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Last active January 3, 2024 23:50
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Migrate to the new sonner toast without rewriting your old toasts
import { Toaster as Sonner, toast as sonner } from "sonner";
const Toaster = ({ ...props }: ToasterProps) => {
return (
className="toaster group"
classNames: {
"group toast group-[.toaster]:bg-background group-[.toaster]:text-foreground group-[.toaster]:border-border group-[.toaster]:shadow-lg",
description: "group-[.toast]:text-muted-foreground",
"group-[.toast]:bg-primary group-[.toast]:text-primary-foreground",
"group-[.toast]:bg-muted group-[.toast]:text-muted-foreground",
type ToastProps = {
title?: React.ReactNode;
description?: React.ReactNode;
| "default"
| "destructive"
| "success"
| "info"
| "warning"
| "error"
| "message";
action?: {
label: string;
onClick: () => void;
type ToastFn = Omit<
typeof sonner,
"dismiss" | "custom" | "promise"
function toast({ title, variant = "info", ...props }: ToastProps) {
let resolvedVariant = variant;
if (variant === "default") resolvedVariant = "info";
if (variant === "destructive") resolvedVariant = "error";
const fn = sonner[resolvedVariant as keyof ToastFn];
fn(title, {
export { Toaster, toast, sonner };
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