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Forked from dinvlad/Yubikey GPG inside
Created January 30, 2024 13:29
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Yubikey GPG inside WSL2

  1. Install GPG4Win.

  2. Start up Kleopatra (a UI tool from 1) and make sure your YubiKey is loaded there.

    • You can also add GPG4Win to Startup folder using a link with this Target:
      "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg-connect-agent.exe" /bye
      This will only load the agent at Startup, and you won't be bothered by any UI or tray agent.
  3. Download wsl2-ssh-pageant into your Windows %userprofile%/.ssh directory (Windows dir is important for performance).

  4. Install socat and gpg inside WSL as you would in a "normal" distro, e.g.

    apt-get install -y gnupg2 gnupg-agent socat
  5. Create a ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zprofile (for ZSH) inside WSL:

    SSH_DIR="${HOME}/.ssh" #
    mkdir -p "${SSH_DIR}"
    ln -sf "/mnt/c/Users/${WIN_USER}/.ssh/wsl2-ssh-pageant.exe" "${wsl2_ssh_pageant_bin}"
    listen_socket() {
      sock_path="$1" && shift
      exec_args="${wsl2_ssh_pageant_bin} $@"
      if ! ps x | grep -v grep | grep -q "${fork_args}"; then
        rm -f "${sock_path}"
        (setsid nohup socat "UNIX-LISTEN:${fork_args}" "EXEC:${exec_args}" &>/dev/null &)
    # SSH
    export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="${SSH_DIR}/agent.sock"
    listen_socket "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}"
    # GPG
    export GPG_AGENT_SOCK="${HOME}/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent"
    listen_socket "${GPG_AGENT_SOCK}" --gpg S.gpg-agent
    # GPG extra for agent forwarding to devcontainers in VS Code
    export GPG_AGENT_SOCK_EXTRA="${HOME}/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent.extra"
    listen_socket "${GPG_AGENT_SOCK_EXTRA}" --gpg S.gpg-agent.extra
    unset wsl2_ssh_pageant_bin

    You can also create this file inside a C: drive and then create a symlink to it, e.g.

    ln -s ~/.zprofile /mnt/c/WSL/scripts/.zprofile

    which enables sharing of the same file across multiple WSL distros.

  6. Log out and back in to WSL.

  7. Import your GPG key(s) inside WSL, just as you normally would. They're now ready to go!

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