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Last active November 30, 2020 18:16
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Searching in Vim isn't limited to / and ? however those other searches don't have the same easy one key command to move through matches and I'm lazy. So let's make N and n move to the next match for whatever the last type of search was performed. I'm mainly interested in the quickfix list but I've written this generically so it can be easily adapted to other sources.

function! Cycle(type, forward) abort
    execute a:type . (a:forward ? 'next'  : 'previous')
    execute a:type . (a:forward ? 'first' : 'last')

augroup Next

  autocmd CmdlineLeave /,\? silent! unmap N
  autocmd CmdlineLeave /,\? silent! unmap n

  autocmd QuickFixCmdPost [^l]*
    \ if !empty(getqflist())
    \ |   execute "nnoremap N :call Cycle('c', 0)<CR>"
    \ |   execute "nnoremap n :call Cycle('c', 1)<CR>"
    \ | endif
  autocmd CmdlineLeave :
    \ let s:cmd = get(split(getcmdline()), 0, '')
    \ | if s:cmd ==# 'cnext'
    \ |   execute "nnoremap N :call Cycle('c', 0)<CR>"
    \ |   execute "nnoremap n :call Cycle('c', 1)<CR>"
    \ | elseif s:cmd ==# 'cprevious'
    \ |   execute "nnoremap N :call Cycle('c', 1)<CR>"
    \ |   execute "nnoremap n :call Cycle('c', 0)<CR>"
    \ | endif
augroup END

This is a simplification in a few regards.

  • Saving and restoring any current mappings N and n have would be a courtesy.
  • Paying attention to the wrapscan setting may be of interest.
  • When N and n have been mapped to move through items in the quickfix list they are performing jumps rather than motions and as such are not composable with operators.
  • Mappings are not altered if shorthand :cp or :cn commands are used. Using getcompletion() to try and expand these would give cpfile and cnewer respectively however. An ugly regex or list and index() check could catch these.
  • If a / or ? search is performed in the quickfix window and then a item is selected and jumped N and n will behave as normal. Creating a buffer local mapping for <CR> in the quickfix window would be a way to alter this.
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