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Created October 2, 2012 04:03
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Boustrophedons with CSS transforms
// boustrophedon.js - for boustrophedon rendering
// uses and requires jQuery and Modernizr
// uses 2D CSS rotate transforms for reverse boustrophedon
// and the webkit box-reflect for mirror boustrophedon
// 2D CSS transforms:
// webkit-box-reflect:
window.Boustrophedon = (function($, Modernizr) {
var actions = {
mirror : {},
reverse : {}
actions.reverse[Modernizr.prefixed("transform")] = "rotate(180deg)";
actions.mirror[Modernizr.prefixed("boxReflect")] = "left 10px";
actions.mirror[Modernizr.prefixed("transform")] = "translateX(TX)";
var Boustrophedon = function (text, $container, action) {
// check for action/type and get the action's CSS rules
var css;
if (!action.match(/mirror|reverse/ig) ) {
throw "Invalid Boustrophedon action/type";
action = action.toLowerCase();
css = actions[action];
// how many characters fit on each line
var width = $container.width();
var test_string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
// average character width only seems to work for fixed width fonts
// no surprise there
$container.append('<span>' + test_string + '<span>');
var char_width = $container.children('span').width() / 52;
var chars_per_line = Math.floor(width / char_width);
// add divs for each line and apply css to every other line
var line_num, line, newline, last_char, next_line_first_char;
var start_index;
var lines = Math.ceil(text.length / chars_per_line);
for (line_num = 0; line_num < lines + 2; line_num += 1) {
start_index = line_num * chars_per_line;
if (start_index + chars_per_line > text.length - 1) {
line = text.substring(start_index, text.length - 1);
} else {
line = text.substr(start_index, chars_per_line);
$newline = $('<div></div>').text(line);
// have to insert into DOM to get an offset width
if (line_num % 2) {
// Shift the text
if (action === 'mirror') {
var transform = Modernizr.prefixed("transform");
css[transform] = css[transform].replace('TX', $newline.css('width'));
return Boustrophedon;
})(jQuery, Modernizr);
function run(event) {
var text = $('#input').val();
var $mirror = $('#mirror');
var $reverse = $('#reverse');
Boustrophedon(text, $reverse, 'reverse');
Boustrophedon(text, $mirror, 'mirror');
$(document).ready(function () {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html" charset="utf-8">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="boustrophedon.js"></script>
* {
font-family: Monospace;
.boustrophedon {
width: 40%;
font-size: 2.0em;
.mirror, .reverse {
background-color: lightblue;
<textarea id="input" cols="80" rows="20">one bright day in the middle of the night two dead boys got up to fight back to back they faced each other drew their swords and shot each other the deaf policeman heard the noise and ran to stop those two dead boys if you do not believe my lie is true ask the blindman he saw it too
</textarea><br />
<button id="run">Run</button>
<h2>Mirror Boustrophedon</h2>
<div id="mirror" class="boustrophedon"></div>
<h2>Reversed Boustrophedon</h2>
<div id="reverse" class="boustrophedon"></div>
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