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Last active February 26, 2024 19:37
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superres matrix
import torch
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from typing import Callable, Literal
import einops
import itertools
from torch import Tensor
class MatrixMultiplication(torch.autograd.Function):
"""Helper to do a matrix multiplication if we know the adjoint of the matrix"""
def forward(ctx, x, matrix, matrixH):
return matrix @ x
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
(matrixH,) = ctx.saved_tensors
return matrixH @ grad_output, None, None
class SliceGaussian:
"""Gaussian Slice Profile"""
def __init__(self, fwhm: float | Tensor):
self.fwhm = torch.as_tensor(fwhm)
def __call__(self, x):
return torch.exp(-(x**2) / (0.36 * self.fwhm**2))
class SliceSmoothedRect:
"""Rectangular Slice Profile with smooth flanks
The smaller n, the smoother it is. For n<1, the FWHM might be wrong
def __init__(self, fwhm: float | Tensor, n: float | Tensor):
self.n = n
self.fwhm = fwhm
def __call__(self, x):
y = x * 2 / self.fwhm
return torch.erf(self.n * (1 - y)) + torch.erf(self.n * (1 + y))
class SliceInterpolate:
"""Slice Profile based on Interpolation of Meassured Profile"""
def __init__(self, xs: Tensor, weights: Tensor):
self._xs = xs
self._weights = weights
def __call__(self, x):
return torch.as_tensor(np.interp(x, self._xs.numpy(), self.weights.numpy(), 0, 0))
class SliceProjection(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(
input_shape: tuple[int, int, int],
slice_rotation: None | tuple[Rotation, ...] | Tensor,
slice_shift: float | Tensor = 0.0,
slice_profile: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor] | tuple[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor], ...] = SliceGaussian(2.0),
optimize_for: Literal["forward", "adjoint", "both"] = "both",
"""Create a module that represents the projection of a volume onto a plane
The projection will be done by sparse matrix multiplication.
Either the slice_fwhm representing the slice thickness of a gaussian slice or
the slice_x and slice_weight representing the slice profile must be given.
Shape of the volume to sample from
Rotation that describes the orientation of the plane as a quaternion.
If a tensor, it should be rotationa quaternions
Offset of the plane in the volume perpendicular plane from the center of the volume
A function that called with a distance x from the slice center should return the
intensity along the slice thickness at x
optimize_for: Literal["forward", "adjoint", "both"]
Whether to optimize for forward or adjoint operation or both.
Optimizing for both takes more memory but is faster for both operations
if slice_rotation is None:
slice_rotation_quaternions = torch.tensor((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1))
elif isinstance(slice_rotation, (tuple, list)) and all([isinstance(s, Rotation) for s in slice_rotation]):
slice_rotation_quaternions = torch.stack(R.as_quat for R in slice_rotation)
slice_rotation_quaternions = torch.as_tensor(slice_rotation)
if not slice_rotation_quaternions.shape[-1] == 4:
raise ValueError("Rotation quaternions must have 4 components")
slice_rotation_quaternions = torch.atleast_2d(slice_rotation_quaternions)
slice_shift = torch.atleast_1d(torch.as_tensor(slice_shift))
batch_shapes = torch.broadcast_shapes(
if not isinstance(slice_profile, (tuple, list)):
slice_profile = (slice_profile,) *
elif len(slice_profile) == 1 and > 1:
slice_profile = slice_profile *
elif len(slice_profile) !=
raise ValueError("length of slice_profile does not match batch shapes")
m = max(input_shape)
ws = []
for p in slice_profile:
# figure out how far along the profile we have to consider values
# clip up to 0.01 of intensity on both sides
r = torch.arange(-m, m)
pr = p(r)
cs = torch.cumsum(pr, -1) / pr.sum()
left = r[np.argmax(cs > 0.01)]
right = r[np.argmax(cs > 0.99)]
ws.append(int(max(left.abs(), right.abs()) + 1))
slice_rotation_quaternions = slice_rotation_quaternions.expand(batch_shapes + (4,)).reshape(-1, 4)
slice_shift = slice_shift.expand(batch_shapes).reshape(-1, 1)
matrices = [
(m, m),
offset=torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, shift]),
for quat, shift, f, w in zip(slice_rotation_quaternions, slice_shift, slice_profile, ws)
matrix = SliceProjection.join_matrices(matrices)
# in csr format the matmul is faster, but saving one for forward and adjoint takes more memory
if optimize_for == "forward":
self.matrix = matrix.to_sparse_csr()
self.matrixT = self.matrix.H
elif optimize_for == "adjoint":
self.matrixT = self.matrix.H.to_sparse_csr()
self.matrix = self.matrixT.H
elif optimize_for == "both":
self.matrix = matrix.to_sparse_csr()
self.matrixT = self.matrix.H.to_sparse_csr()
raise ValueError("optimize_for must be one of 'forward', 'adjoint', 'both'")
self._range_shape = (*batch_shapes, m, m)
self._domain_shape = input_shape
def forward(self, x):
x = MatrixMultiplication().apply(x.ravel(), self.matrix, self.matrixT)
return x.reshape(self._range_shape)
def adjoint(self, x):
x = MatrixMultiplication().apply(x.ravel(), self.matrixT, self.matrix)
return x.reshape(self._domain_shape)
def join_matrices(matrices):
values = []
target = []
source = []
for i, m in enumerate(matrices):
if not m.shape == matrices[0].shape:
raise ValueError("all matrices should have the same shape")
c = m.coalesce()
(ctarget, csource) = c.indices()
ctarget = ctarget + i * m.shape[0]
matrix = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
size=(len(matrices) * m.shape[0], m.shape[1]),
return matrix
def projection_matrix(
input_shape: tuple[int, int, int],
output_shape: tuple[int, int],
rotation_quaternion: Tensor,
offset: Tensor,
w: int,
slice_function: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor],
rotmat = torch.tensor(Rotation.from_quat(rotation_quaternion).as_matrix(), dtype=torch.float32)
def _rotate(vector, inverse=False):
if inverse:
return (rotmat.T @ vector.reshape(-1, 3, 1)).reshape(vector.shape)
return (rotmat @ vector.reshape(-1, 3, 1)).reshape(vector.shape)
"""Create a sparse matrix that represents the projection of a volume onto a plane
Outside the volume values are approximatly zero padded
Shape of the volume to sample from
Shape of the resulting plane
Rotation that describes the orientation of the plane as a quaternion
offset: Tensor
Offset of the plane in the volume in plane coordinates from the center of the volume
w: int
Factor that determines the number of pixels that are considered in the projection along the slice profile direction.
slice_function: Callable
Function that describes the slice profile
rotation_center: Tensor
Center of rotation, if None the center of the volume is used, i.e. for 4 pixels 0 1 2 3 it is between 1 and 2
Sparse matrix that represents the projection of the volume onto the plane
X, Y, Z = input_shape
x, y = output_shape # a xy plane
sx, sy = (X - x) // 2, (Y - y) // 2 # coordinates of the 2d output pixels in the coordinate system of the input volume, so shape (x,y,3)
pixel = torch.stack(
*torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(sx, sx + x), torch.arange(sy, sy + y)), # x and y coordinates
Z / 2 * torch.ones(x, y), # z coordinates
if offset is not None:
pixel = pixel + offset
if rotation_center is None:
# default rotation center is the center of the volume, i.e. for 4 pixels
# 0 1 2 3 it is between 0 and 1
rotation_center = torch.tensor([X / 2 - 0.5, Y / 2 - 0.5, Z / 2 - 0.5])
pixel_rotated = _rotate(pixel - rotation_center) + rotation_center
# We cast a ray from the pixel normal to the plane in both directions
# points in the original volume further away then w will not be considered
ray = _rotate(
torch.zeros(2 * w + 1), # X
torch.zeros(2 * w + 1), # Y
torch.arange(-w, w + 1), # Z
# In all possible directions for each point aloing the line we consider the eight neighboring points
# by adding all possible combinations of 0 and 1 to the point and flooring
# (this is the same as adding -.5, .5 to the point and rounding)
offsets = torch.tensor(list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=3)))
# all points that influence a pixel
# x,y,8-neighbours,(2*w+1)-raylength,3-dimensions XYZ)
points_influencing_pixel = (
einops.rearrange(pixel_rotated, " x y XYZ -> x y 1 1 XYZ")
+ einops.rearrange(ray, " ray XYZ -> 1 1 1 ray XYZ")
+ einops.rearrange(offsets, "neighbours XYZ -> 1 1 neighbours 1 XYZ")
# directional distance in source volume coordinate system
distance = pixel_rotated[:, :, None, None, :] - points_influencing_pixel
# Inverse rotation projects this back to the original coordinate system, i.e
# Distance in z is distance along the line, i.e. the slice profile weighted direction
# Distance in x and y is the distance of a pixel to the ray and linear interpolation is used to weight the distance
distance_x, distance_y, distance_z = _rotate(distance, inverse=True).unbind(-1)
weight_xy = (1 - distance_x.abs()).clamp_min(0) * (1 - distance_y.abs()).clamp_min(0)
weight_z = slice_function(distance_z)
weight = (weight_xy * weight_z).reshape(x * y, -1)
source = einops.rearrange(
"x y neighbours raylength XYZdim -> (x y) (neighbours raylength) XYZdim",
# mask of only potential source points inside the source volume
mask = (source[..., 0] < X) & (source[..., 0] >= 0) & (source[..., 1] < Y) & (source[..., 1] >= 0) & (source[..., 2] < Z) & (source[..., 2] >= 0)
# We need this at the edge of the volume to approximate zero padding
fraction_in_view = (mask * (weight > 0)).sum(-1) / (weight > 0).sum(-1)
source_index = torch.tensor(np.ravel_multi_index(source[mask].unbind(-1), (X, Y, Z)))
target_index = torch.repeat_interleave(torch.arange(x * y), mask.sum(-1))
# Count duplicates. Coalesce will sum the values of duplicate indices
ones = torch.ones_like(source_index).float()
ones = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
indices=torch.stack((target_index, source_index)),
size=(x * y, X * Y * Z),
ones = ones.coalesce()
matrix = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
indices=torch.stack((target_index, source_index)),
values=weight.reshape(x * y, -1)[mask],
size=(x * y, X * Y * Z),
# To avoid giving to much weight to points that are duplicated in our logic and summed up by coalesce
matrix.values()[:] /= ones.values()
# Normalize
norm = fraction_in_view / (matrix.sum(1).to_dense() + 1e-6)
matrix *= norm[:, None]
return matrix
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