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Last active December 19, 2015 05:39
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Sample of more or less full config for Spree 2.x @ config/initializers/spree.rb
Spree.config do |config|
# Amazon S3
config.use_s3 = true
config.s3_bucket = 'mybucket'
config.s3_access_key = ENV['S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
config.s3_secret = ENV['S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
config.attachment_url = ':s3_eu_url'
config.s3_host_alias = '' # EU
# Mail
config.override_actionmailer_config = true
config.enable_mail_delivery = true
config.mails_from = ''
config.mail_bcc = ''
if Rails.env.staging?
config.intercept_email = ''
# The name of your Spree Store
if Rails.env.staging?
config.site_name = 'My Awesome Spree Staging Server'
config.site_name = 'My Awesome Spree Site'
# The URL for your Spree Store
if Rails.env.staging?
config.site_url = ''
config.site_url = ''
# Determines if the site name should be placed into the title.
config.always_put_site_name_in_title = true
# The meta description to include in the head tag of the Spree layout.
config.default_meta_description = 'Spree demo site'
# The meta keywords to include in the head tag of the Spree layout.
config.default_meta_keywords = 'spree, demo'
# The logo to display on your frontend.
config.logo = 'admin/bg/spree_50.png'
# The path to the logo to display on the admin interface.
config.admin_interface_logo = 'admin/bg/spree_50.png'
# The path to the layout of your application.
config.layout = 'spree/layouts/spree_application'
# Will determine if the state field should appear on the checkout page.
config.address_requires_state = false
# The number of orders to display on the orders listing in the admin backend.
config.orders_per_page = 15
# How many products to display on the products listing in the admin interface.
config.admin_products_per_page = 15
# Determines if an InventoryUnit can ship or not.
config.allow_backorder_shipping = true
# Continues the checkout process even if the payment gateway error failed.
config.allow_checkout_on_gateway_error = false
# Enables SSL support in development and test environments.
config.allow_ssl_in_development_and_test = false
# Enables SSL support in production environment.
config.allow_ssl_in_production = true
# Enables SSL support in staging environment.
config.allow_ssl_in_staging = true
# Determines if an alternative phone number should be present for
# the billing address on the checkout page.
config.alternative_billing_phone = false
# Determines if an alternative phone number should be present for
# the shipping address on the checkout page.
config.alternative_shipping_phone = false
# Depending on whether or not Spree is configured to “auto capture”
# the credit card, either a purchase or an authorize operation will
# be performed on the card (via the current credit card gateway).
config.auto_capture = false
# Enables or disables caching of static content from Spree::ContentController
config.cache_static_content = true
# Limits the checkout to countries from a specific zone, by name.
config.checkout_zone = nil
# Determines whether or not a field for “Company” displays on the
# checkout pages for shipping and billing addresses. = false
# The three-letter currency code for the currency that prices will
# be displayed in.
config.currency = 'USD'
# The position of the symbol for a currency. Can be either before or after.
config.currency_symbol_position = 'after'
# Determines whether or not a currency is displayed with a price.
config.display_currency = false
# The default country’s id. Defaults to 214, as this is the id for
# the United States within the seed data.
config.default_country_id = 214
# The number of levels to descend when viewing a taxon menu.
config.max_level_in_taxons_menu = 1
# Determines if prices are labelled as including tax or not.
config.prices_inc_tax = false
# Determines if shipments should include VAT calculations.
config.shipment_inc_vat = false
# Determines if shipping instructions are requested or not when checking out.
config.shipping_instructions = false
# Determines if taxon descendants are shown when showing taxons.
config.show_descendents = true
# Determines if, on the admin listing screen, only completed orders should be shown.
config.show_only_complete_orders_by_default = true
# Determines if the variant’s full price or price difference from a
# product should be displayed on the product’s show page.
config.show_variant_full_price = false
# Determines if tax information should be based on shipping address,
# rather than the billing address.
config.tax_using_ship_address = true
# Determines if inventory levels should be tracked when products are
# purchased at checkout. This option causes new InventoryUnit objects
# to be created when a product is bought.
config.track_inventory_levels = true
Spree.user_class = 'Spree::User'
Paperclip.interpolates(:s3_eu_url) do |attachment, style|
"#{attachment.s3_protocol}://#{Spree::Config[:s3_host_alias]}/#{attachment.bucket_name}/#{attachment.path(style).gsub(%r{^/}, "")}"
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