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Created January 20, 2016 07:57
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import Data.List
import Data.Char
ps :: [[[Int]]]
ps = [] : map parts [1..]
where parts n = [n] : [x : p | x <- [1..n], p <- ps !! (n - x), x <= head p]
partitionsFor :: Int -> [[Int]]
partitionsFor = tail . (ps !!)
fillOrEmptyPartionToLength :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
fillOrEmptyPartionToLength x ys =
let needed = (x - length ys)
in fillOrEmptyPartionToLength' needed x ys
where fillOrEmptyPartionToLength' n x ys | n `elem` ys = ys ++ replicate n 0
| otherwise = []
filledPartitionsFor :: Int -> [[Int]]
filledPartitionsFor x = filter (/= []) $ map (fillOrEmptyPartionToLength x) $ partitionsFor x
count :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
count xs y = length $ filter (== y) xs
isSelfDescriptive :: [Int] -> Bool
isSelfDescriptive x = x == numberDescription x
numberDescription :: [Int] -> [Int]
numberDescription x = map (count x) [0 .. length x - 1]
toOutput :: [[Int]] -> String
toOutput [] = "No self-descriptive number found.\n"
toOutput xs = unlines $ map (concatMap show) xs
main = interact (toOutput . filter isSelfDescriptive . map numberDescription . filledPartitionsFor . read)
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