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Wes Higbee g0t4

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g0t4 / gist:1074245
Created July 10, 2011 03:55
Rake task to install missing packages from nuget when not checking in packages
desc "Setup dependencies for nuget packages"
task :dep do
package_folder = File.expand_path('src\\packages')
packages = FileList["**/packages.config"].map{|f| File.expand_path(f)}
packages.each do |file|
sh %Q{nuget install #{file} /OutputDirectory #{package_folder}}
g0t4 / NotifyIfTakesMoreThan
Created September 20, 2012 21:27
// Sometimes it's easier to make assumptions about performance as a trade off for simplified code, but why not make it easy to notify us when that assumption is violated? Next step might be StopAndNotify
// Usage
using (new NotifyIfTakesMoreThan(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), "XYZ Import - checking all data instead of more complex code to optimize it"))
// Implementation
g0t4 / gist:3790082
Created September 26, 2012 19:36
Mapping a collection of Guids in FluentNHibernate
public class Approved
public virtual Guid Id { get; set; }
public virtual IEnumerable<Guid> EntryIds { get; set; }
// Mapping, Table specifies the table name to use, element specifies the column the Guid is stored in, KeyColumn specifies the foreign key in the table to link back to the parent Approved item
HasMany(x => x.EntryIds)
g0t4 / gist:3790130
Created September 26, 2012 19:43
Mapping a collection of Components in FluentNhibernate
public class Approved
public virtual Guid Id { get; set; }
public virtual IEnumerable<Entry> Entries { get; set; }
public class Entry
public virtual Guid Id { get; set; }
public virtual Guid Description { get; set; }
g0t4 / gist:4261025
Created December 11, 2012 18:56
KISS & AJAX Deletes
// I run across this type of code often (note ASP.Net MVC)
public string Delete(ObjectId id)
var record = _Database.Get<Record>(id);
if (record == null)
return "No matching record!";
g0t4 / gist:4271057
Created December 12, 2012 20:01
Mongodb editing file information with c# driver
//Easier to just pull the file collection and edit the files documents, just be careful, example:
public void SaveMetadata(string id, MetadataJson metadata)
var gridFs = FilesContext.GetGridFs();
var files = gridFs.Database.GetCollection(gridFs.Settings.FilesCollectionName);
var file = files.FindOneById(new BsonObjectId(id));
var metadataDocument = file["metadata"].AsBsonDocument;
metadataDocument.Set("comment", metadata.comment ?? string.Empty);
g0t4 / gist:4271829
Created December 12, 2012 21:34
Why manually replace crap over and over, why not write code to do it if it saves time :)
var path = @"..\..\..\View.spark";
var code = File.ReadAllLines(path);
for (int lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < code.Length; lineNumber++)
var line = code[lineNumber];
var classControlLabel = "class=\"control-label\"";
g0t4 / ko.elastic.binder.js
Created April 15, 2013 03:43
knockoutjs binder for jquery elastic plugin
require(['knockout', 'jquery.elastic'], function (ko) {
ko.bindingHandlers.elastic = {
// todo probably should make this destroy when the element is destroyed.
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
g0t4 / ko.typeahead.binder.js
Created April 15, 2013 03:47
knockoutjs binder for bootstrap typeahead
// FYI YMMV this was just a first pass and I know it has some issues at times that I need to workout
// usage
// source: a function that takes the query (text entered by user) and a callback (process), if source is synchronous it should return the results and ignore the callback, otherwise it should return nothing and use the callback to return the results
// selectedId: the model property to bind the id to
// value: the model property to bind the text value of the selection to
// data-bind="typeahead: { source: App.view.targets.typeAheadSource, selectedId: target._id }, value:"
// note I also use this little helper class to wrap up all this functionality
// it takes a url to query the results for asynchrnous data sets and has an init method to call to query the data initially.
public async Task WriteToFile_StreamsChanged()
using (var watcher = new ObservableFileSystemWatcher(c => { c.Path = TempPath; }))
var firstChanged = watcher.Changed.FirstAsync().ToTask();
File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(TempPath, "Changed.Txt"), "foo");