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Created September 24, 2018 22:12
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New Mac Setup
# Typically I write this to an and let it run
# Accept XCode License / install dev tools
sudo xcode-select --install
sudo xcrun cc
sudo xcodebuild -license accept
# Install package manager
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install Oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# Allow dev/beta versions; fonts
brew tap caskroom/versions
brew tap caskroom/fonts
# Install homebrew packages
brew install \
ack \
brightness \
colordiff \
coreutils \
diff-so-fancy \
docker \
findutils --with-default-names \
git \
go \
grc \
ical-buddy \
jq \
mackup \
node \
python \
python3 \
rename \
ssh-copy-id \
wget \
# Java
brew cask install java8;
# Python
#### This may require some chowning of the Cellar / Homebrew dirs due to a bug
brew postinstall python3;
pip3 install requests six;
# Node
#### Node module debugging if needed
#### sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/lib/node_modules/
## brew install docker scout
## Testing
## curl -sL | bash
# Other
brew cask install --appdir="/Applications" \
1password \
alfred \
atext \
bartender \
bettertouchtool \
caffeine \
citrix-receiver \
dash \
disk-drill \
dropbox \
dropzone \
evernote \
flux \
fantastical \
google-chrome \
google-drive \
intellij-receiver \
iterm2-beta \
kindle \
marked \
quip \
rescuetime \
skitch \
slack \
spectacle \
sourcetree \
skype \
sublime-text-dev \
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