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Created January 21, 2019 14:31
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Understanding Spring Config Server/Clients...

Spring Config

I don't understand why every document/tutorial I have read on this subject makes it so hard to understand. It's actually pretty straight forward, and it kills me that I've wasted so much of my time stumbling through all of this.

This set of notes will explain how the config server works, how to use it for multiple profile types, and what you need to get it running in your environment.

What it do?

The config server's entire purpose is to provide a way for other services in your system to get their configuration information. It is a service itself that other services query and it will return back their configuration information at startup and during runtime.

You have 2 main methods for providing this configuration information:

  1. Reference a github repository
  2. Reference local files

In my case I went ahead and did the second approach as I didn't want to have to mess with any keys when pulling from the repo. That said, they're both going to do the same thing, this is more to just let you know that both are possible.

The config files themselves are the same type of .yml config files that you're used to created on the service itself. Rather than putting all of the application specific information within the application's config files, the idea is to take all of that data out and move it to a file that the config server will serve up. Instead, the only thing in your local file will be information telling the application how to contact the config server.

This means that your service will essentially be a config client. This is an important thing to remember when you're using spring initializer to generate your packages... You need it.

How it works

Typically on the actual service you're used to creating an application.yml file. Maybe you're also used to having things like application-env.yml files for specific environment profiles. This same thing carries over to the config server.

The application specific config files will be constructed as follows: {}-{}.yml. Note that the profile portion is optional, and that BOTH can actually be used.

Lets assume that my service/application is called discover-service. I could create the following application specific config files:


When this service goes to poll the config for its config data, it's possible that it will pull back up to two of these configs. If no profile is provided on startup, it will only access the base discovery-service.yml file.

However, if we were to start the service with a specific profile parameter (let's say prod), It will take both discovery-service.yml as well as discovery-service-prod.yml, where the prod file will take precedence over the other.

To extend this even further, it's also possible to configure generic profile configurations, say for your dev or prod services that you want applied to all of the services. This might be general security configuration that you want to be applied to everything, rathe than having to duplicate it across multiple files.

This is done by creating application-{profile}.yml config files. This additional profile information will be pulled in when the config is loaded. The order of precedence seems to be the following:

  1. {}-{profile}.yml
  2. application-{profile}.yml
  3. {}.yml
  4. service's application.yml

In other words, if the value exists in all of these, the one in the top will be the one that's finally used.

The flow

  1. Your client application will be configured with a base bootstrap.yml file that will tell the service where the config server is located:
    name: discovery-service
      uri: http://localhost:8088
  1. Configure config file for both discovery-service.yml and discovery-service-dev.yml where the server.port is different in both of them.
  2. Service is started with an extra parameter passed from the command line to set the active profiles (
  3. The service should start up using the port that was specific in the -dev.yml file
  4. Kill the service and restart using a profile for which a config doesn't exist
  5. The service should start up using the port that's defined back in the discovery-service.yml file.

What you need in spring initializer

I using spring initializer for all of my projects, so I'll just assume it's a common thing that others do. When doing so, you need to ensure you grab the following packages, depending on whether you're making a config server or a config client:

Config Server
  • Config Server
Config Client
  • Config Client
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