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Created December 24, 2016 15:13
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0 633 257 91 412 150 80 134 259 505 353 324 70 211
633 0 390 661 227 488 572 530 555 289 282 638 567 466
257 390 0 228 169 112 196 154 372 262 110 437 191 74
91 661 228 0 383 120 77 105 175 476 324 240 27 182
412 227 169 383 0 267 351 309 338 196 61 421 346 243
150 488 112 120 267 0 63 34 264 360 208 329 83 105
80 572 196 77 351 63 0 29 232 444 292 297 47 150
134 530 154 105 309 34 29 0 249 402 250 314 68 108
259 555 372 175 338 264 232 249 0 495 352 95 189 326
505 289 262 476 196 360 444 402 495 0 154 578 439 336
353 282 110 324 61 208 292 250 352 154 0 435 287 184
324 638 437 240 421 329 297 314 95 578 435 0 254 391
70 567 191 27 346 83 47 68 189 439 287 254 0 145
211 466 74 182 243 105 150 108 326 336 184 391 145 0
// Created by Chen on 2016-12-24.
#include "DynamicProgrammingTSP.h"
#include <set>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
DynamicProgrammingTSP::DynamicProgrammingTSP(const std::string &data_filename) : TSP(data_filename) {}
DynamicProgrammingTSP::solve() {
set<int> empty, others;
map<pair<int, set<int>>, int> results;
for (auto i = 1; i < m_ncitys; ++i) {
results[make_pair(i, empty)] = m_cost[i][0];
for (auto size_of_citys_set = 1; size_of_citys_set < m_ncitys; ++size_of_citys_set) {
for (auto city = 0; city < m_ncitys; ++city) {
if (size_of_citys_set == m_ncitys - 1 && city != 0) {
auto city_sets = get_possible_city_sets(city, size_of_citys_set);
/*对每一个城市集,利用公式g(i,S) = min(L(i,j) + g(j, S-{j})) 来找到其最优解*/
for (const auto &city_set: city_sets) {
int min_cost = 0x7FFFFFFF;
for (const auto &j: city_set) {
set<int> tmp(city_set);
min_cost = min(min_cost, m_cost[city][j] + results[make_pair(j, tmp)]);
results[make_pair(city, city_set)] = min_cost;
/*返回最优解 g(0, V-{0})*/
return results[make_pair(0, others)];
DynamicProgrammingTSP::get_possible_city_sets(int city, int size_of_citys_set) {
vector<int> candidates;
for (auto i = 1; i < m_ncitys; ++i) {
if (i != city) {
return getSet(candidates, size_of_citys_set);
DynamicProgrammingTSP::getSet(std::vector<int> citys, int count) {
set<set<int>> results;
auto tmp = set<int>();
comb(results, citys, tmp, 0, count);
return results;
DynamicProgrammingTSP::comb(std::set<std::set<int>> &results, const std::vector<int> &citys, std::set<int> &tmp,
int offset, int rem_count) {
if (rem_count == 0) {
for (auto i = offset; i <= citys.size() - rem_count; ++i) {
comb(results, citys, tmp, i + 1, rem_count - 1);
// Created by Chen on 2016-12-24.
#include "TSP.h"
class DynamicProgrammingTSP: public TSP {
DynamicProgrammingTSP(const std::string &data_filename);
int solve() override;
std::set<std::set<int>> get_possible_city_sets(int city, int i);
std::set<std::set<int>> getSet(std::vector<int> citys, int count);
void comb(std::set<std::set<int>> &results, const std::vector<int> &citys, std::set<int> &tmp, int offset, int rem_count);
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
#include "DynamicProgrammingTSP.h"
int main() {
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
string data_path("E:\\baiduyun\\Codes\\C++\\tsp-dp\\data.txt");
DynamicProgrammingTSP tsp(data_path);
cout << "result : " << tsp.solve() << endl;
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start);
std::cout << elapsed.count() << " milliseconds\n";
return 0;
// Created by Chen on 2016-12-24.
#include "TSP.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
TSP::TSP(const std::string &data_filename){
ifstream data_file(data_filename);
for(auto row=0;row<m_ncitys;++row){
for(auto col=0;col<m_ncitys;++col){
// for(auto &row: m_cost){
// copy(row.cbegin(),row.cend(),ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
// cout<<endl;
// }
cout<<"-------load data finished--------"<<endl;
// Created by Chen on 2016-12-24.
#ifndef TSP_DP_TSP_H
#define TSP_DP_TSP_H
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
class TSP {
using matrix = std::vector<std::vector<int>>;
TSP(const std::string &data_filename);
virtual ~TSP(){};
virtual int solve()=0;
// void printPath();
std::size_t m_ncitys;
matrix m_cost;
#endif //TSP_DP_TSP_H
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