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Last active May 3, 2018 10:40
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postgresql notes

Basic (baisc) postgres items

  • psql - start postgres terminal (logs into default database)
  • psql <dbname> - start postgres terminal in specific database
  • \l - list all databases
  • \q - exit the terminal
  • \d - list all tables in selected database
  • Make sure to end all commands with a ; character
  • You don't have to type commands in CAPSLOCK, lower case is fine
  • You cannot delete a database that you are currently viewing (\c out of it first)
  • Can use -- for comments

Some teminology

  • Tables are grouped into databases
  • Databases are grouped into clusters

Create Database


Switch Database

\c <database name>

See current user

SELECT current_user;

See current database

SELECT current_database();

Delete Database

DROP DATABASE <database>;

Create a Table

  • Use the command CREATE TABLE <tablename:
CREATE TABLE employees (
   NAME           TEXT    NOT NULL,
   RANK           INT     NOT NULL,
   ADDRESS        CHAR(50),
   SALARY         REAL DEFAULT 25500.00,
   BDAY			  DATE DEFAULT '1900-01-01'

Show Tables in selected DB


           List of relations
 Schema |   Name    | Type  |  Owner   
 public | employees | table | postgres

Show details of a Table

\d <table name>

                      Table "public.employees"
 Column  |     Type      | Collation | Nullable |      Default       
 id      | integer       |           | not null | 
 name    | text          |           | not null | 
 rank    | integer       |           | not null | 
 address | character(50) |           |          | 
 salary  | real          |           |          | 25500.00
 bday    | date          |           |          | '1900-01-01'::date
    "employees_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

Remove Table

DROP TABLE <table name>;

Insert Table Record

INSERT INTO employees (ID,NAME,RANK,ADDRESS,SALARY,BDAY) VALUES (1, 'Mark', 7, '1212 E. Lane, Someville, AK, 57483', 43000.00 ,'1992-01-13');

List all Table Records

SELECT * FROM <table name>;

 id | name | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  1 | Mark |    7 | 1212 E. Lane, Someville, AK, 57483                 |  43000 | 1992-01-13
(1 row)

Other Insert Examples

INSERT INTO employees (ID,NAME,RANK,ADDRESS,BDAY) VALUES (2, 'Marian', 8, '7214 Wonderlust Ave, Lost Lake, KS, 22897', '1989-11-21');

                      Table "public.employees"
 Column  |     Type      | Collation | Nullable |      Default       
 salary  | real          |           |          | 25500.00

 id |  name  | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  2 | Marian |    8 | 7214 Wonderlust Ave, Lost Lake, KS, 22897          |  25500 | 1989-11-21
  • Inserting multiple rows at once:
INSERT INTO employees (ID,NAME,RANK,ADDRESS,SALARY,BDAY) VALUES (4, 'Jasmine', 5, '983 Star Ave., Brooklyn, NY, 00912 ', 55700.00, '1997-12-13' ), (5, 'Orranda', 9, '745 Hammer Lane, Hammerfield, Texas, 75839', 65350.00 , '1992-12-13');

Auto Increment Primary Key Field

  • Done using either smallserial, serial or bigserial
CREATE TABLE phonenumbers(
	PHONE           TEXT      NOT NULL

INSERT INTO phonenumbers (PHONE) VALUES ( '234-432-5234'), ('543-534-6543'), ('312-123-5432');

\d phonenumbers;

SELECT * FROM phonenumbers;

Joining Tables

Cross Join

  • Creates a Cartesian product of the two tables
    • Not very useful as it's just making every combination of records between the two tabes
create table person (
	id serial primary key not null,
	name char(50) not null,
	age int not null,
	gender char(2) default 'NA'
insert into person (name, age, gender) values ('Bob', 24, 'M'), ('Jane', 34, 'F'), ('Jim', 32, 'M'), ('Li', 41, 'F');
 id |                        name                        | age | gender 
  1 | Bob                                                |  24 | M 
  2 | Jane                                               |  34 | F 
  3 | Jim                                                |  32 | M 
  4 | Li                                                 |  41 | F 
create table sport (
	id serial primary key not null,
	name char(50) not null,
	pid int references person(id)
insert into sport (name, pid) values ('Surf', 1), ('Skate', 3), ('Run', 3), ('Bike', 2), ('Row', 1);
  1 | Surf                                               |   1
  2 | Skate                                              |   3
  3 | Run                                                |   3
  4 | Bike                                               |   2
  5 | Row                                                |   1

SELECT * FROM person CROSS JOIN sport;

 id |                        name                        | age | gender | id |                        name                        | pid 
  1 | Bob                                                |  24 | M      |  1 | Surf                                               |   1
  2 | Jane                                               |  34 | F      |  1 | Surf                                               |   1
  3 | Jim                                                |  32 | M      |  1 | Surf                                               |   1
  4 | Li                                                 |  41 | F      |  1 | Surf                                               |   1
  1 | Bob                                                |  24 | M      |  2 | Skate                                              |   3
  2 | Jane                                               |  34 | F      |  2 | Skate                                              |   3
  3 | Jim                                                |  32 | M      |  2 | Skate                                              |   3
  4 | Li                                                 |  41 | F      |  2 | Skate                                              |   3
  1 | Bob                                                |  24 | M      |  3 | Run                                                |   3
  2 | Jane                                               |  34 | F      |  3 | Run                                                |   3
  3 | Jim                                                |  32 | M      |  3 | Run                                                |   3
  4 | Li                                                 |  41 | F      |  3 | Run                                                |   3
  1 | Bob                                                |  24 | M      |  4 | Bike                                               |   2
  2 | Jane                                               |  34 | F      |  4 | Bike                                               |   2
  3 | Jim                                                |  32 | M      |  4 | Bike                                               |   2
  4 | Li                                                 |  41 | F      |  4 | Bike                                               |   2
  1 | Bob                                                |  24 | M      |  5 | Row                                                |   1
  2 | Jane                                               |  34 | F      |  5 | Row                                                |   1
  3 | Jim                                                |  32 | M      |  5 | Row                                                |   1
  4 | Li                                                 |  41 | F      |  5 | Row                                                |   1

Inner Join

  • Allows you to join two tables based on the primary key and a foreign key in the same table
    • returns the set of records where the two are equal
select * from person inner join sport on =;
 id |                        name                        | age | gender | id |                        name                        | pid 
  1 | Bob                                                |  24 | M      |  1 | Surf                                               |   1
  3 | Jim                                                |  32 | M      |  2 | Skate                                              |   3
  3 | Jim                                                |  32 | M      |  3 | Run                                                |   3
  2 | Jane                                               |  34 | F      |  4 | Bike                                               |   2
  1 | Bob                                                |  24 | M      |  5 | Row                                                |   1

SELECT person.NAME, sport.NAME FROM person INNER JOIN sport ON = sport.p_id;

                        name                        |                        name                        
 Bob                                                | Surf                                              
 Jim                                                | Skate                                             
 Jim                                                | Run                                               
 Jane                                               | Bike                                              
 Bob                                                | Row                                               

Chaining Inner Joins

  • You can actually chain inner join commands to join more than one table based on primary key and foreign keys.
select customers.cid, customers.cfirst, movies.mid, movies.mmovie from customers inner join rentals on customers.cid=rentals.cid inner join movies on movies.mid=rentals.mid;

Outer Joins

  • Outer joins will give you all of the items in tables, even if they aren't related to an item in the other.
  • For instance if you have a table of sports, and not all sports are tied to a specific person, the outer join could show you either all of the people, regardless if they're related to a sport, or all of the sports, regardless if they're related to a person.
  • There are three types of outer join queries that can be done:
    • left outer join
    • right outer join
    • full outer join
  • For the first two, what is returned depends on the order of the tables being joined in the command.
  • The syntax for the outer join is select <filter> from <table1> <outer join type> <table2> on <p.key>=<f.key>;
  • In the left or right commands will be based on whatever tables are present in the <table1> and <table2> fields above. Here are the two tables I'll be working with:
select * from person;

 id |                        name                        | age | gender 
  1 | Bob                                                |  24 | M 
  2 | Jane                                               |  34 | F 
  3 | Jim                                                |  32 | M 
  4 | Li                                                 |  41 | F 
select * from sport;

 id |                        name                        | pid 
  1 | Surf                                               |   1
  2 | Skate                                              |   3
  3 | Run                                                |   3
  4 | Bike                                               |   2
  5 | Row                                                |   1

left outer join

  • Based on the positioning of tables in the query like mentioned before.
  • Will use the first table as the table from which to pull everything and join with table2 items.
  • To get all of the people, and sports they're related to:
select, from person left outer join sport on;

                        name                        |                        name                        
 Bob                                                | Surf                                              
 Jim                                                | Skate                                             
 Jim                                                | Run                                               
 Jane                                               | Bike                                              
 Bob                                                | Row                                               
 Li                                                 | 
  • Or to get all of the sports and the people they're related to:
select, from sport left outer join person on;
                        name                        |                        name                        
 Bob                                                | Surf                                              
 Jim                                                | Skate                                             
 Jim                                                | Run                                               
 Jane                                               | Bike                                              
 Bob                                                | Row                                               
                                                    | Bowling                       

right outer join

  • Basically the reverse of the left outer join, this uses the second table in the query to be queried from.
  • So we can repeat the same thing that was done in the first example above by flipping the query around:
select, from sport right outer join person on;
  • Or the second:
select, from person right outer join sport on;

full outer join

  • The full outer join will grab all items from both lists, inclduing both those that match and those that don't
select person.*, from sport full outer join person on;
 id |                        name                        | age | gender |                        name                        
  1 | Bob                                                |  24 | M      | Surf                                              
  3 | Jim                                                |  32 | M      | Skate                                             
  3 | Jim                                                |  32 | M      | Run                                               
  2 | Jane                                               |  34 | F      | Bike                                              
  1 | Bob                                                |  24 | M      | Row                                               
    |                                                    |     |        | Bowling                                           
  4 | Li                                                 |  41 | F      | 


  • Used to help pair down and bettery query for data
  • Clauses:
    • where
    • and
    • or
    • in
    • not
    • between
    • is not null
    • like
    • limit
    • order by

Starting with the following table:

select * from employees;

 id |  name   | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  1 | Mark    |    7 | 1212 E. Lane, Someville, AK, 57483                 |  43000 | 1992-01-13
  2 | Marian  |    8 | 7214 Wonderlust Ave, Lost Lake, KS, 22897          |  25500 | 1989-11-21
  4 | Jasmine |    5 | 983 Star Ave., Brooklyn, NY, 00912                 |  55700 | 1997-12-13
  5 | Orranda |    9 | 745 Hammer Lane, Hammerfield, Texas, 75839         |  65350 | 1992-12-13
  3 | Maxwell |    6 | 7215 Jasmine Place, Corinda, CA 98743              |  87500 | 1900-01-01


select * from employees where salary > 60000;

 id |  name   | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  5 | Orranda |    9 | 745 Hammer Lane, Hammerfield, Texas, 75839         |  65350 | 1992-12-13
  3 | Maxwell |    6 | 7215 Jasmine Place, Corinda, CA 98743              |  87500 | 1900-01-01


select * from employees where salary > 60000 and rank > 7;

 id |  name   | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  5 | Orranda |    9 | 745 Hammer Lane, Hammerfield, Texas, 75839         |  65350 | 1992-12-13


select * from employees where salary > 60000 or rank > 7;

 id |  name   | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  2 | Marian  |    8 | 7214 Wonderlust Ave, Lost Lake, KS, 22897          |  25500 | 1989-11-21
  5 | Orranda |    9 | 745 Hammer Lane, Hammerfield, Texas, 75839         |  65350 | 1992-12-13
  3 | Maxwell |    6 | 7215 Jasmine Place, Corinda, CA 98743              |  87500 | 1900-01-01


select * from employees where rank in (1,4,6,8);

 id |  name   | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  2 | Marian  |    8 | 7214 Wonderlust Ave, Lost Lake, KS, 22897          |  25500 | 1989-11-21
  3 | Maxwell |    6 | 7215 Jasmine Place, Corinda, CA 98743              |  87500 | 1900-01-01


select * from employees where rank not in (1,4,6,8);

 id |  name   | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  1 | Mark    |    7 | 1212 E. Lane, Someville, AK, 57483                 |  43000 | 1992-01-13
  4 | Jasmine |    5 | 983 Star Ave., Brooklyn, NY, 00912                 |  55700 | 1997-12-13
  5 | Orranda |    9 | 745 Hammer Lane, Hammerfield, Texas, 75839         |  65350 | 1992-12-13


select * from employees where rank between 3 and 7 or salary between 40000 and 80000;

 id |  name   | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  1 | Mark    |    7 | 1212 E. Lane, Someville, AK, 57483                 |  43000 | 1992-01-13
  4 | Jasmine |    5 | 983 Star Ave., Brooklyn, NY, 00912                 |  55700 | 1997-12-13
  5 | Orranda |    9 | 745 Hammer Lane, Hammerfield, Texas, 75839         |  65350 | 1992-12-13
  3 | Maxwell |    6 | 7215 Jasmine Place, Corinda, CA 98743              |  87500 | 1900-01-01


select * from employees where bday is not null;

 id |  name   | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  1 | Mark    |    7 | 1212 E. Lane, Someville, AK, 57483                 |  43000 | 1992-01-13
  2 | Marian  |    8 | 7214 Wonderlust Ave, Lost Lake, KS, 22897          |  25500 | 1989-11-21
  4 | Jasmine |    5 | 983 Star Ave., Brooklyn, NY, 00912                 |  55700 | 1997-12-13
  5 | Orranda |    9 | 745 Hammer Lane, Hammerfield, Texas, 75839         |  65350 | 1992-12-13
  3 | Maxwell |    6 | 7215 Jasmine Place, Corinda, CA 98743              |  87500 | 1900-01-01


select * from employees where name like '%Ma%';

 id |  name   | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  1 | Mark    |    7 | 1212 E. Lane, Someville, AK, 57483                 |  43000 | 1992-01-13
  2 | Marian  |    8 | 7214 Wonderlust Ave, Lost Lake, KS, 22897          |  25500 | 1989-11-21
  3 | Maxwell |    6 | 7215 Jasmine Place, Corinda, CA 98743              |  87500 | 1900-01-01


select * from employees limit 1;

 id | name | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  1 | Mark |    7 | 1212 E. Lane, Someville, AK, 57483                 |  43000 | 1992-01-13


select * from employees order by rank;

 id |  name   | rank |                      address                       | salary |    bday    
  4 | Jasmine |    5 | 983 Star Ave., Brooklyn, NY, 00912                 |  55700 | 1997-12-13
  3 | Maxwell |    6 | 7215 Jasmine Place, Corinda, CA 98743              |  87500 | 1900-01-01
  1 | Mark    |    7 | 1212 E. Lane, Someville, AK, 57483                 |  43000 | 1992-01-13
  2 | Marian  |    8 | 7214 Wonderlust Ave, Lost Lake, KS, 22897          |  25500 | 1989-11-21
  5 | Orranda |    9 | 745 Hammer Lane, Hammerfield, Texas, 75839         |  65350 | 1992-12-13

Update Record

  • To update a record, you need to make sure that you use a where clause to specify an exact record, otherwise EVERY record is going to be updated.
  • Update syntax: update <table> set <col1> = <val1> where <condition>;
update employees set salary = 26000 where id=2;

Delete Record

  • Just like update, need to ensure that we use the where clause to specify exact record, or everything will be deleted!
  • Delete syntax: delete from <table> where <condition>;
delete from sports where id=6;

User Management

Details of users


                                   List of roles
 Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of 
 postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

Create User

create user bob with password 'password';

 Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of 
 bob       |                                                            | {}
 postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

Grant Privileges


grant all privileges on database company to bob;


                                  List of databases
    Name     |  Owner   | Encoding |  Collate   |   Ctype    |   Access privileges   
 blockbuster | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | 
 company     | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =Tc/postgres         +
             |          |          |            |            | postgres=CTc/postgres+
             |          |          |            |            | bob=CTc/postgres

Revoke Privileges

  • grant privileges on different databases.
revoke all privileges on database company from bob;


  • changes a users roles.
alter user bob with superuser;


                                   List of roles
 Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of 
 bob       | Superuser                                                  | {}
 postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

Remove User

drop user bob;
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