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Last active September 17, 2019 20:17
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Pattern Match
namespace Maybe_ {
type Undefined = typeof Undefined
const Undefined = Symbol.for("None") // undefined
interface Just<T> {
readonly type: "Just",
readonly val: T | Undefined
interface None<T> {
readonly type: "None",
readonly val: T | Undefined
export interface Maybe<T> {
readonly type: "Maybe"
readonly val: Just<T> | None<T>
export const Just = <T>(val: T ): Maybe<T> =>
({ type: "Maybe", val: { type: "Just", val } })
const None_ = <T>(val: T ): Maybe<T> =>
({ type: "Maybe", val: { type: "None", val } })
export const None = None_<Undefined>(Undefined)
// Teste inferencia implicita deste maybe foi
// omitida por motivos de brevidade. mas pode
// ser vista aqui:
// [link](
namespace PatternMatch {
import Just = Maybe_.Just
import None = Maybe_.None
import Maybe = Maybe_.Maybe
type InferMaybeType<T> = T extends Maybe<infer U> ? U : never
type Maybe_<T> = Maybe<InferMaybeType<T>> // helper for brevity
type GetMaybeConstructors<T extends Maybe_<T>> = T['val']['type']
type CallBack<T, U> = (value: T) => U
type Match<T extends Maybe_<T>> = {
[Constructor in GetMaybeConstructors<T>]: CallBack< InferMaybeType<T>, any >
const match = <T extends Maybe_<T>>(maybe: T, match_: Match<T>) => {
const typeOfMaybeConstructor = maybe.val.type
const valueOfMaybe = maybe.val.val
return match_[typeOfMaybeConstructor](valueOfMaybe)
// *********************************************
// USO:
function plus_one(x: Maybe<number>): Maybe<number> {
return match(x, {
None: () => None,
Just: (i) => Just(i+1)
const five = Just(5)
const six = plus_one(five)
const none_ = plus_one(None)
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You may access the type inference test of Maybe here link

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