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Last active April 7, 2016 00:18
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CraftChest chest = (CraftChest) block.getState(); //block has to be a chest
Field inventoryField = chest.getClass().getDeclaredField("chest"); //This gets the CraftChest variable 'chest' which is the TileEntityChest that is stored within it
inventoryField.setAccessible(true); //Allows you to access that field since it's declared as private
TileEntityChest teChest = ((TileEntityChest) inventoryField.get(chest)); //obtains the field and casts it to a TileEntityChest
teChest.a("Name Goes Here"); //The a(String) method sets the title of the chest
catch (Exception e) //This has to be here as the getDeclaredField(String) throws an exception if the input doesn't exist in the given class
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