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Last active September 9, 2024 15:55
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LEM: Part 2 of Trying to Improve `vi-mode`
(defpackage :levi
(:use :cl)
(:import-from :lem
(:import-from :lem-core
(:import-from :lem/buffer/internal
(in-package :levi)
;;; overriding *normal-keymap*
(defgeneric handle-return (mode)
(:documentation "Mode-specific actions for hitting Return."))
(define-command route-return () ()
(let ((mode (current-major-mode-at-point (current-point))))
(message (prin1-to-string mode))
(handle-return mode)))
(defgeneric handle-f (mode)
(:documentation "Mode-specific actions for hitting f."))
(define-command route-f () ()
(let ((mode (current-major-mode-at-point (current-point))))
(message (prin1-to-string mode))
(handle-f mode)))
(defgeneric handle-g (mode)
(:documentation "Mode-specific actions for hitting g."))
(define-command route-g () ()
(let ((mode (current-major-mode-at-point (current-point))))
(message (prin1-to-string mode))
(handle-g mode)))
(defgeneric handle-l (mode)
(:documentation "Mode-specific actions for hitting l."))
(define-command route-l () ()
(let ((mode (current-major-mode-at-point (current-point))))
;;(message (prin1-to-string mode)) ; a message on every "l" is too annoying even in development
(handle-l mode)))
(defgeneric handle-r (mode)
(:documentation "Mode-specific actions for hitting r."))
(define-command route-r () ()
(let ((mode (current-major-mode-at-point (current-point))))
(message (prin1-to-string mode))
(handle-r mode)))
(defgeneric handle-s (mode)
(:documentation "Mode-specific actions for hitting s."))
(define-command route-s () ()
(let ((mode (current-major-mode-at-point (current-point))))
(message (prin1-to-string mode))
(handle-s mode)))
(define-keys lem-vi-mode:*normal-keymap*
("Return" 'levi::route-return)
("f" 'levi::route-f)
("g" 'levi::route-g)
("l" 'levi::route-l)
;;("r" 'levi::route-r)
;;("s" 'levi::route-s)
;;; really problematic bindings that break vi-mode severely
;; - uncomment the levi: version to try anyway
;; - uncomment the line after it to reset it to its default behavior
;; - Use `M-x emacs-mode` if vi-mode becomes too broken.
;;(define-key lem-vi-mode:*normal-keymap* "r" 'levi::route-r)
;;(define-key lem-vi-mode:*normal-keymap* "r" 'lem-vi-mode/commands:vi-replace-char)
;;(define-key lem-vi-mode:*normal-keymap* "s" 'levi::route-s)
;;(define-key lem-vi-mode:*normal-keymap* "s" 'lem-vi-mode/commands:vi-substitute)
;;; color-theme-selector-mode
(defmethod handle-return ((mode (eql 'lem-core::color-theme-selector-mode)))
"Return handler for color-theme-selector-mode"
;;; filer-mode
(defmethod handle-return ((mode (eql 'lem/filer::filer-mode)))
"Return handler for filer-mode"
;;; dashboard-mode
(defmethod handle-return ((mode (eql 'lem-dashboard::dashboard-mode)))
"Return handler for dashboard-mode"
(defmethod handle-f ((mode (eql 'lem-dashboard::dashboard-mode)))
"f handler for dashboard-mode"
(defmethod handle-g ((mode (eql 'lem-dashboard::dashboard-mode)))
"g handler for dashboard-mode"
(defmethod handle-l ((mode (eql 'lem-dashboard::dashboard-mode)))
"l handler for dashboard-mode"
(defmethod handle-r ((mode (eql 'lem-dashboard::dashboard-mode)))
"r handler for dashboard-mode"
(defmethod handle-s ((mode (eql 'lem-dashboard::dashboard-mode)))
"s handler for dashboard-mode"
;;; default actions
(defmethod handle-return ((mode symbol))
"Return handler that does the default action."
(defmethod handle-f ((mode symbol))
"f handler that does the default action."
;; FIXME - g in *normal-keymap* has many sequences like "g J" and "g u".
;; How could I handle that?
;; Do I have to make a handler for every sequence that starts with "g"?
(defmethod handle-g ((mode symbol))
"g handler that does the default action."
(message "I don't know what to do here."))
(defmethod handle-l ((mode symbol))
"l handler that does the default action."
;; FIXME - vi-replace-char wants 4 parameters. What should I do?
(defmethod handle-r ((mode symbol))
"r handler that does the default action."
;; FIXME - vi-substitute wants 3 parameters.
(defmethod handle-s ((mode symbol))
"s handler that does the default action."
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g-gundam commented Sep 9, 2024

Part 1 can be found here: lem-project/lem#1515 .

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