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Created January 11, 2016 01:23
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from __future__ import print_function
import random
def expected_value(seen, choice):
The expected amount you get swindled, given what you've seen so
far (`seen`, adjusted so that the lowest value is 0) and the
choice you make ('hit' or 'stay').
if choice == 'stay':
return mean([offset + seen[-1] for offset in possible_offsets(seen)])
elif choice == 'hit':
return mean([expected_value(n, optimal_choice(n))
for n in possible_nexts(seen)])
def optimal_choice(seen):
The best choice ('hit' or 'stay') to make given what you've seen
so far. Results are stored in STRATEGY to avoid duplicating work.
seen = tuple(sorted(seen[:-1]) + seen[-1:])
if len(seen) == 5:
return 'stay'
elif seen in STRATEGY:
return STRATEGY[seen]
hit = expected_value(seen, 'hit')
stay = expected_value(seen, 'stay')
if hit < stay:
choice = 'hit'
better = hit
worse = stay
choice = 'stay'
better = stay
worse = hit
print('%4s %s (%s < %s)' % (choice, seen, better, worse))
STRATEGY[seen] = choice
return choice
def possible_offsets(seen):
All possible values of N, reported as how much less they are than
the lowest price you've seen. The lowest value in `seen` should be 0.
For example:
>>> possible_offsets([0, 200])
[0, 100, 200]
if seen:
return range(0, 401 - max(seen), 100)
return [0]
def possible_nexts(seen):
All possible sequences you could next encounter, given what you've seen
so far. Each sequence is readjusted so that the lowest value is 0.
A sequence may be reported more than once; the probability of each
sequence is proportional to how often it appears.
For example:
>>> list(possible_nexts([0, 200])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[[0, 200, 100], [0, 200, 300], [0, 200, 400],
[100, 300, 0], [0, 200, 100], [0, 200, 300],
[200, 400, 0], [100, 300, 0], [0, 200, 100]]
result = []
for offset in possible_offsets(seen):
actual_seen = [s + offset for s in seen]
for remaining in sorted(set(range(0, 401, 100)) - set(actual_seen)):
actual_next = actual_seen + [remaining]
next_offset = min(actual_next)
yield [a - next_offset for a in actual_next]
def run_simulation():
Run a Monte Carlo simulation to test the strategy and verify its
expected value.
true_n = 42
total_swindle = 0.0
num_draws = 0
while True:
# Simulate one random ordering of prices.
draw = range(true_n, true_n + 401, 100)
# Apply the computed strategy. Note that true_n is not used here.
seen = []
for price in draw:
seen_relative = [s - min(seen) for s in seen]
if optimal_choice(seen_relative) == 'stay':
# Figure out the results and add them to the tally
total_swindle += price - true_n
num_draws += 1
print('Ran %d simulations; Average swindle = %s\r' %
(num_draws, total_swindle / num_draws), end='')
def mean(vals):
return sum(vals) / float(len(vals))
if __name__ == '__main__':
best_expected = expected_value([], 'hit')
print('Best expected: %s' % best_expected)
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