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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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TMP Vector and Square Matrix
* Copyright 2014 Peter LaValle (with that name as my GMail) / g-pechorin
* Vector and square matrix header. Header for math functions that work on vectors and square matrices of arbitrary dimensions.
* You may use this under the Affero GNU GPL
* Lacks rotation stuff since ... y'know those are specific to specific dimensions of matrix
* Other than std::string creation (which should only be used for debugging) - all methods are implemented as const templates (no loops or branches) so should optimize nicely
* ... oh; and this seems to crash VSEE2013 - so I don't know if it actually works right for everything :)
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
typedef float sinlge_t;
// technically - this is the only function in this file; the rest are templates
inline sinlge_t sinlge_sqrt(const sinlge_t input) { return sqrtf(input); }
template<size_t size>
struct sinlge_vec
// this is the "only" data for this sucker
sinlge_t _data[size];
private: // private implmentation
/* ====
* Recursive / man-behind-the-curtain template for scaling
template<size_t component>
void _mul(sinlge_vec<size>& result, const sinlge_t val) const
result._data[component] = (_data[component] * val);
_mul<component - 1>(result, val);
void _mul<0>(sinlge_vec<size>& result, const sinlge_t val) const
result._data[component] = (_data[component] * val);
/* ====
* Recursive / man-behind-the-curtain template for dot product
template<size_t component>
sinlge_t _dot(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const
return (_data[component - 1] * other._data[component - 1]) + _dot<component - 1>(other);
sinlge_t _dot<0>(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const
return 0.f;
/* ====
* Recursive / man-behind-the-curtain template for sum (of two vectors)
template <size_t component>
sinlge_vec<size> _sum(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const
sinlge_vec<size> result = _sum<component - 1>(other);
result._data[component - 1] = _data[component - 1] + other._data[component - 1];
return result;
template <> sinlge_vec<size> _sum<0>(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const { return sinlge_vec<size>(); }
/* ====
* Recursive / man-behind-the-curtain template for addition (of a scalar)
template <size_t component>
sinlge_vec<size> _add(const sinlge_t val) const
sinlge_vec<size> result = _add<component - 1>();
result._data[component - 1] = _data[component - 1] + val;
return result;
template <> sinlge_vec<size> _add<0>(const sinlge_t val) const { return sinlge_vec<size>(); }
/* ====
* Recursive templates for cross (product)
template<size_t component>
sinlge_vec<size> _crs(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const
sinlge_vec<size> result = _crs<component - 1>(other);
result._data[component - 1] = _data[component % size] * other._data[(component + 1) % size] - _data[(component + 1) % size] * other._data[component % size];
return result;
template <> sinlge_vec<size> _crs<0>(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const { return sinlge_vec<size>(); }
/* ====
* Recursive templates for extension (by adding an element at the end)
template<size_t component>
sinlge_vec<size + 1> _ext(void) const
sinlge_vec<size + 1> result = _ext<component - 1>();
result._data[component - 1] = _data[component - 1];
return result;
template <> sinlge_vec<size + 1> _ext<0>(void) const { return sinlge_vec<size + 1>(); }
/* ====
* Recursive templates for equality
template<size_t component>
bool _equ(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const
return (_data[component - 1] == other._data[component - 1]) && _equ<component - 1>(other);
template <> bool _equ<0>(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const { return true; }
/* ====
* Recursive templates for set
template<size_t component>
static sinlge_vec<size> _set(const sinlge_t vals[])
sinlge_vec<size> result = _set<component - 1>(vals);
result._data[component - 1] = vals[component - 1];
return result;
template <> static sinlge_vec<size> _set<0>(const sinlge_t vals[]) { return sinlge_vec<size>(); }
/* ====
* Recursive templates to drop a row (single element) from this vector
template <size_t r>
sinlge_vec<size - 1> _drop(const size_t row)
sinlge_vec<size - 1> result = _drop<r - 1>(row);
if (r != row)
result._data[(r < row) ? (r - 1) : (r - 2)] = _data[r - 1];
return result;
template <> sinlge_vec<size - 1> _drop(const size_t row) { return sinlge_vec<size - 1>(); }
public: // public API
sinlge_vec<size - 1> drop(const size_t row)
return _drop<size>(row - 1);
sinlge_vec<size - 1> tru(void) const
return drop(size);
static sinlge_vec<size> arr(const sinlge_t vals[])
return _set<size>(vals);
static sinlge_vec<size> var(const std::initializer_list<sinlge_t> vals)
assert(size == vals.size());
return _set<size>(vals.begin());
bool equ(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const
return _equ<size>(other);
sinlge_vec<size + 1> ext(const sinlge_t tail) const
sinlge_vec<size + 1> result = _ext<size>();
result._data[size] = tail;
return result;
sinlge_vec<size> mul(const sinlge_t other) const
sinlge_vec<size> result;
_mul<size - 1>(result, val);
return result;
sinlge_vec<size> add(const sinlge_t other) const
sinlge_vec<size> result;
_add<size>(result, val);
return result;
sinlge_t dot(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const
return _dot<size>(other);
sinlge_vec<size> sum(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const
return _sum<size>(other);
sinlge_vec<size> sub(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const
return add(other.mul(-1.f));
sinlge_vec<size> crs(const sinlge_vec<size>& other) const { return _crs<size>(other); }
sinlge_t mag2(void) const
return dot(*this);
sinlge_t mag(void) const
return sinlge_sqrt(mag2());
sinlge_vec<size> nor(void) const
return mul(1.f / mag());
std::string to_string(void) const
std::ostringstream stream;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
stream << (i ? "," : "<") << _data[i];
stream << ">";
return stream.str();
template<size_t size>
struct sinlge_mat
// this is the "only" data for this sucker
sinlge_vec<size> _columns[size];
template <size_t c, size_t r> sinlge_t& cell(void) const { return _columns[c - 1]._data[r - 1]; }
sinlge_mat<size - 1> drop(const size_t col, const size_t row) const;
private: // private implmentation
// ====
// templates to calculate the identity matrix
// ----
template <size_t c>
struct _identity_row
template <size_t r>
static void _row(sinlge_mat<size>& result)
assert(c != 0 || r != 0);
result._columns[c - 1]._data[r - 1] = c == r ? 1.f : 0.f;
_row<r - 1>(result);
template <>
static void _row<0>(sinlge_mat<size>& result)
template <>
struct _identity_row<0>
template <size_t r>
static void _row(sinlge_mat<size>& result)
template <size_t c>
static sinlge_mat<size> _identity(void)
sinlge_mat<size> result = _identity<c - 1>();
return result;
template <>
static sinlge_mat<size> _identity<0>(void)
return sinlge_mat<size>();
// ====
// templates to extract a row
// ----
template<const size_t c>
sinlge_vec<size> _row(const size_t r) const
assert(r != 0);
sinlge_vec<size> result = _row<c - 1>(r);
result._data[c - 1] = _columns[c - 1]._data[r - 1];
return result;
sinlge_vec<size> _row<0>(const size_t r) const
return sinlge_vec<size>();
// ====
// templates to calculate the transformed vector
// ----
template<size_t component>
sinlge_vec<size> _transform(const sinlge_vec<size>& vec) const
assert(component != 0);
sinlge_vec<size> result = _transform<component - 1>(vec);
sinlge_vec<size> row = _row<size>(component);
result._data[component - 1] =;
return result;
sinlge_vec<size> _transform<0>(const sinlge_vec<size>& vec) const
return sinlge_vec<size>();
// ====
// templates to calculate the scaled matrix
// ----
template<size_t component>
sinlge_mat<size> _scale(const sinlge_vec<size>& vec) const
sinlge_mat<size> result = _scale<component - 1>(vec);
result._columns[component - 1]._data[component - 1] *= vec._data[component - 1];
return result;
sinlge_mat<size> _scale<0>(const sinlge_vec<size>& vec) const
return sinlge_mat<size>(*this);
// ====
// templates to calculate the combined matrix product
// ----
template <size_t component>
sinlge_mat<size> _product(const sinlge_mat<size>& other) const
sinlge_mat<size> result = _product<component - 1>(other);
result._columns[component - 1] = other.transform(_columns[component - 1]);
return result;
template <>
sinlge_mat<size> _product<0>(const sinlge_mat<size>& other) const
return sinlge_mat<size>(*this);
// ====
// templates to build a matrix
// ----
template <size_t c>
static sinlge_mat<size> _var(const sinlge_t* vals)
sinlge_mat<size> result = _var<c - 1>(vals);
result._columns[c - 1] = sinlge_vec<size>::arr(vals + (size * (c - 1)));
return result;
template <>
static sinlge_mat<size> _var<0>(const sinlge_t* vals)
return sinlge_mat<size>();
// ====
// templates to check for matrix equality
// ----
template <size_t c>
bool _equ(const sinlge_mat<size>& other) const
return _columns[c - 1].equ(other._columns[c - 1]) && _equ<c - 1>(other);
template <>
bool _equ<0>(const sinlge_mat<size>& other) const
return true;
// ====
// templates to check for matrix equality
// ----
template <size_t c>
sinlge_mat<size> _transpose(void) const
sinlge_mat<size> result = _transpose<c - 1>();
result._columns[c - 1] = _row<size>(c);
return result;
template <> sinlge_mat<size> _transpose<0>(void) const { return sinlge_mat<size>(); }
// ====
// templates to drop row/column
// ----
template <size_t c, size_t r>
sinlge_mat<size - 1> _drop(const size_t col, const size_t row)
sinlge_mat<size - 1> result = _drop<c - 1, r - 1>(col, row);
if (c != col && r != row)
result._columns[(c < col) ? (c - 1) : (c - 2)] = _columns[c - 1].drop(row);
return result;
template <> sinlge_mat<size - 1> _drop<0, 0>(const size_t col, const size_t row) { return sinlge_mat<size - 1>(); }
// ====
// templates to calculate determinant
// ----
template <size_t c>
sinlge_t _determinant(void) const;
template <>
sinlge_t _determinant<3>(void) const
(get<1, 1>() * drop(1, 1))
- (get<1, 2>() * drop(1, 2))
+ (get<1, 3>() * drop(1, 3));
template <>
sinlge_t _determinant<2>(void) const
const auto a = _columns[0]._data[0];
const auto b = _columns[1]._data[0];
const auto c = _columns[0]._data[1];
const auto d = _columns[1]._data[1];
return (a * d) - (b * c);
template <> sinlge_t _determinant<1>(void) const { return _columns[0]._data[0]; }
public: // public API
sinlge_mat<size - 1> drop(const size_t col, const size_t row) const
return _drop<size>(col, row);
sinlge_t determinant(void) const
return _determinant<size>();
bool equ(const sinlge_mat<size>& other) const
return _equ<size>(other);
static sinlge_mat<size> identity(void)
return _identity<size>();
* Constructor for how it's laid out in memory
static sinlge_mat<size> var_column(const std::initializer_list<sinlge_t>& vals)
assert((size * size) == vals.size());
return _var<size>(vals.begin());
* Constructor for how it's laid out on paper
static sinlge_mat<size> var_row(const std::initializer_list<sinlge_t>& vals)
assert((size * size) == vals.size());
return var_column(vals).transpose();
sinlge_vec<size> transform(const sinlge_vec<size>& vec) const
return _transform<size>(vec);
sinlge_mat<size> translate(const sinlge_vec<size - 1>& vec) const
sinlge_mat<size> result = *this;
result._columns[size - 1] = _columns[size - 1].sum(vec.ext(0.f));
return result;
sinlge_mat<size> scale(const sinlge_vec<size>& vec) const { return _scale<size>(vec); }
sinlge_mat<size> scale(const sinlge_vec<size - 1>& vec) { return scale(vec.ext(1.f)); }
sinlge_mat<size> transpose(void) const { return _transpose<size>(); }
sinlge_mat<size> product(const sinlge_mat<size>& other) const { return _product<size>(other); }
// sinlge_mat<size> summation(const sinlge_mat<size>&) const;
// sinlge_mat<size> multiply(const sinlge_t&) const;
std::string to_string(void) const
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "[";
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
stream << _columns[i].to_string();
stream << "]";
return stream.str();
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