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(gauche (use util.match))
(sagittarius (import (match)
(sagittarius control)
(define (harropify x)
(match x
((Op A B) (h Op (harropify A) (harropify B)))
(A A)))
(defun badios (x)
(ncase x . #.(mapcar (lambda (x) (list x `(* x x)))
(*:iota 100))))
(defun kadorto (x)
(case x . #.(mapcar (lambda (x) (list x `(* x x)))
(*:iota 100))))
(defun plus (x y)
(list x y))
(sb-c:defknown plus (cl:t cl:t) cl:t)
(sb-c:deftransform plus ((x y) (cl:string cl:string))
'(cl:concatenate 'cl:string x y))
(cond-expand (sagittarius
(import (srfi :19) (srfi :1)))
(use srfi-1)
(use srfi-19))
(else #f))
(define (date-iota n :key (start (current-date)) (format "~m/~d(~a)"))
(let ((stime (date->time-utc start)))
(define (datestr x)
(defun alternate (list &aux (x (list nil)) (y (list x)))
(do ((u list) (y y)) ((endp u))
(rplacd x (setq x (list (pop u))))
(rplacd y (setq y (list (pop u)))))
(list (cdr (pop y)) y))
(alternate (*:iota 100))
;=> ((0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52
; 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98)
(defun let1 (&quote var val &body body)
(bind (value-cell-location var) (eval val))
(do ((b body (cdr b)))
((null b) (eval (car b)))
(eval (car b))))
(defclass person ()
(defclass organization ()
;;; hu.dwim.asdf / hu.dwim.asdf-20140211-darcs/source/system.lisp
;; KLUDGE: TODO: this is an ugly hack to work around the bug
(defun sb-impl::line-length (&optional (stream *standard-output*))
(declare (ignore stream))
(defclass entity ()
((name :type string :accessor entity-name)
(nicknames :type list
:initform '()
:accessor entity-nickname)))
(defclass person (entity)
((phone-number :type phone-number)
(organization :type organization)
(defconstant month-names
'#(() (January Jan)
(February Feb)
(March Mar)
(April Apr)
(June Jun)
(July Jul)
(August Aug)
(September Sept Sep)