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Last active September 17, 2020 16:08
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tell application "Skim"
set thedoc to the front document
set anno to the active note of thedoc
set newtext to text of anno
set startpoint to (offset of "org-id:{" in newtext) + 8
set endpoint to (offset of "}:org-id" in newtext) - 1
if (startpoint - 8 is not equal to endpoint + 1) and (endpoint + 1 is not 0) then
set orgid to characters startpoint thru endpoint of newtext as string
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/emacsclient -n -e \"(progn (org-id-goto \\\"" & orgid & "\\\") (x-focus-frame (selected-frame)) (evil-exit-visual-state))\""
end if
end tell
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