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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Functional JS Workshop
function cell(value) {
return {
value: value,
next: null //null is cool
function cons(value, list) {
var tmp = cell(value); = list || null;
return tmp;
function list() {
if(arguments[0] === undefined) return null;
var args =,
head = args[0],
tail = args.slice(1);
return cons(head, list.apply(this, tail));
function first(list) {
if(list === null) return null;
return list.value;
var car = first;
var head = first;
function rest(list) {
if(list === null) return null;
var cdr = rest;
var tail = rest;
function last(list) {
if(rest(list) === null) return first(list);
return last(rest(list));
function length(list) {
if(list === null) return 0;
return 1 + length(rest(list));
function replace_first(value, list) {
return cons(value, rest(list));
function nth(position, list) {
if(position > length(list) || position < 1) return null;
if(position === 1) return first(list);
return nth(position-1, rest(list));
function listp(input) {
if(input === null) return null;
return (typeof(input) === 'object')
&& input.hasOwnProperty('value')
&& input.hasOwnProperty('next');
function atomp(input) { return !listp(input); }
function nullp(input) { return input === null; }
function predicatep(input) { return input === true || input === false; }
function not(predicate) { return !!!predicate; }
function print(list) {
if(list === null) return '';
if(listp(first(list))) return '(' + print(first(list)) + '' + print(rest(list)) + ')';
return ('' + first(list) + ' ' + print(rest(list)));
function append(list1, list2) {
if(not(listp(list1)) && not(listp(list2))) return null;
if(rest(list1) === null) { return cons(first(list1), list2); }
return cons(first(list1), append(rest(list1), list2));
function reverse(list) {
if(not(listp(list))) return null;
if(rest(list) === null) return cell(first(list)); //!
return append(reverse(rest(list)), cell(first(list)));
function remove(value, list) {
if(not(listp(list))) return null;
if(first(list) === value) return remove(value, rest(list));
return cons(first(list), remove(value, rest(list)));
function map(list, fn) {
if(not(listp(list))) return null;
return cons(fn(first(list)), map(rest(list), fn));
function filter(list, predicatefn) {
if(not(listp(list))) return null;
if(predicatefn(first(list))) {
return cons(first(list), filter(rest(list), predicatefn));
} else {
return filter(rest(list), predicatefn);
function count(predicate, list) {
return length(filter(list, predicate));
function find(list, predicatefn) {
return first(filter(list, predicatefn));
function reduce(list, initial_value, fn) {
if(list === null) return initial_value;
return reduce(rest(list), fn(initial_value, first(list)), fn);
var fold = reduce;
function reduceRight(list, initial_value, fn) {
if(list === null) return initial_value;
return fn(reduceRight(rest(list), initial_value, fn), first(list));
var foldR = reduceRight;
function every(list, fn) {
return reduce(list, true, function(acc, el) {
return acc && fn(el);
function any(list, fn) {
return reduce(list, false, function(acc, el) {
return acc || fn(el);
function partition(list, fn) {
return(function recurr(group1, group2, list, fn){
if(fn(list.value)) {
} else {
if( === null) return;
recurr(group1, group2,, fn);
return [group1, group2];
}([], [], list, fn));
function groupBy(list, fn) {
return(function recurr(groups, list, fn){
result = fn(list.value);
(groups[result] = groups[result] || []).push(list.value);
if( === null) return groups;
recurr(groups,, fn);
return groups;
}({}, list, fn));
function memoize(fn) {
var cache = {};
return function(argument) {
cache[argument] = cache[argument] || fn(argument);
return cache[argument];
function partial(fn) {
var args =, 1);
return function() {
var args2 =;
return fn.apply(this, args.concat(args2));
function curry(fn) {
n = fn.length;
function stillCurrying(prev) {
return function(arg) {
var args = prev.concat(arg);
if (args.length < n) {
return stillCurrying(args);
} else {
return fn.apply(this, args);
return stillCurrying([]);
function fork(predicate, f, g) {
return function() {
if(predicate.apply(null, arguments))
return f.apply(null, arguments);
return g.apply(null, arguments);
function serial(f, g) {
return function() {
f.apply(null, arguments);
g.apply(null, arguments);
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function partition(list, fn) { return cons(filter(list, fn), list(unfilter(list, fn))); }

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function any(list, fn) { if(fn(first(list))) return true; return any(rest(list), fn); }


function any(list, fn) { return length(filter(list, fn)) >= 1; }

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from @kanedaki:

function every(list, fn) {
  if (list === null) {return true}
  if (!fn(first(list))) {return false}
  return every(rest(list));

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