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Forked from geraldstanje/
Created September 2, 2021 01:10
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Call go from C++ using a shared library

Build modes The 'go build' and 'go install' commands take a -buildmode argument which indicates which kind of object file is to be built. Currently supported values are:

-buildmode=archive Build the listed non-main packages into .a files. Packages named main are ignored.

-buildmode=c-archive Build the listed main package, plus all packages it imports, into a C archive file. The only callable symbols will be those functions exported using a cgo //export comment. Requires exactly one main package to be listed.

-buildmode=c-shared Build the listed main package, plus all packages it imports, into a C shared library. The only callable symbols will be those functions exported using a cgo //export comment. Requires exactly one main package to be listed.

-buildmode=default Listed main packages are built into executables and listed non-main packages are built into .a files (the default behavior).

-buildmode=shared Combine all the listed non-main packages into a single shared library that will be used when building with the -linkshared option. Packages named main are ignored.

-buildmode=exe Build the listed main packages and everything they import into executables. Packages not named main are ignored.

-buildmode=pie Build the listed main packages and everything they import into position independent executables (PIE). Packages not named main are ignored.

-buildmode=plugin Build the listed main packages, plus all packages that they import, into a Go plugin. Packages not named main are ignored. On AIX, when linking a C program that uses a Go archiv

package main
import "C"
import (
//export Add
func Add(a, b int) int {
return a + b
//export Sub
func Sub(a, b int) int {
return a - b
//export Print
func Print(str string) {
fmt.Printf("Go prints: %s\n", str)
func strFxn(input string) string {
return "Hello " + input + " World"
//export StrFxn
func StrFxn(cinput *C.char) *C.char {
// C data needs to be manually managed in memory.
// But we will do it from C++.
input := C.GoString(cinput)
return C.CString(strFxn(input))
//export Sort
func Sort(vals []int) {
func main() {
// We need the main function to make possible
// CGO compiler to compile the package as C shared library
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "bidder_module.h"
int main() {
int res = Add(1, 2);
std::cout << res << std::endl;
GoString str;
str.p = "Hello World";
str.n = strlen(str.p);
std::string s = "Bidder";
char *cstr = new char[s.length()+1];
std::strcpy (cstr, s.c_str());
cstr = StrFxn(cstr);
std::cout << cstr << std::endl;
delete[] cstr;
return 0;
# if you are on osx:
# this creates bidder_module.h and bidder_module.dylib file
go build -o bidder_module.dylib -buildmode=c-shared bidder_module.go
g++ main.cpp bidder_module.dylib -o main && ./main
# if you are on linux:
# this creates bidder_module.h and file
# go build -o -buildmode=c-shared bidder_module.go
# g++ main.cpp -o main && ./main
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