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Forked from antonycourtney/interp.lhs
Created May 5, 2016 18:33
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My own notes and exercises written while reading Wadler's wonderful "Monads for Functional Programming" in 1998
A really simple interpreter to use while learning about monads. Based on
the paper "Monads for Functional Programming" by Phil Wadler.
the type of terms:
> data Term = Con Int
> | Div Term Term
> deriving Show
A test term:
> test = Div (Div (Con 2772) (Con 33)) (Con 2)
A simple evaluator:
> eval :: Term -> Int
> eval (Con v) = v
> eval (Div t1 t2) = (eval t1) `div` (eval t2)
Now let's write a version that counts the number of divisions:
> type Answer = (State, Int)
> type State = Int
The first int is the number of divisions performed during evaluation,
the second is the result.
> eval2 :: Term -> Answer
> eval2 (Con v) = (0, v)
> eval2 (Div t1 t2) =
> let (c1, v1) = eval2 t1
> (c2, v2) = eval2 t2
> in (c1 + c2 + 1, v1 `div` v2)
OK, eval2 worked, but it has a slightly odd property: The definition of
eval2 doesn't take a State as an input parameter. So it isn't really
"stateful" per se. A truly stateful interpreter would take a state as
an input parameter *and* produce a state as a result (paired with an
> eval3 :: Term -> State -> Answer
> eval3 (Con v) s = (s, v)
> eval3 (Div t1 t2) s =
> let (s', v1) = eval3 t1 s
> (s'', v2) = eval3 t2 s'
> in (s'' + 1, v1 `div` v2)
First, let's try and abstract over a state transformer: Something that,
given an initial state, will give us a new state and something else:
> type ST = State -> Answer
(remember Answer is really (State, Int)!)
then, we have:
> eval4 :: Term -> ST
> eval4 (Con v) = \s -> (s,v)
> eval4 (Div t1 t2) = \s ->
> let (s',v1) = eval4 t1 s
> (s'',v2) = eval4 t2 s'
> in (s'' + 1, v1 `div` v2)
which is entirely equivalent to eval3.
But, of course, we can introduce a true data type for ST, at the cost of
needing to explicitly use pattern matching to extract the value carried
with values of that type:
> data SM a = SM (State -> (State, a))
then clearly eval3 is equivalent to:
> eval5 :: Term -> SM Int
> eval5 (Con v) = SM (\s -> (s,v))
> eval5 (Div t1 t2) = SM (\s ->
> let (SM st1) = eval5 t1
> (s', v1) = st1 s
> (SM st2) = eval5 t2
> (s'', v2) = st2 s'
> in (s'' + 1, v1 `div` v2))
A little utility function that takes an evaluator that produces an SM Int
and gives us a state transformer function
> testSMe :: (Term -> SM Int) -> Term -> (State -> (State, Int))
> testSMe f term = let (SM st) = f term in st
This lets us test by typing:
testSMe eval5 test 0
at the hugs prompt.
OK, now let's try making SM a monad:
> instance Monad SM where
> return v = SM (\s -> (s,v))
> (>>=) = smbind
> smbind :: SM a -> (a -> SM b) -> SM b
> smbind sm0 fsm1 = SM (\s ->
> let (SM st0) = sm0
> (s', v1) = st0 s
> (SM st1) = fsm1 v1
> (s'', v2) = st1 s'
> in (s'', v2))
Now, let's REWRITE our evaluator in terms of this monad:
> eval6 :: Term -> SM Int
> eval6 (Con v) = return v
> eval6 (Div t1 t2) = (eval6 t1) >>= (\v1 ->
> (eval6 t2) >>= (\v2 ->
> SM (\s -> (s+1,(v1 `div` v2)))))
> tryeval6 = let (SM st) = eval6 test in st
which we can rewrite using do syntax as:
> eval7 :: Term -> SM Int
> eval7 (Con v) = return v
> eval7 (Div t1 t2) =
> do v1 <- eval7 t1
> v2 <- eval7 t2
> SM (\s -> (s+1,(v1 `div` v2)))
We can add a combinator to update the state of a state monad:
> updateS :: (State -> State) -> SM ()
> updateS f = SM (\s -> (f s, ()))
(Note that, obviously, the value part of the tuple is ()).
Now we can write:
> eval8 :: Term -> SM Int
> eval8 (Con v) = return v
> eval8 (Div t1 t2) =
> do v1 <- eval8 t1
> v2 <- eval8 t2
> updateS (\s -> s+1)
> return (v1 `div` v2)
Hmmmmm. What is REALLY going on here? better put this back in explicit
form by getting rid of the do syntax to see what updateS does:
> eval9 :: Term -> SM Int
> eval9 (Con v) = return v
> eval9 (Div t1 t2) =
> eval9 t1 >>= (\v1 ->
> eval9 t2 >>= (\v2 ->
> updateS (\s -> s+1) >>= (\_ ->
> return (v1 `div` v2))))
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