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Will Monroe futurulus

  • Stanford University
  • Stanford, CA
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Reformat as [-]token[-]|||POS_TAGS
cat $1 | awk '
FS = "·";
ORS = " ";
buckwalter = "java";
/^t/ {
futurulus /
Created January 1, 2016 07:17
py2exe setup file for creating a Windows executable
'''Build an executable.'''
from distutils.core import setup
import os
import py2exe
{'script': ''}
options={'py2exe': {
from __future__ import print_function
import random
def expected_value(seen, choice):
The expected amount you get swindled, given what you've seen so
far (`seen`, adjusted so that the lowest value is 0) and the
futurulus /
Last active July 28, 2016 06:11
Ever get impossible-to-delete files on Windows because they have * or ? in their names?
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Rename files in a Windows folder that somehow ended up with illegal Windows filenames
# (because NTFS doesn't enforce this, but it makes the files unusable and indestructible).
# Must be run in Linux. There seems to be no other way.
ls -1 | awk '/[/\:*?"<>|]/ {
orig = $0;
gsub(/[/\:*?"<>|]/, "_", $0);
gsub(/'"'"'/, "'"'"'\"'"'"'\"'"'"'", orig);
gsub(/'"'"'/, "'"'"'\"'"'"'\"'"'"'", $0);
print "mv '"'"'" orig "'"'"' '"'"'" $0 "'"'"'"