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fython / watch_followers.js
Last active May 3, 2020 12:01
Watch followers count of specific Bilibili user
* This script is used to watch followers count of specific user in Bilibili.
* Please change the constant "CHECK_UID" to user id you want to watch.
* Before running this script, please install following dependencies to global:
* - axios
* - node-notifier
* For example, when you are using NPM as package manager,
* run this command in shell:
fython /
Last active January 14, 2025 03:29
StorageManagaerCompat (openProxyFileDescriptor pre-O)
* No Licenses. Use it in your favourite way.
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.os.ProxyFileDescriptorCallback;
fython / libraries.gradle
Last active April 12, 2018 08:10
Usual Android Libraries collection (Gradle)
ext {
// Libraries version
androidSupportVersion = '27.1.1'
kotlinxCoroutinesVersion = '0.22.5'
okhttp3Version = '3.10.0'
retrofit2Version = '2.4.0'
materialPrefVersion = '2.2.3'
androidKtxVersion = '0.3'
glideVersion = '4.7.0'
butterKnifeVersion = '8.8.1'
fython / gist:6a93a27486cfe3719240dbae8b780913
Created September 12, 2017 13:37
Google Fonts - Early Access - Noto Sans SC/TC/JP
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am fython on github.
* I am fython ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASDcJ07GUdW8bvJwulIGycvSRawEqddX8BaIGJWeUdItkAo
To claim this, I am signing this object: