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Last active October 4, 2022 17:56
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a Votann / Demiurg shipbreaker whose Kin seeks the Explorer's help ...

sections/lines/whatever marked with % are the "uninspired" rules and ^ are the inspired ones

dd12 or dd6 refers to rolling with advantage, which the rules mark as two icons of the die

Brother Saklas

Move; 2*

Defense; % d8 / ^ d12 Agility; % d6 / ^ dd6 Vitality; dd8


Name Cost Trait Range
1 2-3 5-6
Distress Charge 4+ Blast - d8 d8
Autoch Bolter 1+ dd8 dd12 dd6
% Autoch Bolter 5+ Spread
^ Autoch Bolter 3+ Spread


  • % roll against all hostiles in a hex, once per activation, ignore cover
  • ^ roll against all hostiles in a hex, ignore cover


  • % either roll ddX against one hostile or roll YdX and allocate wound counters amongst Y hostiles in a hex, ignore cover
  • ^ either roll ddX against one hostile or roll YdX and allocate wound counters amongst Y hostiles in a hex. you may split grievous wounds into 3 wounds, ignore cover

The improvised mining components used to maintain and repair Saklas' weapons have made their range limited but very effective at clearing "stubborn obstacles."

"Very dangerous at short distances" Saklas can do a large volume of damage, but, can't reach too far and lacks the multi-attacks of Taddeus, Janus or UR-025 that help with heartier foes. Once Saklas is inspired, they've collected something of value to their Kin and are much more willing to expend their munitions to finish the expedition.

Steady Advance;

  • Saklas may take discovery actions (on or off markers) when hostiles are adjacent, but, not when hostiles "block" the marker
  • % Once per activation,
    • if Saklas takes a move action as their first action; their move value is +1
    • if Saklas wishes to take a discovery action; they may make a move1 action before it reaches the marker
  • ^ Once per activation, if Saklas takes a move or discovery action; they first make a 1 move (possibly into or out of combat)

While slower and heavily armoured - something about Saklas' gait allows them to push purposefully through obstacles others would be entangled by.

This is intended to make it easier for this explorer to access discovery markers, and, make their movement slightly easier. I wanted them to be slower, but, not quite as "slow" as UR-025, and, the idea that they leap at treasure seemed fitting

Secret Agenda;

  • % only in effect when uninspired; gain one inspiration point when you gain a discovery card
  • ^ always in effect when inspired; roll dd8 when Saklas would draw a discovery card
    • fail? gain two inspirations but no cards
    • success; draw two cards, pick one, and return second to the deck
    • critical; draw three cards, pick two, and return the third to deck

Saklas seems determined to rediscover and redistribute as much of the Fortress' secrets as they can. While they're overall more likely than not a source of more valuable equipment, the fact is that they seem most enthusiastic when unable to recover anything.

The implication here is that once inspired, Saklas is pursuing an adversarial agenda and keeping certain materials for their own goals. While it's always better to bring them, their sticky fingers are a source of stress for the other explorers who must tolerate some amount of graft.

Seran-Tok Kinhost

  • Survey Glass

    • Once per expedition, after setting up a Combat, but before placing hostiles
      • roll d8 (d12 if Saklas is doing it)
      • draw and reveal all encounters and numbers of markers
      • success; swap any two markers OR swap any two encounters
      • critical; swap any two markers AND swap any two encounters
  • Service Exchange

    • any explorer may visit this ship and exchange their resource cards. for each point of resource, roll dd8 (dd12 if Saklas is aboard) and draw 0/1/2 discovery cards. (this IS NOT affected by penalties like debris storm)
    • for any resource card discarded (for any reason) during the expedition, roll d8 (d12 if Saklas is abord) on any success that card is for sale HERE until the end of the trading step (this IS affected by penalties like debris storm)

Ostensibly, the Kinhost was meant to be engaged in shipbreaking ... so they have the equipment for surveying dangerous and unstable areas, and, assessing and repairing what they find. The Demiurg aren't bottom feeders per se, rather they're more capable than most when trying to reactivate unfamiliar technology or finding value in otherwise undesirable wreckage.

Not 100% happy with the survey rules ... should the hostiles get a free advance? Should heroes have a chance to avoid the encounter if it's too hard?

There are no actual "selling" rules in BSF, but, even if playing with house rules there's a chance to gain MORE trading points than one already had.

The option to "reload" equipment like Raiment of the Technomartyr or that weird vivisection device seemed to be missing, and, doesn't require preparing another balanced deck. Basing it on a die roll makes the process unreliable which preserves whatever balance already existed.

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