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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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MySQL Cheat Sheet
Connect to MySQL/MariaDB
= mysql -uroot
Create database
= create database db_name;
Drop Database
= drop database db_name;
Connect/use database
= use db_name;
Show tables
= show tables;
Show databases
= show databases;
Show users
= select user from mysql.user;
Create user
= create user 'username'@'localhost' identified by 'user_password';
Grant access/privilleges
= grant all on `db_name`.* to 'username'@'localhost' identified by 'user_password';
To see grants for a specific user
= show grants for 'username'@'localhost';
Select a table/retrieving info;
= select * from table_name where column='values';
Delete table;
drop table_name;
Show table structure;
= describe table_name;
Selecting records;
= select * from table_name;
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