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Last active August 11, 2016 14:44
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Bullet physics in a separate thread on Unity
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using BulletSharp;
using BulletSharp.Math;
using BulletUnity;
using UnityEngine;
using Vector3 = BulletSharp.Math.Vector3;
public class MultithreadingTest : MonoBehaviour {
private MotionState _bodyView;
private bool _isPhysicsRunning;
[SerializeField] private float _physicsTimeStep;
[SerializeField] private Transform _renderableBody;
private Stopwatch _stopwatch;
// Use this for initialization
private void Start() {
_bodyView = new DefaultMotionState();
_stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
_isPhysicsRunning = true;
new Thread(() => {
DiscreteDynamicsWorld physicsWorld;
//List<CollisionShape> CollisionShapes = new List<CollisionShape>();
var CollisionConf = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();
var Dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(CollisionConf);
var Broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();
physicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(Dispatcher, Broadphase, null, CollisionConf);
physicsWorld.Gravity = new Vector3(0, -1, 0);
const float mass = 1.0f;
//Add a single cube
var shape = new BoxShape(1f, 1f, 1f);
Vector3 localInertia = Vector3.Zero;
shape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out localInertia);
var rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, _bodyView, shape, localInertia);
var body = new RigidBody(rbInfo);
Matrix st = Matrix.Translation(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f));
body.WorldTransform = st;
float fixedTimePassed = 0;
while (_isPhysicsRunning) {
float currentTime = _stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000f;
float fixedDeltaTime = currentTime - fixedTimePassed;
int totalStepsPerformed = physicsWorld.StepSimulation(fixedDeltaTime, 5, _physicsTimeStep);
fixedTimePassed += _physicsTimeStep * totalStepsPerformed;
//Debug.Log("physics tick at " + (deltaTime));
int sleepIntervalInMs = ((int) (_physicsTimeStep * 1000)) / 4;
private void OnDestroy() {
_isPhysicsRunning = false;
// Update is called once per frame
private void Update() {
Matrix trans;
_bodyView.GetWorldTransform(out trans);
_renderableBody.position = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans);
_renderableBody.rotation = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans);
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