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Created May 7, 2020 12:24
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run(Timeout) ->
MonoStartTs = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
OsStartTs = os:system_time(millisecond),
Timeout ->
MonoFinishTs = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
OsFinishTs = os:system_time(millisecond),
#{ milliseconds_elapsed =>
#{ according_to_monotonic_clock => MonoFinishTs - MonoStartTs,
according_to_os_clock => OsFinishTs - OsStartTs
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Result of executing it with a 30 seconds timeout while suspending the computer for roughly 20 seconds within the timeout window.

> drift_test:run(30000).
#{milliseconds_elapsed =>
      #{according_to_monotonic_clock => 30091,
        according_to_os_clock => 51650}

OS clock is in the right here - according to my phone timer, execution was blocked for roughly ~50 seconds (even though a 30 seconds timeout was specified and the computer awoke just upon the 30 seconds window coming to a close.)

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Tested on OTP and GNU/Linux with a 4.15.0 kernel.

Root cause of the issue appears to be the use of CLOCK_MONOTONIC instead of CLOCK_BOOTTIME when calling clock_gettime - I think.
(This doesn't necessarily apply to other platforms.)

Configuring ERTS with --enable-prefer-elapsed-monotonic-time-during-suspend solved the issue; this makes sense, as the default value of the setting appears to be no.

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