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Last active September 26, 2022 01:01
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100 Days of YARA to be updated with rules & ideas as the year progresses
Goals for #100DaysofYARA:
better understanding of bitwise operators
use math module beyond general entropy of a section / resource
position specific things beyond what PE module tells us
do some funky stuff with hashing
import "pe"
import "hash"
import "math"
rule Example_ExpHash
description = "yara can hash any part of a file. this is a dumb attempt to hash the export table (like imphash). I don't think the export address table is a PERFECT measure or detection but if the DLL name and export names are the same, we can roll them into a single measure (even though its probably more lines of condition than just looking for both features. I failed a bunch of times trying stuff like for any dir in pe.data_directories: (hash.md5(dir.virtual_address, dir.size) == \"c8789e010163226dc559d4ffed4301c1\" or hash.md5(pe.data_directories[pe.IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].virtual_address, pe.data_directories[pe.IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].size) == \"c8789e010163226dc559d4ffed4301c1\" until an old Steve Miller tweet (and guidance from @xorhex) helped me realize I need to use rva_to_offset. For complete transparency, I tried to hash every single 68 byte chunk around this sample's export table and spent 5-6 hours bashing my head against the wall (don't worry boss this was a weekend thing). Don't give up! "
DaysofYARA_day = "4/100"
reference = ""
hash = "2a5788d0c609f5dbefeb9f0538c0e4a53ef1f9f1e757ed5bd7b338554c09baef"
hash = "521533fe8439f70f3e4446312df30bec85326767b02f76af4bec39b251e15c81"
) == "c8789e010163226dc559d4ffed4301c1"
// hash.md5(0x55c0,0x44) == "c8789e010163226dc559d4ffed4301c1" also catches this bull
rule Export_Table_VirtualAddress
description = "malware families can share odd things, including the virtual address of the export table! Partly highlighting this so that there is a record of its usage publicly"
DaysofYARA_day = "3/100"
hash = "2a5788d0c609f5dbefeb9f0538c0e4a53ef1f9f1e757ed5bd7b338554c09baef"
hash = "521533fe8439f70f3e4446312df30bec85326767b02f76af4bec39b251e15c81"
pe.data_directories[pe.IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].virtual_address == 28096
rule SUSP_Very_High_Entropy_Text_Section
description = "check for a section of the PE called .text that has a very high entropy. Why .text? It is commonly the section where code is stored"
DaysofYARA_day = "2/100"
for any var_sect in pe.sections: ( //iterate across all of the sections of the PE and for each one (we're using variable named var_sect to make it clear) == ".text" //check that the name equals .text
math.in_range( //set a range
math.entropy( //calculate entropy
var_sect.raw_data_offset, var_sect.raw_data_size), // between the start (offset) of the section
7.8, 8.0) //entropy caps at 8, so lets set a value close to that
rule MZ_Header_MD5_Hash
description = "yara can hash any part of a file. md5 of 1st two bytes of PE file (4d 5a) == ac6ad5d9b99757c3a878f2d275ace198. This rule checks for that hash in first 2 bytes. This is effectively the same as using uint16(0) == 0x5a4d"
DaysofYARA_day = "1/100"
hash.md5(0,2) == "ac6ad5d9b99757c3a878f2d275ace198"
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