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Created June 26, 2015 11:22
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First version of a functional API for the Entitas framework
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
namespace Entitas.Functional {
/// <summary>
/// TODO Naming systems with string instead of Type
/// TODO Maybe use functions as base for Entitas instead of classes, then build OO Api on top. Is probably better for performance
/// </summary>
public static class Example {
public class ExampleComponent1 : IComponent {
public int Something;
public class ExampleComponent2 : IComponent {
public string Anything;
public static ComponentIdRepository ComponentIdRepository = new ComponentIdRepository();
public static class Components {
public static readonly ComponentDefinition<ExampleComponent1> Example1 =
public static readonly ComponentDefinition<ExampleComponent2> Example2 =
public static class Systems {
public static readonly IReactiveSystem System1 = FunctionalApi.ReactiveSystem(
entities => {
for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++) {
// On entity added
public static IExecuteSystem System2(Func<IMatcher, Group> getGroup) {
var group = getGroup(Components.Example1.Matcher());
return FunctionalApi.ExecuteSystem(() => {
var entities = group.GetEntities();
for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++) {
var entity = entities[i];
// Processing entity
public static void TestRun() {
var pool = new Pool(ComponentIdRepository.ComponentIds.Count);
// TODO Add ability to name anonymous systems
var entity = pool.CreateEntity();
entity.AddComponent(Components.Example1, c => {
c.Something = 42;
entity.AddComponent(Components.Example2, c => {
c.Anything = "fortytwo";
entity.ReplaceComponent(Components.Example1, c => {
c.Something += 1;
public static class FunctionalApi {
#region Systems
public static IStartSystem StartSystem(Action onStart) {
return new AnonymousStartSystem(onStart);
public static IReactiveSystem ReactiveSystem(IMatcher matcher, GroupEventType eventType, Action<Entity[]> updateEntities) {
return new AnonymousReactiveSystem(matcher, eventType, updateEntities);
public static IExecuteSystem ExecuteSystem(Action execute) {
return new AnonymousExecuteSystem(execute);
#region Components
public static void AddComponent<TComponent>(
this Entity entity,
ComponentDefinition<TComponent> componentDefinition,
Action<TComponent> fillFields) where TComponent : IComponent, new() {
var component = new TComponent();
entity.AddComponent(componentDefinition.Id, component);
public static void ReplaceComponent<TComponent>(
this Entity entity,
ComponentDefinition<TComponent> componentDefinition,
Action<TComponent> updateFields) where TComponent : IComponent, new() {
TComponent component;
if (entity.HasComponent(componentDefinition.Id)) {
component = (TComponent) entity.GetComponent(componentDefinition.Id);
} else {
component = new TComponent();
entity.ReplaceComponent(componentDefinition.Id, component);
public static void RemoveComponent<TComponent>(
this Entity entity,
ComponentDefinition<TComponent> componentDefinition) where TComponent : IComponent, new() {
#region Matchers
// TODO Memoize this function maybe?
public static IMatcher Matcher<TComponent>(this ComponentDefinition<TComponent> componentDefinition) where TComponent : IComponent, new() {
return new AllOfMatcher(new[] { componentDefinition.Id });
public static IMatcher And(this IMatcher firstMatcher, IMatcher secondMatcher) {
return new AnonymousMatcher(
indices: MatcherIndices(firstMatcher, secondMatcher),
matches: entity => firstMatcher.Matches(entity) && secondMatcher.Matches(entity));
public static IMatcher Or(this IMatcher firstMatcher, IMatcher secondMatcher) {
return new AnonymousMatcher(
indices: MatcherIndices(firstMatcher, secondMatcher),
matches: entity => firstMatcher.Matches(entity) || secondMatcher.Matches(entity));
public static int[] MatcherIndices(params IMatcher[] matchers) {
return matchers
.SelectMany(m => m.indices)
#region Pools
public class ComponentIdRepository {
private readonly IDictionary<Type, int> _componentIds;
public ComponentIdRepository() {
_componentIds = new Dictionary<Type, int>();
public ComponentDefinition<TComponent> RegisterComponent<TComponent>() where TComponent : IComponent, new() {
int componentId;
if (!_componentIds.TryGetValue(typeof (TComponent), out componentId)) {
componentId = _componentIds.Count;
_componentIds.Add(typeof (TComponent), componentId);
return new ComponentDefinition<TComponent>(componentId);
public IList<int> ComponentIds {
get {
var ids = _componentIds.Values.ToList();
return ids;
public class ComponentDefinition<TComponent> where TComponent : IComponent {
private readonly int _id;
public ComponentDefinition(int id) {
_id = id;
public int Id {
get { return _id; }
public Type ComponentType {
get { return typeof (TComponent); }
public class AnonymousExecuteSystem : IExecuteSystem {
private readonly Action _execute;
public AnonymousExecuteSystem(Action execute) {
_execute = execute;
public void Execute() {
public class AnonymousStartSystem : IStartSystem {
private readonly Action _start;
public AnonymousStartSystem(Action start) {
_start = start;
public void Start() {
public class AnonymousReactiveSystem : IReactiveSystem {
private readonly IMatcher _matcher;
private readonly GroupEventType _eventType;
private readonly Action<Entity[]> _updateEntities;
public AnonymousReactiveSystem(IMatcher matcher, GroupEventType eventType, Action<Entity[]> updateEntities) {
_matcher = matcher;
_eventType = eventType;
_updateEntities = updateEntities;
public IMatcher GetTriggeringMatcher() {
return _matcher;
public GroupEventType GetEventType() {
return _eventType;
public void Execute(Entity[] entities) {
public class AnonymousMatcher : IMatcher {
private readonly int[] _indices;
private readonly Func<Entity, bool> _matches;
public AnonymousMatcher(int[] indices, Func<Entity, bool> matches) {
_indices = indices;
_matches = matches;
public int[] indices {
get { return _indices; }
public bool Matches(Entity entity) {
return _matches(entity);
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The idea behind this API is that I think the essence of an Entity Component architecture is best described using functions instead of classes.

Entitas has a very nice code generator to hide all the boiler plate for you but I think that a functional API can be a quite nice alternative that is perhaps a bit more modder friendly (ids are generated at runtime instead of compile time, for example)

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