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Last active September 1, 2022 00:13
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Pager - final implementation
fun <T : Any> Pager(
items: List<T>,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
orientation: Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
initialIndex: Int = 0,
/*@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)*/
itemFraction: Float = 1f,
itemSpacing: Dp = 0.dp,
/*@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)*/
overshootFraction: Float = .5f,
onItemSelect: (T) -> Unit = {},
contentFactory: @Composable (T) -> Unit,
) {
onItemSelect = { index -> onItemSelect(items[index]) },
) {
items.forEach{ item ->
modifier = when (orientation) {
Orientation.Horizontal -> Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
Orientation.Vertical -> Modifier.fillMaxHeight()
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,
) {
fun Pager(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
orientation: Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
initialIndex: Int = 0,
/*@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)*/
itemFraction: Float = 1f,
itemSpacing: Dp = 0.dp,
/*@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)*/
overshootFraction: Float = .5f,
onItemSelect: (Int) -> Unit = {},
content: @Composable () -> Unit,
) {
require(initialIndex in 0..items.lastIndex) { "Initial index out of bounds" }
require(itemFraction > 0f && itemFraction <= 1f) { "Item fraction must be in the (0f, 1f] range" }
require(overshootFraction > 0f && itemFraction <= 1f) { "Overshoot fraction must be in the (0f, 1f] range" }
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val state = rememberPagerState()
state.currentIndex = initialIndex
state.numberOfItems = items.size
state.itemFraction = itemFraction
state.overshootFraction = overshootFraction
state.itemSpacing = with(LocalDensity.current) { itemSpacing.toPx() }
state.orientation = orientation
state.listener = onItemSelect
state.scope = scope
content = content,
modifier = modifier
) { measurables, constraints ->
val dimension = constraints.dimension(orientation)
val looseConstraints = constraints.toLooseConstraints(orientation, state.itemFraction)
val placeables = { measurable -> measurable.measure(looseConstraints) }
val size = placeables.getSize(orientation, dimension)
val itemDimension = (dimension * state.itemFraction).roundToInt()
state.itemDimension = itemDimension
val halfItemDimension = itemDimension / 2
layout(size.width, size.height) {
val centerOffset = dimension / 2 - halfItemDimension
val dragOffset = state.dragOffset.value
val roundedDragOffset = dragOffset.roundToInt()
val spacing = state.itemSpacing.roundToInt()
val itemDimensionWithSpace = itemDimension + state.itemSpacing
val first = ceil(
(dragOffset -itemDimension - centerOffset) / itemDimensionWithSpace
val last = ((dimension + dragOffset - centerOffset) / itemDimensionWithSpace).toInt()
for (i in first..last) {
val offset = i * (itemDimension + spacing) - roundedDragOffset + centerOffset
x = when (orientation) {
Orientation.Horizontal -> offset
Orientation.Vertical -> 0
y = when (orientation) {
Orientation.Horizontal -> 0
Orientation.Vertical -> offset
LaunchedEffect(key1 = items, key2 = initialIndex) {
private fun rememberPagerState(): PagerState = remember { PagerState() }
private fun Constraints.dimension(orientation: Orientation) = when (orientation) {
Orientation.Horizontal -> maxWidth
Orientation.Vertical -> maxHeight
private fun Constraints.toLooseConstraints(
orientation: Orientation,
itemFraction: Float,
): Constraints {
val dimension = dimension(orientation)
return when (orientation) {
Orientation.Horizontal -> copy(
minWidth = (dimension * itemFraction).roundToInt(),
maxWidth = (dimension * itemFraction).roundToInt(),
minHeight = 0,
Orientation.Vertical -> copy(
minWidth = 0,
minHeight = (dimension * itemFraction).roundToInt(),
maxHeight = (dimension * itemFraction).roundToInt(),
private fun List<Placeable>.getSize(
orientation: Orientation,
dimension: Int,
): IntSize {
return when (orientation) {
Orientation.Horizontal -> IntSize(
maxByOrNull { it.height }?.height ?: 0
Orientation.Vertical -> IntSize(
maxByOrNull { it.width }?.width ?: 0,
private class PagerState {
var currentIndex by mutableStateOf(0)
var numberOfItems by mutableStateOf(0)
var itemFraction by mutableStateOf(0f)
var overshootFraction by mutableStateOf(0f)
var itemSpacing by mutableStateOf(0f)
var itemDimension by mutableStateOf(0)
var orientation by mutableStateOf(Orientation.Horizontal)
var scope: CoroutineScope? by mutableStateOf(null)
var listener: (Int) -> Unit by mutableStateOf({})
val dragOffset = Animatable(0f)
private val animationSpec = SpringSpec<Float>(
dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioLowBouncy,
stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow,
suspend fun snapTo(index: Int) {
dragOffset.snapTo(index.toFloat() * (itemDimension + itemSpacing))
val inputModifier = Modifier.pointerInput(numberOfItems) {
fun itemIndex(offset: Int): Int = (offset / (itemDimension + itemSpacing)).roundToInt()
.coerceIn(0, numberOfItems - 1)
fun updateIndex(offset: Float) {
val index = itemIndex(offset.roundToInt())
if (index != currentIndex) {
currentIndex = index
fun calculateOffsetLimit(): OffsetLimit {
val dimension = when (orientation) {
Orientation.Horizontal -> size.width
Orientation.Vertical -> size.height
val itemSideMargin = (dimension - itemDimension) / 2f
return OffsetLimit(
min = -dimension * overshootFraction + itemSideMargin,
max = numberOfItems * (itemDimension + itemSpacing) - (1f - overshootFraction) * dimension + itemSideMargin,
forEachGesture {
awaitPointerEventScope {
val tracker = VelocityTracker()
val decay = splineBasedDecay<Float>(this)
val down = awaitFirstDown()
val offsetLimit = calculateOffsetLimit()
val dragHandler = { change: PointerInputChange ->
scope?.launch {
val dragChange = change.calculateDragChange(orientation)
(dragOffset.value - dragChange).coerceIn(
tracker.addPosition(change.uptimeMillis, change.position)
when (orientation) {
Orientation.Horizontal -> horizontalDrag(, dragHandler)
Orientation.Vertical -> verticalDrag(, dragHandler)
val velocity = tracker.calculateVelocity(orientation)
scope?.launch {
var targetOffset = decay.calculateTargetValue(dragOffset.value, -velocity)
val remainder = targetOffset.toInt().absoluteValue % itemDimension
val extra = if (remainder > itemDimension / 2f) 1 else 0
val lastVisibleIndex =
(targetOffset.absoluteValue / itemDimension.toFloat()).toInt() + extra
targetOffset = (lastVisibleIndex * (itemDimension + itemSpacing) * targetOffset.sign)
.coerceIn(0f, (numberOfItems - 1).toFloat() * (itemDimension + itemSpacing))
animationSpec = animationSpec,
targetValue = targetOffset,
initialVelocity = -velocity
) {
data class OffsetLimit(
val min: Float,
val max: Float,
private fun VelocityTracker.calculateVelocity(orientation: Orientation) = when (orientation) {
Orientation.Horizontal -> calculateVelocity().x
Orientation.Vertical -> calculateVelocity().y
private fun PointerInputChange.calculateDragChange(orientation: Orientation) =
when (orientation) {
Orientation.Horizontal -> positionChange().x
Orientation.Vertical -> positionChange().y
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That would be a list of objects that is used later to build a composable for each from the factory.

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IvanEOD commented Sep 1, 2022

It just never actually defines items in the second version of the pager... should it be an argument...

I think I see now, it's using the items listed in the post in one of the clips... it's a little confusing since they're left off this

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