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Last active March 16, 2016 13:20
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import Data.List
import Network
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Exception
import Text.Printf
server = ""
port = 6667
chan = "#reddit-dailyprogrammer"
nick = "fvandepitte-bot"
welcomMessage = "I am the bot of fvandepitte"
data Bot = Bot { socket :: Handle }
type Net = ReaderT Bot IO
write :: String -> String -> Net ()
write s t = do
h <- asks socket
liftIO $ hPrintf h "%s %s\r\n" s t
liftIO $ printf "> %s %s\n" s t
privmsg :: String -> Net ()
privmsg s = write "PRIVMSG" (chan ++ " :" ++ s)
connectIRC :: IO Bot
connectIRC = do
h <- connectTo server (PortNumber port)
hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
return (Bot h)
run :: Net ()
run = do
write "NICK" nick
write "USER" (nick++" 0 * :fvandepitte Bot")
write "JOIN" chan
asks socket >>= listen
listen h = forever (handleIRCLine =<< liftIO (hGetLine h))
logLine :: String -> Net ()
logLine x = do
liftIO (putStrLn $ "<" ++ x)
return ()
handleMessage :: String -> Net ()
handleMessage x | isCommand x = handleCommand $ cleanCommand x
| otherwise = logLine $ clean x
isCommand x = (nick ++ ":") `isPrefixOf` cleanMsg x
handleCommand :: String -> Net ()
handleCommand x | cmd "shut up" = privmsg "Ok, I'm leaving now..." >> write "QUIT" ":Goodbey, sir." >> liftIO exitSuccess
| cmd "random" = privmsg "I would say '4', is that random enough?"
| otherwise = privmsg $ "I don't know that command: " ++ x
cmd = flip isInfixOf x
clean :: String -> String
clean x = cleanUser x ++ "> " ++ cleanMsg x
cleanUser :: String -> String
cleanUser = drop 1 . takeWhile (/= '!')
cleanMsg :: String -> String
cleanMsg = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ':') . drop 1
cleanCommand :: String -> String
cleanCommand = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ':') . cleanMsg
handleIRCLine :: String -> Net ()
handleIRCLine x = logLine x >> handleIRCLine' x
handleIRCLine' :: String -> Net ()
handleIRCLine' x | ping = pong
| isMessage = handleMessage x
| isMyJoin = privmsg welcomMessage
| otherwise = return ()
ping = "PING :" `isPrefixOf` x
pong = write "PONG" (':' : drop 6 x)
isMessage = "PRIVMSG" `isInfixOf` x
isMyJoin = cleanUser x == nick && "JOIN" `isInfixOf` x && chan `isInfixOf` x
main = bracket connectIRC closeBot loop
loop = runReaderT run
closeBot = hClose . socket
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