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Created June 7, 2017 08:54
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// AppLinkDeviceOutputTests.swift
// C24Core
// Created by Stefan Mayer-Popp on 24.05.16.
// Copyright © 2016 CocoaPods. All rights reserved.
import XCTest
class AppLinkDeviceOutputTests: SafariAppLinkTests {
var deviceOutputTestpageURL: String = ""
override func setUp() {
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
// In UI tests it is usually best to stop immediately when a failure occurs.
continueAfterFailure = false
override func tearDown() {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
func testDeviceOutputUnspecifiedAndDestinationPlugin() {
* MARK: Test case - Test unspecified device output which opens the app
* and displays the given site in the correct plugin
* Test ensures that app does open the correct plugin
// Start app
//Add demo plugin app link description
// Open safari and open the app-test web page
openCustomAppLink(forURLString: "\(deviceOutputTestpageURL)?deviceoutput=unspecified")
// Check that success page is shown
expect(.Exists, object: app.cells.containingType(.StaticText, identifier: "deviceOutput").staticTexts["Unspecified"], timeout: 2)
func testDeviceOutputPhoneAndDestinationPlugin() {
* MARK: Test case - Test device output "app" which opens the app
* and displays the given site in the correct plugin
* Test ensures that app does open the correct plugin
// Start app
//Add demo plugin app link description
// Open safari and open the app-test web page
openCustomAppLink(forURLString: "\(deviceOutputTestpageURL)?deviceoutput=app")
// Check that success page is shown
expect(.Exists, object: app.cells.containingType(.StaticText, identifier: "deviceOutput").staticTexts["Phone"], timeout: 2)
func testDeviceOutputPadAndDestinationPlugin() {
* MARK: Test case - Test device output "tabletapp" which opens the app
* and displays the given site in the correct plugin
* Test ensures that app does open the correct plugin
// Start app
//Add demo plugin app link description
// Open safari and open the app-test web page
openCustomAppLink(forURLString: "\(deviceOutputTestpageURL)?deviceoutput=tabletapp")
// Check that success page is shown
expect(.Exists, object: app.cells.containingType(.StaticText, identifier: "deviceOutput").staticTexts["Pad"], timeout: 2)
func testDeviceOutputUnspecifiedAndDestionationWebview() {
* MARK: Test case - Test unspecified device output which opens the app
* and displays the given site in the main webview of the app
* Test ensures that app does open the app-test page in the main webview
// Start app
// Open safari and open the app-test web page
openCustomAppLink(forURLString: "\(deviceOutputTestpageURL)?deviceoutput=unspecified")
// Check that success page is shown
XCTAssertNotNil(app.webViews.staticTexts["deviceoutput=unspecified"], "Wrong deviceoutput detected")
func testDeviceOutputPhoneAndDestionationWebview() {
* MARK: Test case - Test device output "app" which opens the app
* and displays the given site in the main webview of the app
* Test ensures that app does open the app-test page in the main webview
// Start app
// Open safari and open the app-test web page
openCustomAppLink(forURLString: "\(deviceOutputTestpageURL)?deviceoutput=app")
// Check that success page is shown
XCTAssertNotNil(app.webViews.staticTexts["deviceoutput=app"], "Wrong deviceoutput detected")
func testDeviceOutputPadAndDestionationWebview() {
* MARK: Test case - Test device output "tabletapp" which opens the app
* and displays the given site in the main webview of the app
* Test ensures that app does open the app-test page in the main webview
// Start app
// Open safari and open the app-test web page
openCustomAppLink(forURLString: "\(deviceOutputTestpageURL)?deviceoutput=tabletapp")
// Check that success page is shown
XCTAssertNotNil(app.webViews.staticTexts["deviceoutput=tabletapp"], "Wrong deviceoutput detected")
func testDeviceOutputDesktopAndDestinationSafari() {
* MARK: Test case - Test device output "desktop" which opens the app
* and displays the given site in Safari
* Test ensures that app does open the app-test page in Safari
// Start app
// Open safari and open the app-test web page
openCustomAppLink(forURLString: "\(deviceOutputTestpageURL)?deviceoutput=desktop")
// Check that success page is shown
XCTAssertNotNil(safariApp.staticTexts["deviceoutput=desktop"], "Wrong deviceoutput detected")
func registerDemoPluginAppLinkDescription() {
let demoPluginAppLinkDescriptionCell = app.tables.cells.staticTexts["Add Demo Plugin AppLinkDescription"]
expect(.Exists, object: demoPluginAppLinkDescriptionCell, timeout: 5).tap()
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