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Last active November 1, 2023 10:56
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Free FSM! An implementation of finite state machines as in using Free monads
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack script --resolver lts-9.14 --package free
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DeriveFunctor #-}
type CartItem =
type CreditCard =
type OrderId =
data CheckoutProtocolF s r
= Start r
| Select (CartItem -> r)
| Checkout (CheckoutState HasItems) r
| Cancel (CancelState s) (CheckoutState HasItems -> r)
| SelectCard (CheckoutState NoCard) (CreditCard -> r)
| Confirm (CheckoutState CardSelected) r
| PlaceOrder (CheckoutState CardConfirmed) (OrderId -> r)
| Finish r
deriving Functor
data CheckoutInteractionF s r
= AskSelectMore (SelectState s) (Bool -> r)
| AskConfirmCard CreditCard (Bool -> r)
deriving Functor
data CheckoutF s r
= Protocol (CheckoutProtocolF s r)
| Interaction (CheckoutInteractionF s r)
deriving Functor
type CheckoutM s =
Free (CheckoutF s)
data NoItems
data HasItems
data NoCard
data CardSelected
data CardConfirmed
data OrderPlaced
data SelectState s
= NoItemsSelect (CheckoutState NoItems)
| HasItemsSelect (CheckoutState HasItems)
data CancelState s
= NoCardCancel (CheckoutState NoCard)
| CardSelectedCancel (CheckoutState CardSelected)
| CardConfirmedCancel (CheckoutState CardConfirmed)
data CheckoutState s where
:: CheckoutState NoItems
:: NonEmpty CartItem
-> CheckoutState HasItems
:: NonEmpty CartItem
-> CheckoutState NoCard
:: NonEmpty CartItem
-> CreditCard
-> CheckoutState CardSelected
:: NonEmpty CartItem
-> CreditCard
-> CheckoutState CardConfirmed
:: OrderId
-> CheckoutState OrderPlaced
initial :: CheckoutM s (CheckoutState NoItems)
initial =
liftF $ Protocol (Start NoItems)
askSelectMore :: SelectState s -> CheckoutM s Bool
askSelectMore sst =
liftF $ Interaction (AskSelectMore sst id)
select :: SelectState s -> CheckoutM s (CheckoutState HasItems)
select (NoItemsSelect NoItems) =
liftF $ Protocol $ Select (\i -> HasItems (i :| []))
select (HasItemsSelect (HasItems is)) =
liftF $ Protocol $ Select (\i -> HasItems (i <| is))
checkout :: CheckoutState HasItems -> CheckoutM s (CheckoutState NoCard)
checkout items@(HasItems is) =
liftF $ Protocol $ Checkout items (NoCard is)
selectCard :: CheckoutState NoCard -> CheckoutM s (CheckoutState CardSelected)
selectCard cst@(NoCard is) =
liftF $ Protocol $ SelectCard cst (CardSelected is)
askConfirm :: CheckoutState CardSelected -> CheckoutM s Bool
askConfirm (CardSelected _ cc) =
liftF $ Interaction $ AskConfirmCard cc id
confirm :: CheckoutState CardSelected -> CheckoutM s (CheckoutState CardConfirmed)
confirm st@(CardSelected is cc) =
liftF $ Protocol $ Confirm st (CardConfirmed is cc)
placeOrder :: CheckoutState CardConfirmed -> CheckoutM s (CheckoutState OrderPlaced)
placeOrder st =
liftF $ Protocol $ PlaceOrder st OrderPlaced
cancel :: CancelState s -> CheckoutM s (CheckoutState HasItems)
cancel (NoCardCancel (NoCard items)) =
select $ HasItemsSelect (HasItems items)
cancel (CardSelectedCancel (CardSelected items _card)) =
select $ HasItemsSelect (HasItems items)
cancel (CardConfirmedCancel (CardConfirmed cart _)) =
select $ HasItemsSelect (HasItems cart)
end :: CheckoutState OrderPlaced -> CheckoutM s OrderId
end (OrderPlaced oid) =
liftF $ Protocol (Finish oid)
checkoutProgram :: CheckoutM s OrderId
checkoutProgram =
initial >>= fillCart >>= startCheckout >>= end
fillCart :: CheckoutState NoItems -> CheckoutM s (CheckoutState HasItems)
fillCart st =
-- `initial` doesn't type-check!
select (NoItemsSelect st) >>= selectMoreItems
selectMoreItems :: CheckoutState HasItems -> CheckoutM s (CheckoutState HasItems)
selectMoreItems st = do
more <- askSelectMore (HasItemsSelect st)
if more then select (HasItemsSelect st) >>= selectMoreItems else return st
startCheckout :: CheckoutState HasItems -> CheckoutM s (CheckoutState OrderPlaced)
startCheckout (HasItems items) = do
st@(CardSelected items cc) <- selectCard (NoCard items)
useCard <- askConfirm st
if useCard then confirm st >>= placeOrder else redo (CardSelectedCancel st)
redo st =
cancel st >>= selectMoreItems >>= startCheckout
terminalInterpreter :: CheckoutM s res -> IO res
terminalInterpreter =
foldFree morph
p :: [Char] -> IO ()
p =
morph :: CheckoutF s res -> IO res
morph (Protocol (Start next)) =
p "Welcome!" >> return next
morph (Interaction (AskSelectMore s next)) =
p "More items? (y/n)" >> getLine >>= return . next . (=="y")
morph (Protocol (Select next)) =
loop = do
p "Enter item:"
xs <- getLine
if null xs
then p "Invalid item" >> loop
else p ("'" ++ xs ++ "' selected") >> return (next xs)
morph (Protocol (Confirm _ next)) =
return next
morph (Protocol (Checkout (HasItems is) next)) =
p (show is) >> return next
morph (Protocol (Cancel st next)) =
case st of
NoCardCancel (NoCard is) ->
return $ next (HasItems is)
CardSelectedCancel (CardSelected is _) ->
return $ next (HasItems is)
CardConfirmedCancel (CardConfirmed is _) ->
return $ next (HasItems is)
morph (Interaction (AskConfirmCard cc next)) =
p ("Confirm use of '" ++ cc ++ "' (y/n)?") >> getLine >>= return . next . (== "y")
morph (Protocol (PlaceOrder (CardConfirmed is cc) next)) = do
oid <- placeOrderApi
print $ "Order nr. " ++ show oid
++ " placed! Congrats you just bought: " ++ show is
++ " (using your credit card: " ++ cc ++ ")"
return $ next oid
placeOrderApi :: IO Integer
placeOrderApi =
return 6
morph (Protocol (SelectCard (NoCard items) next)) =
p "Enter card:" >> getLine >>= return . next
morph (Protocol (Finish next)) =
p "Goodbye!" >> return next
runCheckout :: IO OrderId
runCheckout =
terminalInterpreter checkoutProgram
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack script --resolver lts-9.14 --package free
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, DeriveFunctor #-}
import Control.Monad.Free
import qualified System.IO as IO
import Data.List.NonEmpty ((<|), NonEmpty(..))
type CartItem =
type CreditCard =
type OrderId =
data ItemsState
= NoItems
| HasItems
data SelectState (a :: ItemsState)
= NoItems'
| HasItems' (NonEmpty CartItem)
-- newtype SelectState (a :: ItemsState) = C [CartItem]
data CardState
= NoCard
| CardSelected
| CardConfirmed
data CancelState (a :: CardState)
= NoCard' (NonEmpty CartItem)
| CardSelected' (NonEmpty CartItem) CreditCard
| CardConfirmed' (NonEmpty CartItem) CreditCard
data CheckoutF a b r
= AskConfirmCard (CancelState 'CardSelected) (Bool -> r)
| AskSelectMore (Bool -> r)
-- | AskSelectMore (SelectState a) (Bool -> r)
| Start r
| Select (CartItem -> r)
| Checkout (SelectState 'HasItems) r
| Cancel (CancelState b) (SelectState 'HasItems -> r)
| SelectCard (CancelState 'NoCard) (CreditCard -> r)
| ConfirmCard (CancelState 'CardSelected) r
| PlaceOrder (CancelState 'CardConfirmed) (OrderId -> r)
| Finish r
deriving (Functor)
type CheckoutM a b =
Free (CheckoutF a b)
initial :: CheckoutM a b (SelectState 'NoItems)
initial =
liftF $ Start NoItems'
askSelectMore :: CheckoutM a b Bool
askSelectMore =
liftF $ AskSelectMore id
-- liftF cannot build a monad instance with this type signature
-- askSelectMore :: SelectState whatever -> CheckoutM a b Bool
-- askSelectMore sst = liftF $ AskSelectMore sst id
-- FIX: this type signature doesn't seem right
select :: SelectState whatever -> CheckoutM a b (SelectState 'HasItems)
select NoItems' =
liftF $ Select (\i -> HasItems' (i :| []))
select (HasItems' is) =
liftF $ Select (\i -> HasItems' (i <| is))
-- FIX: pattern non-exhaustive
checkout :: SelectState 'HasItems -> CheckoutM a b (CancelState 'NoCard)
checkout cart@(HasItems' is) =
liftF $ Checkout cart (NoCard' is)
-- FIX: pattern non-exhaustive
selectCard :: CancelState 'NoCard -> CheckoutM a b (CancelState 'CardSelected)
selectCard cst@(NoCard' is) =
liftF $ SelectCard cst (CardSelected' is)
-- FIX: pattern non-exhaustive
askConfirmCard :: CancelState 'CardSelected -> CheckoutM a b Bool
askConfirmCard cst =
liftF $ AskConfirmCard cst id
-- FIX: pattern non-exhaustive
confirmCard :: CancelState 'CardSelected -> CheckoutM a b (CancelState 'CardConfirmed)
confirmCard cst@(CardSelected' is cc) =
liftF $ ConfirmCard cst (CardConfirmed' is cc)
placeOrder :: CancelState 'CardConfirmed -> CheckoutM a b OrderId
placeOrder cst =
liftF $ PlaceOrder cst id
-- FIX: this type signature doesn't seem right
cancel :: CancelState whatever -> CheckoutM a b (SelectState 'HasItems)
cancel (NoCard' cart) =
select $ HasItems' cart
cancel (CardSelected' cart _) =
select $ HasItems' cart
cancel (CardConfirmed' cart _) =
select $ HasItems' cart
end :: OrderId -> CheckoutM a b ()
end _oid =
liftF $ Finish ()
checkoutProgram :: CheckoutM a b ()
checkoutProgram =
initial >>= fillCart >>= startCheckout >>= end
fillCart :: SelectState 'NoItems -> CheckoutM a b (CancelState 'NoCard)
fillCart sst =
-- `initial` doesn't type-check! 🎉
select sst >>= selectMoreItems
selectMoreItems :: SelectState 'HasItems -> CheckoutM a b (CancelState 'NoCard)
selectMoreItems sst =
askSelectMore >>= \more -> if more
then select sst >>= selectMoreItems
else checkout sst
-- FIX: pattern non-exhaustive
startCheckout :: CancelState 'NoCard -> CheckoutM a b OrderId
startCheckout cst = do
cst' <- selectCard cst
useCard <- askConfirmCard cst'
if useCard then confirmCard cst' >>= placeOrder else redo cst'
redo cst' =
cancel cst' >>= selectMoreItems >>= startCheckout
terminalInterpreter :: CheckoutM a b res -> IO res
terminalInterpreter =
foldFree morph
-- FIX: pattern non-exhaustive
morph :: CheckoutF a b res -> IO res
morph (Start next) =
print "Welcome!" >> return next
morph (AskSelectMore next) =
print "More items? (y/n)" >> getLine >>= return . next . (=="y")
morph (Select next) =
loop = do
print "Enter item:"
xs <- getLine
if null xs
then print "Invalid item" >> loop
else print ("'" ++ xs ++ "' selected") >> return (next xs)
morph (ConfirmCard _ next) =
return next
morph (Checkout (HasItems' is) next) =
print is >> return next
morph (Cancel cst next) =
case cst of
NoCard' is ->
return $ next (HasItems' is)
CardSelected' is _ ->
return $ next (HasItems' is)
CardConfirmed' is _ ->
return $ next (HasItems' is)
morph (SelectCard _ next) =
print "Enter card:" >> getLine >>= return . next
morph (AskConfirmCard (CardSelected' _is cc) next) =
print ("Confirm use of '" ++ cc ++ "' (y/n)?") >> getLine >>= return . next . (== "y")
morph (PlaceOrder (CardConfirmed' is cc) next) = do
oid <- placeOrderApi
print $ "Order nr. " ++ show oid
++ " placed! Congrats you just bought: " ++ show is
++ " (using your credit card: " ++ cc ++ ")"
return $ next oid
placeOrderApi :: IO Integer
placeOrderApi =
return 6
morph (Finish next) =
print "Goodbye!" >> return next
runCheckout :: IO ()
runCheckout =
terminalInterpreter checkoutProgram
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