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Created January 19, 2010 12:13
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Save fwenzel/280896 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script for cleaning up mails in Maildir folders
#!/usr/bin/python -tt
cleanup-maildir [OPTION].. COMMAND FOLDERNAME..
Cleans up old messages in FOLDERNAME; the exact action taken
depends on COMMAND. (See next section.)
Note that FOLDERNAME is a name such as 'Drafts', and the
corresponding maildir path is determined using the values of
maildir-root, folder-prefix, and folder-seperator.
archive - move old messages to subfolders based on message date
trash - move old message to trash folder
delete - permanently delete old messages
-h, --help
Show this help.
-q, --quiet
Suppress normal output.
-v, --verbose
Output extra information for testing.
-n, --trial-run
Do not actually touch any files; just say what would be done.
-a, --age=N
Only touch messages older than N days. Default is 14 days.
-k, --keep-flagged-threads
If any messages in a thread are flagged, do not touch them or
any other messages in that thread.
Note: the thread-detection mechanism is currently base purely on
a message's subject. The In-Reply-To header is not currently used.
-r, --keep-read
If any messages are flagged as READ, do not touch them.
-t, --trash-folder=F
Use F as trash folder when COMMAND is 'trash'.
Default is 'Trash'.
Use F as the base for constructing archive folders. For example, if F is
'Archive', messages from 2004 might be put in the folder 'Archive.2004'.
-d, --archive-hierarchy-depth=N
Specify number of subfolders in archive hierarchy; 1 is just
the year, 2 is year/month (default), 3 is year/month/day.
Specifies folder that contains mail folders.
Default is "$HOME/Maildir".
Folder hierarchy seperator. Default is '.'
Folder prefix. Default is '.'
The following form is accepted for backwards compatibility, but is deprecated:
cleanup-maildir --mode=COMMAND [OPTION].. FOLDERNAME..
# Archive messages in 'Sent Items' folder over 30 days old
cleanup-maildir --age=30 archive 'Sent Items'"
# Delete messages over 2 weeks old in 'Lists/debian-devel' folder,
# except messages that are part of a thread containing a flagged message.
cleanup-maildir --keep-flagged-threads trash 'Lists.debian-devel'
__version__ = "0.2.3"
# $Id$
# $URL$
import mailbox
import os.path
import os
import rfc822
import string
import socket
import time
import logging
import sys
import getopt
def mkMaildir(path):
"""Make a Maildir structure rooted at 'path'"""
os.mkdir(path, 0700)
os.mkdir(os.path.join(path, 'tmp'), 0700)
os.mkdir(os.path.join(path, 'new'), 0700)
os.mkdir(os.path.join(path, 'cur'), 0700)
class MaildirWriter(object):
"""Deliver messages into a Maildir"""
path = None
counter = 0
def __init__(self, path=None):
"""Create a MaildirWriter that manages the Maildir at 'path'
path -- if specified, used as the default Maildir for this object
if path != None:
if not os.path.isdir(path):
raise ValueError, 'Path does not exist: %s' % path
self.path = path
self.logger = logging.getLogger('MaildirWriter')
def deliver(self, msg, path=None):
"""Deliver a message to a Maildir
msg -- a message object
path -- the path of the Maildir; if None, uses default from __init__
if path != None:
self.path = path
if self.path == None or not os.path.isdir(self.path):
raise ValueError, 'Path does not exist'
tryCount = 1
srcFile =;
(dstName, tmpFile, newFile, dstFile) = (None, None, None, None)
while 1:
dstName = "%d.%d_%d.%s" % (int(time.time()), os.getpid(),
self.counter, socket.gethostname())
tmpFile = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.path, "tmp"), dstName)
newFile = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.path, "new"), dstName)
self.logger.debug("deliver: attempt copy %s to %s" %
(srcFile, tmpFile)), tmpFile) # Copy into tmp
self.logger.debug("deliver: attempt link to %s" % newFile), newFile) # Link into new
except OSError, (n, s):
"deliver failed: %s (src=%s tmp=%s new=%s i=%d)" %
(s, srcFile, tmpFile, newFile, tryCount))"sleeping")
tryCount += 1
self.counter += 1
if tryCount > 10:
raise OSError("too many failed delivery attempts")
# Successful delivery; increment deliver counter
self.counter += 1
# For the rest of this method we are acting as an MUA, not an MDA.
# Move message to cur and restore any flags
dstFile = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.path, "cur"), dstName)
if msg.getFlags() != None:
dstFile += ':' + msg.getFlags()
self.logger.debug("deliver: attempt link to %s" % dstFile), dstFile)
# Cleanup tmp file
class MessageDateError(TypeError):
"""Indicate that the message date was invalid"""
class MaildirMessage(rfc822.Message):
"""An email message
Has extra Maildir-specific attributes
def isFlagged(self):
"""return true if the message is flagged as important"""
import re
fname =
if':.*F', fname) != None:
return True
return False
def getFlags(self):
"""return the flag part of the message's filename"""
parts =':')
if len(parts) == 2:
return parts[1]
return None
def isNew(self):
"""return true if the message is marked as unread"""
# XXX should really be called isUnread
import re
fname =
if':.*S', fname) != None:
return False
return True
def getSubject(self):
"""get the message's subject as a unicode string"""
import email.Header
s = self.getheader("Subject")
return u"".join(map(lambda x: x[0].decode(x[1] or 'ASCII', 'replace'),
return s
def getSubjectHash(self):
"""get the message's subject in a "normalized" form
This currently means lowercasing and removing any reply or forward
import re
import string
s = self.getSubject()
if s == None:
return '(no subject)'
return re.sub(r'^(re|fwd?):\s*', '', string.strip(s.lower()))
def getDateSent(self):
"""Get the time of sending from the Date header
Returns a time object using time.mktime. Not very reliable, because
the Date header can be missing or spoofed (and often is, by spammers).
Throws a MessageDateError if the Date header is missing or invalid.
dh = self.getheader('Date')
if dh == None:
return None
return time.mktime(rfc822.parsedate(dh))
except ValueError:
raise MessageDateError("message has missing or bad Date")
except TypeError: # gets thrown by mktime if parsedate returns None
raise MessageDateError("message has missing or bad Date")
except OverflowError:
raise MessageDateError("message has missing or bad Date")
def getDateRecd(self):
"""Get the time the message was received"""
# XXX check that stat returns time in UTC, fix if not
return os.stat([8]
def getDateSentOrRecd(self):
"""Get the time the message was sent, fall back on time received"""
d = self.getDateSent()
if d != None:
return d
except MessageDateError:
return self.getDateRecd()
def getAge(self):
"""Get the number of seconds since the message was received"""
msgTime = self.getDateRecd()
msgAge = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) - msgTime
return msgAge / (60*60*24)
class MaildirCleaner(object):
"""Clean a maildir by deleting or moving old messages"""
__trashWriter = None
__mdWriter = None
stats = {'total': 0, 'delete': 0, 'trash': 0, 'archive': 0}
keepSubjects = {}
archiveFolder = None
archiveHierDepth = 2
folderBase = None
folderPrefix = "."
folderSeperator = "."
keepFlaggedThreads = False
trashFolder = "Trash"
isTrialRun = False
keepRead = False
def __init__(self, folderBase=None):
"""Initialize the MaildirCleaner
folderBase -- the directory in which the folders are found
self.folderBase = folderBase
self.__mdWriter = MaildirWriter()
self.logger = logging.getLogger('MaildirCleaner')
def __getTrashWriter(self):
if not self.__trashWriter:
path = os.path.join(self.folderBase, self.folderPrefix + self.trashFolder)
self.__trashWriter = MaildirWriter(path)
return self.__trashWriter
trashWriter = property(__getTrashWriter)
def scanSubjects(self, folderName):
"""Scans for flagged subjects""""Scanning for flagged subjects...")
if (folderName == 'INBOX'):
path = self.folderBase
path = os.path.join(self.folderBase, self.folderPrefix + folderName)
maildir = mailbox.Maildir(path, MaildirMessage)
self.keepSubjects = {}
for i, msg in enumerate(maildir):
if msg.isFlagged():
self.keepSubjects[msg.getSubjectHash()] = 1
self.logger.debug("Flagged (%d): %s", i, msg.getSubjectHash())"Done scanning.")
def clean(self, mode, folderName, minAge):
"""Trashes or archives messages older than minAge days
mode -- the cleaning mode. Valid modes are:
trash -- moves the messages to a trash folder
archive -- moves the messages to folders based on their date
delete -- deletes the messages
folderName -- the name of the folder on which to operate
This is a name like "Stuff", not a filename
minAge -- messages younger than minAge days are left alone
if not mode in ('trash', 'archive', 'delete'):
raise ValueError
if (self.keepFlaggedThreads):
archiveFolder = self.archiveFolder
if (archiveFolder == None):
if (folderName == 'INBOX'):
archiveFolder = ""
archiveFolder = folderName
if (folderName == 'INBOX'):
path = self.folderBase
path = os.path.join(self.folderBase, self.folderPrefix + folderName)
maildir = mailbox.Maildir(path, MaildirMessage)
fakeMsg = ""
if self.isTrialRun:
fakeMsg = "(Not really) "
# Move old messages
for i, msg in enumerate(maildir):
if self.keepFlaggedThreads == True \
and msg.getSubjectHash() in self.keepSubjects:
self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Keeping #%d (topic flagged)" % i, msg)
if (msg.getAge() >= minAge) and ((not self.keepRead) or (self.keepRead and msg.isNew())):
if mode == 'trash':
self.log(logging.INFO, "%sTrashing #%d (old)" %
(fakeMsg, i), msg)
if not self.isTrialRun:
elif mode == 'delete':
self.log(logging.INFO, "%sDeleting #%d (old)" %
(fakeMsg, i), msg)
if not self.isTrialRun:
else: # mode == 'archive'
# Determine subfolder path
mdate = time.gmtime(msg.getDateSentOrRecd())
datePart = str(mdate[0])
if self.archiveHierDepth > 1:
datePart += self.folderSeperator \
+ time.strftime("%m-%b", mdate)
if self.archiveHierDepth > 2:
datePart += self.folderSeperator \
+ time.strftime("%d-%a", mdate)
subFolder = archiveFolder + self.folderSeperator \
+ datePart
sfPath = os.path.join(self.folderBase,
self.folderPrefix + subFolder)
self.log(logging.INFO, "%sArchiving #%d to %s" %
(fakeMsg, i, subFolder), msg)
if not self.isTrialRun:
# Create the subfolder if needed
if not os.path.exists(sfPath):
# Deliver
self.__mdWriter.deliver(msg, sfPath)
self.stats[mode] += 1
self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Keeping #%d (fresh)" % i, msg)
self.stats['total'] += 1
def log(self, lvl, text, msgObj):
"""Log some text with the subject of a message"""
subj = msgObj.getSubject()
if subj == None:
subj = "(no subject)"
self.logger.log(lvl, text + ": " + subj)
# Defaults
minAge = 14
mode = None
logging.disable(logging.INFO - 1)
logger = logging.getLogger('cleanup-maildir')
cleaner = MaildirCleaner()
# Read command-line arguments
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
["help", "quiet", "verbose", "version", "mode=", "trash-folder=",
"age=", "keep-flagged-threads", "keep-read", "folder-seperator=",
"folder-prefix=", "maildir-root=", "archive-folder=",
"archive-hierarchy-depth=", "trial-run"])
except getopt.GetoptError, (msg, opt):
logger.error("%s\n\n%s" % (msg, __doc__))
output = None
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
print __doc__
if o in ("-q", "--quiet"):
logging.disable(logging.WARNING - 1)
if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
logging.disable(logging.DEBUG - 1)
if o == "--version":
print __version__
if o in ("-n", "--trial-run"):
cleaner.isTrialRun = True
if o in ("-m", "--mode"):
logger.warning("the --mode flag is deprecated (see --help)")
if a in ('trash', 'archive', 'delete'):
mode = a
logger.error("%s is not a valid command" % a)
if o in ("-t", "--trash-folder"):
cleaner.trashFolder = a
if o == "--archive-folder":
cleaner.archiveFolder = a
if o in ("-a", "--age"):
minAge = int(a)
if o in ("-k", "--keep-flagged-threads"):
cleaner.keepFlaggedThreads = True
if o in ("-r", "--keep-read"):
cleaner.keepRead = True
if o == "--folder-seperator":
cleaner.folderSeperator = a
if o == "--folder-prefix":
cleaner.folderPrefix = a
if o == "--maildir-root":
cleaner.folderBase = a
if o in ("-d", "--archive-hierarchy-depth"):
archiveHierDepth = int(a)
if archiveHierDepth < 1 or archiveHierDepth > 3:
sys.stderr.write("Error: archive hierarchy depth must be 1, " +
"2, or 3.\n")
cleaner.archiveHierDepth = archiveHierDepth
if not cleaner.folderBase:
cleaner.folderBase = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "Maildir")
if mode == None:
if len(args) < 1:
logger.error("No command specified")
mode = args.pop(0)
if not mode in ('trash', 'archive', 'delete'):
logger.error("%s is not a valid command" % mode)
if len(args) == 0:
logger.error("No folder(s) specified")
logger.debug("Mode is " + mode)
# Clean each folder
for dir in args:
logger.debug("Cleaning up %s..." % dir)
cleaner.clean(mode, dir, minAge)'Total messages: %5d' % cleaner.stats['total'])'Affected messages: %5d' % cleaner.stats[mode])'Untouched messages: %5d' %
(cleaner.stats['total'] - cleaner.stats[mode]))
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denzuko commented Jun 8, 2021

Python is cool and all. But just want to point out that to all those surfing the net that this sort of thing is where knowing the standards, gnu find, and maildir-utils helps.

  • mu mkdir "<folder name>" creates the correct maildir folder structure (even if a simple bash mkdir $HOME/Mail/<folder name>/{new,cur,tmp} does that)
  • find $HOME/Mail -type f -regex '.*T$' -delete prunes trashed(deleted emails) adding -ctime -'int' where int is number of days old will find files created within int number days (e.g. -20 is range uptop 20 days old, +20 is more than two days old and 20 is exactly 20 days old)
  • Using filters on gnu find for the ascii characters at the end of the file name helps filter out any flags, unseen, bounced, etc. Details can be read by the standards document at

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