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Last active February 22, 2019 15:52
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Muovi punto in direzione a piacere
get_utm_crs <- function(dat) {
# To determine UTM CRS, first compute average longitude points
if(st_crs(dat)$epsg != 4326) {
dat <- st_transform(dat, crs = 4326)
# Extra step if dat is not only made of points
if(!all(st_is(dat, 'POINT'))) {
oldw <- getOption("warn")
options(warn = -1)
dat <- st_cast(head(st_geometry(dat), 1000), 'POINT')
options(warn = oldw)
avg_lat <- st_coordinates(head(dat, 1000))[, 2] %>% mean
north_or_south = 6
if(avg_lat < 0) {
north_or_south = 7
avg_lon <- st_coordinates(head(dat, 1000))[, 1] %>% mean
crs <- paste0(32, north_or_south, as.integer(floor((avg_lon + 180) / 6.) + 1)) %>% as.integer
move_point <- function(origin=st_point(c(0,0)),
direction = c(north=0, south=0, east=0, west=0)) {
wgs84 = 4326
origin <- st_sfc(origin, crs = wgs84)
projection = get_utm_crs(origin)
origin_m <- st_transform(origin, crs=projection)
meters_to_the_north = direction[1]
meters_to_the_south = direction[2]
meters_to_the_east = direction[3]
meters_to_the_west = direction[4]
new_point <- (st_coordinates(st_geometry(origin_m)) +
c(0, meters_to_the_north) +
c(0, -meters_to_the_south) +
c(meters_to_the_east, 0) +
c(-meters_to_the_west, 0)) %>%
st_point %>% st_sfc(crs=projection) %>% st_transform(crs=wgs84)
rome <- st_point(c(12.4964, 41.9028))
# Move by c(N,S,E,W) and return new lon/lat coordinates
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fzenoni commented Feb 22, 2019

Now works also for South emisphere

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