], ["TrySetException", p.TrySetException, 6], ["TrySetException", p.TrySetException$2, 3], ["SetException", p.SetException$1, 6], ["SetException", p.SetException, 6], ["TrySetResult", p.TrySetResult, 6], ["SetResult", p.SetResult, 6], ["TrySetCanceled", p.TrySetCanceled, 6], ["TrySetCanceled", p.TrySetCanceled$1, 3], ["SetCanceled", p.SetCanceled, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Task", System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1(TResult), 0]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_task = null;
$t.ctor = function TaskCompletionSource$1() {
this.m_task = new (System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1(TResult).ctor)();
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Task = function TaskCompletionSource$1_get_Task() {
return this.m_task;
$p.TrySetException$1 = function TaskCompletionSource$1_TrySetException(exception) {
if (exception == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("exception");
return this.m_task.TrySetException(exception);
$p.TrySetException = function TaskCompletionSource$1_TrySetException(exceptions) {
if (exceptions == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("exceptions");
var list = new (System.Collections.Generic.List$1(System.Exception).ctor)();
var $iter = exceptions;
var $enumerator = $iter.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator();
while ($enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$MoveNext()) {
var exception = $enumerator.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current();
if (exception == null)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("exception");
if (list.get_Count() == 0)
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("exceptions");
return this.m_task.TrySetException(list);
$p.TrySetException$2 = function TaskCompletionSource$1_TrySetException(exceptions) {
return this.m_task.TrySetException(exceptions);
$p.SetException$1 = function TaskCompletionSource$1_SetException(exception) {
if (exception == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("exception");
if (!this.TrySetException$1(exception))
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("TaskT_TransitionToFinal_AlreadyCompleted");
$p.SetException = function TaskCompletionSource$1_SetException(exceptions) {
if (!this.TrySetException(exceptions))
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("TaskT_TransitionToFinal_AlreadyCompleted");
$p.TrySetResult = function TaskCompletionSource$1_TrySetResult(result) {
return this.m_task.TrySetResult(result);
$p.SetResult = function TaskCompletionSource$1_SetResult(result) {
if (!this.TrySetResult(result))
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("TaskT_TransitionToFinal_AlreadyCompleted");
$p.TrySetCanceled = function TaskCompletionSource$1_TrySetCanceled() {
return this.TrySetCanceled$1(new System.Threading.CancellationToken.ctor());
$p.TrySetCanceled$1 = function TaskCompletionSource$1_TrySetCanceled(tokenToRecord) {
return this.m_task.TrySetCanceled(tokenToRecord);
$p.SetCanceled = function TaskCompletionSource$1_SetCanceled() {
if (!this.TrySetCanceled())
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("TaskT_TransitionToFinal_AlreadyCompleted");
}, ["TResult"]);
System.TimeSpan = $d.declare("System.TimeSpan", null, 58, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["Zero", 58, 54], ["MaxValue", 58, 54], ["MinValue", 58, 54], ["TicksPerMillisecond", 47, 86, 10000], ["TicksPerSecond", 47, 86, 10000000], ["TicksPerMinute", 47, 86, 600000000], ["TicksPerHour", 47, 86, 36000000000], ["TicksPerDay", 47, 86, 864000000000], ["ticks", 47, 35]], [["FromTicks", t.FromTicks, 22], ["FromSeconds", t.FromSeconds, 22], ["FromHours", t.FromHours, 22], ["FromDays", t.FromDays, 22], ["FromMilliseconds", t.FromMilliseconds, 22], ["FromMinutes", t.FromMinutes, 22], ["get_Ticks", p.get_Ticks, 6], ["get_Days", p.get_Days, 6], ["get_Hours", p.get_Hours, 6], ["get_Milliseconds", p.get_Milliseconds, 6], ["get_Minutes", p.get_Minutes, 6], ["get_Seconds", p.get_Seconds, 6], ["get_TotalDays", p.get_TotalDays, 6], ["get_TotalHours", p.get_TotalHours, 6], ["get_TotalMilliseconds", p.get_TotalMilliseconds, 6], ["get_TotalMinutes", p.get_TotalMinutes, 6], ["get_TotalSeconds", p.get_TotalSeconds, 6], ["Add", p.Add, 6], ["Subtract", p.Subtract, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["Equals", t.Equals, 22], ["Equals", p.Equals$1, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["Duration", p.Duration, 6], ["CompareTo", p.CompareTo, 6], ["CompareTo", p.CompareTo$1, 6], ["Compare", t.Compare, 22], ["op_UnaryNegation", t.op_UnaryNegation, 22], ["op_Subtraction", t.op_Subtraction, 22], ["op_UnaryPlus", t.op_UnaryPlus, 22], ["op_Addition", t.op_Addition, 22], ["op_Equality", t.op_Equality, 22], ["op_Inequality", t.op_Inequality, 22], ["op_LessThan", t.op_LessThan, 22], ["op_LessThanOrEqual", t.op_LessThanOrEqual, 22], ["op_GreaterThan", t.op_GreaterThan, 22], ["op_GreaterThanOrEqual", t.op_GreaterThanOrEqual, 22], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor$1", t.ctor$1, 6], ["ctor$2", t.ctor$2, 6], ["ctor$3", t.ctor$3, 6], ["ctor$4", t.ctor$4, 6], ["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Ticks", 47, 6], ["Days", 45, 7], ["Hours", 45, 8], ["Milliseconds", 45, 9], ["Minutes", 45, 10], ["Seconds", 45, 11], ["TotalDays", 51, 12], ["TotalHours", 51, 13], ["TotalMilliseconds", 51, 14], ["TotalMinutes", 51, 15], ["TotalSeconds", 51, 16]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.Zero = new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(0);
$t.MaxValue = new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(9007199254740991);
$t.MinValue = new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(-9007199254740991);
$t.TicksPerMillisecond = 10000;
$t.TicksPerSecond = 10000000;
$t.TicksPerMinute = 600000000;
$t.TicksPerHour = 36000000000;
$t.TicksPerDay = 864000000000;
$t.HoursPerDay = 24;
$t.MinutesPerHour = 60;
$t.SecondsPerMinute = 60;
$t.MillisecondsPerSecond = 1000;
$t.ctor = function TimeSpan() {
this.ticks = 0;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$1 = function TimeSpan(ticks) {
this.ticks = ticks;
$t.ctor$1.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$2 = function TimeSpan(hours, minutes, seconds) {
this.ticks = hours * 36000000000 + minutes * 600000000 + seconds * 10000000;
$t.ctor$2.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$3 = function TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds) {
this.ticks = days * 864000000000 + hours * 36000000000 + minutes * 600000000 + seconds * 10000000;
$t.ctor$3.prototype = $p;
$t.ctor$4 = function TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) {
this.ticks = days * 864000000000 + hours * 36000000000 + minutes * 600000000 + seconds * 10000000 + milliseconds * 10000;
$t.ctor$4.prototype = $p;
$t.FromTicks = function TimeSpan_FromTicks(value) {
return new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(value);
$t.FromSeconds = function TimeSpan_FromSeconds(value) {
return new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(((value * 10000000) | 0));
$t.FromHours = function TimeSpan_FromHours(value) {
return new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(((value * 36000000000) | 0));
$t.FromDays = function TimeSpan_FromDays(value) {
return new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(((value * 864000000000) | 0));
$t.FromMilliseconds = function TimeSpan_FromMilliseconds(value) {
return new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(((value * 10000) | 0));
$t.FromMinutes = function TimeSpan_FromMinutes(value) {
return new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(((value * 600000000) | 0));
$p.get_Ticks = function TimeSpan_get_Ticks() {
return this.ticks;
$p.get_Days = function TimeSpan_get_Days() {
return ((this.ticks / 864000000000 | 0) | 0);
$p.get_Hours = function TimeSpan_get_Hours() {
return (((this.ticks / 864000000000 | 0) % 24) | 0);
$p.get_Milliseconds = function TimeSpan_get_Milliseconds() {
return (((this.ticks / 10000 | 0) % 1000) | 0);
$p.get_Minutes = function TimeSpan_get_Minutes() {
return (((this.ticks / 600000000 | 0) % 60) | 0);
$p.get_Seconds = function TimeSpan_get_Seconds() {
return (((this.ticks / 10000000 | 0) % 60) | 0);
$p.get_TotalDays = function TimeSpan_get_TotalDays() {
return this.ticks / 864000000000;
$p.get_TotalHours = function TimeSpan_get_TotalHours() {
return this.ticks / 36000000000;
$p.get_TotalMilliseconds = function TimeSpan_get_TotalMilliseconds() {
return this.ticks / 10000;
$p.get_TotalMinutes = function TimeSpan_get_TotalMinutes() {
return this.ticks / 600000000;
$p.get_TotalSeconds = function TimeSpan_get_TotalSeconds() {
return this.ticks / 10000000;
$p.Add = function TimeSpan_Add(ts) {
var ticks = this.ticks + ts.ticks;
return new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(ticks);
$p.Subtract = function TimeSpan_Subtract(ts) {
return new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(this.ticks - ts.ticks);
$p.GetHashCode = function TimeSpan_GetHashCode() {
return (this.ticks | 0) ^ ((this.ticks >> 32) | 0);
$t.Equals = function TimeSpan_Equals(t1, t2) {
return t1.ticks == t2.ticks;
$p.Equals$1 = function TimeSpan_Equals(obj) {
return this.ticks == obj.ticks;
$p.Equals = function TimeSpan_Equals(value) {
if ($, System.TimeSpan))
return this.ticks == ($d.cast(value, System.TimeSpan)).ticks;
return false;
$p.Duration = function TimeSpan_Duration() {
return new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(this.ticks >= 0 ? this.ticks : -this.ticks);
$p.CompareTo = function TimeSpan_CompareTo(value) {
var num = value.ticks;
if (this.ticks > num)
return 1;
return this.ticks < num ? -1 : 0;
$p.CompareTo$1 = function TimeSpan_CompareTo(value) {
if (value == null)
return 1;
if (!($, System.TimeSpan)))
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("Argument must be a TimeSpan");
var num = ($d.cast(value, System.TimeSpan)).ticks;
if (this.ticks > num)
return 1;
return this.ticks < num ? -1 : 0;
$t.Compare = function TimeSpan_Compare(t1, t2) {
if (t1.ticks > t2.ticks)
return 1;
return t1.ticks < t2.ticks ? -1 : 0;
$t.op_UnaryNegation = function TimeSpan_op_UnaryNegation(t) {
return new System.TimeSpan.ctor$1(-t.ticks);
$t.op_Subtraction = function TimeSpan_op_Subtraction(t1, t2) {
return t1.Subtract(t2);
$t.op_UnaryPlus = function TimeSpan_op_UnaryPlus(t) {
return t;
$t.op_Addition = function TimeSpan_op_Addition(t1, t2) {
return t1.Add(t2);
$t.op_Equality = function TimeSpan_op_Equality(t1, t2) {
return t2 != null && t1.ticks == t2.ticks;
$t.op_Inequality = function TimeSpan_op_Inequality(t1, t2) {
return t2 != null && t1.ticks != t2.ticks;
$t.op_LessThan = function TimeSpan_op_LessThan(t1, t2) {
return t1.ticks < t2.ticks;
$t.op_LessThanOrEqual = function TimeSpan_op_LessThanOrEqual(t1, t2) {
return t1.ticks <= t2.ticks;
$t.op_GreaterThan = function TimeSpan_op_GreaterThan(t1, t2) {
return t1.ticks > t2.ticks;
$t.op_GreaterThanOrEqual = function TimeSpan_op_GreaterThanOrEqual(t1, t2) {
return t1.ticks >= t2.ticks;
$p.ToString = function TimeSpan_ToString() {
var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
if (this.get_Days() > 0)
builder.Append$12($d.toString(this.get_Days()) + ".");
if (this.get_Hours() < 10)
if (this.get_Minutes() < 10)
if (this.get_Seconds() < 10)
if (this.get_Milliseconds() > 0) {
if (this.get_Milliseconds() < 100)
if (this.get_Milliseconds() < 10)
var remainingTicks = this.get_Ticks() % 10000;
if (remainingTicks > 0) {
if (remainingTicks < 1000)
if (remainingTicks < 100)
if (remainingTicks < 10)
return builder.toString();
System.Tuple = $d.declare("System.Tuple", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["Create", t.Create, 22], ["Create", t.Create$1, 22], ["Create", t.Create$2, 22], ["Create", t.Create$3, 22], ["Create", t.Create$4, 22], ["Create", t.Create$5, 22], ["Create", t.Create$6, 22], ["Create", t.Create$7, 22], ["CombineHashCodes", t.CombineHashCodes, 19], ["CombineHashCodes", t.CombineHashCodes$1, 19], ["CombineHashCodes", t.CombineHashCodes$2, 19], ["CombineHashCodes", t.CombineHashCodes$3, 19], ["CombineHashCodes", t.CombineHashCodes$4, 19], ["CombineHashCodes", t.CombineHashCodes$5, 19], ["CombineHashCodes", t.CombineHashCodes$6, 19]]]; };
$t.Create = function Tuple_Create(T1, item1) {
return new (System.Tuple$1(T1).ctor)(item1);
$t.Create$1 = function Tuple_Create(T1, T2, item1, item2) {
return new (System.Tuple$2(T1, T2).ctor)(item1, item2);
$t.Create$2 = function Tuple_Create(T1, T2, T3, item1, item2, item3) {
return new (System.Tuple$3(T1, T2, T3).ctor)(item1, item2, item3);
$t.Create$3 = function Tuple_Create(T1, T2, T3, T4, item1, item2, item3, item4) {
return new (System.Tuple$4(T1, T2, T3, T4).ctor)(item1, item2, item3, item4);
$t.Create$4 = function Tuple_Create(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5) {
return new (System.Tuple$5(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5).ctor)(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5);
$t.Create$5 = function Tuple_Create(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6) {
return new (System.Tuple$6(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6).ctor)(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6);
$t.Create$6 = function Tuple_Create(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7) {
return new (System.Tuple$7(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7).ctor)(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5,
item6, item7);
$t.Create$7 = function Tuple_Create(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8) {
return new (System.Tuple$8(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, System.Tuple$1(T8)).ctor)(item1, item2,
item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, new (System.Tuple$1(T8).ctor)(item8));
$t.CombineHashCodes = function Tuple_CombineHashCodes(h1, h2) {
return (h1 << 5) + h1 ^ h2;
$t.CombineHashCodes$1 = function Tuple_CombineHashCodes(h1, h2, h3) {
return $t.CombineHashCodes($t.CombineHashCodes(h1, h2), h3);
$t.CombineHashCodes$2 = function Tuple_CombineHashCodes(h1, h2, h3, h4) {
return $t.CombineHashCodes($t.CombineHashCodes(h1, h2), $t.CombineHashCodes(h3, h4));
$t.CombineHashCodes$3 = function Tuple_CombineHashCodes(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5) {
return $t.CombineHashCodes($t.CombineHashCodes$2(h1, h2, h3, h4), h5);
$t.CombineHashCodes$4 = function Tuple_CombineHashCodes(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) {
return $t.CombineHashCodes($t.CombineHashCodes$2(h1, h2, h3, h4), $t.CombineHashCodes(h5, h6));
$t.CombineHashCodes$5 = function Tuple_CombineHashCodes(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7) {
return $t.CombineHashCodes($t.CombineHashCodes$2(h1, h2, h3, h4), $t.CombineHashCodes$1(h5, h6,
$t.CombineHashCodes$6 = function Tuple_CombineHashCodes(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8) {
return $t.CombineHashCodes($t.CombineHashCodes$2(h1, h2, h3, h4), $t.CombineHashCodes$2(h5, h6,
h7, h8));
System.ITuple = $d.declare("System.ITuple", null, 66, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [160, null, [["ToString", null, 6], ["GetHashCode", null, 6]], null, [["Size", 45]]]; };
System.Tuple$1 = $d.declare("System.Tuple`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T1) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable, System.IComparable, System.ITuple];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Item1", p.get_Item1, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Item1", T1, 0]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_Item1 = $d.default(T1);
$p.get_Item1 = function Tuple$1_get_Item1() {
return this.m_Item1;
$p.System$ITuple$get_Size = function Tuple$1_System$ITuple$get_Size() {
return 1;
$t.ctor = function Tuple$1(item1) {
this.m_Item1 = item1;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Equals = function Tuple$1_Equals(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals(obj,
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals = function Tuple$1_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_Equals(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return false;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$1(T1));
if (tuple == null)
return false;
return comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1);
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$1_System_IComparable_CompareTo(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable)).System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$1_System_Collections_IStructuralComparable_CompareTo(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return 1;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$1(T1));
if (tuple != null)
return comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1);
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("ArgumentException_TupleIncorrectType");
$p.GetHashCode = function Tuple$1_GetHashCode() {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode($d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(),
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode = function Tuple$1_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item1);
$p.System$ITuple$GetHashCode = function Tuple$1_System_ITuple_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode(comparer);
$p.ToString = function Tuple$1_ToString() {
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
return ($d.cast(this, System.ITuple)).System$ITuple$ToString(sb);
$p.System$ITuple$ToString = function Tuple$1_System_ITuple_ToString(sb) {
return sb.toString();
}, ["T1"]);
System.Tuple$2 = $d.declare("System.Tuple`2", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable, System.IComparable, System.ITuple];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Item1", p.get_Item1, 6], ["get_Item2", p.get_Item2, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Item1", T1, 0], ["Item2", T2, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_Item1 = $d.default(T1);
this.m_Item2 = $d.default(T2);
$p.get_Item1 = function Tuple$2_get_Item1() {
return this.m_Item1;
$p.get_Item2 = function Tuple$2_get_Item2() {
return this.m_Item2;
$p.System$ITuple$get_Size = function Tuple$2_System$ITuple$get_Size() {
return 2;
$t.ctor = function Tuple$2(item1, item2) {
this.m_Item1 = item1;
this.m_Item2 = item2;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Equals = function Tuple$2_Equals(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IEqualityComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals = function Tuple$2_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_Equals(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return false;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$2(T1, T2));
if (tuple == null || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1))
return false;
return comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item2, tuple.m_Item2);
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$2_System_IComparable_CompareTo(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable)).System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$2_System_Collections_IStructuralComparable_CompareTo(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return 1;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$2(T1, T2));
if (tuple == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("ArgumentException_TupleIncorrectType");
else {
var num = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1);
if (num != 0)
return num;
return comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item2, tuple.m_Item2);
$p.GetHashCode = function Tuple$2_GetHashCode() {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode($d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(),
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode = function Tuple$2_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item1),
$p.System$ITuple$GetHashCode = function Tuple$2_System_ITuple_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode(comparer);
$p.ToString = function Tuple$2_ToString() {
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
return ($d.cast(this, System.ITuple)).System$ITuple$ToString(sb);
$p.System$ITuple$ToString = function Tuple$2_System_ITuple_ToString(sb) {
sb.Append$12(", ");
return (sb).toString();
}, ["T1", "T2"]);
System.Tuple$3 = $d.declare("System.Tuple`3", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable, System.IComparable, System.ITuple];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Item1", p.get_Item1, 6], ["get_Item2", p.get_Item2, 6], ["get_Item3", p.get_Item3, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Item1", T1, 0], ["Item2", T2, 1], ["Item3", T3, 2]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_Item1 = $d.default(T1);
this.m_Item2 = $d.default(T2);
this.m_Item3 = $d.default(T3);
$p.get_Item1 = function Tuple$3_get_Item1() {
return this.m_Item1;
$p.get_Item2 = function Tuple$3_get_Item2() {
return this.m_Item2;
$p.get_Item3 = function Tuple$3_get_Item3() {
return this.m_Item3;
$p.System$ITuple$get_Size = function Tuple$3_System$ITuple$get_Size() {
return 3;
$t.ctor = function Tuple$3(item1, item2, item3) {
this.m_Item1 = item1;
this.m_Item2 = item2;
this.m_Item3 = item3;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Equals = function Tuple$3_Equals(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IEqualityComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals = function Tuple$3_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_Equals(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return false;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$3(T1, T2, T3));
if (tuple == null || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1) || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item2,
return false;
return comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item3, tuple.m_Item3);
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$3_System_IComparable_CompareTo(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable)).System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$3_System_Collections_IStructuralComparable_CompareTo(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return 1;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$3(T1, T2, T3));
if (tuple == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("ArgumentException_TupleIncorrectType");
else {
var num1 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1);
if (num1 != 0)
return num1;
var num2 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item2, tuple.m_Item2);
if (num2 != 0)
return num2;
return comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item3, tuple.m_Item3);
$p.GetHashCode = function Tuple$3_GetHashCode() {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode($d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(),
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode = function Tuple$3_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes$1(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item1),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item2), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item3));
$p.System$ITuple$GetHashCode = function Tuple$3_System_ITuple_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode(comparer);
$p.ToString = function Tuple$3_ToString() {
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
return ($d.cast(this, System.ITuple)).System$ITuple$ToString(sb);
$p.System$ITuple$ToString = function Tuple$3_System_ITuple_ToString(sb) {
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
return (sb).toString();
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3"]);
System.Tuple$4 = $d.declare("System.Tuple`4", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable, System.IComparable, System.ITuple];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Item1", p.get_Item1, 6], ["get_Item2", p.get_Item2, 6], ["get_Item3", p.get_Item3, 6], ["get_Item4", p.get_Item4, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Item1", T1, 0], ["Item2", T2, 1], ["Item3", T3, 2], ["Item4", T4, 3]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_Item1 = $d.default(T1);
this.m_Item2 = $d.default(T2);
this.m_Item3 = $d.default(T3);
this.m_Item4 = $d.default(T4);
$p.get_Item1 = function Tuple$4_get_Item1() {
return this.m_Item1;
$p.get_Item2 = function Tuple$4_get_Item2() {
return this.m_Item2;
$p.get_Item3 = function Tuple$4_get_Item3() {
return this.m_Item3;
$p.get_Item4 = function Tuple$4_get_Item4() {
return this.m_Item4;
$p.System$ITuple$get_Size = function Tuple$4_System$ITuple$get_Size() {
return 4;
$t.ctor = function Tuple$4(item1, item2, item3, item4) {
this.m_Item1 = item1;
this.m_Item2 = item2;
this.m_Item3 = item3;
this.m_Item4 = item4;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Equals = function Tuple$4_Equals(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IEqualityComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals = function Tuple$4_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_Equals(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return false;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$4(T1, T2, T3, T4));
if (tuple == null || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1) || (!comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item2,
tuple.m_Item2) || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item3, tuple.m_Item3)))
return false;
return comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item4, tuple.m_Item4);
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$4_System_IComparable_CompareTo(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable)).System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$4_System_Collections_IStructuralComparable_CompareTo(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return 1;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$4(T1, T2, T3, T4));
if (tuple == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("ArgumentException_TupleIncorrectType");
else {
var num1 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1);
if (num1 != 0)
return num1;
var num2 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item2, tuple.m_Item2);
if (num2 != 0)
return num2;
var num3 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item3, tuple.m_Item3);
if (num3 != 0)
return num3;
return comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item4, tuple.m_Item4);
$p.GetHashCode = function Tuple$4_GetHashCode() {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode($d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(),
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode = function Tuple$4_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes$2(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item1),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item2), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item3),
$p.System$ITuple$GetHashCode = function Tuple$4_System_ITuple_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode(comparer);
$p.ToString = function Tuple$4_ToString() {
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
return ($d.cast(this, System.ITuple)).System$ITuple$ToString(sb);
$p.System$ITuple$ToString = function Tuple$4_System_ITuple_ToString(sb) {
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
return (sb).toString();
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"]);
System.Tuple$5 = $d.declare("System.Tuple`5", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable, System.IComparable, System.ITuple];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Item1", p.get_Item1, 6], ["get_Item2", p.get_Item2, 6], ["get_Item3", p.get_Item3, 6], ["get_Item4", p.get_Item4, 6], ["get_Item5", p.get_Item5, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Item1", T1, 0], ["Item2", T2, 1], ["Item3", T3, 2], ["Item4", T4, 3], ["Item5", T5, 4]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_Item1 = $d.default(T1);
this.m_Item2 = $d.default(T2);
this.m_Item3 = $d.default(T3);
this.m_Item4 = $d.default(T4);
this.m_Item5 = $d.default(T5);
$p.get_Item1 = function Tuple$5_get_Item1() {
return this.m_Item1;
$p.get_Item2 = function Tuple$5_get_Item2() {
return this.m_Item2;
$p.get_Item3 = function Tuple$5_get_Item3() {
return this.m_Item3;
$p.get_Item4 = function Tuple$5_get_Item4() {
return this.m_Item4;
$p.get_Item5 = function Tuple$5_get_Item5() {
return this.m_Item5;
$p.System$ITuple$get_Size = function Tuple$5_System$ITuple$get_Size() {
return 5;
$t.ctor = function Tuple$5(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5) {
this.m_Item1 = item1;
this.m_Item2 = item2;
this.m_Item3 = item3;
this.m_Item4 = item4;
this.m_Item5 = item5;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Equals = function Tuple$5_Equals(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IEqualityComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals = function Tuple$5_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_Equals(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return false;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$5(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5));
if (tuple == null || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1) || (!comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item2,
tuple.m_Item2) || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item3, tuple.m_Item3)) || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item4,
return false;
return comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item5, tuple.m_Item5);
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$5_System_IComparable_CompareTo(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable)).System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$5_System_Collections_IStructuralComparable_CompareTo(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return 1;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$5(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5));
if (tuple == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("ArgumentException_TupleIncorrectType");
else {
var num1 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1);
if (num1 != 0)
return num1;
var num2 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item2, tuple.m_Item2);
if (num2 != 0)
return num2;
var num3 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item3, tuple.m_Item3);
if (num3 != 0)
return num3;
var num4 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item4, tuple.m_Item4);
if (num4 != 0)
return num4;
return comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item5, tuple.m_Item5);
$p.GetHashCode = function Tuple$5_GetHashCode() {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode($d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(),
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode = function Tuple$5_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes$3(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item1),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item2), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item3),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item4), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item5));
$p.System$ITuple$GetHashCode = function Tuple$5_System_ITuple_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode(comparer);
$p.ToString = function Tuple$5_ToString() {
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
return ($d.cast(this, System.ITuple)).System$ITuple$ToString(sb);
$p.System$ITuple$ToString = function Tuple$5_System_ITuple_ToString(sb) {
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
return (sb).toString();
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5"]);
System.Tuple$6 = $d.declare("System.Tuple`6", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable, System.IComparable, System.ITuple];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Item1", p.get_Item1, 6], ["get_Item2", p.get_Item2, 6], ["get_Item3", p.get_Item3, 6], ["get_Item4", p.get_Item4, 6], ["get_Item5", p.get_Item5, 6], ["get_Item6", p.get_Item6, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Item1", T1, 0], ["Item2", T2, 1], ["Item3", T3, 2], ["Item4", T4, 3], ["Item5", T5, 4], ["Item6", T6, 5]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_Item1 = $d.default(T1);
this.m_Item2 = $d.default(T2);
this.m_Item3 = $d.default(T3);
this.m_Item4 = $d.default(T4);
this.m_Item5 = $d.default(T5);
this.m_Item6 = $d.default(T6);
$p.get_Item1 = function Tuple$6_get_Item1() {
return this.m_Item1;
$p.get_Item2 = function Tuple$6_get_Item2() {
return this.m_Item2;
$p.get_Item3 = function Tuple$6_get_Item3() {
return this.m_Item3;
$p.get_Item4 = function Tuple$6_get_Item4() {
return this.m_Item4;
$p.get_Item5 = function Tuple$6_get_Item5() {
return this.m_Item5;
$p.get_Item6 = function Tuple$6_get_Item6() {
return this.m_Item6;
$p.System$ITuple$get_Size = function Tuple$6_System$ITuple$get_Size() {
return 6;
$t.ctor = function Tuple$6(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6) {
this.m_Item1 = item1;
this.m_Item2 = item2;
this.m_Item3 = item3;
this.m_Item4 = item4;
this.m_Item5 = item5;
this.m_Item6 = item6;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Equals = function Tuple$6_Equals(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IEqualityComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals = function Tuple$6_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_Equals(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return false;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$6(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6));
if (tuple == null || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1) || (!comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item2,
tuple.m_Item2) || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item3, tuple.m_Item3)) || (!comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item4,
tuple.m_Item4) || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item5, tuple.m_Item5)))
return false;
return comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item6, tuple.m_Item6);
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$6_System_IComparable_CompareTo(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable)).System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$6_System_Collections_IStructuralComparable_CompareTo(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return 1;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$6(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6));
if (tuple == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("ArgumentException_TupleIncorrectType");
else {
var num1 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1);
if (num1 != 0)
return num1;
var num2 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item2, tuple.m_Item2);
if (num2 != 0)
return num2;
var num3 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item3, tuple.m_Item3);
if (num3 != 0)
return num3;
var num4 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item4, tuple.m_Item4);
if (num4 != 0)
return num4;
var num5 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item5, tuple.m_Item5);
if (num5 != 0)
return num5;
return comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item6, tuple.m_Item6);
$p.GetHashCode = function Tuple$6_GetHashCode() {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode($d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(),
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode = function Tuple$6_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes$4(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item1),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item2), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item3),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item4), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item5),
$p.System$ITuple$GetHashCode = function Tuple$6_System_ITuple_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode(comparer);
$p.ToString = function Tuple$6_ToString() {
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
return ($d.cast(this, System.ITuple)).System$ITuple$ToString(sb);
$p.System$ITuple$ToString = function Tuple$6_System_ITuple_ToString(sb) {
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
return (sb).toString();
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6"]);
System.Tuple$7 = $d.declare("System.Tuple`7", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable, System.IComparable, System.ITuple];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Item1", p.get_Item1, 6], ["get_Item2", p.get_Item2, 6], ["get_Item3", p.get_Item3, 6], ["get_Item4", p.get_Item4, 6], ["get_Item5", p.get_Item5, 6], ["get_Item6", p.get_Item6, 6], ["get_Item7", p.get_Item7, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Item1", T1, 0], ["Item2", T2, 1], ["Item3", T3, 2], ["Item4", T4, 3], ["Item5", T5, 4], ["Item6", T6, 5], ["Item7", T7, 6]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_Item1 = $d.default(T1);
this.m_Item2 = $d.default(T2);
this.m_Item3 = $d.default(T3);
this.m_Item4 = $d.default(T4);
this.m_Item5 = $d.default(T5);
this.m_Item6 = $d.default(T6);
this.m_Item7 = $d.default(T7);
$p.get_Item1 = function Tuple$7_get_Item1() {
return this.m_Item1;
$p.get_Item2 = function Tuple$7_get_Item2() {
return this.m_Item2;
$p.get_Item3 = function Tuple$7_get_Item3() {
return this.m_Item3;
$p.get_Item4 = function Tuple$7_get_Item4() {
return this.m_Item4;
$p.get_Item5 = function Tuple$7_get_Item5() {
return this.m_Item5;
$p.get_Item6 = function Tuple$7_get_Item6() {
return this.m_Item6;
$p.get_Item7 = function Tuple$7_get_Item7() {
return this.m_Item7;
$p.System$ITuple$get_Size = function Tuple$7_System$ITuple$get_Size() {
return 7;
$t.ctor = function Tuple$7(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7) {
this.m_Item1 = item1;
this.m_Item2 = item2;
this.m_Item3 = item3;
this.m_Item4 = item4;
this.m_Item5 = item5;
this.m_Item6 = item6;
this.m_Item7 = item7;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Equals = function Tuple$7_Equals(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IEqualityComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals = function Tuple$7_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_Equals(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return false;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$7(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7));
if (tuple == null || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1) || (!comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item2,
tuple.m_Item2) || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item3, tuple.m_Item3)) || (!comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item4,
tuple.m_Item4) || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item5, tuple.m_Item5) || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item6,
return false;
return comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item7, tuple.m_Item7);
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$7_System_IComparable_CompareTo(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable)).System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$7_System_Collections_IStructuralComparable_CompareTo(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return 1;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$7(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7));
if (tuple == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("ArgumentException_TupleIncorrectType");
else {
var num1 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1);
if (num1 != 0)
return num1;
var num2 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item2, tuple.m_Item2);
if (num2 != 0)
return num2;
var num3 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item3, tuple.m_Item3);
if (num3 != 0)
return num3;
var num4 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item4, tuple.m_Item4);
if (num4 != 0)
return num4;
var num5 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item5, tuple.m_Item5);
if (num5 != 0)
return num5;
var num6 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item6, tuple.m_Item6);
if (num6 != 0)
return num6;
return comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item7, tuple.m_Item7);
$p.GetHashCode = function Tuple$7_GetHashCode() {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode($d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(),
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode = function Tuple$7_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes$5(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item1),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item2), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item3),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item4), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item5),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item6), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item7));
$p.System$ITuple$GetHashCode = function Tuple$7_System_ITuple_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode(comparer);
$p.ToString = function Tuple$7_ToString() {
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
return ($d.cast(this, System.ITuple)).System$ITuple$ToString(sb);
$p.System$ITuple$ToString = function Tuple$7_System_ITuple_ToString(sb) {
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
return (sb).toString();
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7"]);
System.Tuple$8 = $d.declare("System.Tuple`8", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TRest) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable, System.IComparable, System.ITuple];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Item1", p.get_Item1, 6], ["get_Item2", p.get_Item2, 6], ["get_Item3", p.get_Item3, 6], ["get_Item4", p.get_Item4, 6], ["get_Item5", p.get_Item5, 6], ["get_Item6", p.get_Item6, 6], ["get_Item7", p.get_Item7, 6], ["get_Rest", p.get_Rest, 6], ["Equals", p.Equals, 6], ["GetHashCode", p.GetHashCode, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Item1", T1, 0], ["Item2", T2, 1], ["Item3", T3, 2], ["Item4", T4, 3], ["Item5", T5, 4], ["Item6", T6, 5], ["Item7", T7, 6], ["Rest", TRest, 7]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.m_Item1 = $d.default(T1);
this.m_Item2 = $d.default(T2);
this.m_Item3 = $d.default(T3);
this.m_Item4 = $d.default(T4);
this.m_Item5 = $d.default(T5);
this.m_Item6 = $d.default(T6);
this.m_Item7 = $d.default(T7);
this.m_Rest = $d.default(TRest);
$p.get_Item1 = function Tuple$8_get_Item1() {
return this.m_Item1;
$p.get_Item2 = function Tuple$8_get_Item2() {
return this.m_Item2;
$p.get_Item3 = function Tuple$8_get_Item3() {
return this.m_Item3;
$p.get_Item4 = function Tuple$8_get_Item4() {
return this.m_Item4;
$p.get_Item5 = function Tuple$8_get_Item5() {
return this.m_Item5;
$p.get_Item6 = function Tuple$8_get_Item6() {
return this.m_Item6;
$p.get_Item7 = function Tuple$8_get_Item7() {
return this.m_Item7;
$p.get_Rest = function Tuple$8_get_Rest() {
return this.m_Rest;
$p.System$ITuple$get_Size = function Tuple$8_System$ITuple$get_Size() {
return 7 + ($d.cast(this.m_Rest, System.ITuple)).System$ITuple$get_Size();
$t.ctor = function Tuple$8(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, rest) {
if (!($, System.ITuple)))
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("ArgumentException_TupleLastArgumentNotATuple");
this.m_Item1 = item1;
this.m_Item2 = item2;
this.m_Item3 = item3;
this.m_Item4 = item4;
this.m_Item5 = item5;
this.m_Item6 = item6;
this.m_Item7 = item7;
this.m_Rest = rest;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.Equals = function Tuple$8_Equals(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IEqualityComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$Equals = function Tuple$8_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_Equals(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return false;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$8(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TRest));
if (tuple == null || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1) || (!comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item2,
tuple.m_Item2) || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item3, tuple.m_Item3)) || (!comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item4,
tuple.m_Item4) || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item5, tuple.m_Item5) || (!comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item6,
tuple.m_Item6) || !comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Item7, tuple.m_Item7))))
return false;
return comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$Equals(this.m_Rest, tuple.m_Rest);
$p.System$IComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$8_System_IComparable_CompareTo(obj) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable)).System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo(obj,
$d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.Comparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(), System.Collections.IComparer));
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralComparable$CompareTo = function Tuple$8_System_Collections_IStructuralComparable_CompareTo(other, comparer) {
if (other == null)
return 1;
var tuple = $, System.Tuple$8(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TRest));
if (tuple == null) {
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$1("ArgumentException_TupleIncorrectType");
else {
var num1 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item1, tuple.m_Item1);
if (num1 != 0)
return num1;
var num2 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item2, tuple.m_Item2);
if (num2 != 0)
return num2;
var num3 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item3, tuple.m_Item3);
if (num3 != 0)
return num3;
var num4 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item4, tuple.m_Item4);
if (num4 != 0)
return num4;
var num5 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item5, tuple.m_Item5);
if (num5 != 0)
return num5;
var num6 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item6, tuple.m_Item6);
if (num6 != 0)
return num6;
var num7 = comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Item7, tuple.m_Item7);
if (num7 != 0)
return num7;
return comparer.System$Collections$IComparer$Compare(this.m_Rest, tuple.m_Rest);
$p.GetHashCode = function Tuple$8_GetHashCode() {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode($d.cast(System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer$1(System.Object).get_Default(),
$p.System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode = function Tuple$8_System_Collections_IStructuralEquatable_GetHashCode(comparer) {
var tuple = $d.cast(this.m_Rest, System.ITuple);
if (tuple.System$ITuple$get_Size() >= 8)
return tuple.System$ITuple$GetHashCode(comparer);
switch (8 - tuple.System$ITuple$get_Size()) {
case 1:
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item7),
case 2:
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes$1(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item6),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item7), tuple.System$ITuple$GetHashCode(comparer));
case 3:
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes$2(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item5),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item6), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item7),
case 4:
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes$3(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item4),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item5), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item6),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item7), tuple.System$ITuple$GetHashCode(comparer));
case 5:
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes$4(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item3),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item4), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item5),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item6), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item7),
case 6:
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes$5(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item2),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item3), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item4),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item5), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item6),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item7), tuple.System$ITuple$GetHashCode(comparer));
case 7:
return System.Tuple.CombineHashCodes$6(comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item1),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item2), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item3),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item4), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item5),
comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item6), comparer.System$Collections$IEqualityComparer$GetHashCode(this.m_Item7),
return -1;
$p.System$ITuple$GetHashCode = function Tuple$8_System_ITuple_GetHashCode(comparer) {
return ($d.cast(this, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable)).System$Collections$IStructuralEquatable$GetHashCode(comparer);
$p.ToString = function Tuple$8_ToString() {
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder.ctor();
return ($d.cast(this, System.ITuple)).System$ITuple$ToString(sb);
$p.System$ITuple$ToString = function Tuple$8_System_ITuple_ToString(sb) {
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
sb.Append$12(", ");
return ($d.cast(this.m_Rest, System.ITuple)).System$ITuple$ToString(sb);
}, ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "TRest"]);
System.Type = $d.declare("System.Type", System.Reflection.MemberInfo, 27, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = [System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider];
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, [["EmptyTypes", 155, 54], ["DefaultBinder", System.Reflection.Binder, 54], ["typeAttributes", System.Reflection.TypeAttributes, 35], ["fields", $d.arrayType(System.Reflection.FieldInfo), 35], ["methods", $d.arrayType(System.Reflection.MethodInfo), 35], ["constructors", $d.arrayType(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo), 35], ["properties", $d.arrayType(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo), 35], ["events", $d.arrayType(System.Reflection.EventInfo), 35]], [["Create", t.Create, 19], ["CreateEnum", t.CreateEnum, 19], ["TryConstruct", t.TryConstruct, 19], ["get_MemberType", p.get_MemberType, 6], ["get_BaseType", p.get_BaseType, 6], ["get_Assembly", p.get_Assembly, 6], ["get_AssemblyQualifiedName", p.get_AssemblyQualifiedName, 6], ["get_FullName", p.get_FullName, 6], ["GetType", t.GetType, 22], ["GetElementType", p.GetElementType, 6], ["IsAssignableFrom", p.IsAssignableFrom, 6], ["IsInstanceOfType", p.IsInstanceOfType, 6], ["GetInterfaces", p.GetInterfaces, 6], ["GetProperties", p.GetProperties, 6], ["GetEvents", p.GetEvents, 6], ["GetEvent", p.GetEvent, 6], ["GetMethods", p.GetMethods, 6], ["GetMethod", p.GetMethod$2, 6], ["GetMethod", p.GetMethod$1, 6], ["GetMethod", p.GetMethod, 6], ["GetProperty", p.GetProperty$6, 6], ["GetProperty", p.GetProperty$5, 6], ["GetProperty", p.GetProperty$1, 6], ["GetProperty", p.GetProperty$4, 6], ["GetProperty", p.GetProperty$3, 6], ["GetProperty", p.GetProperty$2, 6], ["GetProperty", p.GetProperty$7, 3], ["GetProperty", p.GetProperty, 6], ["GetPropertyImpl", p.GetPropertyImpl, 4], ["GetConstructors", p.GetConstructors, 6], ["GetField", p.GetField$1, 6], ["GetField", p.GetField, 6], ["GetFields", p.GetFields, 6], ["GetFields", p.GetFields$1, 6], ["get_IsValueType", p.get_IsValueType, 6], ["GetArrayRank", p.GetArrayRank, 6], ["GetConstructor", p.GetConstructor$2, 6], ["GetConstructor", p.GetConstructor$1, 6], ["GetConstructor", p.GetConstructor, 6], ["GetConstructorImpl", p.GetConstructorImpl, 4], ["GetEnumNames", p.GetEnumNames, 6], ["GetEnumValues", p.GetEnumValues, 6], ["GetEnumUnderlyingType", p.GetEnumUnderlyingType, 6], ["MakeArrayType", p.MakeArrayType, 6], ["MakeArrayType", p.MakeArrayType$1, 6], ["get_Attributes", p.get_Attributes, 6], ["get_IsPrimitive", p.get_IsPrimitive, 6], ["get_IsAbstract", p.get_IsAbstract, 6], ["get_IsEnum", p.get_IsEnum, 6], ["get_IsInterface", p.get_IsInterface, 6], ["get_IsSealed", p.get_IsSealed, 6], ["get_IsGenericType", p.get_IsGenericType, 6], ["GetGenericTypeDefinition", p.GetGenericTypeDefinition, 6], ["MakeGenericType", p.MakeGenericType, 6], ["get_GenericTypeArguments", p.get_GenericTypeArguments, 6], ["GetGenericArguments", p.GetGenericArguments, 6], ["get_IsArray", p.get_IsArray, 6], ["get_IsTypedArrayCompatible", p.get_IsTypedArrayCompatible, 6], ["get_IsGenericTypeDefinition", p.get_IsGenericTypeDefinition, 6], ["ToString", p.ToString, 6], ["get_IsGenericParameter", p.get_IsGenericParameter, 6], ["get_HasElementType", p.get_HasElementType, 6], ["get_IsNested", p.get_IsNested, 6], ["get_IsNestedPublic", p.get_IsNestedPublic, 6], ["get_IsVisible", p.get_IsVisible, 6], ["get_IsPublic", p.get_IsPublic, 6], ["get_TypeKind", p.get_TypeKind, 3]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["MemberType", System.Reflection.MemberTypes, 3], ["BaseType", 27, 4], ["Assembly", System.Reflection.Assembly, 5], ["AssemblyQualifiedName", 20, 6], ["FullName", 20, 7], ["IsValueType", 39, 34], ["Attributes", System.Reflection.TypeAttributes, 45], ["IsPrimitive", 39, 46], ["IsAbstract", 39, 47], ["IsEnum", 39, 48], ["IsInterface", 39, 49], ["IsSealed", 39, 50], ["IsGenericType", 39, 51], ["GenericTypeArguments", 155, 54], ["IsArray", 39, 56], ["IsTypedArrayCompatible", 39, 57], ["IsGenericTypeDefinition", 39, 58], ["IsGenericParameter", 39, 60], ["HasElementType", 39, 61], ["IsNested", 39, 62], ["IsNestedPublic", 39, 63], ["IsVisible", 39, 64], ["IsPublic", 39, 65], ["TypeKind", 45, 66]]]; };
$t.cctor = function() {
$t.EncodedTypes = null;
$t.EmptyTypes = $d.array(System.Type, 0);
$t.DefaultBinder = new System.Reflection.Binder.ctor();
$t.EmptyFields = $d.array(System.Reflection.FieldInfo, 0);
$t.EmptyMethods = $d.array(System.Reflection.MethodInfo, 0);
$t.EmptyConstructors = $d.array(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo, 0);
$t.EmptyProperties = $d.array(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo, 0);
$t.EmptyEvents = $d.array(System.Reflection.EventInfo, 0);
$t.EncodedTypes = [null, System.Object, System.Enum, System.MulticastDelegate, System.Delegate,
System.ValueType, System.Void, Boolean, System.Char, System.SByte, System.Byte, System.Int16,
System.UInt16, System.Int32, System.UInt32, System.Int64, System.UInt64, System.Decimal,
System.Single, System.Double, String, System.IntPtr, System.UIntPtr, Array, System.Nullable$1,
System.DateTime, System.TimeSpan, System.Type, System.Exception, Number];
$t.$ator = function() {
this.self = null;
this.baseType = null;
this.typeAttributes = 0;
this.fields = null;
this.methods = null;
this.constructors = null; = null; = null;
this.isGenericType = false;
$t.ctor = function Type(self, typeAttributes, fields, methods, constructors, properties, events, attributes) {
$t.$, $t.GetNameFromFullName(self.$typeName), attributes);
var typeKind = self.$typeKind & 255;
if (typeAttributes == 2097152) {
typeAttributes |= 1;
if (typeKind == 66)
typeAttributes |= 160;
if ((typeKind & 32) != 0)
typeAttributes |= 256;
this.typeAttributes = typeAttributes;
this.self = self;
this.baseType = (typeKind == 68) ? (self === Object) ? null : Object.getPrototypeOf(self.prototype).constructor : (self.$baseType == Number) ? System.ValueType : self.$baseType;
if (self.$intfs && self.$intfs.constructor == Function)
self.$intfs = self.$intfs();
this.declaringType = self.$declaringType;
$t.TryConstruct(fields, System.Reflection.FieldInfo.Create);
$t.TryConstruct(methods, System.Reflection.MethodInfo.Create);
$t.TryConstruct(constructors, System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.Create);
$t.TryConstruct(properties, function(args) {
return System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.Create(methods, args);
$t.TryConstruct(events, function(args) {
return System.Reflection.EventInfo.Create(methods, args);
this.fields = (fields != null) ? $d.array(System.Reflection.FieldInfo, fields) : $t.EmptyFields;
this.methods = (methods != null) ? $d.array(System.Reflection.MethodInfo, methods) : $t.EmptyMethods;
this.constructors = (constructors != null) ? $d.array(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo, constructors) : $t.EmptyConstructors; = (properties != null) ? $d.array(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo, properties) : $t.EmptyProperties; = (events != null) ? $d.array(System.Reflection.EventInfo, events) : $t.EmptyEvents;
this.isGenericType = ((self.$typeKind & 256) != 0 || (self.$unconstructedType != null)) && (self.$typeKind != 64);
for (var $i = 0, $length = this.fields.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var field = this.fields[$i];
field.declaringType = self;
for (var $i1 = 0, $length1 = this.methods.length; $i1 != $length1; $i1++) {
var method = this.methods[$i1];
method.declaringType = self;
for (var $i2 = 0, $length2 =; $i2 != $length2; $i2++) {
var property =[$i2];
property.declaringType = self;
for (var $i3 = 0, $length3 = this.constructors.length; $i3 != $length3; $i3++) {
var constructor = this.constructors[$i3];
constructor.declaringType = self;
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$t.Create = function Type_Create(typeFunc, a) {
return (a.constructor === System.Type) ? a : new System.Type.ctor(typeFunc, a[0], a[1], a[2],
a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6]);
$t.CreateEnum = function Type_CreateEnum(enumType) {
var typeAttributes = enumType.$enumTypeAttrs;
var enumNames = enumType.$enumNames;
var enumValues = enumType.$enumValues;
var enumAttrs = enumType.$getEnumAttrs ? enumType.$getEnumAttrs() : null;
var underlyingType = $d.tryDecodeTypeFunc(enumType.$underlyingType);
var attributes = enumType.$getEnumTypeAttrs ? enumType.$getEnumTypeAttrs() : null;
if ((typeAttributes & 32) != 0) {
attributes = [new System.FlagsAttribute.ctor()];
typeAttributes &= ~32;
var fields = $d.array(System.Reflection.FieldInfo, enumNames.length);
for (var i = 0; i < enumNames.length; i++) {
fields[i] = new System.Reflection.FieldInfo.ctor(enumNames[i], underlyingType, 32854, enumValues[i],
enumAttrs ? enumAttrs[i] : null);
var methods = $d.typeOf(System.Enum).methods;
return new System.Type.ctor(enumType, enumType.$enumTypeAttrs, fields, methods, null, null, null,
$t.TryConstruct = function Type_TryConstruct(array, creator) {
if (array != null && array.$type == null)
for (var k = 0; k < array.length; k++) {
array[k] = creator(array[k]);
$t.GetNameFromFullName = function Type_GetNameFromFullName(fullName) {
var k = fullName.indexOf("<");
if (k == -1)
k = undefined;
return fullName.substring(Math.max(fullName.lastIndexOf(".", k), fullName.lastIndexOf("+", k)) + 1,
$p.get_MemberType = function Type_get_MemberType() {
return 32;
$p.get_BaseType = function Type_get_BaseType() {
if (this.baseType == null)
return null;
return $d.typeOf(this.baseType);
$p.get_Assembly = function Type_get_Assembly() {
return $d.assemblyOf(this.self.$assembly);
$p.get_AssemblyQualifiedName = function Type_get_AssemblyQualifiedName() {
return this.get_FullName() + ", " + this.self.$assembly.fullName;
$p.get_FullName = function Type_get_FullName() {
return this.self.$typeName;
$t.GetType = function Type_GetType(typeName) {
for (var $i = 0, $a = System.AppDomain().get_CurrentDomain().GetAssemblies(), $length = $a.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var assembly = $a[$i];
var result = assembly.GetType$1(typeName);
if (result != null)
return result;
return null;
$p.GetElementType = function Type_GetElementType() {
return this.self.$elementType == null ? null : $d.typeOf(this.self.$elementType);
$p.IsAssignableFrom = function Type_IsAssignableFrom(type) {
return (type != null) && $d.typeIsAssignableFrom(this.self, type.self);
$p.IsInstanceOfType = function Type_IsInstanceOfType(o) {
return $, this.self);
$p.GetInterfaces = function Type_GetInterfaces() {
return $d.typesOf(this.self.$intfs);
$p.GetProperties = function Type_GetProperties() {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo, System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo,, $d.delegate(function(x) {
return (x.GetGetMethod() != null && x.GetGetMethod().get_IsPublic()) || (x.GetSetMethod() != null && x.GetSetMethod().get_IsPublic());
}, this)));
$p.GetEvents = function Type_GetEvents() {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Reflection.EventInfo,;
$p.GetEvent = function Type_GetEvent(name) {
for (var $i = 0, $a = this.GetEvents(), $length = $a.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var eventInfo = $a[$i];
if (eventInfo.get_Name() == name)
return eventInfo;
return null;
$p.GetMethods = function Type_GetMethods() {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Reflection.MethodInfo, this.methods);
$p.GetMethodImpl = function Type_GetMethodImpl(name, bindingAttr, binder, callConvention, types, modifiers) {
for (var $i = 0, $a = this.GetMethods(), $length = $a.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var method = $a[$i];
if (method.get_Name() != name)
if ((bindingAttr & 32) != 32 && !method.get_IsPublic())
var parameters = method.parameters;
if (types != null && types.length != parameters.length)
if (types != null) {
var isValid = true;
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (types[i] != parameters[i].get_ParameterType())
isValid = false;
if (!isValid)
return method;
return null;
$p.GetMethod$2 = function Type_GetMethod(name, types) {
if (name == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("name");
if (types == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("types");
for (var index = 0; index < types.length; ++index) {
if (types[index] == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("types");
return this.GetMethodImpl(name, 28, null, 3, types, null);
$p.GetMethod$1 = function Type_GetMethod(name, bindingAttr) {
if (name == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("name");
return this.GetMethodImpl(name, bindingAttr, null, 3, null, null);
$p.GetMethod = function Type_GetMethod(name) {
if (name == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("name");
return this.GetMethodImpl(name, 28, null, 3, null, null);
$p.GetProperty$6 = function Type_GetProperty(name, bindingAttr, binder, returnType, types, modifiers) {
if (name == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("name");
if (types == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("types");
return this.GetPropertyImpl(name, bindingAttr, binder, returnType, types, modifiers);
$p.GetProperty$5 = function Type_GetProperty(name, returnType, types, modifiers) {
if (name == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("name");
if (types == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("types");
return this.GetPropertyImpl(name, 28, null, returnType, types, modifiers);
$p.GetProperty$1 = function Type_GetProperty(name, bindingAttr) {
if (name == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("name");
return this.GetPropertyImpl(name, bindingAttr, null, null, null, null);
$p.GetProperty$4 = function Type_GetProperty(name, returnType, types) {
if (name == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("name");
if (types == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("types");
return this.GetPropertyImpl(name, 28, null, returnType, types, null);
$p.GetProperty$3 = function Type_GetProperty(name, types) {
if (name == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("name");
if (types == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("types");
return this.GetPropertyImpl(name, 28, null, null, types, null);
$p.GetProperty$2 = function Type_GetProperty(name, returnType) {
if (name == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("name");
if (returnType == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("returnType");
return this.GetPropertyImpl(name, 28, null, returnType, null, null);
$p.GetProperty$7 = function Type_GetProperty(name, bindingAttr, returnType) {
if (name == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("name");
if (returnType == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("returnType");
return this.GetPropertyImpl(name, bindingAttr, null, returnType, null, null);
$p.GetProperty = function Type_GetProperty(name) {
if (name == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("name");
return this.GetPropertyImpl(name, 28, null, null, null, null);
$p.GetPropertyImpl = function Type_GetPropertyImpl(name, bindingAttr, binder, returnType, types, modifiers) {
for (var $i = 0, $a = this.GetProperties(), $length = $a.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var property = $a[$i];
var anAccessor = property.get_GetMethod() || property.get_SetMethod();
if (property.get_Name() != name)
if ((bindingAttr & 32) != 32 && !anAccessor.get_IsPublic())
var parameters = property.GetIndexParameters();
if (types != null && types.length != parameters.length)
if (types != null) {
var isValid = true;
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (types[i] != parameters[i].get_ParameterType())
isValid = false;
if (!isValid)
return property;
return null;
$p.GetConstructors = function Type_GetConstructors() {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo, this.constructors);
$p.GetField$1 = function Type_GetField(name, bindingAttr) {
for (var $i = 0, $length = this.fields.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var field = this.fields[$i];
if (field.get_Name() != name)
if ((bindingAttr & 32) != 32 && !field.get_IsPublic())
return field;
return null;
$p.GetField = function Type_GetField(name) {
return this.GetField$1(name, 28);
$p.GetFields = function Type_GetFields() {
return this.GetFields$1(28);
$p.GetFields$1 = function Type_GetFields(bindingAttr) {
return System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Reflection.FieldInfo, this.fields);
$p.get_IsValueType = function Type_get_IsValueType() {
return (this.self.$typeKind & 32) != 0;
$p.GetArrayRank = function Type_GetArrayRank() {
return this.self.$arrayRank;
$p.GetConstructor$2 = function Type_GetConstructor(bindingAttr, binder, callConvention, types, modifiers) {
if (types == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("types");
for (var index = 0; index < types.length; ++index) {
if (types[index] == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("types");
return this.GetConstructorImpl(bindingAttr, binder, callConvention, types, modifiers);
$p.GetConstructor$1 = function Type_GetConstructor(bindingAttr, binder, types, modifiers) {
if (types == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("types");
for (var index = 0; index < types.length; ++index) {
if (types[index] == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException.ctor$1("types");
return this.GetConstructorImpl(bindingAttr, binder, 3, types, modifiers);
$p.GetConstructor = function Type_GetConstructor(types) {
return this.GetConstructor$1(20, null, types, null);
$p.GetConstructorImpl = function Type_GetConstructorImpl(bindingAttr, binder, callConvention, types, modifiers) {
for (var $i = 0, $a = this.GetConstructors(), $length = $a.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var method = $a[$i];
if ((bindingAttr & 32) != 32 && !method.get_IsPublic())
var parameters = method.parameters;
if (types != null && types.length != parameters.length)
if (types != null) {
var isValid = true;
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (types[i] != parameters[i].get_ParameterType())
isValid = false;
if (!isValid)
return method;
return null;
$p.GetEnumNames = function Type_GetEnumNames() {
return System.Enum.GetNames(this);
$p.GetEnumValues = function Type_GetEnumValues() {
return System.Enum.GetValues(this);
$p.GetEnumUnderlyingType = function Type_GetEnumUnderlyingType() {
if (this.get_IsEnum() && this.self.$underlyingType != null)
return $d.typeOf($d.tryDecodeTypeFunc(this.self.$underlyingType));
throw new System.ArgumentException.ctor$3(System.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeEnum"),
$p.MakeArrayType = function Type_MakeArrayType() {
return this.MakeArrayType$1(1);
$p.MakeArrayType$1 = function Type_MakeArrayType(rank) {
if (rank < 1)
throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ctor$1("rank must be positive");
return $d.typeOf($d.arrayType(this.self, rank));
$p.get_Attributes = function Type_get_Attributes() {
return this.typeAttributes;
$p.get_IsPrimitive = function Type_get_IsPrimitive() {
var tk = this.self.$typeKind;
return (tk >= 39 && tk <= 51) || (tk == 53) || (tk == 54);
$p.get_IsAbstract = function Type_get_IsAbstract() {
return (this.typeAttributes & 128) != 0;
$p.get_IsEnum = function Type_get_IsEnum() {
return (this.self.$typeKind == 63);
$p.get_IsInterface = function Type_get_IsInterface() {
return (this.typeAttributes & 32) == 32;
$p.get_IsSealed = function Type_get_IsSealed() {
return (this.typeAttributes & 256) != 0;
$p.get_IsGenericType = function Type_get_IsGenericType() {
return this.isGenericType;
$p.GetGenericTypeDefinition = function Type_GetGenericTypeDefinition() {
if (this.get_IsGenericTypeDefinition())
return this;
if (this.isGenericType && this.self.$unconstructedType != null)
return $d.typeOf(this.self.$unconstructedType);
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1("This operation is only valid on generic types");
$p.MakeGenericType = function Type_MakeGenericType(typeArguments) {
return $d.typeOf($d.genericType(this.self, {
return x.self;
$p.get_GenericTypeArguments = function Type_get_GenericTypeArguments() {
if (this.isGenericType && !this.get_IsGenericTypeDefinition())
return this.GetGenericArguments();
return System.Type().EmptyTypes;
$p.GetGenericArguments = function Type_GetGenericArguments() {
return this.isGenericType ? $d.typesOf(this.self.$typeArgs) : System.Type().EmptyTypes;
$p.get_IsArray = function Type_get_IsArray() {
return this.self.$elementType != null;
$p.get_IsTypedArrayCompatible = function Type_get_IsTypedArrayCompatible() {
return this.self.$elementType != null && this.self.$elementType.$arrayCtor != Array;
$p.get_IsGenericTypeDefinition = function Type_get_IsGenericTypeDefinition() {
return (this.self.$typeKind & 256) != 0;
$p.ToString = function Type_ToString() {
return "System.Type: " + this.get_FullName();
$p.get_IsGenericParameter = function Type_get_IsGenericParameter() {
return this.self.$typeKind == 67;
$p.get_HasElementType = function Type_get_HasElementType() {
return this.self.$elementType != null;
$p.get_IsNested = function Type_get_IsNested() {
return this.get_DeclaringType() != null;
$p.get_IsNestedPublic = function Type_get_IsNestedPublic() {
return this.get_IsNested() && this.get_IsPublic();
$p.get_IsVisible = function Type_get_IsVisible() {
if (this.get_IsGenericParameter())
return true;
if (this.get_HasElementType())
return this.GetElementType().get_IsVisible();
var type2;
for (type2 = this; type2.get_IsNested(); type2 = type2.get_DeclaringType()) {
if (!type2.get_IsNestedPublic())
return false;
if (!type2.get_IsPublic())
return false;
if (this.get_IsGenericType() && !this.get_IsGenericTypeDefinition()) {
for (var $i = 0, $a = this.GetGenericArguments(), $length = $a.length; $i != $length; $i++) {
var type3 = $a[$i];
if (!type3.get_IsVisible())
return false;
return true;
$p.get_IsPublic = function Type_get_IsPublic() {
return (this.typeAttributes & 7) == 1;
$p.get_TypeKind = function Type_get_TypeKind() {
return this.self.$typeKind;
$p.HasReflection = function Type_HasReflection() {
if (this.self.$typeKind != 68 && this.self.$typeKind != 63 && this.self.$typeInfo == null)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException.ctor$1(String.Format("Type '{0}' compiled with no reflection data.\r\nRecompile with '[assembly: CompilerOptions(ReflectionLevel = <level>)]' or '[Js(ReflectionLevel = <level>)]' to include reflection data.",
$d.array(System.Object, [])));
System.TypeCode = $d.declareEnum("System.TypeCode", 45, $asm, 257, ["Empty", "Object", "DBNull", "Boolean", "Char", "SByte", "Byte", "Int16", "UInt16", "Int32", "UInt32", "Int64", "UInt64", "Single", "Double", "Decimal", "DateTime", "String"], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18]);
System.UInt16 = $d.declare("System.UInt16", Number, 44, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.UInt16), System.IEquatable$1(System.UInt16), System.IFormattable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["MinValue", 44, 86, 0], ["MaxValue", 44, 86, 65535]], [["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.MinValue = 0;
$t.MaxValue = 65535;
$t.Parse = function UInt16_Parse(s) { return Number.Parse(System.UInt16, s); };
$t.TryParse = function UInt16_TryParse(s, result) { return Number.TryParse(System.UInt16, s, result); };
System.UInt32 = $d.declare("System.UInt32", Number, 46, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.UInt32), System.IEquatable$1(System.UInt32), System.IFormattable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["MinValue", 46, 86, 0], ["MaxValue", 46, 86, 4294967295]], [["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.MinValue = 0;
$t.MaxValue = 4294967295;
$t.Parse = function UInt32_Parse(s) { return Number.Parse(System.UInt32, s); };
$t.TryParse = function UInt32_TryParse(s, result) { return Number.TryParse(System.UInt32, s, result); };
System.UInt64 = $d.declare("System.UInt64", Number, 48, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1(System.UInt64), System.IEquatable$1(System.UInt64), System.IFormattable]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, [["MinValue", 48, 86, 0], ["MaxValue", 48, 86, 9007199254740991]], [["Parse", t.Parse, 22], ["TryParse", t.TryParse, 22]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.MinValue = 0;
$t.MaxValue = 9007199254740991;
$t.Parse = function UInt64_Parse(s) { return Number.Parse(System.UInt64, s); };
$t.TryParse = function UInt64_TryParse(s, result) { return Number.TryParse(System.UInt64, s, result); };
System.UIntPtr = $d.declare("System.UIntPtr", null, 54, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
$t.ctor = function UIntPtr() {};
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
System.Void = $d.declare("System.Void", null, 38, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [257, null, null, [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]]]; };
System.Web.HttpUtility = $d.declare("System.Web.HttpUtility", System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["UrlEncode", t.UrlEncode, 22], ["UrlDecode", t.UrlDecode, 22]]]; };
$t.UrlEncode = function HttpUtility_UrlEncode(s) {
return encodeURIComponent(s);
$t.UrlDecode = function HttpUtility_UrlDecode(s) {
return decodeURIComponent(s);
System.YieldIterator$1 = $d.declare("System.YieldIterator`1", System.Object, 256, $asm, function($t, $p, T) {
$t.$intfs = function() { return [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1(T), System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator$1(T), System.IDisposable, System.Collections.IEnumerator]; };
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [1, null, [["get_Current", p.get_Current, 6], ["set_Current", p.set_Current, 4], ["GetEnumerator", p.GetEnumerator, 6], ["Clone", p.Clone, 4], ["Dispose", p.Dispose, 6], ["Reset", p.Reset, 6]], [["ctor", t.ctor, 6]], [["Current", T, 0, 1]]]; };
$t.$ator = function() {
this.isStarted = false;
this.Current = $d.default(T);
$t.ctor = function YieldIterator$1() {
$t.ctor.prototype = $p;
$p.get_Current = function YieldIterator$1_get_Current() { return this.Current; };
$p.set_Current = function YieldIterator$1_set_Current(value) { this.Current = value;return value; };
$p.GetEnumerator = function YieldIterator$1_GetEnumerator() {
if (this.isStarted)
return this.Clone();
else {
this.isStarted = true;
return this;
$p.Clone = function YieldIterator$1_Clone() {
return null;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerable$GetEnumerator = function YieldIterator$1_System_Collections_IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
$p.Dispose = function YieldIterator$1_Dispose() {};
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current = function YieldIterator$1_System$Collections$IEnumerator$get_Current() {
return this.get_Current();
$p.Reset = function YieldIterator$1_Reset() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException.ctor();
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerable$1$GetEnumerator = $p.GetEnumerator;
$p.System$Collections$Generic$IEnumerator$1$get_Current = $p.get_Current;
$p.System$IDisposable$Dispose = $p.Dispose;
$p.System$Collections$IEnumerator$Reset = $p.Reset;
}, ["T"]);
return $asm;
(function HelloDuoCode() {
"use strict";
var $asm = {
fullName: "HelloDuoCode",
anonymousTypes: [],
types: [],
$getAttrs: function() { return [new System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute.ctor("HelloDuoCode"), new System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute.ctor(""), new System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute.ctor(""), new System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute.ctor(""), new System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute.ctor("HelloDuoCode"), new System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute.ctor("Copyright \xA9 2015"), new System.Reflection.AssemblyTrademarkAttribute.ctor(""), new System.Reflection.AssemblyCultureAttribute.ctor(""), new System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute.ctor(""), new System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute.ctor(""), new DuoCode.Runtime.CompilerAttribute.ctor("0.6.1253.0 beta")]; }
// Snip Fix here
if(Memory.netg == undefined)
Memory.netg = {};
var $g = Memory.netg;
var HelloDuoCode = $g.HelloDuoCode = $g.HelloDuoCode || {};
var $d = $g.DuoCode.Runtime; // Used to be just DuoCode.Runtime needed fixing due to lack of global object
$d.$assemblies["HelloDuoCode"] = $asm;
HelloDuoCode.Program = $d.declare("HelloDuoCode.Program", $g.System.Object, 0, $asm, function($t, $p) {
$t.$typeInfo = function(t, p) { return [0, null, [["Run", t.Run, 17]]]; };
$t.Run = function Program_Run() {
$g.System.Console.WriteLine$10("Hello DuoCode"); // Another Fix to look for $g.System instead of just System as no "Global" scope..
HelloDuoCode.Program.Run(); // Snip. Run this..
return $asm;
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