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Last active August 11, 2020 06:58
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Several classes representing all of the available components to Slack Blockkit messages to make working with them easier
import re
import json
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# See the very bottom of this gist for an example on how to use as well as what the script would output
def clean(obj):
'''Parses out all _Block objects into dicts and removes Nonetypes in order to convert to JSON'''
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)):
return type(obj)(clean(x) for x in obj if x is not None)
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
return type(obj)((clean(k), clean(v)) for k, v in obj.items() if k is not None and v is not None)
elif isinstance(obj, _Block):
return clean(obj.__dict__)
return obj
class _Block():
'''Base class for use with Slack Block Kit. Allows easy creation of block kit messages with validation of all components.'''
def __init__(self):
def check_instance(self, obj, attr, instance):
logger.debug(f'Checking that {obj.__class__.__name__}.{attr} is instance of {instance}')
obj_value = getattr(obj, attr)
if not isinstance(obj_value, instance):
msg = f'{obj.__class__.__name__}.{attr} is instance of {obj_value.__class__.__name__} but should be an instance of {instance}.'
raise TypeError(msg)
def check_type(self, obj, attr, objtype):
logger.debug(f'Checking that {obj.__class__.__name__}.{attr} is of type {objtype}')
obj_value = getattr(obj, attr)
if not type(obj_value) == objtype:
msg = f'{obj.__class__.__name__}.{attr} is of type {type(obj_value)} but should be of type {objtype}.'
raise TypeError(msg)
def check_len(self, obj, attr, max_length):
logger.debug(f'Checking that {obj.__class__.__name__}.{attr} length does not exceed {max_length}')
obj_value = getattr(obj, attr)
if len(obj_value) > max_length:
msg = f'{obj.__class__.__name__}.{attr} length is {len(obj_value)} but should not exceed {max_length}.'
raise ValueError(msg)
def check_equal(self, obj, attr, value):
logger.debug(f'Checking that {obj.__class__.__name__}.{attr} is equal to {value}')
obj_value = getattr(obj, attr)
if obj_value != value:
msg = f'{obj.__class__.__name__}.{attr} is {obj_value} but should equal {value}.'
raise ValueError(msg)
def check_instance_list(self, obj, attr, instance):
logger.debug(f'Checking that all elements of {obj.__class__.__name__}.{attr} are instance of {instance}')
obj_value = getattr(obj, attr)
for c, item in enumerate(obj_value):
if not isinstance(item, instance):
msg = f'{obj.__class__.__name__}.{attr} at index {c} is instance of {item.__class__.__name__} but should be an instance of {instance}.'
raise TypeError(msg)
def check_len_list(self, obj, attr, max_length):
logger.debug(f'Checking that all elements of {obj.__class__.__name__}.{attr} length do not exceed {max_length}')
obj_value = getattr(obj, attr)
for c, item in enumerate(obj_value):
if isinstance(item, _Text):
if len(item.text) > max_length:
msg = f'{obj.__class__.__name__}.{attr} at index {c} length is {len(item.text)} but should not exceed {max_length}.'
raise TypeError(msg)
class _Layout(_Block):
'''Basic building block for blockkit messages.'''
def __init__(self, block_id=None):
self.block_id = block_id
if self.block_id:
self.block_id = str(block_id)
# Validation
if self.block_id:
self.check_len(self, 'block_id', 255)
class LayoutSection(_Layout):
def __init__(self, text=None, fields=None, accessory=None, block_id=None):
self.type = 'section'
self.text = text
self.fields = fields
self.accessory = accessory
# Validation
if self.text:
self.check_instance(self, 'text', _Text)
self.check_len(self.text, 'text', 3000)
if self.fields:
self.check_type(self, 'fields', list)
self.check_len(self, 'fields', 10)
self.check_instance_list(self, 'fields', _Text)
self.check_len_list(self, 'fields', 2000)
if self.accessory:
self.check_instance(self, 'accessory', _Element)
self.check_len(self, 'accessory', 1)
class LayoutDivider(_Layout):
def __init__(self, block_id=None):
self.type = 'divider'
class LayoutImage(_Layout):
def __init__(self, image_url, alt_text, block_id=None, title=None):
self.type = 'image'
self.image_url = str(image_url)
self.alt_text = str(alt_text)
self.title = title
# Validation
self.check_len(self, 'image_url', 3000)
self.check_len(self, 'alt_text', 2000)
if self.title:
self.check_instance(self, 'title', TextPlain)
self.check_len(self.title, 'text', 2000)
class LayoutAction(_Layout):
def __init__(self, elements, block_id=None):
self.type = 'actions'
self.elements = elements
# Validation
self.check_type(self, 'elements', list)
self.check_len(self, 'elements', 5)
self.check_instance_list(self, 'elements', _Element)
class LayoutContext(_Layout):
def __init__(self, elements, block_id=None):
self.type = 'context'
self.elements = elements
# Validation
self.check_type(self, 'elements', list)
self.check_len(self, 'elements', 10)
self.check_instance_list(self, 'elements', (ElementImage, _Text))
class _Element(_Block):
'''Block Element to be used inside section, context, and action layout blocks'''
def __init__(self):
class ElementImage(_Element):
def __init__(self, image_url, alt_text):
self.type = 'image'
self.image_url = str(image_url)
self.alt_text = str(alt_text)
# Validation
self.check_len(self, 'image_url', 3000)
self.check_len(self, 'alt_text', 2000)
class ElementButton(_Element):
def __init__(self, text, action_id, url=None, value=None, confirm=None):
self.type = 'button'
self.text = text
self.action_id = str(action_id)
self.url = url
self.value = value
self.confirm = confirm
if self.url:
if self.value:
# Validation
self.check_instance(self, 'text', TextPlain)
self.check_len(self.text, 'text', 75)
self.check_len(self, 'action_id', 255)
if self.url:
self.check_len(self, 'url', 3000)
if self.value:
self.check_len(self, 'value', 75)
if self.confirm:
self.check_instance(self, 'confirm', ObjectConfirm)
class _SelectMenu(_Element):
def __init__(self, placeholder, action_id, confirm=None):
self.placeholder = placeholder
self.action_id = str(action_id)
self.confirm = confirm
# Validation
self.check_instance(self, 'placeholder', TextPlain)
self.check_len(self.placeholder, 'text', 150)
self.check_len(self, 'action_id', 255)
if self.confirm:
self.check_instance(self, 'confirm', ObjectConfirm)
class SelectStatic(_SelectMenu):
def __init__(self, placeholder, action_id, options=None, option_groups=None, initial_option=None, confirm=None):
super().__init__(placeholder, action_id, confirm)
self.type = 'static_select'
self.options = options
self.option_groups = option_groups
self.initial_option = initial_option
# Validation
# Check that only one of options/option_groups is provided
logger.debug(f'Checking that {self.__class__.__name__} has one of options or option_groups')
if self.options and self.option_groups:
msg = f'{self.__class__.__name__}.options and {self.__class__.__name__}.option_groups both specified. Only one can be specified.'
raise TypeError(msg)
if not self.options and not self.option_groups:
msg = f'Neither of {self.__class__.__name__}.options and {self.__class__.__name__}.option_groups was specified. Must specify one'
raise TypeError(msg)
if self.options:
self.check_type(self, 'options', list)
self.check_len(self, 'options', 100)
self.check_instance_list(self, 'options', ObjectOption)
# for c, opt in enumerate(self.options):
# self.check_instance(self.options[c], opt, ObjectOption)
if self.option_groups:
self.check_type(self, 'option_groups', list)
self.check_len(self, 'option_groups', 100)
self.check_instance_list(self, 'option_groups', ObjectOptionGroup)
class SelectExternal(_SelectMenu):
def __init__(self, placeholder, action_id, initial_option=None, min_query_length=None, confirm=None):
super().__init__(placeholder, action_id, confirm)
self.type = 'external_select'
self.initial_option = initial_option
self.min_query_length = int(min_query_length)
class SelectUser(_SelectMenu):
def __init__(self, placeholder, action_id, initial_user=None, confirm=None):
super().__init__(placeholder, action_id, confirm)
self.type = 'users_select'
self.initial_user = initial_user
if self.initial_user:
self.initial_user = str(self.initial_user)
class SelectConversation(_SelectMenu):
def __init__(self, placeholder, action_id, initial_conversation=None, confirm=None):
super().__init__(placeholder, action_id, confirm)
self.type = 'conversations_select'
self.initial_conversation = initial_conversation
if self.initial_conversation:
self.initial_conversation = str(self.initial_conversation)
class SelectChannel(_SelectMenu):
def __init__(self, placeholder, action_id, initial_channel=None, confirm=None):
super().__init__(placeholder, action_id, confirm)
self.type = 'channels_select'
self.initial_channel = initial_channel
if self.initial_channel:
self.initial_channel = str(self.initial_channel)
class ElementOverflow(_Element):
def __init__(self, placeholder, action_id, options, confirm=None):
self.type = 'overflow'
self.action_id = str(action_id)
self.options = options
self.confirm = confirm
# Validation
self.check_len(self, 'action_id', 255)
if self.options:
self.check_type(self, 'options', list)
self.check_len(self, 'options', 5)
logger.debug(f'Checking that {self.__class__.__name__}.options has minimum length')
if len(self.options) < 2:
msg = f'{self.__class__.__name__}.options length should be at least 2. Provided: {self.options}'
raise ValueError(msg)
self.check_instance_list(self, 'options', ObjectOption)
if self.confirm:
self.check_instance(self, 'confirm', ObjectConfirm)
class ElementDatePicker(_Element):
def __init__(self, action_id, placeholder=None, initial_date=None, confirm=None):
self.type = 'datepicker'
self.action_id = str(action_id)
self.placeholder = placeholder
self.initial_date = self.initial_date
self.confirm = confirm
if self.initial_date:
self.initial_date = str(self.initial_date)
# Validation
self.check_len(self, 'action_id', 255)
self.check_instance(self, 'placeholder', TextPlain)
self.check_len(self.placeholder, 'text', 150)
if self.initial_date:
logger.debug(f'Checking that {self.__class__.__name__}.initial_date is in valid format')
r = re.compile('2[0-9]{3}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])')
if not r.match(self.initial_date):
msg = f'{self.__class__.__name__}.initial_date is not a valid date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Provided: {self.initial_date}'
raise ValueError(msg)
if self.confirm:
self.check_instance(self, 'confirm', ObjectConfirm)
class _Object(_Block):
'''Objects which can be used inside block elements and other parts of a message.'''
def __init__(self):
class _Text(_Object):
def __init__(self, text):
self.text = str(text)
class TextPlain(_Text):
def __init__(self, text, emoji=None):
self.type = 'plain_text'
self.emoji = emoji
# Validation
if self.emoji:
self.check_type(self, 'emoji', bool)
class TextMarkdown(_Text):
def __init__(self, text, verbatim=None):
self.type = 'mrkdwn'
self.verbatim = verbatim
# Validation
if self.verbatim:
self.check_type(self, 'verbatim', bool)
class ObjectConfirm(_Object):
def __init__(self, title, text, confirm, deny):
self.title = title
self.text = text
self.confirm = confirm
self.deny = deny
# Validation
self.check_instance(self, 'title', TextPlain)
self.check_len(self.title, 'text', 100)
self.check_instance(self, 'text', _Text)
self.check_len(self.text, 'text', 300)
self.check_instance(self, 'confirm', TextPlain)
self.check_len(self.confirm, 'text', 30)
self.check_instance(self, 'deny', TextPlain)
self.check_len(self.deny, 'text', 30)
class ObjectOption(_Object):
def __init__(self, text, value):
self.text = text
self.value = str(value)
# Validation
self.check_instance(self, 'text', TextPlain)
self.check_len(self.text, 'text', 75)
self.check_len(self, 'value', 75)
class ObjectOptionGroup(_Object):
def __init__(self, label, options):
self.label = label
self.options = options
# Validation
self.check_instance(self, 'label', TextPlain)
self.check_len(self.label, 'text', 75)
self.check_type(self, 'options', list)
self.check_instance_list(self, 'options', ObjectOption)
self.check_len(self, 'options', 100)
slack_json = {
'text': 'Some text here',
'blocks': [
text=TextMarkdown('Here is some _fancy_ text with *markdown*'),
TextMarkdown('*Here is a field*'),
TextMarkdown('`Another field`'),
TextPlain('This field is plain'),
text=TextPlain('A button!'),
text=TextPlain('Second button'),
# We need to remove "None" values and recursively convert _Block objects to dictionaries
# Slack message is ready to be sent to slack as JSON
slack_message = clean(slack_json)
# To see what this would output
print('########################\n# This is the JSON that would be sent to Slack\n########################')
print(json.dumps(slack_message, indent=4))
# To put into Block Kit Message builder (to validate)
print('########################\n# This can be put into Block Kit message builder\n########################')
print(json.dumps(slack_message['blocks'], indent=4))
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