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Last active September 12, 2022 14:09
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Low level function to read/write EEPROM on avr328p 8-bits microcontroler
// author: @FlavioVilante
// MIT License - Copyright 2022
use ruduino::prelude::without_interrupts;
use crate::microcontroler::register:: {
use crate::common:: {
//EEPROM registers addresses and bits
const EEARH: *mut u8 = 0x42 as *mut u8;
const EEARL: *mut u8 = 0x41 as *mut u8;
const EECR: *mut u8 = 0x3F as *mut u8;
const EEDR: *mut u8 = 0x40 as *mut u8;
const EEPE: u8 = 0b0000010;
const EEMPE: u8 = 0b0000100;
const EERE: u8 = 0b0000001;
// normalize is to clamp the 16 bits address to a 9 bits address (1+8)
fn normalize_eeprom_address(address: u16) -> (u8, u8) {
let (address_low, address_high) = word_to_byte(address);
let bit9 = get_bit_at(address_high, 0); // only bit 9 of address16 are used, other bits are reserved by the microcontroller hardware
(bit9, address_low)
pub fn read_eeprom(address: u16) -> u8 {
let (bit9, address_low) = normalize_eeprom_address(address);
// set EEPROM address register
write_register(EEARH, bit9);
write_register(EEARL, address_low);
//do read
while (read_register(EECR) & (1<<EEPE)) == 1 { }; // wait until EEPE become to zero by hardware
write_register(EECR, read_register(EECR) | (1<<EERE));
pub fn write_eeprom(address: u16, data: u8) -> () {
// set EEPROM address and data register
let (bit9, address_low) = normalize_eeprom_address(address);
write_register(EEARH, bit9);
write_register(EEARL, address_low);
write_register(EEDR, data);
// write operation
while (read_register(EECR) & (1<<EEPE)) == 1 { }; // wait until EEPE become to zero
without_interrupts(|| {
write_register(EECR, read_register(EECR) | (1<<EEMPE));
write_register(EECR, read_register(EECR) | (1<<EEPE));
// low level functions to read and write values direct on microcontroler registers
// for details on what work each register perform see microcontroler datasheet
// for example: ATMEL AVR328P DATASHEET ->
pub fn write_register(reg_address: *mut u8, value: u8) -> () {
unsafe {
core::ptr::write_volatile(reg_address, value);
pub fn read_register(reg_address: *const u8) -> u8 {
unsafe {
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