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Playground showing how to use Redux with SwiftUI.
// Redux.playground
// Created by Felix Mau on 25.06.20.
// Copyright © 2020 Felix Mau. All rights reserved.
import PlaygroundSupport
import SwiftUI
/// # Redux components
/// **The Store** stores your entire app state in the form of a single data structure. This state can only be
/// modified by dispatching Actions to the store. Whenever the state in the store changes, the store will
/// notify all observers.
/// **Actions** are a declarative way of describing a state change. Actions don't contain any code, they are
/// consumed by the store and forwarded to reducers. Reducers will handle the actions by implementing a
/// different state change for each action.
/// **Reducers** provide pure functions, that based on the current action and the current app state, create a
/// new app state.
/// **A middleware** is any function that performs side effects when a certain action passes through the Store.
/// Those side effects can then trigger new actions to the Store.
/// Sources:
/// - <>
/// - <>
// MARK: - State
/// App-State (Our single source of truth that drives the app).
struct CounterState {
var value: Int
// MARK: - Action
/// Actions to mutate our App-State.
enum CounterAction {
// Synchronous actions that can be run by the reducer.
case increase
case decrease
// Asynchronous actions that can be run by the middleware.
case asyncIncrease
case asyncDecrease
// MARK: - Reducer
/// This is our reducer, a pure function with `(state, action) => state` signature.
/// It describes how an action transforms the state into the next state (**without any side effects**).
/// This makes it easy to test, as you can (synchronously) verify:
/// - Given: Old State
/// - When: Action
/// - Then: Expect new State
func counterReducer(state: CounterState, action: CounterAction) -> CounterState {
var mutableState = state
switch action {
case .increase:
mutableState.value += 1
case .decrease:
mutableState.value -= 1
case .asyncIncrease, .asyncDecrease:
return mutableState
// MARK: - Middleware
/// A dispatcher is any function that takes in an action.
/// - Note: This has to match the method `dispatch(action: CounterAction)` on our `Store`.
typealias Dispatcher = (CounterAction) -> Void
/// A middleware is any function that **performs side effects** when a certain action passes through the Store.
/// Those side effects can then trigger new actions to the Store.
/// This makes it easy to test, as you can verify:
/// - Given: Old State
/// - When: Action
/// - Then: Expect dispatched new Action
typealias CounterMiddleware = (CounterState, CounterAction, @escaping Dispatcher) -> Void
func asyncCounterMiddleware(dispatchQueue: DispatchQueue) -> CounterMiddleware {
return { _, action, dispatch in
switch action {
case .asyncIncrease:
// Simulate async. method call by using a timeout here.
dispatchQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
case .asyncDecrease:
// Simulate async. method call by using a timeout here.
dispatchQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1.5) {
// MARK: - Store
/// Redux store holding the state of our app.
final class Store: ObservableObject {
// MARK: - Public properties
private(set) var counterState: CounterState
// MARK: - Private properties
private let counterMiddlewares: [CounterMiddleware]
// MARK: - Initializer
init(counterState: CounterState, counterMiddlewares: [CounterMiddleware]) {
self.counterState = counterState
self.counterMiddlewares = counterMiddlewares
// MARK: - Public methods
/// The only way to mutate the internal state is to dispatch an action.
func dispatch(action: CounterAction) {
print("ℹ️ – Dispatching action \(action)")
// Create new state ..
counterState = counterReducer(state: counterState, action: action)
// .. and afterwards apply our middlewares.
counterMiddlewares.forEach { middleware in
middleware(counterState, action, dispatch)
// MARK: - View
struct CounterView: View {
// MARK: - Public properties
var store: Store
// MARK: - Private properties
private var headline: some View {
HStack(spacing: 4) {
Text("Current value:")
// MARK: - Render
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 16) {
Button("Sync. Increase") { .increase)
Button("Sync. Decrease") { .decrease)
Button("Async. Increase (1.0s Delay)") { .asyncIncrease)
Button("Async. Decrease (1.5s Delay)") { .asyncDecrease)
// MARK: - Playground setup
let initialState = CounterState(value: 0)
let counterMiddlewares: [CounterMiddleware] = [
asyncCounterMiddleware(dispatchQueue: .main),
let store = Store(counterState: initialState,
counterMiddlewares: counterMiddlewares)
let counterView = CounterView()
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