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Created February 10, 2012 20:47
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QGIS Initial Commit
ophir:Quantum-GIS gsherman$ git co -b Commit1 40ef8c3ee6cab71708f830b24ab6decf7540aac0
Checking out files: 100% (5147/5147), done.
Switched to a new branch 'Commit1'
ophir:Quantum-GIS gsherman$ ls
CMakeCache.txt INSTALL README build2
CMakeFiles Makefile build doxygen.conf src
ophir:Quantum-GIS gsherman$ ls src
Makefile moc_qgsmapcanvas.cpp qgsdbsourceselect.h qgsnewconnection.h
QgisAppBase.cpp qgisapp.cpp qgsdbsourceselectbase.ui qgsnewconnectionbase.ui
QgisAppBase.h qgisapp.h qgsdbsourceselectbase.ui.h qgsrasterlayer.cpp
QgisAppBase.ui qgsdatabaselayer.cpp qgsmapcanvas.cpp qgsrasterlayer.h
QgisAppBase.ui.h qgsdatabaselayer.h qgsmapcanvas.h qgsshapefilelayer.h
core qgsdatasource.cpp qgsmaplayer.cpp qgstable.h
main.cpp qgsdatasource.h qgsmaplayer.h
moc_QgisAppBase.cpp qgsdbsourceselect.cpp qgsnewconnection.cpp
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