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Last active July 28, 2021 16:54
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import numpy as np
### Requested pixel2q and q2pixel ####
def pixel2q(pixel, E_ev, detz_m, pixelsize_m=75e-6):
returns q in reciprocal nm
E_ev: photon Energy in eV
detz_m: detector distance in m
pixelsize_m: detector pixelsize in m
qstep_nm = pixelsize_m / detz_m * (2 * np.pi) / (1240 / E_ev)
return pixel * qstep_nm
def q2pixel(q_rnm, E_ev, detz_m, pixelsize_m=75e-6):
return pixel on the detector/in the correlation
q_rnm: q in reciprocal nm
E_ev: photon Energy in eV
detz_m: detector distance in m
pixelsize_m: detector pixelsize in m
qstep_nm = pixelsize_m / detz_m * (2 * np.pi) / (1240 / E_ev)
return q_rnm / qstep_nm
### some other utilities ###
def radial_profile(data, center=None, calcStd=False, os=1):
calculates a ND radial profile of data around center. will ignore nans
calStd: calculate standard deviation, return tuple of (profile, std)
os: oversample by a factor. With default 1 the stepsize will be 1 pixel, with 2 it will be .5 pixels etc.
if center is None:
center = np.array(data.shape) // 2
if len(center) != data.ndim:
raise TypeError("center should be of length data.ndim")
center = np.array(center)[tuple([slice(len(center))] + data.ndim * [None])]
ind = np.indices(data.shape)
r = (np.rint(os * np.sqrt(((ind - center) ** 2).sum(axis=0)))).astype(int)
databin = np.bincount(r.ravel(), (np.nan_to_num(data)).ravel())
nr = np.bincount(r.ravel(), ((~np.isnan(data)).astype(float)).ravel())
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
radialprofile = databin / nr
if not calcStd:
return radialprofile
data2bin = np.bincount(r.ravel(), (np.nan_to_num(data ** 2)).ravel())
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
radial2profile = data2bin / nr
std = np.sqrt(radial2profile - radialprofile ** 2)
return radialprofile, std
def centered_part(arr, newshape):
Return the center newshape portion of the array.
newshape = np.asarray(newshape)
currshape = np.array(arr.shape)
newshape = np.minimum(newshape, currshape)
startind = (np.ceil((currshape - newshape) / 2)).astype(int)
endind = startind + newshape
myslice = [slice(startind[k], endind[k]) for k in range(len(endind))]
return arr[tuple(myslice)]
def bin(ndarray, new_shape, operation="sum"):
bin an ndarray
ndarray: nd-array
new_shape: shape to bin to. shape of ndarray has to be integer multiple of new_shape along each dimension
operation: string. sum, mean, max, or min. operation to use
ops = ["sum", "mean", "max", "min"]
operation = operation.lower()
if operation not in ops:
raise ValueError("Operation not supported.")
if ndarray.ndim != len(new_shape):
raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: {} -> {}".format(ndarray.shape, new_shape))
compression_pairs = [(d, c // d) for d, c in zip(new_shape, ndarray.shape)]
flattened = [i for p in compression_pairs for i in p]
ndarray = ndarray.reshape(flattened)
for i in range(len(new_shape)):
op = getattr(ndarray, operation)
ndarray = op(-1 * (i + 1))
return ndarray
def binFactor(ndarray, n, operation="mean"):
rebin an ndarray
ndarray: nd-array
n: scalar or list, factor to bin with. if scalar, same factor along all dimensions
operation: string. sum, mean, max, or min. operation to use
if n doesnt divide arr along one dimensions, last elements of n will silently be dropped
if not (np.size(n) == 1 or np.size(n) == np.ndim(ndarray)):
raise ValueError("n should be scalar or of same length as ndarray has dimensions")
newshape = np.maximum(np.array(ndarray.shape) // n, 1)
return bin(
ndarray[tuple((slice(None, s) for s in n * newshape))],
### the q/pixel plotting functions ###
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
def plot_2d(image, mask_center=True, E_ev=None, detz_m=None, pixelsize_m=75e-6, ax=None, colorbar=True, rings=(0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), **kwargs):
plots an image.
mask_center (default true): mask the center cross
if E_ev, detz_m and pixelsize_m are all not None, q circles will be added
ax: axis to plot to, if None, gca()
colorbar: add colorbar
rings: relative radius of the q circles to add
other kwargs will be passed to matshow, e.g. vmin/vmax/cmap
returns the axis
if mask_center:
i = image.copy()
centered_part(i, (3, 1))[:] = np.nan
centered_part(i, (1, 3))[:] = np.nan
i = image
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
plot = ax.matshow(i, **kwargs)
if not any(x is None for x in (E_ev, pixelsize_m, detz_m)):
maxq = pixel2q(max(i.shape) / 2, E_ev, detz_m, pixelsize_m)
labeldir = 1
for r in rings:
q = np.round(r * maxq, int(np.ceil(1 - np.log10(maxq))))
p = q2pixel(q, E_ev, detz_m, pixelsize_m)
circ = Circle(
np.array(i.shape) // 2,
ax.text(i.shape[0] / 2 + p / np.sqrt(2), i.shape[0] / 2 + labeldir * p / np.sqrt(2), f'{q}{"$nm^{-1}$"}', fontsize="x-small", va="center")
labeldir *= -1
Nx, Ny = i.shape
ax.set_xticks([*range(0, Nx, Nx // 4), Nx - 1])
ax.set_yticks([*range(0, Ny, Ny // 4), Ny - 1])
ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(lambda x, pos: f"{int(x-Nx/2)}")
ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(lambda y, pos: f"{int(y-Ny/2)}")
if colorbar:
plt.colorbar(plot, ax=ax)
return ax
def plot_radialprofile(image, mask_center=True, E_ev=None, detz_m=None, pixelsize_m=75e-6, ax=None, **kwargs):
plots the radial profile of image.
mask_center (default true): mask the center cross
if E_ev, detz_m and pixelsize_m are all not None, a q-axis will be added
ax: axis to plot to, if None, gca()
returns the axis
if mask_center:
i = image.copy()
centered_part(i, (3, 1))[:] = np.nan
centered_part(i, (1, 3))[:] = np.nan
i = image
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
r = radial_profile(i)
pixel_x = np.arange(0, len(r))
ax.plot(pixel_x, r, **kwargs)
if not any(x is None for x in (E_ev, pixelsize_m, detz_m)):
q_x = pixel2q(pixel_x, E_ev, detz_m, pixelsize_m)
ax2 = ax.twiny()
ax2.plot(q_x, np.repeat(np.nan, len(q_x)))
return ax
def plot_lineprofiles(image, mask_center=True, E_ev=None, detz_m=None, pixelsize_m=75e-6, ax=None, **kwargs):
plots a horizontal and vertical line profile of image
mask_center (default true): mask the center cross
if E_ev, detz_m and pixelsize_m are all not None, a q-axis will be added
ax: axis to plot to, if None, gca()
returns the axis
if mask_center:
i = image.copy()
centered_part(i, (3, 1))[:] = np.nan
centered_part(i, (1, 3))[:] = np.nan
i = image
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
pixel_x, pixel_y = (np.arange(-s / 2, s / 2) for s in i.shape)
lv = centered_part(i, (1, i.shape[1])).ravel()
lh = centered_part(i, (i.shape[0], 1)).ravel()
ax.plot(pixel_x, lv, label="vertical", **kwargs)
ax.plot(pixel_y, lh, label="horizontal", **kwargs)
if not any(x is None for x in (E_ev, pixelsize_m, detz_m)):
q_x = pixel2q(pixel_x, E_ev, detz_m, pixelsize_m)
ax2 = ax.twiny()
ax2.plot(q_x, np.repeat(np.nan, len(q_x)))
return ax
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