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Last active June 25, 2019 18:01
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from collections import defaultdict
import sys
# --------
# - Read in the BLT file
# --------
fname = sys.argv[2]
fp = open(fname, "r")
auditLog = open("auditLog.txt", "w")
numCandidates, numSeats = (int(x) for x in fp.readline().split(" "))
numSeats = int(sys.argv[1])
remainingCandidates = set(range(1, numCandidates + 1)) # Candidate numbers count starting at 1, 0 is the terminator
# If our numbers here on the second line are negative, it means they've withdrawn
intline = [int(x) for x in fp.readline().split(" ")]
if intline[0] < 0:
for failboat in intline:
intline = [int(x) for x in fp.readline().split(" ")]
if len(sys.argv)>3:
for exclude in sys.argv[3:]:
# We're now in the vote block, go 'til we hit a "0" row.
vectors = []
while intline[0] != 0:
vectors.append([intline[0], intline[1:]]) # [X votes, voteVector]
intline = [int(x) for x in fp.readline().split(" ")]
candidateNames = ["Exhausted"] # Use candidate 0 as the sentinel for exhausted ballots
for _ in range(numCandidates):
electionName = fp.readline()
# --------
# - Election loopin' time!
# - Outer loop handles resets caused by a candidate being eliminated, resetting vote vectors, quota and winners.
# --------
while len(remainingCandidates) > numSeats:
auditLog.write("Round beginning - %s candidates remain\n" % (len(remainingCandidates), ))
winningCandidates = []
# Establish the working copy of the vectors, of the format
# [remainingWeight, [remainingVector]]
# filtering out candidates that are no longer in the vote.
weightedVectors = [[weight, [candidate for candidate in vec if candidate in remainingCandidates]] for weight, vec in vectors]
# Count up the vectors that have at least one candidate in them in order to form the quota
electorateSize = 0
for weight, vector in weightedVectors:
if vector:
electorateSize += weight
droopQuota = int(electorateSize / float(numSeats + 1) + 1)
candidateEliminated = None
first = True
# We're going to loop around awarding seats and distributing surpluses until noone is worthy and all the
# surpluses are distributed. At that point we eliminate someone, terminate this loop, and restart from the top.
while candidateEliminated is None and len(winningCandidates) < numSeats:
# Sum up the top preferences of the current vectors by candidate
accumulator = defaultdict(float)
for weight, vector in weightedVectors:
if vector:
accumulator[vector[0]] += weight
# Listify and sort from most votes to least votes. Notably, ties are broken here by going to the 2nd
# element of the tuple and using the candidate index (higher is better). While not an ideal way to break
# ties, it's clean and repeatable, while still being random as the candidates are indexed in random order
# in the .blt file. This is only unfair if a candidate is involved in two ties, a rather unlikely occurance.
votesPerCandidate = sorted([(votes, candidate) for candidate, votes in accumulator.items()], reverse=True)
if first:
first = False
auditLog.write("%d votes, %d quota\n" % (electorateSize, droopQuota))
auditLog.write("Initial talley:\n")
for votes, candidate in votesPerCandidate:
auditLog.write(" %d %s\n" % (votes, candidateNames[candidate]))
# First, find newly provisionally elected dudes and remove them from any ballots that have them
# listed 2nd or further down. Provisionally elected dudes can't recieve transfer votes (they don't need them either)
candidatesToRemove = []
for votes, candidate in [x for x in votesPerCandidate if x[0] >= droopQuota and x[1] not in winningCandidates]:
auditLog.write(" Elected: %s\n" % (candidateNames[candidate], ))
for idx, (weight, vector) in enumerate(weightedVectors):
if vector:
weightedVectors[idx][1] = [vector[0]] + [cand for cand in vector[1:] if cand not in candidatesToRemove]
# Now, do the vote transfering for the candidate with the highest talley, if they pass quota.
topVotes, topCandidate = max(votesPerCandidate)
if topVotes > droopQuota:
overflowRatio = (topVotes - droopQuota) / topVotes
# Remove that ratio of weight from any vector that has this candidate as front. You voted for a winner!
# Collect up the benefits - that is, the talley of 2nd preferences of voters who currently have the winner
# as first preference, for auditing purposes. It's not algorythmically important.
transferBenefits = defaultdict(float)
for idx, (weight, vector) in enumerate(weightedVectors):
if vector and vector[0] == topCandidate:
weightedVectors[idx][0] = weight * overflowRatio
if len(vector) > 1:
transferBenefits[vector[1]] += weight * overflowRatio
# The vector is exhaused-with-value if the winner was the last candidate listed
transferBenefits[0] += weight * overflowRatio
# And remove the winner from the front of our vector, transfering it on down.
weightedVectors[idx][1] = vector[1:]
benefitiaries = sorted([(votes, cand) for cand, votes in transferBenefits.items()], reverse=True)
auditLog.write(" Transfer from %s:\n" % (candidateNames[topCandidate], ))
auditLog.write(" Votes: %f, Factor: %f, Excess: %f\n" % (topVotes, overflowRatio, topVotes - droopQuota))
for votes, candidateID in benefitiaries:
auditLog.write(" %f votes to %s\n" % (votes, candidateNames[candidateID]))
# Time to nuke someone, as our top vote-getter did not reach quota
votes, candidateEliminated = min(votesPerCandidate)
auditLog.write(" Elimination: %s with %f votes\n\n" % (candidateNames[candidateEliminated], votes))
if len(winningCandidates) == numSeats:
# Eliminate everyone else, we've elected enough
remainingCandidates = set(winningCandidates)
print("Your council: ")
for candidateIdx in sorted(remainingCandidates):
print("{} {}".format(candidateIdx,candidateNames[candidateIdx]))
auditLog.write("%s\n" % (candidateNames[candidateIdx]))
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