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;; quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/clsql-20140713-git/uffi/clsql-uffi.lisp
(uffi:def-function ("strtoull" c-strtoull)
((str (* :unsigned-char))
(endptr (* :unsigned-char))
(radix :int))
;; :returning :unsigned-long-long
:returning :unsigned-long)
;; Common Lispで挿入順序を保つgetがO(1)なデータ構造: :fill-pointer :adjustable なベクタ
(let ((v (make-array 0 :adjustable T :fill-pointer 0))
(pos 0))
(setq pos (vector-push-extend 'foo v))
(setq pos (vector-push-extend 'foo v))
(setq pos (vector-push-extend 'foo v))
(setq pos (vector-push-extend 'top v))
(list (elt v pos) v))
(defvar *freelist* '() "A List of free cons cells")
(defun allocate-list (n)
(if (not (plusp n))
(let* ((result (or *freelist* (cons nil nil)))
(last-cons result))
(dotimes (i (1- n))
(if (null (cdr last-cons))
g000001 / gist:8aac9f659366944d469d
Created October 17, 2014 10:02
プロ生ちゃん #カレンダープログラミング プチコンテスト 2014
;;; Common Lisp
(multiple-value-bind (s m. h d m y) (get-decoded-time)
(declare (ignore s m. h d))
(labels ((ymd->ut (y m d) (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 d m y))
(pad () (1+ (nth-value 6
(decode-universal-time (ymd->ut y m 1))))))
(let ((nm (ymd->ut y (1+ m) 1)))
(format t "~&~{~7@{~:[~3@T~;~:*~3D~]~}~%~}"
`(,@(make-list (pad))
,@(loop :for d :from 1 :to 31
;;; teepeedee2-20140713-git/src/io/posix-socket.lisp
(defmethod socket-accept ((fd integer))
(cffi:with-foreign-object (sa 'sockaddr_in)
(cffi:with-foreign-object (len :int)
(setf (cffi:mem-aref len :int) (cffi:foreign-type-size '(:pointer (:struct sockaddr_in))))
(let ((s
#. (progn
(if (accept4-supported)
`(syscall-accept4 fd sa len
;;; the entity database
(defvar *entity-table* (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
(defun add-entity (name entity)
(pushnew entity (gethash name *entity-table*) :test #'eq))
(defvar *iota-n* 0)
(define-key global-map [C-M-mouse-4]
(defun iota-insert-reset ()
(setq *iota-n* 0)))
(define-key global-map [C-M-mouse-5]
(defun global-ignore-key (key)
(define-key global-map key #'ignore))
(and (featurep 'mwheel)
(unload-feature 'mwheel))
;; (unload-feature 'x-win)
;; (unload-feature 'scroll-bar)
;; (unload-feature 'mouse)
;; (setq mouse-avoidance-mode 'banish)
(defclass molito ()
((x :initarg :x :initform 0 :accessor molito.x)
(y :initarg :y :initform 0 :accessor molito.y)))
(make-instance 'molito :x 42 :y 84)
;=> #<MOLITO {10194190A3}>
(defmethod print-object ((object molito) stream)
(defmethod print-object ((object event) stream)
(with-slots (starting-time location duration) object
(format stream "#<~:(~A~) at " (class-name (class-of object)))
(write-date-and-time starting-time stream
:timezone (location-time-zone location))
(when (> duration 0)
(write-string " for " stream)
(write-time-interval duration stream nil))
(write-char #\> stream)))