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Created May 16, 2021 15:12
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crude way to embed python in Scala. uses a bunch of implicit classes that should be obvious
package peterlavalle.pybx
import{File, OutputStream}
import java.util.Random
import peterlavalle._
import scala.sys.process.ProcessLogger
* provides a way to run a sandboxed python
* my bitter attempt to normalise python execution.
* this time i'm producing a wrapper in Scala-land with the intent to do os specific implementations.
trait PyBed {
* the "real" version that the implementation must provide
def open(
// folder to work in
dir: File,
// the command to run with python-c given the port number
run: Int => String,
// pip packages to install
pip: Seq[String],
// source files to write
src: Int => Map[String, String],
// where to send the stdout and stderr
log: ProcessLogger = ProcessLogger(System.out.println, System.err.println),
// where to send whatever that is written to the socket
out: OutputStream,
// should we create any threads as a daemon
isDaemon: Boolean = true,
// create a random port
portGen: () => Int = () => new Random().nextInt(2020) + 1024
): OutputStream
* the laziest
def open(
// the script to run - will be named after the call-stack-hash
src: Int => String,
// pip packages to install
pip: Seq[String],
// where to send whatever that is written to the socket
out: OutputStream,
): OutputStream = open(null, src, pip, out)
* the "lazy" version that I'm probably going to end up using
def open(
// folder to work in
dir: File,
// the script to run - will be named after the call-stack-hash
src: Int => String,
// pip packages to install
pip: Seq[String],
// where to send whatever that is written to the socket
out: OutputStream,
): OutputStream = {
val md5: String = {
// the trace, minus "us"
val trace: List[StackTraceElement] =
// simple name to make life easier
val name: String =
.reverse.dropWhile('$' == _).takeWhile('.' != _).reverse
// we can do the/a "to string" because it's a list ... but i choose safety
val hash =
.foldLeft("")((_: String) + (_: StackTraceElement))
// computed value
name + "-" + hash
if (null != dir)
(dir / "target" / md5).EnsureMkDirs,
port => s"$",
port => Map(s"$" -> src(port)),
ProcessLogger(System.out.println, System.err.println),
package peterlavalle.pybx
import{File, FileWriter, OutputStream}
import{ServerSocket, Socket}
import peterlavalle._
import scala.sys.process.{Process, ProcessLogger}
* for my workstation (which was named diagon for some reason)
object PyBedDiagonal1 extends PyBed {
* the "real" version that the implementation must provide
override def open(
dir: File,
cmd: Int => String,
pip: Seq[String],
src: Int => Map[String, String],
log: ProcessLogger,
out: OutputStream,
isDaemon: Boolean,
portGen: () => Int
): OutputStream = {
// choose a port
val port = portGen()
// create the TCP server
val server = new ServerSocket(port)
// create the python process as/in thread
val process: Thread =
new Thread() {
override def run(): Unit = {
log.out("dir = " + dir.AbsolutePath)
// setup the env with pip
log.out("venv = " + {
command = "python -m venv ./",
cwd = dir.EnsureMkDirs
) ! log
// update out pip
log.out("pip = " + {
command = "CMD /C \"Scripts\\activate.bat && pip install pip --upgrade\"",
cwd = dir.EnsureMkDirs
) ! log
// check the pip details (because it keeps crashing)
log.out("pip -V = " + {
command = "CMD /C \"Scripts\\activate.bat && pip -V\"",
cwd = dir.EnsureMkDirs
) ! log
// install our packages
pip.foreach {
pip =>
log.out(s"pip $pip = " + {
command = "CMD /C \"Scripts\\activate.bat && pip install " + pip + "\"",
cwd = dir.EnsureMkDirs
) ! log
// write our scripts
src(port).foreach {
case (name, code) =>
new FileWriter(dir / name)
log.out("wrote " + name)
// run the script
log.out("run = " + {
command = "CMD /C \"Scripts\\activate.bat && python " + (cmd(port)) + "\"",
cwd = dir.EnsureMkDirs
) ! log
// accept a connection
val socket: Socket = {
TODO("something magical to handle crashed python")
// grab
val output = socket.getOutputStream
val input = socket.getInputStream
// launch the pump-pipe thread
val pump: Thread =
new Thread() {
override def run(): Unit = {
val buffer = Array.ofDim[Byte](32)
while (true) {
val read =
out.write(buffer, 0, read)
new OutputStream {
override def write(i: Int): Unit = output.write(i)
override def write(b: Array[Byte]): Unit = output.write(b)
override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = output.write(b, off, len)
override def flush(): Unit = output.flush()
override def close(): Unit = {
// close the output
// close the socket
// await the thread(s)
// close the server
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