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Created October 22, 2020 12:34
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Enable hlsearch whenever the cursor is on any part of a match and disable hlsearch otherwise.

Whenever the cursor is moved the current line is checked if it contains a match for the current search. If it does a range is created that can be compared to the cursor's current column. This matching is repeated for the current line until no more matches are found.

function! AutoHL() abort
  let match_count = 1
  let match_positions = []

  while 1
    let [match_start, match_end] = matchstrpos(getline('.'), @/, 0, match_count)[1:2]
    let match_range = range(match_start, match_end)
    if match_range != [-1]
      let match_count += 1
      call extend(match_positions, match_range[1:])

  if index(match_positions, col('.')) != -1
    execute !v:hlsearch ? 'set hlsearch'   : ''
    execute  v:hlsearch ? 'set nohlsearch' : ''

augroup HighlightSearch
  autocmd CursorMoved * call AutoHL()
  autocmd InsertEnter * set nohlsearch
augroup END
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