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Last active December 18, 2017 20:34
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Minecraft server world selector

Minecraft Server World Selector

This a very simple user interface that automatically edits the file, but it does not restarts the server.

Made in python 2.7 with pyside2. Using miniconda instead of venv, because pyside2 is not available through pip at this time.


conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda create -y --mkdir -p ./wsconda python=2.7 pyside2

Start World Selector

  • To start world selector use this command:
source activate wsconda && python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import re
import time
from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore
BASE_DIR = '.'
# "/* XPM */",
# "static char *_7[] = {",
# "/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */",
"24 24 109 2 ",
" c #00318A",
". c #00308B",
"X c #01318D",
"o c #01338F",
"O c #013491",
"+ c #023593",
"@ c #023793",
"# c #023897",
"$ c #043B97",
"% c #053F9D",
"& c #043C9E",
"* c #053C9E",
"= c #043D9E",
"- c #043C9F",
"; c #043D9F",
": c #0744A3",
"> c #0541A4",
", c #0847AC",
"< c #0948AA",
"1 c #0C4CAC",
"2 c #0B4EB1",
"3 c #0B4EB3",
"4 c #0D53B9",
"5 c #0D54BC",
"6 c #1154B5",
"7 c #0F59C1",
"8 c #0F5AC4",
"9 c #115FC8",
"0 c #1963C3",
"q c #1D68C5",
"w c #1160CB",
"e c #1F6BC8",
"r c #1364D0",
"t c #1365D1",
"y c #1469D6",
"u c #1569D6",
"i c #166DDC",
"p c #166EDC",
"a c #2371CD",
"s c #2475D3",
"d c #287BD6",
"f c #287BD7",
"g c #297BD7",
"h c #2A7BD6",
"j c #2A7ED8",
"k c #2B7ED8",
"l c #2A7FD8",
"z c #2B7FD8",
"x c #2A7ED9",
"c c #2B7ED9",
"v c #2D7FD8",
"b c #1872E1",
"n c #1872E2",
"m c #1975E7",
"M c #1976E6",
"N c #1A78EA",
"B c #2C80DA",
"V c #2D80DA",
"C c #2E83DC",
"Z c #2F83DC",
"A c #2E84DC",
"S c #2F84DC",
"D c #3184DC",
"F c #3185DD",
"G c #3185DE",
"H c #3186DE",
"J c #3288DF",
"K c #3388DF",
"L c #3289DF",
"P c #3389DF",
"I c #3288E0",
"U c #3388E0",
"Y c #3289E0",
"T c #3389E0",
"R c #368BE2",
"E c #368CE1",
"W c #358CE2",
"Q c #368CE2",
"! c #4195EB",
"~ c #4998EA",
"^ c #4E98E8",
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"( c #549EE6",
") c #569FE6",
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"` c #5D9CE3",
"' c #469CF0",
"] c #6BA5E4",
"[ c #63A6E8",
"{ c #64A6E8",
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" . c #78BAF3",
".. c #84B9ED",
"X. c #86BAED",
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"O. c #86BAEE",
"+. c #82BDF2",
"@. c #8CC0F2",
"#. c #8CC1F2",
"$. c #94C3F1",
"%. c #95C3F1",
"&. c #91C8F7",
"*. c #95C8F6",
"=. c #BEDCF7",
"-. c #BADAF8",
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":. c #ECF4FC",
">. c None",
# "/* pixels */",
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# "};"
class Properties(object):
A Python replacement for java.util.Properties
NOTE: Copied from
def __init__(self, props=None):
# Note: We don't take a default properties object
# as argument yet
# Dictionary of properties.
self._props = {}
# Dictionary of properties with 'pristine' keys
# This is used for dumping the properties to a file
# using the 'store' method
self._origprops = {}
self._keyorder = []
# Dictionary mapping keys from property
# dictionary to pristine dictionary
self._keymap = {}
self.othercharre = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)(\s*\=)|(?<!\\)(\s*\:)')
self.othercharre2 = re.compile(r'(\s*\=)|(\s*\:)')
self.bspacere = re.compile(r'\\(?!\s$)')
def __str__(self):
s = '{'
for key, value in self._props.items():
s = ''.join((s, key, '=', value, ', '))
s = ''.join((s[:-2], '}'))
return s
def __parse(self, lines):
""" Parse a list of lines and create
an internal property dictionary """
# Every line in the file must consist of either a comment
# or a key-value pair. A key-value pair is a line consisting
# of a key which is a combination of non-white space characters
# The separator character between key-value pairs is a '=',
# ':' or a whitespace character not including the newline.
# If the '=' or ':' characters are found, in the line, even
# keys containing whitespace chars are allowed.
# A line with only a key according to the rules above is also
# fine. In such case, the value is considered as the empty string.
# In order to include characters '=' or ':' in a key or value,
# they have to be properly escaped using the backslash character.
# Some examples of valid key-value pairs:
# key value
# key=value
# key:value
# key value1,value2,value3
# key value1,value2,value3 \
# value4, value5
# key
# This key= this value
# key = value1 value2 value3
# Any line that starts with a '#' or '!' is considerered a comment
# and skipped. Also any trailing or preceding whitespaces
# are removed from the key/value.
# This is a line parser. It parses the
# contents like by line.
lineno = 0
i = iter(lines)
for line in i:
lineno += 1
line = line.strip()
# Skip null lines
if not line:
# Skip lines which are comments
if line[0] in ('#', '!'):
# Position of first separation char
sepidx = -1
# Check for valid space separation
# First obtain the max index to which we
# can search.
m =
if m:
first, last = m.span()
start, end = 0, first
wspacere = re.compile(r'(?<![\\\=\:])(\s)')
# Check if either '=' or ':' is present
# in the line. If they are then it means
# they are preceded by a backslash.
# This means, we need to modify the
# wspacere a bit, not to look for
# : or = characters.
wspacere = re.compile(r'(?<![\\])(\s)')
start, end = 0, len(line)
m2 =, start, end)
if m2:
# print 'Space match=>',line
# Means we need to split by space.
first, last = m2.span()
sepidx = first
elif m:
# print 'Other match=>',line
# No matching wspace char found, need
# to split by either '=' or ':'
first, last = m.span()
sepidx = last - 1
# print line[sepidx]
# If the last character is a backslash
# it has to be preceded by a space in which
# case the next line is read as part of the
# same property
while line[-1] == '\\':
# Read next line
nextline =
nextline = nextline.strip()
lineno += 1
# This line will become part of the value
line = line[:-1] + nextline
# Now split to key,value according to separation char
if sepidx != -1:
key, value = line[:sepidx], line[sepidx + 1:]
key, value = line, ''
self.processPair(key, value)
def processPair(self, key, value):
""" Process a (key, value) pair """
oldkey = key
oldvalue = value
# Create key intelligently
keyparts = self.bspacere.split(key)
# print keyparts
strippable = False
lastpart = keyparts[-1]
if lastpart.find('\\ ') != -1:
keyparts[-1] = lastpart.replace('\\', '')
# If no backspace is found at the end, but empty
# space is found, strip it
elif lastpart and lastpart[-1] == ' ':
strippable = True
key = ''.join(keyparts)
if strippable:
key = key.strip()
oldkey = oldkey.strip()
oldvalue = self.unescape(oldvalue)
value = self.unescape(value)
# Patch from N B @ ActiveState
curlies = re.compile("{.+?}")
found = curlies.findall(value)
for f in found:
srcKey = f[1:-1]
if srcKey in self._props:
value = value.replace(f, self._props[srcKey], 1)
self._props[key] = value.strip()
# Check if an entry exists in pristine keys
if key in self._keymap:
oldkey = self._keymap.get(key)
self._origprops[oldkey] = oldvalue.strip()
self._origprops[oldkey] = oldvalue.strip()
# Store entry in keymap
self._keymap[key] = oldkey
if key not in self._keyorder:
def escape(self, value):
# Java escapes the '=' and ':' in the value
# string with backslashes in the store method.
# So let us do the same.
newvalue = value.replace(':', '\:')
newvalue = newvalue.replace('=', '\=')
return newvalue
def unescape(self, value):
# Reverse of escape
newvalue = value.replace('\:', ':')
newvalue = newvalue.replace('\=', '=')
return newvalue
def load(self, stream):
""" Load properties from an open file stream """
# For the time being only accept file input streams
if type(stream) is not file:
raise TypeError('Argument should be a file object!')
# Check for the opened mode
if stream.mode != 'r':
raise ValueError('Stream should be opened in read-only mode!')
lines = stream.readlines()
except IOError:
def getProperty(self, key):
""" Return a property for the given key """
return self._props.get(key, '')
def setProperty(self, key, value):
""" Set the property for the given key """
if type(key) is str and type(value) is str:
self.processPair(key, value)
raise TypeError('both key and value should be strings!')
def propertyNames(self):
""" Return an iterator over all the keys of the property
dictionary, i.e the names of the properties """
return self._props.keys()
def list(self, out=sys.stdout):
""" Prints a listing of the properties to the
stream 'out' which defaults to the standard output """
out.write('-- listing properties --\n')
for key, value in self._props.items():
out.write(''.join((key, '=', value, '\n')))
def store(self, out, header=""):
""" Write the properties list to the stream 'out' along
with the optional 'header' """
if out.mode[0] != 'w':
raise ValueError('Steam should be opened in write mode!')
out.write(''.join(('#', header, '\n')))
# Write timestamp
tstamp = time.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y', time.localtime())
out.write(''.join(('#', tstamp, '\n')))
# Write properties from the pristine dictionary
for prop in self._keyorder:
if prop in self._origprops:
val = self._origprops[prop]
out.write(''.join((prop, '=', self.escape(val), '\n')))
except IOError:
def getPropertyDict(self):
return self._props
def __getitem__(self, name):
""" To support direct dictionary like access """
return self.getProperty(name)
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
""" To support direct dictionary like access """
self.setProperty(name, value)
def __getattr__(self, name):
""" For attributes not found in self, redirect
to the properties dictionary """
return self.__dict__[name]
except KeyError:
if hasattr(self._props, name):
return getattr(self._props, name)
class LevelManager():
def __init__(self, baseDirectory='.'):
self.baseDirectory = baseDirectory
def defineServerPropsFile(self):
if not hasattr(self, 'serverPropsFile'):
self.serverPropsFile = os.path.join(self.baseDirectory, '')
def getCurrentLevel(self):
current = ''
props = Properties()
with open(self.serverPropsFile) as f:
current = props.get('level-name')
return current
def setCurrentLevel(self, level):
props = Properties()
with open(self.serverPropsFile) as fin:
with open(self.serverPropsFile, 'w') as fout:
props['level-name'] = str(level)
def availableLevels(self):
available = []
for entry in os.listdir(self.baseDirectory):
dirname = os.path.join(self.baseDirectory, entry)
level_dat = os.path.join(dirname, 'level.dat')
if os.path.isdir(dirname) and os.path.exists(level_dat):
return available
class MainWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def on_click(self):
selected_level = None
new_level = self.text.strip()
if new_level:
selected_level = new_level
for item in self.listWidget.selectedItems():
selected_level = item.text()
if selected_level:
def on_edit(self, text):
self.text = text
def reload_list(self):
found = False
current = self.levelManager.getCurrentLevel()
for entry in self.levelManager.availableLevels():
item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(entry)
if entry == current:
found = True
if not found:
item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(current)
def __init__(self):
self.levelManager = LevelManager(BASE_DIR)
self.text = ''
# main list
self.verticalLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
self.listWidget = QtWidgets.QListWidget()
self.icon = QtGui.QIcon()
self.icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(XPM_ARROW_RIGHT), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
# new level / button layout
self.horizontalLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self)
self.edit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit()
self.button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Add / Set', self)
class WorldSelector(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(WorldSelector, self).__init__(parent)
self.setWindowTitle('World Selector')
self.resize(640, 480)
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
ws = WorldSelector()
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